Race and the Juvenile Justice System

No that is not how this goes. Race and racism is at the root of this situation. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a damned thing

You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

You really can ttell me abut the world of logic and reason when you are expressing illogical comments because of an unreasonable hope.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

You seem uncomfortable with the realization that racism is he main cause of this situation. You want to so desperately to find something else. That is what you state in your first sentences, You want facts that show something that race and racism is t the sole cause..Yet even with commitment rates declining blacks are 4 times more likely to be committed than whites, Native Americans 3 times more likely and Hispanics 61 percent more likely than whites.

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:
IM2 were all your college professors Black? Or did you tell your White professors they were full of shit and that you couldn't learn anything from them because they can't understand the subject unless they are Black?

I did tell some of them that. Yes.

I did a speech and paper on juvenile delinquency after working with kids who were juvenile delinquents for 5 years and the professor who had done no real work with juvenile delinquents tried telling me what I did mot know and we went at it. I remember an English professor trying to tell me how blacks speak differently too. You can try arguing this weak line of stuff all you want but you made comments about the black family and you are not black nor have you lived in a black family in order to make the claims you made.
IM2 were all your college professors Black? Or did you tell your White professors they were full of shit and that you couldn't learn anything from them because they can't understand the subject unless they are Black?

I did tell some of them that. Yes.

I did a speech and paper on juvenile delinquency after working with kids who were juvenile delinquents for 5 years and the professor who had done no real work with juvenile delinquents tried telling me what I did mot know and we went at it. I remember an English professor trying to tell me how blacks speak differently too. You can try arguing this weak line of stuff all you want but you made comments about the black family and you are not black nor have you lived in a black family in order to make the claims you made.

Bullshit... what you have done is become a perfect example of reverse racism... and no matter how loudly you yell about racism, you... yes YOU are now part of the problem, not part of the solution.
No that is not how this goes. Race and racism is at the root of this situation. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a damned thing

You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

You really can ttell me abut the world of logic and reason when you are expressing illogical comments because of an unreasonable hope.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

You seem uncomfortable with the realization that racism is he main cause of this situation. You want to so desperately to find something else. That is what you state in your first sentences, You want facts that show something that race and racism is t the sole cause..Yet even with commitment rates declining blacks are 4 times more likely to be committed than whites, Native Americans 3 times more likely and Hispanics 61 percent more likely than whites.

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.

I'm not concerned about private prisons. Because ANY GOVT prison uses outside services right now for damn near everything anyways. You're arguing over who FINANCES THE construction and who designs them really. Govt does a shitty job of Real Estate development and people processing. If you modified the Drug War -- you wouldn't NEED to expand them. If you sent criminal aliens HOME, you wouldn't NEED to expand them.
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:

I have said that what you said about back families was wrong. I said that you would not know how black families do things or how they raise kids because you are not black nor have you lived in a black family. That's what I have said.
No that is not how this goes. Race and racism is at the root of this situation. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a damned thing

You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

You really can ttell me abut the world of logic and reason when you are expressing illogical comments because of an unreasonable hope.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

You seem uncomfortable with the realization that racism is he main cause of this situation. You want to so desperately to find something else. That is what you state in your first sentences, You want facts that show something that race and racism is t the sole cause..Yet even with commitment rates declining blacks are 4 times more likely to be committed than whites, Native Americans 3 times more likely and Hispanics 61 percent more likely than whites.

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.

I'm not concerned about private prisons. Because ANY GOVT prison uses outside services right now for damn near everything anyways. You're arguing over who FINANCES THE construction and who designs them really. Govt does a shitty job of Real Estate development and people processing. If you modified the Drug War -- you wouldn't NEED to expand them. If you sent criminal aliens HOME, you wouldn't NEED to expand them.

Wrong. You need to study more about the problems of private prisons. If you will actually listen to the reasons why then I'll tell you. But I'm not going to waste my time if you are going to just wave it off with your hand.
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:

I have said that what you said about back families was wrong. I said that you would not know how black families do things or how they raise kids because you are not black nor have you lived in a black family. That's what I have said.

