R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

from IMGUR:


1. He's on his way out anyway 2. He's still a democratically elected Commander-in-Chief To clarify, I love that we are able to criticize and hold accountable people in positions of authority. What I don't like is the complete disregard for a human being who to their core thinks they are doing the right thing, just because you don't agree. Also, I referred to not liking that the candidates speak negatively about President Obama. I believe this is a move of desperation and using Obama as a Straw Man does not help the future of this great country.
Do you own anything? Like a house, or car, or a private bank account? When you elect a communist, he will give you just enough to survive, but also in communism, you don't own shit. Maybe that is your life already and you just want those that have to be without, even when they had to WORK hard to get it. So you go ahead and vote for the old white bald Communist. This election is going to be the final decision on where America is going to head. As we are seeing with the last 7 years of lies and deception, the chickens are starting to come home to roost, Obama's FAUX economy is starting to crumble while he is still in office(FED was trying to delay it so O wouldn't look bad) and many unemployed and underemployed R's and D's are going to pull the lever for T. You can count on it. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.
I know right? That n00b could've saved hisself from typing all that screed.
tell you what, if trump wins you change your screen name to "redfish is my hero" and if Hillary wins I'll change mine to "all hail our lesbian president"

Yep....no latent, misogyny with this dolt, right?

liberals are incapable of understanding humor, must be that defective gene.

but pay attention, Hillary's lesbian lovers will be coming out if she survives the FBI investigation.
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.
Let me enlighten you on history once again, since you are dumber than a box of rocks.
Far Left of Socialism - Communism - (United Soviet Socialist Republic) In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis – common, universal)[1][2] is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]
Far Right of Socialism - Fascism - (Democratic Socialist Workers Party) Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism. Fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[3][

Since they don't teach this in is public education this is why you FAIL at knowing who the real enemies of the US are. You just salute Der Fuhrer and suck his dick when it is offered.

fuhrer-obama.jpg untitled.png
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.

I think Marxist collectivist is more accurate for todays dems
And that is why you are not in the mainstream. You want to use silly, unfounded theories based on opinion as fact.
Paul Sperry thinks every one to the left of Goldwater is a communist.

He is the equivalent in the poly sci and government world to our Silhouette here on the Board.
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.

I think Marxist collectivist is more accurate for todays dems
And that is why you are not in the mainstream. You want to use silly, unfounded theories based on opinion as fact.

do you know what Marxist collectivist means? It is exactly what Obama, Clinton, and many far left dems have been preaching for years.

Look up the words then come back and try to discuss it intelligently.
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.

I think Marxist collectivist is more accurate for todays dems
And that is why you are not in the mainstream. You want to use silly, unfounded theories based on opinion as fact.

do you know what Marxist collectivist means? It is exactly what Obama, Clinton, and many far left dems have been preaching for years.

Look up the words then come back and try to discuss it intelligently.
You have no idea what the words mean.

Your silly is opinion is not fact, You don't get your own definitions, your own facts, your own self-evident proof. Neither do I.

We are are governed by terms and definitions and evidence.
totally wrong. Trump will win, the GOP will hold congress and sanity will return to DC. The American people are fed up with the lies and corruption that represent the left and the dem party. Hillary will be indicted and you fools will be forced to run plugs Biden.

President Trump------------get used to it Snake.

Take the time to come up with a new screen name after Nov., Fish.....You'd be too embarrassed otherwise. LOL

As opposed to you libs who have been "hating" all Republican Presidents since at least Nixon.

YOu guys, I guess it's just been our fault, for only electing Extremely Evul Republicans...LOL!!!

My point stands. The issue is an ever growing and partisan and ideological divide that is tearing this country apart.

That you libs, have decided to characterize THIS particular opposition as "racist", are the ones who are being intellectually dishonest and contributing TREMENDOUSLY to increasing the bitterness of the divide by falsely accusing millions of conservatives of being racist assholes.

When they are just opposed to liberals democrats as a matter of Principle.
Correll, you have admitted elsewhere that racism on the far right is part of the problem and having little to do with political principles. We have quite a few on the Board.

You obviously revel in being a hypocrite as you further the divide and hatred.
tell you what, if trump wins you change your screen name to "redfish is my hero" and if Hillary wins I'll change mine to "all hail our lesbian president"

Yep....no latent, misogyny with this dolt, right?

It's happening.

All the "racist" are starting to turn into "misogynist" as the democrat of the day change from one that is black to one that is a woman.

How much do you want to bet that RedFish wasn't a big fan of BIll Clinton, Nat? You know Bill wasn't black or a woman.

So you think Redfish loved him? Or was at least, not "hateful"?

Do you want to guess how I felt about President Bill Clinton?
Correll, you have admitted elsewhere that racism on the far right is part of the problem and having little to do with political principles. We have quite a few on the Board.

