R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Lets see how you would feel if the next president came in and mandated that all non criminal citizens HAVE to purchase a gun. Bet you libtards would be calling that president a fascist

What a truly dumb example.......This may come as a surprise to your mentality, but lots of US citizens live their lives without stroking their guns, but almost none go on without visiting a doctor or going bankrupt if you get really sick without health insurance.

So what if they go bankrupt? That's there problem. Why should it become mine?
So what if they go bankrupt? That's there problem. Why should it become mine?

Beside being a "stellar" speller...you're a "stellar" humanitarian with the foresight of a 2 year old.
When you deal with facts and accepted terms and definitions, we can talk. Obama is hated in part because he is black and in part because he makes the GOP look stupid most of the time and the far right all the time. In the mean time you, Correll,

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No, it's just a fact.

So, in your "wisdom" of political structures, England, Australia, Israel, France, etc. are ALL "fascists"???
Anyone who believes that and has a working mind is an asshole.

From merriam-webster

Full Definition of fascism

  1. 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocraticgovernment headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
  2. 2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality —
And here's another moronic lie propagated by many on the right: that the president is 'intentionally' trying to 'polarize' the Nation, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

Fucking bullshit:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”

In an interview touching on the shooting last week that killed nine black worshipers at an African-American church, Mr. Obama said: “It’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘******’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination.”

In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on Monday blamed a lack of opportunity in minority communities and harsher treatment of black and Hispanic men by police for fueling a sense of “unfairness and powerlessness.”

The country’s first black president called for a nationwide mobilization to reverse inequalities and said the cause will remain a mission for the rest of his presidency and his life. “There are consequences to indifference,” Obama said.

Helping launch a foundation to assist young minorities, Obama said the catalysts of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore were the deaths of young black men and “a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. They experience being treated differently by law enforcement — in stops and in arrests, and in charges and incarcerations,” Obama said. “The statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.”
So where are the FALSE accusations of racism by Obama?

As noted previously, you're not very bright.
Compared to YOU , I am!
Way to contribute to the discussion.
When you deal with facts and accepted terms and definitions, we can talk. Obama is hated in part because he is black and in part because he makes the GOP look stupid most of the time and the far right all the time. In the mean time you, Correll,

Interesting that you hide unless someone does it your way. Also, interesting that you think unless they believe like you, it's not factual.
And here's another moronic lie propagated by many on the right: that the president is 'intentionally' trying to 'polarize' the Nation, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

Fucking bullshit:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”

In an interview touching on the shooting last week that killed nine black worshipers at an African-American church, Mr. Obama said: “It’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘******’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination.”

In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on Monday blamed a lack of opportunity in minority communities and harsher treatment of black and Hispanic men by police for fueling a sense of “unfairness and powerlessness.”

The country’s first black president called for a nationwide mobilization to reverse inequalities and said the cause will remain a mission for the rest of his presidency and his life. “There are consequences to indifference,” Obama said.

Helping launch a foundation to assist young minorities, Obama said the catalysts of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore were the deaths of young black men and “a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. They experience being treated differently by law enforcement — in stops and in arrests, and in charges and incarcerations,” Obama said. “The statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.”
So where are the FALSE accusations of racism by Obama?

As noted previously, you're not very bright.
As noted previously, compared to you I am extremely "bright."
Little is more divisive than a false accusation of racism.

Obama and his partisans have been playing that game from before his election.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

Fucking bullshit:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”

In an interview touching on the shooting last week that killed nine black worshipers at an African-American church, Mr. Obama said: “It’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘******’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination.”

In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on Monday blamed a lack of opportunity in minority communities and harsher treatment of black and Hispanic men by police for fueling a sense of “unfairness and powerlessness.”

The country’s first black president called for a nationwide mobilization to reverse inequalities and said the cause will remain a mission for the rest of his presidency and his life. “There are consequences to indifference,” Obama said.

Helping launch a foundation to assist young minorities, Obama said the catalysts of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore were the deaths of young black men and “a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. They experience being treated differently by law enforcement — in stops and in arrests, and in charges and incarcerations,” Obama said. “The statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.”
So where are the FALSE accusations of racism by Obama?

As noted previously, you're not very bright.
Compared to YOU , I am!

No you aren't. You're a dim bulb.
The reason why Obama won twice.
1st time - No one wanted a liberal lite who ran as a Republican, because no one even conservatives wanted a 3rd Bush term.
:lol: You seriously believe what you just said? You have just alienated every Boosh lover out there. Let me make sure I read you right. You believe the Republicans were responsible for Obama's first win....am I correct? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2nd time - People who weren't here legally were voting in states that were critical to the election, where legal citizens were turned away for trying to vote twice. Dead people were voting and pets also.
So you suggest Obama's second term was due to WIDESPREAD voter fraud. Can you tell me why the links I am about to post don't seem agree with you?
Debunking The Conservative Media's 2014 Voter Fraud ...

Voter Fraud: It's Real, But Rare - ABC News

Voter Fraud: A Massive, Anti-Democratic Deception - Forbes

Harry Reid lied about Mitt, but to liberals anything goes to win.

