R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

What this thread has done, is to help expose the many truly wacko, right wingers on this forum who seem to hate anything that smacks to the left of Joe McCarthy. I have no doubt that if McCarthy were alive and running for the WH, these morons would be cheering him on as the "savior" of their old, white trash mentality.
Correll's cognitive dissonance is up front.

He admits racism exists in the Far but dismiss it.

He admits that "am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends."

Obama's race is important to many of the Far Right, and to suggest otherwise only hinders the discussion.

Most Americans dismiss the ideology of the Far Right because they disagree with the principles.

Another false statement "that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race" follows. I don't believe that. Most of my colleagues in the party's mainstream don't believe that.

What we do believe is the Far Right, the Tea Party movement, etc., do not have the answers for our government and our society.
Correll's cognitive dissonance is up front.

He admits racism exists in the Far but dismiss it.

He admits that "am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends."

Obama's race is important to many of the Far Right, and to suggest otherwise only hinders the discussion.

Most Americans dismiss the ideology of the Far Right because they disagree with the principles.

Another false statement "that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race" follows. I don't believe that. Most of my colleagues in the party's mainstream don't believe that.

What we do believe is the Far Right, the Tea Party movement, etc., do not have the answers for our government and our society.
funny, just like after seven plus years our party doesn't think our government did anything for anyone except promote violence among the flock. Split the country up, divide the parties further. promote racism, get four americans in Benghazi killed, pay a ransom to Iran, etc, etc, etc.
The food fight between the old wing and the modern wing began with the Dixiecrat rebellion against Truman in 1948. The conservative far right got their ass kicked at the convention, the Republicans happily jumped in. The partisanship subsided somewhat until the CR movement and Martin Luther King Jr terrified and enraged the southern racists and far right conservatives. When JFK got on board with announcement a New CR needed to be passed, the rage increased. Goldwater's defeat, Vietnam, the murders of King and RFK and others kept the pot boiling. When Nixon was elected, the left went bananas, and it has been all down hill since.

How many "what": racists on the right? on the left? I don't know. A lot is my best guess. When you deny that racism exists on the far right, you become a racist by adoption.

But you detest the far right. It is very useful for you to believe that the far right is full of racists.

And your bias showed very strongly in your huge leap of assuming that me asking "how many" was some type of admission of "many".to

I am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends.

Obama's race is irrelevant to us.

And it fucking pisses us off to have are serious ideological and partisan concerns dismissed by assholes who say that our real concern is skin color.

If you want to start lessening the partisan rancor, Jake, the first thing to do is to stop that.

YOu don't have to agree with ANYTHING we say or stand for.

Just stop assuming that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race.
you know what they say about glass houses right?

Again, the condescending nature of a libturd only allows them the right to point a finger and call out racist. in their fantasy land they get to write their own rules and the rules for debate on an internet forum, ask them. I'm sure they'll tell you.

they have nothing worth a shit or factual in any way shape or form and yet they will post up nonsense on top of nonsense.

I know.
Correll's cognitive dissonance is up front.

He admits racism exists in the Far but dismiss it.

He admits that "am a Far Right Ideologue. As are many of my friends."

Obama's race is important to many of the Far Right, and to suggest otherwise only hinders the discussion.

Most Americans dismiss the ideology of the Far Right because they disagree with the principles.

Another false statement "that anyone who disagrees with the black liberal President is doing so because of race" follows. I don't believe that. Most of my colleagues in the party's mainstream don't believe that.

What we do believe is the Far Right, the Tea Party movement, etc., do not have the answers for our government and our society.

I do dismiss it as a significant force in the Far Right or the RIght, or America as a whole. David Duke got less than one percent in the GOP primary for President. I think that shows the power of White Racism.

If most Americans dismiss the ideology and principles of the Far Right then why do you want to avoid discussing the ideology and principles of the Far Right in order to try to argue that the real reason is racism?
Correll, I know you dismiss racism as a motivating factor on the Far Right, and I believe you are very wrong.

Start a thread on ideology and principles. And we will watch the far right racialist flood in and blow it up. And some of the far left will happily join in the racist food fight.
Correll, I know you dismiss racism as a motivating factor on the Far Right, and I believe you are very wrong.

Start a thread on ideology and principles. And we will watch the far right racialist flood in and blow it up.

You also believed that asking a question about "how many" was an admission of "many".

