R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

Redfish and Correll simply say the same things over and over with no proof.

They are both partisan ideologues, and both, particularly Redfish, have issued racist statements on this board.

We in the mainstream GOP will co-opt Trump if necessary to prevent any meaningful participation in the legislation.
Redfish and Correll simply say the same things over and over with no proof.

They are both partisan ideologues, and both, particularly Redfish, have issued racist statements on this board.

We in the mainstream GOP will co-opt Trump if necessary to prevent any meaningful participation in the legislation.

I cited a recent historical example of a real racist running for national office and how strong his showing was.

I cited an example of your behavior in this very thread where your bias completely screwed with your reading comprehension.

And I'm not the one that insists on insulting people based on what I think they are secretly thinking that I can deduce they are thinking though they keep denying it.

That would be you, Jake. You and your lib buddies.

"Co-opt"? What does that mean?

YOu mean you'll be a "do nothing Congress"?

Is that what you mean?

Oh, the irony.
We have been through all that, so you don't get "just once more."

You are wrong. Post in SDZ.
We have been through all that, so you don't get "just once more."

You are wrong. Post in SDZ.

How much would it mess up your life if you gave up insulting people based on your guesses about what they are thinking?

How would it "hinder" discussion?
We have been through all that, so you don't get "just once more."

You are wrong. Post in SDZ.

How much would it mess up your life if you gave up insulting people based on your guesses about what they are thinking?

How would it "hinder" discussion?
I am not insulting anyone, simply reflecting what they say and do. So, no, my life is fine.

Be polite, get it in return. Yurt had trouble also grasping that principle.
We have been through all that, so you don't get "just once more."

You are wrong. Post in SDZ.

How much would it mess up your life if you gave up insulting people based on your guesses about what they are thinking?

How would it "hinder" discussion?
I am not insulting anyone, simply reflecting what they say and do. So, no, my life is fine.

Be polite, get it in return. Yurt had trouble also grasping that principle.

Yes. In this society when you call someone a racist you are greatly insulting them personally.

You constantly do this based on your biased judgments on what you think they are thinking.

You have stated that dismissing the role of "racism" among the Far Right would "hinder" discussion.

I cannot see that. I have asked you to explain that.

YOu have not done so.

Could you explain now how NOT insulting people based on your guesses on what they are thinking, would "hinder discussion"?

Why do you misread, Correll.

I said post in SDZ a thread that prohibits using racism in the discussion, either left or right.

What you perceive erroneously will remain your issue; I don't care. I told you that you don't get "just once more." That will not change.
Why do you misread, Correll.

I said post in SDZ a thread that prohibits using racism in the discussion, either left or right.

What you perceive erroneously will remain your issue; I don't care. I told you that you don't get "just once more." That will not change.

You refuse to explain your claim that dismissing racism as a factor will "hinder" discussion?

I have asked a completely reasonable question.

I have pointed out what I think is a very valid point, ie that you are insulting people based on guesses about what they think.

And all you respond with are evasions.

It is almost as though you worry that it will "hinder" YOUR ability to "discuss" that way you currently "discuss" if you cannot insult people based on your guesses about what they are thinking.

IF that "guess" of mine is incorrect, I would really like it if you could explain to me what the error is in my reasoning.
he used the same one you did to find them all racist right?

Just for fun.....(not that it makes a difference to nitwits)...Did I or did I not state in the O/P the comment that NOT ALL right wingers hate Obama for his race....whereas some do??
the title doesn't say that. And who cares, the fact is you have no idea and can't prove it. There are more blacks who hate whites more because of obummer.
You just won't quit will you? You continuously spout BS without any substance to back it up. You couldn't POSSIBLY know that"more blacks hate whites because of Obama" but that didn't stop you. You just can't help yourself...that kind of lying is pathological and has no cure.
funny how you all can know things you couldn't possibly know and it isn't possible for me. funny how that shit works for you libturds. guess you haven't looked at all the white cop vs black shootings on this forum for me to back up my post. So go read some. Again, I'll just use Ferguson, Baltimore and Chicago protests to further my post. Then will throw in the University of Missouri and then the community college in Portland.

Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming

you don't think I can find evidence and yet it's all over this forum.
What your post here shows is a lack of focus. What does "Obummer" have to do with any of the above; especially the incident you highlighted in bold letters?
What your post here shows is a lack of focus. What does "Obummer" have to do with any of the above; especially the incident you highlighted in bold letters?

You have to admit the whole "white lives don't matter" shit started with the divider in chief.

Obama is a racist who has driven a wedge in the nation, dividing along color lines.
What your post here shows is a lack of focus. What does "Obummer" have to do with any of the above; especially the incident you highlighted in bold letters?

You have to admit the whole "white lives don't matter" shit started with the divider in chief.

Obama is a racist who has driven a wedge in the nation, dividing along color lines.

I am not aware of any "White lives don't matter movement." Did you just start one?

And I don't find your "racist" comment credible either since Obama was elected twice by al races of people. Occasionally I guess he forgets that he cant be both the president and black in the manner that say..Ray Gun could be president and still act and say things average white people say regarding race.
What was the lie bastard?

They didn't say that they "refuse to work with Il Douche."

There job was to stop him from ending the Constitution, but that isn't what you claimed.

You lied.

Hey, you're a democrat, it's what you do.
Nonsense! Why are you such a bitch? They said they REFUSED to work with him, that is what not working with him means. That's what they said, specifically. Liar.
You don't get just once more, Correll.

That is no evasion.

Total evasion. This isn't about me, Jake. THis is about your claim that you would be "hindered" in discussion, if you give up insulting people based on your guesses on what they are thinking. I don't see how that would be the case and you refuse to explain it.
I never said I would be "hindered" in a SDZ thread if race were not on the table. I will certainly call out anyone, including you, in the far right who tries to bring race into a discussion about Obama.

We have seen JQ, Sil, Redfish, Correll, and Mark insist their opinions are facts today.

Heavens help us.

YOur words from post 1002

Obama's race is important to many of the Far Right, and to suggest otherwise only hinders the discussion."

And it is rarely the Right that brings Obama's race into a discussion. It is you libs who do it to dismiss the Right's opposition or "hatred" of Obama.

AND as you have no way of telling, even IF you were correct that it is important to "many" on the RIght, WHICH of those on the Right it was important to,

you end up insulting people based on your biased guess about what they are thinking.

I've asked you what type of person is comfortable with insulting people without worrying if the insults are true, and you refuse to answer Jake.

And we both know why you refuse to answer that question. Jake.

It is not a nice type of person who behaves like that.

BTW, an aside. This is why you are NOT a sociopath like Lone Laugher.

YOu feel some shame about being a not nice person.

NOt enough to change your behavior, but enough to feel uncomfortable about it.

You're behaving badly, you do NOT have a brain disorder.
YaY for 2016


I am not aware of any "White lives don't matter movement." Did you just start one?

And I don't find your "racist" comment credible either since Obama was elected twice by al races of people. Occasionally I guess he forgets that he cant be both the president and black in the manner that say..Ray Gun could be president and still act and say things average white people say regarding race.

I get that logic isn't something that the left embraces, but that fuckwad Obama was elected twice has nothing to do with the fact that he is a racist who deliberately divided this nation.

Oh, and what did Reagan (learn to spell, moron) say about race?

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