
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Yes we have sicko's on the left, most all of them...

Film Critic Tries to Make 2016 Tarzan Movie About Trump and White Privilege
It must be a sad life to see everything through the lens of race and Trump-hatred.


Mark Tapson

It must be a sad life to see everything through the distorted, narrow lens of race and Trump-hatred.

Los Angeles writer Jeff Firmin of has written nearly 2000 words on a 2016 action-adventure film about Tarzan of the Apes, dissecting it in terms of not only of the racial issues he and other race-obsessed critics find in it, but in terms of its foreshadowing of the Trump presidency, the election for which came long after the film's release.


For Firmin and the feverishly Trump-obsessed left, a Tarzan movie filmed long before Donald Trump was even on the political scene is nonetheless ominously symbolic of the white Trump's rise to power and the ways in which white privilege rewrites history (particularly the history of the Dark Continent).

It's a Tarzan movie, Mr. Firmin, a romantic action-adventure flick. Try not to read too much into it.

Film Critic Tries to Make 2016 Tarzan Movie About Trump and White Privilege
Forget that. I'm just sick of seeing Samuel Jackson in everything.

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