YOur think you are a reasonable judge when you are deeply biased against the Far Right.

You claimed that dismissing racism among the Far Right as a factor hinders discussion.

How would that be?

IMO, the constant groundless and unprovable accusations of racism followed by denial and followed by more accusations and personal attacked, ect. ect. are the real hinderance.
I am a very reasonable judge because, unlike you, I will weigh objective facts fairly.

I do think that if you post a Thread in SDZ stating that racists from right and left and middle are not permitted to post we will have a good discussion.

Your last paragraph really describes you, so let's set it aside and you begin a SDZ thread.

I will support you about no race in the discussion.
I am a very reasonable judge because, unlike you, I will weigh objective facts fairly.

I do think that if you post a Thread in SDZ stating that racists from right and left and middle are not permitted to post we will have a good discussion.

Your last paragraph really describes you, so let's set it aside and you begin a SDZ thread.

I will support you about no race in the discussion.

I have pointed out that your behavior is not that of a reasonable judge.

Simply asserting that you are, without addressing the example of your behavior I cited is a Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
I am a very reasonable judge because, unlike you, I will weigh objective facts fairly.

I do think that if you post a Thread in SDZ stating that racists from right and left and middle are not permitted to post we will have a good discussion.

Your last paragraph really describes you, so let's set it aside and you begin a SDZ thread.

I will support you about no race in the discussion.

I have pointed out that your behavior is not that of a reasonable judge.

Simply asserting that you are, without addressing the example of your behavior I cited is a Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
That is exactly what you did: you made a fallacy of proof by assertion. You admitted that racists exist on your side. Your opinion and evaluation are not proof. Now agree to post a thread in SDZ, and we will find out.
One may agree or disagree with Obama's policies; however, Obama has done many things as compared to the republican-led congress that has done virtually NOTHING.

Objectively, then, one would say about the GOP-led congress that they are either:

Complicit with Obama
Sacred of the lobbyists
or.........afraid that if they do something that actually benefits the general welfare, the mulatto president will get the credit.....so they instead sit on their fat arses and bitch form the sidelines.
I am a very reasonable judge because, unlike you, I will weigh objective facts fairly.

I do think that if you post a Thread in SDZ stating that racists from right and left and middle are not permitted to post we will have a good discussion.

Your last paragraph really describes you, so let's set it aside and you begin a SDZ thread.

I will support you about no race in the discussion.

I have pointed out that your behavior is not that of a reasonable judge.

Simply asserting that you are, without addressing the example of your behavior I cited is a Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.
That is exactly what you did: you made a fallacy of proof by assertion. You admitted that racists exist on your side. Your opinion and evaluation are not proof.

I did not claim that they were proof. I presented the utter failure of David Duke's presidential run and my personal experiences as evidence of my opinion.

You are the one presenting your judgement as proof enough to insult random people.

I have pointed out a strong example of how your assumptions were very biased and self serving and you have ignored that and simply repeated your assertions.
When did Duke run for president, a hundred years ago? :lol: Come on, get real.

No, you have not.

You are describing yourself and projecting onto me your problems.
One may agree or disagree with Obama's policies; however, Obama has done many things as compared to the republican-led congress that has done virtually NOTHING.

Objectively, then, one would say about the GOP-led congress that they are either:

Complicit with Obama
Sacred of the lobbyists
or.........afraid that if they do something that actually benefits the general welfare, the mulatto president will get the credit.....so they instead sit on their fat arses and bitch form the sidelines.

That is not what one would objectively say.

That is insanely partisan.
I'm a moderate liberal. I voted for HW Bush in 1988. I think both Eisenhower and Nixon were great presidents.

Here is what scares me. Voters on the right are not given this kind of latitude by their party. Carter deregulated transportation and communications, and Clinton made larger cuts to welfare than Reagan or Bush. Voters on the right (who understand policy) should give these Democrats credit. Problem is: today's rightwing voter is less concerned with policy. They are conditioned to believe the Democrats are evil regardless of their policies. In fact, today's rightwing voter doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt. Today's rightwing voter isn't a policy thinker. They can't compare and contrast what each president actually did. They hate the Left unconditionally. This kind of political illiteracy is dangerous, and it speaks to why Trump's popularity is highest amongst non-college educated voters.

God help us.
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When did Duke run for president, a hundred years ago? :lol: Come on, get real.

No, you have not.

You are describing yourself and projecting onto me your problems.

