Race and the Juvenile Justice System

Do you have a version of that controls for economic class of the parents for juveniles? I still need to look for that.

Why? We need to stop the white judgement upon black families that is occuring in here.

How do you STOP "a judgement"?? You suggesting everyone quit STUDYING IT? Recording the statistics? Having every Govt form start off with a race statement?

Or do you just get up and SHOUT to "stop White judgements"? You don't think it relevant to show that black juveniles are not OVER represented in incarceration just BECAUSE their black? That there might be OTHER FACTORS that explain the overrepresentation?

Lemme Guess.. If not just plain RACISM by evil Whites -- then it might cause YOU to lose your whole lecture that you are bound by Gawd -- to deliver to every racist White person you meet.. :lol:

Facaltenn, I am black and I do say that a lot of this shit you guys have posted is bull shit. I think I can say that with full confidence. What I see here is a bunch of whites judging then black family and they are incorrect in nearly every instance. I think I can say that because I grew up in a black family. I grew up in an neighborhood of black families and I worked with black families as an adult. The fact that we are discussing the incarceration of black juveniles when whites juveniles are and have consistently been the majority of those arrested shows a basis exists here in our minds about blacks.

You smart off a whole lot, but do you understand the first thing abut the psychological effects of racism? Maybe you whites here should try doing that before you smart off like you try here with me. I have and until you do, then you don't understand how I say what I do. Your ass wants to deny racism or that somehow racism has less to do with things here than anything else. That somehow almost all those black kids who got arrested .and are over represented in the faculties for any other reason than racism. The attitudes of the police who detained them. The nature of arrest. The treatment at the arrest. The attitudes of the juvenile officer towards them. The attitude of the courts and to include the judge. None of these are factors as to why these kids are overrepresented I guess. None of them would factor in any type of bad behavior. YOU are an amateur here. I say racism is the reason. And I say that if the kid has a bad attitude towards the courts it is because black kids get treated a little differently in jiuvie and that's based upon my mother fucking experience of dealing with mother fucking juveniles in this situation!

You have a study that shows us that 56 percent of those youth arrested are white. But the focus is on the 44 percent how are not. All the judgement is by whites on black families, yet 56 percent of white kids are arrested. So then yes I point that out as a problem because you whites are once again ignoring the larger problem you fuckers have to try judging us.


How do you know who is white here and who isn't?

Sorry boss, but when I say something here it is backed by facts and statistics that I have learned through my education, not just from a small sample size from personal experiences.

I know flacaltenn is white. On top of that few blacks will make he assessments I have seen made here. I have a masters degree and 32 years of experience in such work. The sample size is not small and the facts and stats I have are apparently more extensive than what you have.
Do you have a version of that controls for economic class of the parents for juveniles? I still need to look for that.

Why? We need to stop the white judgement upon black families that is occuring in here.

How do you STOP "a judgement"?? You suggesting everyone quit STUDYING IT? Recording the statistics? Having every Govt form start off with a race statement?

Or do you just get up and SHOUT to "stop White judgements"? You don't think it relevant to show that black juveniles are not OVER represented in incarceration just BECAUSE their black? That there might be OTHER FACTORS that explain the overrepresentation?

Lemme Guess.. If not just plain RACISM by evil Whites -- then it might cause YOU to lose your whole lecture that you are bound by Gawd -- to deliver to every racist White person you meet.. :lol:

Facaltenn, I am black and I do say that a lot of this shit you guys have posted is bull shit. I think I can say that with full confidence. What I see here is a bunch of whites judging then black family and they are incorrect in nearly every instance. I think I can say that because I grew up in a black family. I grew up in an neighborhood of black families and I worked with black families as an adult. The fact that we are discussing the incarceration of black juveniles when whites juveniles are and have consistently been the majority of those arrested shows a basis exists here in our minds about blacks.

You smart off a whole lot, but do you understand the first thing abut the psychological effects of racism? Maybe you whites here should try doing that before you smart off like you try here with me. I have and until you do, then you don't understand how I say what I do. Your ass wants to deny racism or that somehow racism has less to do with things here than anything else. That somehow almost all those black kids who got arrested .and are over represented in the faculties for any other reason than racism. The attitudes of the police who detained them. The nature of arrest. The treatment at the arrest. The attitudes of the juvenile officer towards them. The attitude of the courts and to include the judge. None of these are factors as to why these kids are overrepresented I guess. None of them would factor in any type of bad behavior. YOU are an amateur here. I say racism is the reason. And I say that if the kid has a bad attitude towards the courts it is because black kids get treated a little differently in jiuvie and that's based upon my mother fucking experience of dealing with mother fucking juveniles in this situation!

