R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

They will whine about Obama taxes [currently at a 30 year low] and they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite...No wonder I despise them and loathe them
Tax rates at a 30 year low but that does not in any way stop the stupid mother fuckers from crying about "Obama Taxes" fuck all you wing nut cry babies no wonder you end up going nuts and shooting up a bunch of innocent folks.........
You said, it, now prove it. Show US how the tax rat is at a 30 year low. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president
Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president

They will whine about Obama taxes [currently at a 30 year low] and they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite...No wonder I despise them and loathe them
If you notice the chart, everytime a republican gets voted into office, he has to clean up the MESS that the democrat left him. When a democrat gets voted in, he ends up with an economy that has usually recovered. Stupid people don't know this, because they sit in their parents basement, smoke dope, and bitch how their lives suck, not realizing that the very people they vote for, is the reason why their lives suck. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.
Tax rates at a 30 year low but that does not in any way stop the stupid mother fuckers from crying about "Obama Taxes" fuck all you wing nut cry babies no wonder you end up going nuts and shooting up a bunch of innocent folks.........
You said, it, now prove it. Show US how the tax rat is at a 30 year low. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president
Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president

View attachment 60328
Still waiting for your PROOF that tax rate is at a 30 year low. Not all US citizens are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful liberal idiots. We know the TRUTH, and why we don't like Obama's policies. Now call US racists again, and go cry in a corner.
Tax rates at a 30 year low but that does not in any way stop the stupid mother fuckers from crying about "Obama Taxes" fuck all you wing nut cry babies no wonder you end up going nuts and shooting up a bunch of innocent folks.........
You said, it, now prove it. Show US how the tax rat is at a 30 year low. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president
Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president

View attachment 60328
You crazy bastard the Washington examiner[ LOL ] is using the depressed GDP which occurred because BUSH CRASHED THE ECONOMY to say Obama 's taxes are high ..you are a true Right wing Ninny

The claim that President Barack Obama and the Democrats have significantly raised taxes is bound to come up frequently in the 2016 election, so we decided to take a whack at it now.
When we asked Bush’s campaign specifically what tax increases he was talking about, they pointed to the Affordable Care Act.
It's a claim we heard before, and one that is flawed. Bush is correct that the Affordable Care Act raises taxes. But pinpointing the middle class as the recipient of "a massive tax increase" is misleading. It's the upper-class that is feeling the brunt of the impact. And health care subsidies, in some cases, may be offsetting tax increases.
Jeb Bush: Obama caused 'massive' tax increase on middle class

"The party in the White House" is responsible for "a massive tax increase on the middle class."
Jeb Bush on Monday, June 15th, 2015 in a speech launching his 2016 campaign
Tax rates at a 30 year low but that does not in any way stop the stupid mother fuckers from crying about "Obama Taxes" fuck all you wing nut cry babies no wonder you end up going nuts and shooting up a bunch of innocent folks.........
You said, it, now prove it. Show US how the tax rat is at a 30 year low. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president
Taxes rising faster under Obama than under any other president