David Duke, an actual former Klansman running for office was the first chance in a long time that real White Racists have a potential voice in public policy. He got less than one percent of the vote in the GOP primary.

A real White Racist put himself forward and was crushed like a little bug.

It was not that long ago.

Yes, I did. Ignoring it doesn't mean it didn't happen and I didn't point it out to you. YOu are deeply biased against the Far Right and you need to consider the effect of that bias on your judgement and assumptions, before you go around insulting people.

And I am not the one who wants to insult you based on some assumption I make about what your thoughts are inside your head.
I'm a moderate liberal. I voted for HW Bush in 1988. I think both Eisenhower and Nixon were great presidents.

Here is what scares. Voters on the right are not given this kind of latitude by their party. Carter deregulated transportation and communications, and Clinton made larger cuts to welfare than Reagan or Bush. Voters on the right (who understood policy) should give these Democrats credit. Problem is: today's rightwing voter is less concerned with policy. They are conditioned to believe the Democrats are evil regardless of their policies. In fact, today's rightwing voter doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt. Today's rightwing voter isn't a policy thinker. They can't compare and contrast what each president actually did. They hate the Left unconditionally. This kind of political illiteracy is dangerous, and it speaks to why Trump's popularity is highest amongst non-college educated voters.

God help us.
we've needed help since 2008, and it is coming in a dude named Trump. finally!!! someone with some sense.
I'm a moderate liberal. I voted for HW Bush in 1988. I think both Eisenhower and Nixon were great presidents.

Here is what scares. Voters on the right are not given this kind of latitude by their party. Carter deregulated transportation and communications, and Clinton made larger cuts to welfare than Reagan or Bush. Voters on the right (who understood policy) should give these Democrats credit. Problem is: today's rightwing voter is less concerned with policy. They are conditioned to believe the Democrats are evil regardless of their policies. In fact, today's rightwing voter doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt. Today's rightwing voter isn't a policy thinker. They can't compare and contrast what each president actually did. They hate the Left unconditionally. This kind of political illiteracy is dangerous, and it speaks to why Trump's popularity is highest amongst non-college educated voters.

God help us.

Trump trade and immigration policies would benefit non-college educated voters most.

Who told you that "today's right wing voter isn't a policy thinker"?
The Democratic Party is no more communist than is the Republican Party fascist.

Only followers of cultural mccarthyism, which is not a part of the mainstream GOP, talk about such nonsense.

I think Marxist collectivist is more accurate for todays dems
And that is why you are not in the mainstream. You want to use silly, unfounded theories based on opinion as fact.

do you know what Marxist collectivist means? It is exactly what Obama, Clinton, and many far left dems have been preaching for years.

Look up the words then come back and try to discuss it intelligently.
You have no idea what the words mean.

Your silly is opinion is not fact, You don't get your own definitions, your own facts, your own self-evident proof. Neither do I.

We are are governed by terms and definitions and evidence.

The meanings of "Marxist" and "collectivist" are widely known. Look them up, you might actually learn something. Then compare those definitions to what Obama and the hildebeast have said. They are both Marxist collectivists.

Yes, we are governed by terms, definitions, and evidence. The terms, definitions, and evidence validate my claim.
I'm a moderate liberal. I voted for HW Bush in 1988. I think both Eisenhower and Nixon were great presidents.

Here is what scares. Voters on the right are not given this kind of latitude by their party. Carter deregulated transportation and communications, and Clinton made larger cuts to welfare than Reagan or Bush. Voters on the right (who understood policy) should give these Democrats credit. Problem is: today's rightwing voter is less concerned with policy. They are conditioned to believe the Democrats are evil regardless of their policies. In fact, today's rightwing voter doesn't know that Reagan tripled Carter's debt. Today's rightwing voter isn't a policy thinker. They can't compare and contrast what each president actually did. They hate the Left unconditionally. This kind of political illiteracy is dangerous, and it speaks to why Trump's popularity is highest amongst non-college educated voters.

God help us.

You are wrong about most of those on the right. We recognize that Kennedy and Truman were good presidents, we recognize that Clinton had the intelligence to work with Newt to reform welfare and balance the budget.

If you watch closely you will see that the one sided partisan bias is predominately on the left.

As to hating the left, unlike liberals, we do not hate the person, rather we hate the liberal progressive ideology which has failed miserably every time and every place it has ever been tried.

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