R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

No one is falling for that scam any longer.

That quip reminds of of the great philosopher, Yogi Berra when he stated,
"That restaurant is so crowded, that no one goes there anymore."

You remind me of someone with brain damage.

It is insane.

They can remember us cons being just as opposed to Bill Clinton as we are to Obama.

But somehow, the same behavior today is because of Race.

They know that if Hillary wins, that we will be just as opposed to Hillary as we were to Bill and ARE to Obama.

BUt somehow the fact that the same behavior with each and every Democrat, with this particular democrat, has a different reason.

And they can say this with a straight face, and defend it despite having their contradictions rubbed in their faces.

We all know they are lying hosebags. They count on a sufficient number of people being naive enough to get their agenda passed.
It is insane.

They can remember us cons being just as opposed to Bill Clinton as we are to Obama.

But somehow, the same behavior today is because of Race.

They know that if Hillary wins, that we will be just as opposed to Hillary as we were to Bill and ARE to Obama.

What's really "insane"....Is, that by your own admission, you probably hate everybody that has a "D" after their names.....which makes you a mindless, ultra-partisan hack......Glad we got that label properly applied.

As opposed to you libs who have been "hating" all Republican Presidents since at least Nixon.

YOu guys, I guess it's just been our fault, for only electing Extremely Evul Republicans...LOL!!!

My point stands. The issue is an ever growing and partisan and ideological divide that is tearing this country apart.

That you libs, have decided to characterize THIS particular opposition as "racist", are the ones who are being intellectually dishonest and contributing TREMENDOUSLY to increasing the bitterness of the divide by falsely accusing millions of conservatives of being racist assholes.

When they are just opposed to liberals democrats as a matter of Principle.
No one is falling for that scam any longer.

That quip reminds of of the great philosopher, Yogi Berra when he stated,
"That restaurant is so crowded, that no one goes there anymore."

You remind me of someone with brain damage.

It is insane.

They can remember us cons being just as opposed to Bill Clinton as we are to Obama.

But somehow, the same behavior today is because of Race.

They know that if Hillary wins, that we will be just as opposed to Hillary as we were to Bill and ARE to Obama.

BUt somehow the fact that the same behavior with each and every Democrat, with this particular democrat, has a different reason.

And they can say this with a straight face, and defend it despite having their contradictions rubbed in their faces.

We all know they are lying hosebags. They count on a sufficient number of people being naive enough to get their agenda passed.

Especially the young. With their dominance of Pop Culture and Education they can completely isolate the Young from any opposing viewpoints.

At least until they get out into the real world and run into reality.
It is insane.

They can remember us cons being just as opposed to Bill Clinton as we are to Obama.

But somehow, the same behavior today is because of Race.

They know that if Hillary wins, that we will be just as opposed to Hillary as we were to Bill and ARE to Obama.

What's really "insane"....Is, that by your own admission, you probably hate everybody that has a "D" after their names.....which makes you a mindless, ultra-partisan hack......Glad we got that label properly applied.

That's not insane. It's a sign of intelligence. It's as rational as despising anyone sporting a swastika.
That's not insane. It's a sign of intelligence. It's as rational as despising anyone sporting a swastika.

You and the other nitwit are going to be very, very sad puppies come next November with the WH and senate in Dems. hands.......Time to think of new screen names and sharpen your bitching. LOL
That's not insane. It's a sign of intelligence. It's as rational as despising anyone sporting a swastika.

You and the other nitwit are going to be very, very sad puppies come next November with the WH and senate in Dems. hands.......Time to think of new screen names and sharpen your bitching. LOL

When Hillary gets indicted, nobody will look at private servers the same way again. The evidence is solid. The case is concrete. She is toast. When you have a criminal running for president, odds are the party she belongs to will suffer. Especially given her notoriety...
When Hillary gets indicted, nobody will look at servers the same way again. The evidence is solid. The case is concrete. She is toast.

You're funny.....delusional as all hell, but funny.

Let the fear consume you, my fetid friend. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth on the day she is given the perp walk and booked.

I'll continue to watch your feeble attempts to cope with that reality.
You are wrong, Correll, and you know it to even suggest that race has nothing to with the far right's hatred of Obama.

That is dishonest, but that is what you do because you can't argue the facts.