You have a study that shows us that 56 percent of those youth arrested are white. But the focus is on the 44 percent how are not. All the judgement is by whites on black families, yet 56 percent of white kids are arrested. So then yes I point that out as a problem because you whites are once again ignoring the larger problem you fuckers have to try judging us.


How do you know who is white here and who isn't?

Sorry boss, but when I say something here it is backed by facts and statistics that I have learned through my education, not just from a small sample size from personal experiences.

I know flacaltenn is white. On top of that few blacks will make he assessments I have seen made here. I have a masters degree and 32 years of experience in such work. The sample size is not small and the facts and stats I have are apparently more extensive than what you have.

Masters in what? 32 years experience in what? What statistics do you have that are different the ones I studied?
2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Why? We need to stop the white judgement upon black families that is occuring in here.

How do you STOP "a judgement"?? You suggesting everyone quit STUDYING IT? Recording the statistics? Having every Govt form start off with a race statement?

Or do you just get up and SHOUT to "stop White judgements"? You don't think it relevant to show that black juveniles are not OVER represented in incarceration just BECAUSE their black? That there might be OTHER FACTORS that explain the overrepresentation?

Lemme Guess.. If not just plain RACISM by evil Whites -- then it might cause YOU to lose your whole lecture that you are bound by Gawd -- to deliver to every racist White person you meet.. :lol:

Facaltenn, I am black and I do say that a lot of this shit you guys have posted is bull shit. I think I can say that with full confidence. What I see here is a bunch of whites judging then black family and they are incorrect in nearly every instance. I think I can say that because I grew up in a black family. I grew up in an neighborhood of black families and I worked with black families as an adult. The fact that we are discussing the incarceration of black juveniles when whites juveniles are and have consistently been the majority of those arrested shows a basis exists here in our minds about blacks.

You smart off a whole lot, but do you understand the first thing abut the psychological effects of racism? Maybe you whites here should try doing that before you smart off like you try here with me. I have and until you do, then you don't understand how I say what I do. Your ass wants to deny racism or that somehow racism has less to do with things here than anything else. That somehow almost all those black kids who got arrested .and are over represented in the faculties for any other reason than racism. The attitudes of the police who detained them. The nature of arrest. The treatment at the arrest. The attitudes of the juvenile officer towards them. The attitude of the courts and to include the judge. None of these are factors as to why these kids are overrepresented I guess. None of them would factor in any type of bad behavior. YOU are an amateur here. I say racism is the reason. And I say that if the kid has a bad attitude towards the courts it is because black kids get treated a little differently in jiuvie and that's based upon my mother fucking experience of dealing with mother fucking juveniles in this situation!

You have a study that shows us that 56 percent of those youth arrested are white. But the focus is on the 44 percent how are not. All the judgement is by whites on black families, yet 56 percent of white kids are arrested. So then yes I point that out as a problem because you whites are once again ignoring the larger problem you fuckers have to try judging us.


How do you know who is white here and who isn't?

Sorry boss, but when I say something here it is backed by facts and statistics that I have learned through my education, not just from a small sample size from personal experiences.

I know flacaltenn is white. On top of that few blacks will make he assessments I have seen made here. I have a masters degree and 32 years of experience in such work. The sample size is not small and the facts and stats I have are apparently more extensive than what you have.

Masters in what? 32 years experience in what? ...

He's afraid to say.
2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Sorry, but apparently the information you share and your opinion doesn't matter unless you are Black.
In my community it's mostly whites.
So whitey snorted the coke and the negro got high and went to prison? That's some magical neighborhood you have there!
Not sure what you are banging on about but the users and the dealers are mostly white.
Per capita?

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

I see no difference on the drugs used - opiods, meth, cocaine - it varies according to location. In my area it's opiods. My sister in law used (among other drugs) heroin and that is what she died of. I don't understand the distinction you are attempting to make because they are all illegal, highly addictive and very destructive drugs.
So whitey snorted the coke and the negro got high and went to prison? That's some magical neighborhood you have there!
Not sure what you are banging on about but the users and the dealers are mostly white.
Per capita?