You obviously revel in being a hypocrite as you further the divide and hatred.

I asked a question about "how many" and you just assumed that meant a "lot".

And I pointed it out at the time, and pointed out that your knee jerk assumption showed how your assumptions are not trustworthy on this subject, because you are too strongly invested in believing the worst of your ideological enemies.

YOu ignored my obviously true point.

You and your buddy libs, by happily and falsely accusing people who are far more likely to be partisan ideologues than they are to be racist, of being racist...


Jake, what type of person is happy to accuse possibly good people of terrible personal failings without being sure if their accusations are true?

The food fight between the old wing and the modern wing began with the Dixiecrat rebellion against Truman in 1948. The conservative far right got their ass kicked at the convention, the Republicans happily jumped in. The partisanship subsided somewhat until the CR movement and Martin Luther King Jr terrified and enraged the southern racists and far right conservatives. When JFK got on board with announcement a New CR needed to be passed, the rage increased. Goldwater's defeat, Vietnam, the murders of King and RFK and others kept the pot boiling. When Nixon was elected, the left went bananas, and it has been all down hill since.

How many "what": racists on the right? on the left? I don't know. A lot is my best guess. When you deny that racism exists on the far right, you become a racist by adoption.
he used the same one you did to find them all racist right?

Just for fun.....(not that it makes a difference to nitwits)...Did I or did I not state in the O/P the comment that NOT ALL right wingers hate Obama for his race....whereas some do??
the title doesn't say that. And who cares, the fact is you have no idea and can't prove it. There are more blacks who hate whites more because of obummer.
You just won't quit will you? You continuously spout BS without any substance to back it up. You couldn't POSSIBLY know that"more blacks hate whites because of Obama" but that didn't stop you. You just can't help yourself...that kind of lying is pathological and has no cure.
funny how you all can know things you couldn't possibly know and it isn't possible for me. funny how that shit works for you libturds. guess you haven't looked at all the white cop vs black shootings on this forum for me to back up my post. So go read some. Again, I'll just use Ferguson, Baltimore and Chicago protests to further my post. Then will throw in the University of Missouri and then the community college in Portland.

Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming

you don't think I can find evidence and yet it's all over this forum.
The food fight between the old wing and the modern wing began with the Dixiecrat rebellion against Truman in 1948. The conservative far right got their ass kicked at the convention, the Republicans happily jumped in. The partisanship subsided somewhat until the CR movement and Martin Luther King Jr terrified and enraged the southern racists and far right conservatives. When JFK got on board with announcement a New CR needed to be passed, the rage increased. Goldwater's defeat, Vietnam, the murders of King and RFK and others kept the pot boiling. When Nixon was elected, the left went bananas, and it has been all down hill since.

How many "what": racists on the right? on the left? I don't know. A lot is my best guess. When you deny that racism exists on the far right, you become a racist by adoption.

But you detest the far right. It is very useful for you to believe that the far right is full of racists.

And your bias showed very strongly in your huge leap of assuming that me asking "how many" was some type of admission of "many".to

I am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends.

Obama's race is irrelevant to us.

And it fucking pisses us off to have are serious ideological and partisan concerns dismissed by assholes who say that our real concern is skin color.

If you want to start lessening the partisan rancor, Jake, the first thing to do is to stop that.

YOu don't have to agree with ANYTHING we say or stand for.

Just stop assuming that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race.
The food fight between the old wing and the modern wing began with the Dixiecrat rebellion against Truman in 1948. The conservative far right got their ass kicked at the convention, the Republicans happily jumped in. The partisanship subsided somewhat until the CR movement and Martin Luther King Jr terrified and enraged the southern racists and far right conservatives. When JFK got on board with announcement a New CR needed to be passed, the rage increased. Goldwater's defeat, Vietnam, the murders of King and RFK and others kept the pot boiling. When Nixon was elected, the left went bananas, and it has been all down hill since.

How many "what": racists on the right? on the left? I don't know. A lot is my best guess. When you deny that racism exists on the far right, you become a racist by adoption.

But you detest the far right. It is very useful for you to believe that the far right is full of racists.

And your bias showed very strongly in your huge leap of assuming that me asking "how many" was some type of admission of "many".to

I am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends.

Obama's race is irrelevant to us.

And it fucking pisses us off to have are serious ideological and partisan concerns dismissed by assholes who say that our real concern is skin color.

If you want to start lessening the partisan rancor, Jake, the first thing to do is to stop that.

YOu don't have to agree with ANYTHING we say or stand for.

Just stop assuming that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race.
you know what they say about glass houses right?

Again, the condescending nature of a libturd only allows them the right to point a finger and call out racist. in their fantasy land they get to write their own rules and the rules for debate on an internet forum, ask them. I'm sure they'll tell you.

they have nothing worth a shit or factual in any way shape or form and yet they will post up nonsense on top of nonsense.

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