You've called me a "far right ideologue", but refuse to consider that my "hatred" of Obama might be based on partisanship and ideology.
Yours may be, yes, but for many on the far right go beyond that to the fact he is black. We see that daily on this Board.
Thank you for that much. But, you often have accused me of being "Racialist".
How do you can you be sure which ones and how many are partisan and/or ideologues instead of racist?
By the context of your language and the discussion, Correll. And when you do it again, I will shout from the roof tops. So be careful. Thank you for the implicit admission that many on the far are racist.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are wrong, Correll, and you know it to even suggest that race has nothing to with the far right's hatred of Obama.

That is dishonest, but that is what you do because you can't argue the facts.

You've called me a "far right ideologue", but refuse to consider that my "hatred" of Obama might be based on partisanship and ideology.
Yours may be, yes, but for many on the far right go beyond that to the fact he is black. We see that daily on this Board.
Thank you for that much. But, you often have accused me of being "Racialist".
How do you can you be sure which ones and how many are partisan and/or ideologues instead of racist?
By the context of your language and the discussion, Correll. And when you do it again, I will shout from the roof tops. So be careful. Thank you for the implicit admission that many on the far are racist.

You're letting your confirmation bias affect your reading comprehension.

"How many" could just as easily be a very small number as a very large number.

THat you took it as an "implicit admission" as "many" shows that you are NOT able to be objective on this subject.

I know that you will shout your biased and self serving assumptions from the roof tops.

Without any concerns about supporting them with anything more than your assumptions nor any concern about the fact that you are viciously smearing people who do not deserve it.

Question Jake: What type of person is happy to say the worst type of things about other people without being worried if they are true or not?
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

Trump is going to give a reason to blue dog democrats to cross the party lines.

Trump is going to do better with Black and HIspanic voters than you think.

Trump is the most likely GOP candidate to win.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.
Correll is mouthing off again without evidence, proof, etc. He hates being called out for what he is. Tough. Trump has pissed off women, veterans, millennials, African American, Hispanics, and probably all of the family dogs. You loonies, Correll, do not have the votes.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.
Correll is mouthing off again without evidence, proof, etc. He hates being called out for what he is. Tough. Trump has pissed off women, veterans, millennials, African American, Hispanics, and probably all of the family dogs. You loonies, Correll, do not have the votes.

Calling conservatives names isn't going to make us go away.

And you can't win without us.

Trump has NOT pissed of women, veterans, millennials, Blacks, Hispanics.

You need to stop listening to the MSM.

They lie. All they do is lie.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
You know nothing, far right pretend Republican. You don't have the votes, and we in the mainstream of American and the GOP will make sure you don't get them. If we lose the presidency and the Senate to the Dems, Speaker Ryan has a real surprise waiting for the TP members. They will not like it.
If we in the GOP nominate Trump, we will lose the WH and the Senate and much of our majority in the House. Speaker Ryan will compromise with the Dems.

That will be the legacy of the far right this fall. They can't win because they don't have the votes.

You keep calling yourself a Republican yet espouse Democrat ideology. Quit lying you piece of shit.
You are not a mainstream Republican, simply a far TP nutter. You know it, I know it, and the Board knows it. The mainstream GOP will not allow a Trump nomination. You don't have the votes.

You are not one at all just a lying piece of shit that doesn't have the guts to call himself what he is, a Democrat. You know it, I know it, and anyone with good sense knows it. You keep denying it.
You know nothing, far right pretend Republican. You don't have the votes, and we in the mainstream of American and the GOP will make sure you don't get them. If we lose the presidency and the Senate to the Dems, Speaker Ryan has a real surprise waiting for the TP members. They will not like it.

You're letting your confirmation bias affect your reading comprehension.

"How many" could just as easily be a very small number as a very large number.

THat you took it as an "implicit admission" as "many" shows that you are NOT able to be objective on this subject.

I know that you will shout your biased and self serving assumptions from the roof tops.

Without any concerns about supporting them with anything more than your assumptions nor any concern about the fact that you are viciously smearing people who do not deserve it.

Question Jake: What type of person is happy to say the worst type of things about other people without being worried if they are true or not?
Have a good cry, Correll.

You're letting your confirmation bias affect your reading comprehension.

"How many" could just as easily be a very small number as a very large number.

THat you took it as an "implicit admission" as "many" shows that you are NOT able to be objective on this subject.

I know that you will shout your biased and self serving assumptions from the roof tops.

Without any concerns about supporting them with anything more than your assumptions nor any concern about the fact that you are viciously smearing people who do not deserve it.

Question Jake: What type of person is happy to say the worst type of things about other people without being worried if they are true or not?

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