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

I see no difference on the drugs used - opiods, meth, cocaine - it varies according to location. In my area it's opiods. My sister in law used (among other drugs) heroin and that is what she died of. I don't understand the distinction you are attempting to make because they are all illegal, highly addictive and very destructive drugs.

One of the things I see most people dying of in my area is Fentynol, either by chewing on patches or dope that is laced with it.
Facaltenn, I am black and I do say that a lot of this shit you guys have posted is bull shit. I think I can say that with full confidence. What I see here is a bunch of whites judging then black family and they are incorrect in nearly every instance. I think I can say that because I grew up in a black family. I grew up in an neighborhood of black families and I worked with black families as an adult. The fact that we are discussing the incarceration of black juveniles when whites juveniles are and have consistently been the majority of those arrested shows a basis exists here in our minds about blacks.

You just said it yourself. You cannot approach the truth without the numbers. You can quote any number of anectodal statements you want. That resolves NOTHING. It's a science to determine causes. Always is. Not emotion, not stories. So --- YOU quote a FACT. A very substantiated fact that ---

when whites juveniles are and have consistently been the majority of those arrested

I want to cite OTHER facts. Facts that show that RACE and racism is not the sole cause and may not be the LARGEST cause of the disproportionate juvenile Black incarceration rate.. That's how this goes. That's the BASIS of understanding the issue.

From the rest of your post, it's clear you'd be very "uncomfortable" with the facts that other causes PREDICT the juvenile incarceration rates for whites, blacks, hispanics. That's tough. That's life in the world of logic and reason.

You know who else rejects facts that don't fit their stereotyped biases? The White racists. Which we both pretty much despise.. I'm into analysis and fact and reason. That's how I "make judgements". I do not and NEVER HAVE made judgements against groups of people based on stereotypes and hate.
2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Sorry, but apparently the information you share and your opinion doesn't matter unless you are Black.

I've decided I don't care. :dunno:

I mean black people can talk about white people so why white people should talk about black people. If ONE or the OTHER is wrong lets set the record straight :)
2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Sorry, but apparently the information you share and your opinion doesn't matter unless you are Black.

You see this is the problem with those like you. I do think I can speak on this better than you because I am black and have worked with black juveniles. You want to make smart assed comments but these things do show why these things happen. You want to make smart assed comments but I never said no one else opinion counts, I HAVE said that what you have assessed as reasons for this is wrong and from my perspective of being raised on a black family,l lived in a community of back families and working with black families none of what you guys stated as causes is the reason. So we know that backs kids are still committed far more than whites and that every non white youth in America is more likely to be committed than whites. So why is that? We know the numbers but why does it happen? Every race is at least 61 percent more likely to be committed to youth facilities than whites? Now is that because of racism? Or is it because they have poor family upbringing? Those parents just don't knw how to raise their kids because they never had good parents themselves. Or they only get to talk to their fathers in prison one a month or so and they look up to the rich guy on the neighborhood who is a drug dealer.This is the kind of shit I have read and its wrong.

I'm not scared to answer shit, I was just tired of being challenged by a bunch of uneducated people about my knowledge. Since I bought it up to you, my masters is in sociology, I have 32 years of work experience in social services. The evidence you has spoke on thus far lacks because parenting has little to do with the high rates of arrest and incarceration of non white youth.
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

I see no difference on the drugs used - opiods, meth, cocaine - it varies according to location. In my area it's opiods. My sister in law used (among other drugs) heroin and that is what she died of. I don't understand the distinction you are attempting to make because they are all illegal, highly addictive and very destructive drugs.

One of the things I see most people dying of in my area is Fentynol, either by chewing on patches or dope that is laced with it.

On a personal level I've dealt with this with my husband. It's way over prescribed :(
2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Sorry, but apparently the information you share and your opinion doesn't matter unless you are Black.