Tell me what Reid said about Mitt and I will tell you if it is a lie or not. It must have been a whopper to make all those republicans stay home.

4 million conservatives stayed home because they didn't like Mitt the moderate Republican

Is THAT what Harry Reid told them?

After 7 years of Obama's economic and worldly policies, is the World and American better off?
I think America is better off now than the last year of the Bush administration.
A false accusation of racism? I never heard Obama make any such accusations...

Fucking bullshit:

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.”

In an interview touching on the shooting last week that killed nine black worshipers at an African-American church, Mr. Obama said: “It’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘******’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination.”

In a deeply personal response to outbreaks of racially motivated protests, President Barack Obama on Monday blamed a lack of opportunity in minority communities and harsher treatment of black and Hispanic men by police for fueling a sense of “unfairness and powerlessness.”

The country’s first black president called for a nationwide mobilization to reverse inequalities and said the cause will remain a mission for the rest of his presidency and his life. “There are consequences to indifference,” Obama said.

Helping launch a foundation to assist young minorities, Obama said the catalysts of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore were the deaths of young black men and “a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. They experience being treated differently by law enforcement — in stops and in arrests, and in charges and incarcerations,” Obama said. “The statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.”
So where are the FALSE accusations of racism by Obama?

As noted previously, you're not very bright.
Compared to YOU , I am!

No you aren't. You're a dim bulb.
Then I guess that make you a broken filament in a former lightbulb.
The far right ultra cons overestimate their political weight as they are going to find out to their horror.
The reason why Obama won twice.
1st time - No one wanted a liberal lite who ran as a Republican, because no one even conservatives wanted a 3rd Bush term.
:lol: You seriously believe what you just said? You have just alienated every Boosh lover out there. Let me make sure I read you right. You believe the Republicans were responsible for Obama's first win....am I correct? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2nd time - People who weren't here legally were voting in states that were critical to the election, where legal citizens were turned away for trying to vote twice. Dead people were voting and pets also.
So you suggest Obama's second term was due to WIDESPREAD voter fraud. Can you tell me why the links I am about to post don't seem agree with you?
Debunking The Conservative Media's 2014 Voter Fraud ...

Voter Fraud: It's Real, But Rare - ABC News

Voter Fraud: A Massive, Anti-Democratic Deception - Forbes

Harry Reid lied about Mitt, but to liberals anything goes to win.

Tell me what Reid said about Mitt and I will tell you if it is a lie or not. It must have been a whopper to make all those republicans stay home.

4 million conservatives stayed home because they didn't like Mitt the moderate Republican

Is THAT what Harry Reid told them?

After 7 years of Obama's economic and worldly policies, is the World and American better off?
I think America is better off now than the last year of the Bush administration.
Blog: Did John McCain want to win?
Toward the end McCain's campaign just seemed unfocused, McCain himself seemed to lack the passion of a person who really wanted the presidency. He seemed reluctant to exploit Obama's real vulnerabilities.
Pets, Children, and Dead People Sent Voter Registration Cards in Virginia
Pets, Children, and Dead People Sent Voter Registration Cards in Virginia
How do I know this, I had heard first hand accounts of Disfranchised voters from that state. (The ends justify the means and win at all cost)
Harry Reid has no regrets accussing Mitt Romney of not paying taxes - CNNPolitics.com
Bash also asks about whether he regrets accusing Mitt Romney, with no evidence, of not paying his taxes. Without hesitation, "I don't regret that at all." When Bash followed up about some calling it "McCarthyite", he gave a shrug with a little smirk
Obama won and Reid is proud that he succeeded. If I ever meet the slime ball Dirty Harry, he will have that look again as he got a beat down from his exercise equipment.
Have you seen what is going on in the middle east and Europe? Have you noticed what is going on in NYC, Baltimore, and Chicago, or is your head so stuck up your ass, that you smell the shit being fed to you from Der Fuhrer?

The far right ultra cons overestimate their political weight as they are going to find out to their horror.
Maybe you better look at the 2010 and 2014 elections, with Obama being a Dictator and not listening to the people, you can bet that the next president wont be Democrat. That is why you libtards are furious with US, because many of the moderates have moved away from your far left radical, racist, bigoted, sexist, policies. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool a Democrat all the time.

Maybe you better look at the 2010 and 2014 elections, with Obama being a Dictator and not listening to the people, you can bet that the next president wont be Democrat. That is why you libtards are furious with US, because many of the moderates have moved away from your far left radical, racist, bigoted, sexist, policies. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool a Democrat all the time.

You're funny....I know you don't mean to be funny....but you are.
Better not look now, but the DOW is going to slam down hard again. More people are going to be hurting because of the liberal policies that are causing this. Typical of a liberal to laugh of other peoples sorrow. When you join Obamaville, will you still be laughing? You libtards DESERVE all the misery your liberal elites are FORCING upon you.

Better not look now, but the DOW is going to slam down hard again. More people are going to be hurting because of the liberal policies that are causing this

"Liberal policies"????? Such as............

(fill in the blanks.....or have another drink while watching Fox)

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