R-We'rs "mocking" wall around Philly's DNC convention?

Apparently the point was lost on you. The dims criticize a border wall yet built a giant one for themselves. Trying to make that an example of hypocricy of the right is seriously dense.
Hardly the same thing. What's happening in Philly is common sense and no different than what happens at any large event, like the RNC. What the Republicans are talking about is an unworkable, expensive boondoggle.
The Chinese managed it over 2000 years ago.
What was the cost and did it stop the Mongols?
The cost of Trump's "beautiful wall" and the feasibility of it being built is irrelevant since it's not going to happen (btw, the wall would need an 8 ft trench for its foundation for almost 2000 miles, video cameras, a road to be built along its base, etc.)

The reason for this thread, however, is to point out the stupidity of comparing the fence around the DNC convention.....something that the GOP just did in Cleveland last week....to the Trump wall with Mexico.
The Chinese managed it over 2000 years ago.

China's wall took over 2 centuries to be built, using slave labor.....

Last time I checked we had invented heavy machinery and slavery was illegal.
We build highways that span a continent and moronic liberals think a wall is beyond our capabilities...:cuckoo:

And besides,it doesnt necessarily need to be a wall.
It would be a good place for our troops to take a rotation.
Apparently the point was lost on you. The dims criticize a border wall yet built a giant one for themselves. Trying to make that an example of hypocricy of the right is seriously dense.
Hardly the same thing. What's happening in Philly is common sense and no different than what happens at any large event, like the RNC. What the Republicans are talking about is an unworkable, expensive boondoggle.
The Chinese managed it over 2000 years ago.
What was the cost and did it stop the Mongols?

So you think so little of our countries ability that you think we cant do a better job than the Chinese did over 2000 years ago?
Here's a prediction: The MSM won't show any video clips of the Bernouts chanting "Lock Her Up" at their protest.

It’s not just Republicans that want presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in prison.

At a lively Sunday march in support of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, chants of “lock her up,” “Hillary for Prison” signs and t-shirts and calls for indictment were common among the most ardent supporters of Mr. Sanders, who arrived in Philadelphia to make their voices heard to the delegates attending the Democratic National Convention....

Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ in Philadelphia Protest Against Clinton
Irony is often lost on left wingers such as building a wall around there convention for security while trashing the idea of a border wall for security or calling for stricter gun laws for the rest of us while they have armed security protecting them. In fairness right wingers can be as bad talking about the sanctity of marriage while having an affair or calling for stronger sentences for drug users while using drugs.
Apparently the point was lost on you. The dims criticize a border wall yet built a giant one for themselves. Trying to make that an example of hypocricy of the right is seriously dense.
Hardly the same thing. What's happening in Philly is common sense and no different than what happens at any large event, like the RNC. What the Republicans are talking about is an unworkable, expensive, boondoggle.
And you know this how? Fences are put up for a reason, the fact that you consider the DNC hootenanny more important than national security is all one needs to know about you.
It's not a matter of the importance of security. It's because the Mexico wall is just propaganda that even those shoving the notion down your throat realize is too, big, complicated and expensive to work.

Was the Hoover dam too, big, complicated and expensive to work??

You fuckheads always want public sector jobs, well now here is your chance to shine.
So you think so little of our countries ability that you think we cant do a better job than the Chinese did over 2000 years ago?

Actually , that's NOt what I mean at all......What I mean is that you right wingers have the SAME mentality as the early Chinese of 2500 years ago had about the Mongols.....China has evolved since....YOU morons really haven't.
So you think so little of our countries ability that you think we cant do a better job than the Chinese did over 2000 years ago?

Actually , that's NOt what I mean at all......What I mean is that you right wingers have the SAME mentality as the early Chinese of 2500 years ago had about the Mongols.....China has evolved since....YOU morons really haven't.

The problem remains the same....invasion.
Here's my tongue-n-cheek "solution" instead of a wall........Relocate and place all Army and Air Force bases right along the US Mexican border......back to back instead of catering to those north of the border states who want the pork from having bases in their remote areas.....See how well those red and blue states welcome the idea..
k it lets just declare war on Mexico and all of central America, invade them and alter our flag to have 58 stars.

Well, would THAT then mean that we'll have much fewer "illegal" aliens since all Mexican and central americans would be citizens? LOL
Apparently the point was lost on you. The dims criticize a border wall yet built a giant one for themselves. Trying to make that an example of hypocricy of the right is seriously dense.

Why wasn't people allowed to carry at RNC convention... Oh yeah that is different...
Was the Hoover dam too, big, complicated and expensive to work?? You fuckheads always want public sector jobs, well now here is your chance to shine.
The Hoover Dam contributes to the wealth of the country. A Mexico wall would just be a drain on resources with very little in the way of positives for the economy.
So you think so little of our countries ability that you think we cant do a better job than the Chinese did over 2000 years ago?
I think more of the country than Trump does. I think it's great right now and Trump will just drag it down with money wasting boondoggles like a Mexico wall. Putin is probably giggling back in the Kremlin and sending "you go, Don" tweets to Trump, who's just lapping them up.
Hypocrisy is not unusual regarding right wingers, but sometimes the hypocrisy reaches ridiculousness.

There are several threads mocking a chain link fence built around the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia for today's DNC convention........As usual, right wingers are treating this as some type of "sin"........Now, we know that right wingers; intellect is short sighted, but add that their memory of last week's RNC convention in Cleveland is the equivalent of a bratty 2 year old.

$50 million: Dollars of funds awarded by a federal security grant to the city of Cleveland for the convention, including $30 million for personnel and $20 million for equipment.

By the Numbers: Cleveland Ramps Up Security for Republican Convention

Do you enjoy coming here and looking stupid all the time? Are you a masochist? They are mocking the wall, dumbass, because the Democratic Party opposes building one on the southern border because they believe it won't work to stop the flow of illegal immigration.
Apparently the point was lost on you. The dims criticize a border wall yet built a giant one for themselves. Trying to make that an example of hypocricy of the right is seriously dense.
Hardly the same thing. What's happening in Philly is common sense and no different than what happens at any large event, like the RNC. What the Republicans are talking about is an unworkable, expensive boondoggle.

The Chinese managed it over 2000 years ago.

You mean this wall?

Perhaps the most recognizable symbol of China and its long and vivid history, the Great Wall of China actually consists of numerous walls and fortifications, many running parallel to each other. Originally conceived by Emperor Qin Shi Huang (c. 259-210 B.C.) in the third century B.C. as a means of preventing incursions from barbarian nomads into the Chinese Empire, the wall is one of the most extensive construction projects ever completed. The best-known and best-preserved section of the Great Wall was built in the 14th through 17th centuries A.D., during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Though the Great Wall never effectively prevented invaders from entering China, it came to function more as a psychological barrier between Chinese civilization and the world, and remains a powerful symbol of the country’s enduring strength.

If you want to start building one, go for it, but don't expect much.
So you think so little of our countries ability that you think we cant do a better job than the Chinese did over 2000 years ago?
I think more of the country than Trump does. I think it's great right now and Trump will just drag it down with money wasting boondoggles like a Mexico wall. Putin is probably giggling back in the Kremlin and sending "you go, Don" tweets to Trump, who's just lapping them up.

You morons keep leaving out the fact that illegals cost us billions along with all the aid we give mexico,and of course all the money sent back to mexico that isnt being spent here which would help business and our tax base.

So tell me...do you do it on purpose or are all of you complete imbeciles?

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