You see this is the problem with those like you. I do think I can speak on this better than you because I am black and have worked with black juveniles. You want to make smart assed comments but these things do show why these things happen. You want to make smart assed comments but I never said no one else opinion counts, I HAVE said that what you have assessed as reasons for this is wrong and from my perspective of being raised on a black family,l lived in a community of back families and working with black families none of what you guys stated as causes is the reason. So we know that backs kids are still committed far more than whites and that every non white youth in America is more likely to be committed than whites. So why is that? We know the numbers but why does it happen? Every race is at least 61 percent more likely to be committed to youth facilities than whites? Now is that because of racism? Or is it because they have poor family upbringing? Those parents just don't knw how to raise their kids because they never had good parents themselves. Or they only get to talk to their fathers in prison one a month or so and they look up to the rich guy on the neighborhood who is a drug dealer.This is the kind of shit I have read and its wrong.

I'm not scared to answer shit, I was just tired of being challenged by a bunch of uneducated people about my knowledge. Since I bought it up to you, my masters is in sociology, I have 32 years of work experience in social services. The evidence you has spoke on thus far lacks because parenting has little to do with the high rates of arrest and incarceration of non white youth.

Smart assed comments? I said it like it is. You said because you are Black our opinions and statements based on stats and facts are wrong, and your's are right.

Your degree is in Sociology. Mine is in Criminal Justice. I've worked with incarcerated Blacks. I'm about to go to Grad school for Criminology at one of the top Criminal Justice Universities in the country. I'm sorry but... I'm far from uneducated on this subject.

Edit to add: "Funny you would make the comment "Those like you." Coming from a person that has been complaining about stereotypes.
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

I see no difference on the drugs used - opiods, meth, cocaine - it varies according to location. In my area it's opiods. My sister in law used (among other drugs) heroin and that is what she died of. I don't understand the distinction you are attempting to make because they are all illegal, highly addictive and very destructive drugs.

One of the things I see most people dying of in my area is Fentynol, either by chewing on patches or dope that is laced with it.

On a personal level I've dealt with this with my husband. It's way over prescribed :(

Sorry to hear about that. :(
Let me ask a question....is there a general (or total) lack of respect given to opinions by white people on black people?

If so...then...does that translate into the same concerning the opinions of black people on white people?

I kind of thing we all have something to say that should be listened to...
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

I see no difference on the drugs used - opiods, meth, cocaine - it varies according to location. In my area it's opiods. My sister in law used (among other drugs) heroin and that is what she died of. I don't understand the distinction you are attempting to make because they are all illegal, highly addictive and very destructive drugs.

One of the things I see most people dying of in my area is Fentynol, either by chewing on patches or dope that is laced with it.

On a personal level I've dealt with this with my husband. It's way over prescribed :(

Sorry to hear about that. :(

Ya, it's been a long fight, but it's getting better. The point is drug addiction and dealing crosses racial lines. The thing is...the perception. If it's black gangsta's with gold teeth dealing drugs in innercities - it's bad. If it's white doctors over prescribing (or illegally prescribing) opiods...or whites selling opiods in white neighborhoods...it's ignored.

2016 Article...

Racial Disparities in Youth Commitments and Arrests | The Sentencing Project

Between 2003 and 2013 (the most recent data available), the rate of youth committed to juvenile facilities after an adjudication of delinquency fell by 47 percent.1) Every state witnessed a drop in its commitment rate, including 19 states where the commitment rates fell by more than half.2) Despite this remarkable achievement, the racial disparities endemic to the juvenile justice system did not improve over these same 10 years. Youth of color remain far more likely to be committed than white youth. Between 2003 and 2013, the racial gap between black and white youth in secure commitment increased by 15%.

Both white youth and youth of color attained substantially lower commitment rates over these 10 years. For white juveniles, the rate fell by 51 percent (140 to 69 per 100,000); for black juveniles, it fell 43 percent (519 to 294 per 100,000). The combined effect was to increase the commitment disparity over the decade. The commitment rate for Hispanic juveniles fell by 52 percent (230 to 111), and the commitment rate for American Indian juveniles by 28 percent (354 to 254).

As of 2013, black juveniles were more than four times as likely to be committed as white juveniles, Americans Indian juveniles were more than three times as likely, and Hispanic juveniles were 61 percent more likely.