No... you have said that people that aren't Black can't understand racism. You are now part of the problem. If I was one of your professors, I'd have kicked you out of my class if you came at me with that "You can't teach me anything because you aren't Black" bullshit. In my opinion, you are no different than the White supremest on this forum.
IM2 were all your college professors Black? Or did you tell your White professors they were full of shit and that you couldn't learn anything from them because they can't understand the subject unless they are Black?

I did tell some of them that. Yes.

I did a speech and paper on juvenile delinquency after working with kids who were juvenile delinquents for 5 years and the professor who had done no real work with juvenile delinquents tried telling me what I did mot know and we went at it. I remember an English professor trying to tell me how blacks speak differently too. You can try arguing this weak line of stuff all you want but you made comments about the black family and you are not black nor have you lived in a black family in order to make the claims you made.

Bullshit... what you have done is become a perfect example of reverse racism... and no matter how loudly you yell about racism, you... yes YOU are now part of the problem, not part of the solution.

There is mo reverse racism in any of this. It is not reverse racism to tell someone white who has made totally incorrect comments about blacks that they do not know how blacks do things based upon their incorrect comments..
Now is that because of racism? Or is it because they have poor family upbringing? Those parents just don't knw how to raise their kids because they never had good parents themselves. Or they only get to talk to their fathers in prison one a month or so and they look up to the rich guy on the neighborhood who is a drug dealer.This is the kind of shit I have read and its wrong.

Well that's where the numbers and statistics come in. Let's be clear -- ANY "judgement" on juvy incarceration rate CAN BE related to race --- WITHOUT --- the cause being racism.. Simply because of the "other factors" that I've been mentioning and that YOU -- seem to be dismissing out of hand.

So -- Let's take a look at an EXCELLENT study from Brookings..

Ten Economic Facts about Crime and Incarceration in the United States | The Hamilton Project

Let's start with the comment you just made about kids seeing their Dad's in prison...


According to the numbers.. If Black ad doesn't have a HS diploma, there's a 50/50 chance that his children WILL be seeing on rare occasions thru a prison window. This risk goes down by more than 1/2 if he does. Now notice carefully that there is a RACIAL DISPARITY here. No magnified effect for whites. But that's because of RELATIVE crime rates in the 2 cohorts. AND ---- other factors. LOTS of other factors including the really simple fact of poorer administration of JUSTICE in low income communities. In those communities, a simple traffic violation can ESCALATE into warrants, court dates and jail time. Like in the Ferguson effect.

So why is Black Dad more likely to BE behind bars? The answer is -- he wasn't ALWAYS that more likely to be there. It's been getting ASTRONOMICALLY worse in our lifetimes. Explanation from the link for the next chart.

Specifically, each point reflects the percent chance that a man born within a given range of years will have spent time in prison by age thirty to thirty-four. Notably, most men who are ever incarcerated enter prison for the first time before age thirty-five, and so these cumulative risks by age thirty to thirty-four are reflective of lifetime risks.

Men in the first birth cohort, 1945–49, reached their mid-thirties by 1980 just as the incarceration rate began a steady incline. For all education levels within this age group, only an 8-percentage point differential separated white and African American men in terms of imprisonment risk (depicted by the difference between the two solid lines on the far left of figure 7). As the incarceration rate rose, however,discrepancies between races became more apparent. Men born in the latest birth cohort, 1975–79, reached their mid-thirties around 2010; for this cohort, the difference in cumulative risk of imprisonment between white and African American men is more than double the difference for the first birth cohort (as seen on the far right of figure 7).

These racial disparities become particularly striking when considering men with low educational attainment. Over 53 percentage points distance white and African American male high school dropouts in the latest birth cohort (depicted by the difference between the two dashed lines on the far right of figure 7), with male African American high school dropouts facing a nearly 70 percent cumulative risk of imprisonment. This high risk of imprisonment translates into a higher chance of being in prison than of being employed. For African American men in general, it translates into a higher chance of spending time in prison than of graduating with a four-year college degree (Pettit 2012; Pettit and Western 2004).


If it's RACISM pal --- then THESE NUMBERS SAY -- racism is getting worse -- not better. But over those time segments, the DROPOUT rate skyrocketed for Blacks in inner cities and the problem was largely IGNORED by Political Leadership and then FOUGHT over as a Teacher-Student-Parent war. And finally -- LATELY -- just papered over by the failing schools and administrators by having them FUDGE the graduation requirements to make the numbers look better. I don't think RACISM has gotten that much worse since if Black men GET a HS education -- the gap shows not much "racial bias"..

