R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

:blahblah:You truly believe the crap from the alt media.

Have a good cry, Correll.:popcorn:

You're letting your confirmation bias affect your reading comprehension.

"How many" could just as easily be a very small number as a very large number.

THat you took it as an "implicit admission" as "many" shows that you are NOT able to be objective on this subject.

I know that you will shout your biased and self serving assumptions from the roof tops.

Without any concerns about supporting them with anything more than your assumptions nor any concern about the fact that you are viciously smearing people who do not deserve it.

Question Jake: What type of person is happy to say the worst type of things about other people without being worried if they are true or not?
That's not insane. It's a sign of intelligence. It's as rational as despising anyone sporting a swastika.

You and the other nitwit are going to be very, very sad puppies come next November with the WH and senate in Dems. hands.......Time to think of new screen names and sharpen your bitching. LOL

I got news for you, bud: we'll all be sad puppies. Hillary will destroy this country. She's a criminal.
It isn't hate, it's disgust.

"Disgust" is a defense mechanism when you cannot define the reasons for the hatred.

I've defined it quite well.

And my explanation explains the "hatred" for both Clinton too, despite their being white.
Not, it has not, it will not, and it has been explained to you. So, no, you don't get "just once more."

Obama was treated just like Bill and HIllary, because of the same old partisan and ideological reasons.

You agreed with that. YOu words were "obama kicked far right ass and laughed about it".

Being angry about getting your "ass kicked" and having it rubbed in with "laughter" is not "latent racism".

It is partisanship and ideology.

But you can't give up the Race Card.

LIbs. All the intellectual Honestly of a crack whore.
And you, once again, left out my true comment about far right racism. Look at all the posters on our Board who hate him because he is black.

There is no where, Correll, that you can hide from the truth.
You are such a racist, because all you can do is bring up the color of Obama's skin, and not debate on his policies which have failed America. We knew back in 2007 while he was running on the USSR platform, when that communist country failed, the same would happen with Obama, because liberalism is all about failure. Liberals are the most racist, bigoted, sexist people I know. When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then there is equality, that is the liberal way.
And you, once again, left out my true comment about far right racism. Look at all the posters on our Board who hate him because he is black.

There is no where, Correll, that you can hide from the truth.
You are such a racist, because all you can do is bring up the color of Obama's skin, and not debate on his policies which have failed America. We knew back in 2007 while he was running on the USSR platform, when that communist country failed, the same would happen with Obama, because liberalism is all about failure. Liberals are the most racist, bigoted, sexist people I know. When everyone is equally poor and equally miserable, then there is equality, that is the liberal way.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

totally wrong. Trump will win, the GOP will hold congress and sanity will return to DC. The American people are fed up with the lies and corruption that represent the left and the dem party. Hillary will be indicted and you fools will be forced to run plugs Biden.

President Trump------------get used to it Snake.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
You know nothing, far right pretend Republican. You don't have the votes, and we in the mainstream of American and the GOP will make sure you don't get them. If we lose the presidency and the Senate to the Dems, Speaker Ryan has a real surprise waiting for the TP members. They will not like it.

You are not even close to mainstream, you are a far left Obama lover. Your hypocrisy is well known to everyone who frequents this board.
totally wrong. Trump will win, the GOP will hold congress and sanity will return to DC. The American people are fed up with the lies and corruption that represent the left and the dem party. Hillary will be indicted and you fools will be forced to run plugs Biden.

President Trump------------get used to it Snake.

Take the time to come up with a new screen name after Nov., Fish.....You'd be too embarrassed otherwise. LOL
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
You know nothing, far right pretend Republican. You don't have the votes, and we in the mainstream of American and the GOP will make sure you don't get them. If we lose the presidency and the Senate to the Dems, Speaker Ryan has a real surprise waiting for the TP members. They will not like it.