Another measurement of disproportionate minority confinement is to compare the committed population to the population of American youth.3) Slightly more than 16 percent of American youth are African American. Between 2003 and 2013, the percentage of committed juveniles who were African American grew from 38 percent to 40 percent. Roughly 56 percent of all American youth are white (non-Hispanic). Between 2003 and 2013, the percent of committed juveniles who were white fell from 39 percent to 32 percent.4)

As discussed below, growing disparities in arrests have driven the commitment disparities. Between 2003 and 2013, white juveniles arrest rates (already half that of black juveniles) fell by 49 percent while black juveniles arrest rates fell by 31 percent. While other levers in the juvenile justice system (such as processing in juvenile courts) are replete with disparate outcomes, most of those points of contact are no more disparate than they were 10 years prior. The growth in commitment disparities begins with the growth in arrest disparities.

Sorry, but apparently the information you share and your opinion doesn't matter unless you are Black.

You see this is the problem with those like you. I do think I can speak on this better than you because I am black and have worked with black juveniles. You want to make smart assed comments but these things do show why these things happen. You want to make smart assed comments but I never said no one else opinion counts, I HAVE said that what you have assessed as reasons for this is wrong and from my perspective of being raised on a black family,l lived in a community of back families and working with black families none of what you guys stated as causes is the reason. So we know that backs kids are still committed far more than whites and that every non white youth in America is more likely to be committed than whites. So why is that? We know the numbers but why does it happen? Every race is at least 61 percent more likely to be committed to youth facilities than whites? Now is that because of racism? Or is it because they have poor family upbringing? Those parents just don't knw how to raise their kids because they never had good parents themselves. Or they only get to talk to their fathers in prison one a month or so and they look up to the rich guy on the neighborhood who is a drug dealer.This is the kind of shit I have read and its wrong.

I'm not scared to answer shit, I was just tired of being challenged by a bunch of uneducated people about my knowledge. Since I bought it up to you, my masters is in sociology, I have 32 years of work experience in social services. The evidence you has spoke on thus far lacks because parenting has little to do with the high rates of arrest and incarceration of non white youth.

Smart assed comments? I said it like it is. You said because you are Black our opinions and statements based on stats and facts are wrong, and your's are right.

Your degree is in Sociology. Mine is in Criminal Justice. I've worked with incarcerated Blacks. I'm about to go to Grad school for Criminology at one of the top Criminal Justice Universities in the country. I'm sorry but... I'm far from uneducated on this subject.

Edit to add: "Funny you would make the comment "Those like you." Coming from a person that has been complaining about stereotypes.

I think you two could have something in common....

we need to LISTEN to each other maybe.
Let me ask a question....is there a general (or total) lack of respect given to opinions by white people on black people?

If so...then...does that translate into the same concerning the opinions of black people on white people?

I kind of thing we all have something to say that should be listened to...

That's part of ending racism is for each other to be able to talk about one another and understand the plight that the other race goes through. I'm only considered white because I don't hold an affiliation with a particular Native American tribe, despite having a large Native american heritage. I've shared pictures before. You tell me if I look Native American... and when it comes to racism, do people treat you differently because of how you look or if you have an affiliation with a tribe...

So which is it...a racial bias or individual behavior or both?

Background -- Race as a Factor in Juvenile Arrests

Some observers argue that the justice system is biased against minority offenders (the race-related selection bias perspective). With regard to juvenile justice, these observers often point to the fact that African American youth are more likely to be arrested than other youth. In 1997, for example, 44 percent of juvenile arrests for violent crimes involved African American youth, although African Americans represented only 15 percent of the national juvenile population at the time (Snyder, 1998). In 1997, minorities accounted for 67 percent of juveniles committed to public facilities nationwide—nearly twice their representation in the juvenile population (Snyder and Sickmund, 1999). In addition, national data show that minority juvenile offenders are more likely than white non-Hispanic offenders to be placed in public (rather than private) custodial facilities (Snyder and Sickmund, 1999).

Other observers argue that, although there are some exceptions, overall the justice system is fair and treats offenders similarly regardless of their race or ethnicity (Wilbanks, 1987). These observers usually note that, unfortunately, minority youth are committing most of the crime and are thus “doing most of the time.” They point to crime-generating conditions such as underemployment, poverty, lack of opportunity, family dysfunction, and other structural factors (see, for example, McCord, 1997; Pope, 1999). Snyder and Sickmund (1999) note that minority youth may be overrepresented within the juvenile justice system because of behavioral and legal factors (e.g., more extensive offense histories)—what can be called the behavioral-legal perspective.