Flacaltenn, you want to deny racism but when you start talking about \blacks or any other racial group besides whites racism is a factor. Period. I don't dismiss anything I add. Everything you show here no matter how much you don't like it, Is impacted by racism. .

Poor education results ARE a form of racism to some extent. MOSTLY because the Govt GIVES UP on Black children and assumes they are gonna fail. They CONSTANTLY lower expectations. Largely because the schools in question are run by lefty govts that VIEW Blacks as incapable of Academic excellence.

I love it when I can BE the optimist. And I'm telling you -- I could walk into Philly "bad town" McD's burger joint tomorrow -- steal 15 random Black kids that are heading for a life of econ disaster and turn them into Chemical Engineers, Doctors, Scientists and Financial Analysts. But the 1st thing I got to do --- is get them OUT of "bad town" Philly.. You tell ME --- WHY do families and folks STAY in these places? Do they not know how BIG and diverse this country is?
IM2 were all your college professors Black? Or did you tell your White professors they were full of shit and that you couldn't learn anything from them because they can't understand the subject unless they are Black?

I did tell some of them that. Yes.

I did a speech and paper on juvenile delinquency after working with kids who were juvenile delinquents for 5 years and the professor who had done no real work with juvenile delinquents tried telling me what I did mot know and we went at it. I remember an English professor trying to tell me how blacks speak differently too. You can try arguing this weak line of stuff all you want but you made comments about the black family and you are not black nor have you lived in a black family in order to make the claims you made.

Bullshit... what you have done is become a perfect example of reverse racism... and no matter how loudly you yell about racism, you... yes YOU are now part of the problem, not part of the solution.

There is mo reverse racism in any of this. It is not reverse racism to tell someone white who has made totally incorrect comments about blacks that they do not know how blacks do things based upon their incorrect comments..

For one, and let me repeat this to you once again...since you didn't listen the first time. I was referring to BLACK JUVENILE OFFENDERS. Not ALL BLACK YOUTH. You keep on going down that strawman argument...

Now, yes, when you have told everyone in this thread that has been saying things and providing information that they can't understand this subject if they aren't Black... that's reverse racism. You've fucked up your own argument and position by spitting the same poison that you say you are against.
No that is not how this goes. Race and racism is at the root of this situation. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a damned thing

You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

You really can ttell me abut the world of logic and reason when you are expressing illogical comments because of an unreasonable hope.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

You seem uncomfortable with the realization that racism is he main cause of this situation. You want to so desperately to find something else. That is what you state in your first sentences, You want facts that show something that race and racism is t the sole cause..Yet even with commitment rates declining blacks are 4 times more likely to be committed than whites, Native Americans 3 times more likely and Hispanics 61 percent more likely than whites.

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.

I'm not concerned about private prisons. Because ANY GOVT prison uses outside services right now for damn near everything anyways. You're arguing over who FINANCES THE construction and who designs them really. Govt does a shitty job of Real Estate development and people processing. If you modified the Drug War -- you wouldn't NEED to expand them. If you sent criminal aliens HOME, you wouldn't NEED to expand them.

Wrong. You need to study more about the problems of private prisons. If you will actually listen to the reasons why then I'll tell you. But I'm not going to waste my time if you are going to just wave it off with your hand.

Start a thread. Can't do it here. But I've done this many times before and there is nothing INHERENTLY EFFICIENT or NOBLE about the govt being in the laundry and food and medical services biz in prisons. And nothing EVIL about the fact that PRIVATE individuals risk their OWN MONEY and time to assist the govt in those services or turn a profit. The govt has virtually no penalties for bad performance. A contract prison does.
No that is not how this goes. Race and racism is at the root of this situation. I wouldn't be uncomfortable with a damned thing

You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

You really can ttell me abut the world of logic and reason when you are expressing illogical comments because of an unreasonable hope.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

You seem uncomfortable with the realization that racism is he main cause of this situation. You want to so desperately to find something else. That is what you state in your first sentences, You want facts that show something that race and racism is t the sole cause..Yet even with commitment rates declining blacks are 4 times more likely to be committed than whites, Native Americans 3 times more likely and Hispanics 61 percent more likely than whites.