You are not even close to mainstream, you are a far left Obama lover. Your hypocrisy is well known to everyone who frequents this board.
You are a far right racialist loser. You know it, no use denying it. Get used to being outed every time you hide.
A few of the far righties just ran away after Nov 2012 and a few came back as socks or with new names. The same thing will happen to the far right after Nov 2016 if we run Trump.
totally wrong. Trump will win, the GOP will hold congress and sanity will return to DC. The American people are fed up with the lies and corruption that represent the left and the dem party. Hillary will be indicted and you fools will be forced to run plugs Biden.

President Trump------------get used to it Snake.

Take the time to come up with a new screen name after Nov., Fish.....You'd be too embarrassed otherwise. LOL

tell you what, if trump wins you change your screen name to "redfish is my hero" and if Hillary wins I'll change mine to "all hail our lesbian president"
You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
You know nothing, far right pretend Republican. You don't have the votes, and we in the mainstream of American and the GOP will make sure you don't get them. If we lose the presidency and the Senate to the Dems, Speaker Ryan has a real surprise waiting for the TP members. They will not like it.

You are not even close to mainstream, you are a far left Obama lover. Your hypocrisy is well known to everyone who frequents this board.
You are a far right racialist loser. You know it, no use denying it. Get used to being outed every time you hide.

Nope, I am mainstream. The polls on Trump prove it. You are a far left loser, you support a failed president and a criminal to replace him.
[Nope, I am mainstream. The polls on Trump prove it. You are a far left loser, you support a failed president and a criminal to replace him.
:itsok: The polls on Trump prove about 1/3d of the GOP, the far right of the party, like him. You are not mainstream. You never will be mainstream. You will always be a failed loser. Sux to be you. The party will come to its senses and nominate somebody much more fitting for GOP candidate.
EPA Knew About Michigan Water Contamination For Months Without Telling The Public
Meanwhile, Hedman became aware of the contamination issue in April. She sought legal advice, but didn’t receive the guidance until November 2014. The American Civil Liberties Union accused Hedman in October of attempting to keep Miguel Del Toral’s memo in-house, downplaying its significance.
If the vagina wins the presidency, "at this point, what difference does it make, that children were getting lead poisoning, while Obama's EPA just sat on the information". I mean the bitch didn't give a shit that HER ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was murdered and drag through the streets, by Al Qaeda. She wont give a shit about you libtards either, because if she wins, she got what she was entitled to, and you no longer matter until 4 years down the road. If she doesn't go to JAIL for sending top secret messages on a private server, then what is to keep any other person from doing the same. It is like getting a blow job at work, getting caught, and cant be punished, for all you have to plead is, Lewinsky. Liberal elites definitely think they are above the law, in the next year, liberals are going to find out how wrong they are.

[Nope, I am mainstream. The polls on Trump prove it. You are a far left loser, you support a failed president and a criminal to replace him.
:itsok: The polls on Trump prove about 1/3d of the GOP, the far right of the party, like him. You are not mainstream. You never will be mainstream. You will always be a failed loser. Sux to be you. The party will come to its senses and nominate somebody much more fitting for GOP candidate.
Democrats: Why would you switch parties to vote for Trump? - Quora
Democrats: Why would you switch parties to vote for Trump?
I just read a shocking poll from US News & Reports stating that 20% of polled Democrats would switch parties to vote for Trump, which totally shocked me.
I am laughing my ass off how stupid you far left radical, racist, sexist, bigoted, goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiots, are. Even moderate Democrats are jumping ship away from radical liberalism for more conservative ideas. You know Borders, Language and Culture. ROFL.

Other reliable polls show that Trump has the least cross over appeal as well as interest among the GOP candidate for the Democrats.
from IMGUR:


1. He's on his way out anyway 2. He's still a democratically elected Commander-in-Chief To clarify, I love that we are able to criticize and hold accountable people in positions of authority. What I don't like is the complete disregard for a human being who to their core thinks they are doing the right thing, just because you don't agree. Also, I referred to not liking that the candidates speak negatively about President Obama. I believe this is a move of desperation and using Obama as a Straw Man does not help the future of this great country.
tell you what, if trump wins you change your screen name to "redfish is my hero" and if Hillary wins I'll change mine to "all hail our lesbian president"

Yep....no latent, misogyny with this dolt, right?

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