View attachment 60328
Still waiting for your PROOF that tax rate is at a 30 year low. Not all US citizens are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful liberal idiots. We know the TRUTH, and why we don't like Obama's policies. Now call US racists again, and go cry in a corner.
you prove its high you piece of shit
they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
GOP is almost as bad as the loonie lefties of the Democrat Socialist Party of the US. Why do you think there is a struggle going on with establishment Jeb and Conservative Cruz. You fucktards just keep on denying your liberal policies are failing, yet the TRUTH is back last year the DOW(which you libtards hate) was up above 18k today it is under 16K and dropping. China is lying about their economy and the stock traders are as much a fool as you are. They believe China. How is it that the TAX of ACA, doesn't seem to be figured into the taxes that you say are at an all time low? Because you libtards are dumber than a box of rocks. Go find a busy intersection and play in the middle, remove your CO2 footprint and make the world 1 person safer.
they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
GOP is almost as bad as the loonie lefties of the Democrat Socialist Party of the US. Why do you think there is a struggle going on with establishment Jeb and Conservative Cruz. You fucktards just keep on denying your liberal policies are failing, yet the TRUTH is back last year the DOW(which you libtards hate) was up above 18k today it is under 16K and dropping. China is lying about their economy and the stock traders are as much a fool as you are. They believe China. How is it that the TAX of ACA, doesn't seem to be figured into the taxes that you say are at an all time low? Because you libtards are dumber than a box of rocks. Go find a busy intersection and play in the middle, remove your CO2 footprint and make the world 1 person safer.
what are you a little boy...the market goes up and it goes down it always has and it always will...did you actually think there would never be another correction ??
they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
GOP is almost as bad as the loonie lefties of the Democrat Socialist Party of the US. Why do you think there is a struggle going on with establishment Jeb and Conservative Cruz. You fucktards just keep on denying your liberal policies are failing, yet the TRUTH is back last year the DOW(which you libtards hate) was up above 18k today it is under 16K and dropping. China is lying about their economy and the stock traders are as much a fool as you are. They believe China. How is it that the TAX of ACA, doesn't seem to be figured into the taxes that you say are at an all time low? Because you libtards are dumber than a box of rocks. Go find a busy intersection and play in the middle, remove your CO2 footprint and make the world 1 person safer.
what are you a little boy...the market goes up and it goes down it always has and it always will...did you actually think there would never be another correction ??
When the FED(not a federal government entity but the central bank) created 5 trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, who is going to pay for that FAUX money? Those who have deposits in the banks, or tax payers? Either way, that is a tax that is waiting to happen. You are as stupid as any liberal I know.

I knew that in this lousy economy, when the money cant be cheap to borrow anymore(Apple borrowed 5 billion to buy back their stocks) the market is going to crash. Go back to 1929 and see how similar that time is to today. NVM, that is too difficult for you, as you might have to do some work to find out.

they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
GOP is almost as bad as the loonie lefties of the Democrat Socialist Party of the US. Why do you think there is a struggle going on with establishment Jeb and Conservative Cruz. You fucktards just keep on denying your liberal policies are failing, yet the TRUTH is back last year the DOW(which you libtards hate) was up above 18k today it is under 16K and dropping. China is lying about their economy and the stock traders are as much a fool as you are. They believe China. How is it that the TAX of ACA, doesn't seem to be figured into the taxes that you say are at an all time low? Because you libtards are dumber than a box of rocks. Go find a busy intersection and play in the middle, remove your CO2 footprint and make the world 1 person safer.
what are you a little boy...the market goes up and it goes down it always has and it always will...did you actually think there would never be another correction ??
When the FED(not a federal government entity but the central bank) created 5 trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, who is going to pay for that FAUX money? Those who have deposits in the banks, or tax payers? Either way, that is a tax that is waiting to happen. You are as stupid as any liberal I know.

I knew that in this lousy economy, when the money cant be cheap to borrow anymore(Apple borrowed 5 billion to buy back their stocks) the market is going to crash. Go back to 1929 and see how similar that time is to today. NVM, that is too difficult for you, as you might have to do some work to find out.

View attachment 60329
You do know who crashed the economy and created the need for Quantitative Easing [ The European Union started its own QE late last year]....the purchase of bonds by the Central Bank added liquidity added cash to the economy which was reeling from the Bush maladministration...it took cash to tow truck the economy from the ditch Bush left it in
they will go to their grave swearing the GOP is Fiscally responsible and better for the economy...too bad is absolutely the Opposite..