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.

I'm not concerned about private prisons. Because ANY GOVT prison uses outside services right now for damn near everything anyways. You're arguing over who FINANCES THE construction and who designs them really. Govt does a shitty job of Real Estate development and people processing. If you modified the Drug War -- you wouldn't NEED to expand them. If you sent criminal aliens HOME, you wouldn't NEED to expand them.

Wrong. You need to study more about the problems of private prisons. If you will actually listen to the reasons why then I'll tell you. But I'm not going to waste my time if you are going to just wave it off with your hand.

Start a thread. Can't do it here. But I've done this many times before and there is nothing INHERENTLY EFFICIENT or NOBLE about the govt being in the laundry and food and medical services biz in prisons. And nothing EVIL about the fact that PRIVATE individuals risk their OWN MONEY and time to assist the govt in those services or turn a profit. The govt has virtually no penalties for bad performance. A contract prison does.

You're wrong... and this isn't about food, laundry, and medical services. And it has a lot to do with this thread, because private prisons are all about keeping prisons full to make more money. Empty prisons don't turn a profit.

You've brought up education and how it plays a large role in incarceration rates... well it cost money to educate people, whether it be getting them a GED, allowing them to take college courses, or teaching them a vocational job. That's money that private prisons are NOT going to spend. They are all about nothing but being warehouses for people.
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:

I have said that what you said about back families was wrong. I said that you would not know how black families do things or how they raise kids because you are not black nor have you lived in a black family. That's what I have said.

No... you have said that people that aren't Black can't understand racism. You are now part of the problem. If I was one of your professors, I'd have kicked you out of my class if you came at me with that "You can't teach me anything because you aren't Black" bullshit. In my opinion, you are no different than the White supremest on this forum.

I actually said that YOU and Flacaltenn to be specific can't understand racism. There are whites who have actually studied it. and have lived in communities where racism has affected backs. You made assessments about the black family and they were full of stereotypes about blacks in jail and kids worshiping the drug dealer. If you made the comments you made here in a class, I would take your ass and the university to the hoop for racism. If you think that you can stand in front of a class and say that black kids are incarcerated because they don't have good parents due to the fact those parents never had good parents to learn from, your ass would be out of a fucking job.
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:

I have said that what you said about back families was wrong. I said that you would not know how black families do things or how they raise kids because you are not black nor have you lived in a black family. That's what I have said.

No... you have said that people that aren't Black can't understand racism. You are now part of the problem. If I was one of your professors, I'd have kicked you out of my class if you came at me with that "You can't teach me anything because you aren't Black" bullshit. In my opinion, you are no different than the White supremest on this forum.

I actually said that YOU and Flacaltenn to be specific can't understand racism. There are whites who have actually studied it. and have lived in communities where racism has affected backs. You made assessments about the black family and they were full of stereotypes about blacks in jail and kids worshiping the drug dealer. If you made the comments you made here in a class, I would take your ass and the university to the hoop for racism. If you think that you can stand in front of a class and say that black kids are incarcerated because they don't have good parents due to the fact those parents never had good parents to learn from, your ass would be out of a fucking job.

AGAIN I didn't refer to ALL Black families. Why are you so disingenuous?

I would be out of a job? LMAO! It's the truth... statistics back it up. What kind of sociologist are you? Did you get your degree from ITT?
The funny thing here is. Me and IM2 both have the same feelings that racism plays a huge role in the inequality of how Black juveniles are represented in the criminal justice system, but he is saying my opinion doesn't count because I can't relate without being Black... :lmao:

I have said that what you said about back families was wrong. I said that you would not know how black families do things or how they raise kids because you are not black nor have you lived in a black family. That's what I have said.

No... you have said that people that aren't Black can't understand racism. You are now part of the problem. If I was one of your professors, I'd have kicked you out of my class if you came at me with that "You can't teach me anything because you aren't Black" bullshit. In my opinion, you are no different than the White supremest on this forum.