Thus, one perspective focuses on the operation of juvenile justice systems while the other focuses on the behavior of individual juveniles who commit crime. Which perspective is correct? This is a difficult question to answer, and the truth may never be known with absolute certainty. There is research evidence to support both perspectives (see Lovell and Pope, 1991), and the answer may well be a combination of the two, depending on where and how the research is conducted.

Why are you using statistics/studies from the 1990s?
Because it provided an interesting start for a thread. I'm happy to consider newer stuff if you have it.
MCJJ - Juvenile Crime Analysis Report

The reason that I am asking is that the needs of the communities in the 80s and 90s are not necessarily the needs of today. During the 80s and 90s there was the crack epidemic and a lot, and I mean a lot, of gang violence.

Oddly enough Wisconsin didn't find race was a factor but created laws in the 1990s that made it easier to try juveniles as adults as a response to that violence. They are now trying to end that. Wisconsin is decentralized.

Michigan's system is centralized with exception to Wayne County since 2000. I don't agree with how they do it but I agree with why they did it. Wayne County doesn't measure itself to anyone but Wayne County. This allows the county to respond (with whatever resources that are available) to the needs of their very different populations with respect to different cultures. The needs of Wayne County are not going to be the same of Huron County.

Inside Wayne County are all of these communities with different police departments. The needs of Rockwood are going to be vastly different from the needs of Detroit.
Wayne County, MI. | About Wayne County

When the kid is arrested they are usually taken to a kiddy jail (if one exists in the area). They will usually meet with a probation officer. That individual will take down the information, see if probable cause exists on the report and use a handy dandy little risk and needs assessment tool to help determine if the kid goes home or the kid stays. Other factors like criminal history, prior bench warrants, location and identity of the guardian, abuse occurring within the home, suicidal ideation and the willingness of the guardian to pick the kid up determine whether or not this kid stays or not. At the hearing, the Judge finds probable cause exists or it doesn't sets it for an initial hearing and releases or detains the kid based on information gathered from the guardian and after speaking to the kid, the charges, the history, and public safety. The public defender has already spoken to the kid and the guardian before hand. Sometimes the guardian doesn't bother to show because they want to teach the kid a lesson. Sometimes the guardian booked a vacation immediately after a kid was arrested. Sometimes the guardian is still on a probationary period of work and can't leave work to attend. Sometimes the guardian is not the guardian and the only thing available is a piece of notebook paper that a parent wrote on and signed just to get the kid in school.

They will then meet a new probation officer who takes that information and builds on it or looks for missing information and watches the case, collects information, attends the hearings and makes recommendations and tries to identify resources to help the kid or the family by the time of disposition. Every hearing has the potential for the kid to be released because it's all about the least restrictive environment. Unless the kid has blown it up repeatedly and then they are sent to the Department of Corrections. Once the kid is on probation then he or she and their parents or guardians can determine how successful the outcome is because the ball really is in their court.

Those are a lot of factors. None of them include race.
Let me ask a question....is there a general (or total) lack of respect given to opinions by white people on black people?

If so...then...does that translate into the same concerning the opinions of black people on white people?

I kind of thing we all have something to say that should be listened to...

That's part of ending racism is for each other to be able to talk about one another and understand the plight that the other race goes through. I'm only considered white because I don't hold an affiliation with a particular Native American tribe, despite having a large Native american heritage. I've shared pictures before. You tell me if I look Native American... and when it comes to racism, do people treat you differently because of how you look or if you have an affiliation with a tribe...

All I can say is you were a damn cute kid :)
So whitey snorted the coke and the negro got high and went to prison? That's some magical neighborhood you have there!
Not sure what you are banging on about but the users and the dealers are mostly white.
Per capita?

The opioid addiction epidemic has a racial divide—fewer minorities prescribed opioids
First you said "the users and the dealers." Now you are focusing strictly on Opioids.

I have no interest in discussing this with someone as disingenuous as you.

Why do you have a problem with that? Because he's talking about whites?
We were talking about drugs altogether, when he makes this claim:

"the users and the dealers are mostly white"

Then he posts a link to "the opioid addiction."

It's a dishonest way of having a conversation. He makes one claim and then posts evidence to support something else.

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