Like in a magician's spectacle, many right wingers fall prey to the delusions....foregoing reality and concluding that the "magic", instead, really happened.
GOP is almost as bad as the loonie lefties of the Democrat Socialist Party of the US. Why do you think there is a struggle going on with establishment Jeb and Conservative Cruz. You fucktards just keep on denying your liberal policies are failing, yet the TRUTH is back last year the DOW(which you libtards hate) was up above 18k today it is under 16K and dropping. China is lying about their economy and the stock traders are as much a fool as you are. They believe China. How is it that the TAX of ACA, doesn't seem to be figured into the taxes that you say are at an all time low? Because you libtards are dumber than a box of rocks. Go find a busy intersection and play in the middle, remove your CO2 footprint and make the world 1 person safer.
what are you a little boy...the market goes up and it goes down it always has and it always will...did you actually think there would never be another correction ??
When the FED(not a federal government entity but the central bank) created 5 trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, who is going to pay for that FAUX money? Those who have deposits in the banks, or tax payers? Either way, that is a tax that is waiting to happen. You are as stupid as any liberal I know.

I knew that in this lousy economy, when the money cant be cheap to borrow anymore(Apple borrowed 5 billion to buy back their stocks) the market is going to crash. Go back to 1929 and see how similar that time is to today. NVM, that is too difficult for you, as you might have to do some work to find out.

View attachment 60329
You do know who crashed the economy and created the need for Quantitative Easing [ The European Union started its own QE late last year]....the purchase of bonds by the Central Bank added liquidity added cash to the economy which was reeling from the Bush maladministration...it took cash to tow truck the economy from the ditch Bush left it in
Collection of devastating excerpts from the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac hearings before Congress in 2004. These excerpts from the hearings show the "willful blindness" and corruption that went into the Democrats continual support for these two criminal enterprises, and the efforts made by the Republicans to clean up what everyone knew was coming . .
once again, for you libtards , try not to hurt yourselves trying to understand this. Since you blame Bush for what Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank caused, can we blame Obama for the Middle East, Fast and Furious, Illegals killing American Girls in San Fran, Detroit Bankruptcy even with GM and Chrysler Bailout, 1 in 6 children hungry, most people in poverty ever, and many more problems? Leave it up the liberals to blame others when they FUCK UP the lives of others. God you are so stupid.
Dow is down in its worst 1/2 month ever and you go squirrel to the S&P. I am not surprised.

View attachment 60330
Even so its still over double right now what this guy left it at LOL
When Bush left office, a full time job was 40 hours, today under ACA it is 29 hours. Way to go Obama. When Bush left office, people could CHOOSE to buy healthcare or not, today those people who don't get PUNISHED(FASCISM) for not follow Der Fuhrer's law. Before Bush left office, there was less crime in the inner cites, today murder is at an all time high. There is much more, if you want me to remind you?
Dow is down in its worst 1/2 month ever and you go squirrel to the S&P. I am not surprised.

View attachment 60330
Even so its still over double right now what this guy left it at LOL
When Bush left office, a full time job was 40 hours, today under ACA it is 29 hours. Way to go Obama. When Bush left office, people could CHOOSE to buy healthcare or not, today those people who don't get PUNISHED(FASCISM) for not follow Der Fuhrer's law. Before Bush left office, there was less crime in the inner cites, today murder is at an all time high. There is much more, if you want me to remind you?
when Bush left the economy was killing 800,000 jobs a month moron boy...he started two wars and won zero wars...he cut taxes during war time and created a medicare Part D benefit entitlement which he did not Fund ...oh yeah as a bonus he allowed N Korea to develop Nukes...
Third paragraph is confused: try again, Correll.

BHO is hated because he is black by some of the far right and by most GOP
because he can and has and will really make many Republicans look really stupid.

HRC is hated because she is a Clinton, Bill's wife, a woman, and one who is implacably stomping on Republicanism of all brands.

My personal opinion is that HRC is far more an ideologue than her husband.

The Third paragraph was fine.

My point was clear. You claim that Obama is hated because he kicked far right ass and laughed while doing it.

That is not a race based hatred. That is hatred based on his behavior and policies.

The Far Right would not like that behavior if it was done by a old white man.

I knew you would find an excuse not to admit that you were agreeing with me.

Because you are intellectually dishonest.

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