I actually said that YOU and Flacaltenn to be specific can't understand racism. There are whites who have actually studied it. and have lived in communities where racism has affected backs. You made assessments about the black family and they were full of stereotypes about blacks in jail and kids worshiping the drug dealer. If you made the comments you made here in a class, I would take your ass and the university to the hoop for racism. If you think that you can stand in front of a class and say that black kids are incarcerated because they don't have good parents due to the fact those parents never had good parents to learn from, your ass would be out of a fucking job.

Fucking racist slime.
You just contradicted yourself. Because you've made up mind. And if you're not CORRECT - or not FULLY correct -- you WOULD be disappointed if RACISM wasn't the total cause of your angers.

Oh I have HOPE... But it's not REALLY in my hands. I can get Govt to work properly. Get the necessary Crim. Justice Reforms and more efficient user-friendly govt that doesn't try to run Ferguson like a rich white suburb runs. Or try to use the Crim. Justice System as an INCOME generator. But I can't change the fact that Blacks want to REMAIN in the decaying inner cities when America is such a big place. Or that SOMETHING in the "NEW Black Culture" has gotten a LOT crappier since the 60s when so many barriers to entering integration and equality were knocked down. To me -- my "racism" is that the FREER and more EQUAL the country MAKES the Black community -- there seems to be an increasing coarseness, violence, and acceptance of victimhood that invades the GREAT Black culture and resolve that GOT YOU to the 60s.... And replaces the "dream"...

Of course racism is not the sole cause. It's education. It's growing up in violence and crime. It's the different kind of racism practiced by inner city schools of "Low Expectations" for Black children. And using those children who need EDUCATION NOW as pawns in political disputes. Because THEIR education is solely dependent on the Public services. Plenty of other mitigating factors.

Look -- Freedom of discussion at places like USMB VALIDATES the continuing presence of racism. We have some in these threads. CLEARLY in the open. But racism is NOT getting worse. And yet the problems of Black incarceration IS. I just showed you that.

And Trump and Sessions decision to over-ride Obama's practice of no longer using private prisons is only going to make it worse... in making the Criminal Justice system an income generating for private companies. All it is going to do is take money out of the citizens... into the federal government... that is funneled to private companies. It's wrong.

I'm not concerned about private prisons. Because ANY GOVT prison uses outside services right now for damn near everything anyways. You're arguing over who FINANCES THE construction and who designs them really. Govt does a shitty job of Real Estate development and people processing. If you modified the Drug War -- you wouldn't NEED to expand them. If you sent criminal aliens HOME, you wouldn't NEED to expand them.

Wrong. You need to study more about the problems of private prisons. If you will actually listen to the reasons why then I'll tell you. But I'm not going to waste my time if you are going to just wave it off with your hand.

Start a thread. Can't do it here. But I've done this many times before and there is nothing INHERENTLY EFFICIENT or NOBLE about the govt being in the laundry and food and medical services biz in prisons. And nothing EVIL about the fact that PRIVATE individuals risk their OWN MONEY and time to assist the govt in those services or turn a profit. The govt has virtually no penalties for bad performance. A contract prison does.

You're wrong... and this isn't about food, laundry, and medical services. And it has a lot to do with this thread, because private prisons are all about keeping prisons full to make more money. Empty prisons don't turn a profit.

You've brought up education and how it plays a large role in incarceration rates... well it cost money to educate people, whether it be getting them a GED, allowing them to take college courses, or teaching them a vocational job. That's money that private prisons are NOT going to spend. They are all about nothing but being warehouses for people.

Start a thread. The PRISONS have NO POWER "to keep themselves full".. Anything that happens in a prison that affects length of stay is subject to investigation and JUDICIAL action.
Now is that because of racism? Or is it because they have poor family upbringing? Those parents just don't knw how to raise their kids because they never had good parents themselves. Or they only get to talk to their fathers in prison one a month or so and they look up to the rich guy on the neighborhood who is a drug dealer.This is the kind of shit I have read and its wrong.

Well that's where the numbers and statistics come in. Let's be clear -- ANY "judgement" on juvy incarceration rate CAN BE related to race --- WITHOUT --- the cause being racism.. Simply because of the "other factors" that I've been mentioning and that YOU -- seem to be dismissing out of hand.

So -- Let's take a look at an EXCELLENT study from Brookings..

Ten Economic Facts about Crime and Incarceration in the United States | The Hamilton Project

Let's start with the comment you just made about kids seeing their Dad's in prison...


According to the numbers.. If Black ad doesn't have a HS diploma, there's a 50/50 chance that his children WILL be seeing on rare occasions thru a prison window. This risk goes down by more than 1/2 if he does. Now notice carefully that there is a RACIAL DISPARITY here. No magnified effect for whites. But that's because of RELATIVE crime rates in the 2 cohorts. AND ---- other factors. LOTS of other factors including the really simple fact of poorer administration of JUSTICE in low income communities. In those communities, a simple traffic violation can ESCALATE into warrants, court dates and jail time. Like in the Ferguson effect.

So why is Black Dad more likely to BE behind bars? The answer is -- he wasn't ALWAYS that more likely to be there. It's been getting ASTRONOMICALLY worse in our lifetimes. Explanation from the link for the next chart.

Specifically, each point reflects the percent chance that a man born within a given range of years will have spent time in prison by age thirty to thirty-four. Notably, most men who are ever incarcerated enter prison for the first time before age thirty-five, and so these cumulative risks by age thirty to thirty-four are reflective of lifetime risks.

Men in the first birth cohort, 1945–49, reached their mid-thirties by 1980 just as the incarceration rate began a steady incline. For all education levels within this age group, only an 8-percentage point differential separated white and African American men in terms of imprisonment risk (depicted by the difference between the two solid lines on the far left of figure 7). As the incarceration rate rose, however,discrepancies between races became more apparent. Men born in the latest birth cohort, 1975–79, reached their mid-thirties around 2010; for this cohort, the difference in cumulative risk of imprisonment between white and African American men is more than double the difference for the first birth cohort (as seen on the far right of figure 7).

These racial disparities become particularly striking when considering men with low educational attainment. Over 53 percentage points distance white and African American male high school dropouts in the latest birth cohort (depicted by the difference between the two dashed lines on the far right of figure 7), with male African American high school dropouts facing a nearly 70 percent cumulative risk of imprisonment. This high risk of imprisonment translates into a higher chance of being in prison than of being employed. For African American men in general, it translates into a higher chance of spending time in prison than of graduating with a four-year college degree (Pettit 2012; Pettit and Western 2004).


If it's RACISM pal --- then THESE NUMBERS SAY -- racism is getting worse -- not better. But over those time segments, the DROPOUT rate skyrocketed for Blacks in inner cities and the problem was largely IGNORED by Political Leadership and then FOUGHT over as a Teacher-Student-Parent war. And finally -- LATELY -- just papered over by the failing schools and administrators by having them FUDGE the graduation requirements to make the numbers look better. I don't think RACISM has gotten that much worse since if Black men GET a HS education -- the gap shows not much "racial bias"..

Flacaltenn, you want to deny racism but when you start talking about \blacks or any other racial group besides whites racism is a factor. Period. I don't dismiss anything I add. Everything you show here no matter how much you don't like it, Is impacted by racism. .

Poor education results ARE a form of racism to some extent. MOSTLY because the Govt GIVES UP on Black children and assumes they are gonna fail. They CONSTANTLY lower expectations. Largely because the schools in question are run by lefty govts that VIEW Blacks as incapable of Academic excellence.

I love it when I can BE the optimist. And I'm telling you -- I could walk into Philly "bad town" McD's burger joint tomorrow -- steal 15 random Black kids that are heading for a life of econ disaster and turn them into Chemical Engineers, Doctors, Scientists and Financial Analysts. But the 1st thing I got to do --- is get them OUT of "bad town" Philly.. You tell ME --- WHY do families and folks STAY in these places? Do they not know how BIG and diverse this country is?

No the government doesn't give up on black kids. And to your last paragraph I've done all that and the kids did not have to move. You tell me, why is it that you would ask such a dumb ass question? .What is bad town philly? How does it get that way? Do you have a clue?
In my town for instance, the Juvy Centers are apparently the easiest places in the country to escape from. In the 11 years I've been here, it's like a monthly event and another scandal. SO much so that no City land is available for expansions or relocation because the neighborhoods DON'T TRUST the people running these places.

There's never anyone PUNISHED or FIRED or reprimanded in Govt. They just get bigger budgets and promotions.

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