Race-Baiting: Obama Tells Latino's To 'Punish Our Enemies' In The Voting Booth


May 29, 2010
This is more proof that Obama is not a uniter but a divider. With words like 'Punish Our Enemies' and 'Reward Our Friends', the president is saying we are the enemy and that creates resentment and divisiveness. Obama on the other hand needs to be reminded that Nov 2 is a pagan Mexican holiday called 'Day of the Dead' which was started by indigenous peoples such as the Aztecs. Looks like that the Aztecs are predicting defeat for the Democrats. Maybe the Democrats total destruction of the Democrats will follow in 2012 as predicted again by the Aztecs! Obama is showing his race-baiting skills as a community agitator and he knows full well that the "enemy" he fulminates against is opposed to rewarding illegal immigration which is wrong and very damaging to the hard working American taxpayer. I have come to conclusion that Obama doesn't want to be President of all Americans. He just wants to be President of all those who voted for him. A president should never use the word “enemies” about fellow Americans. .That is something Sarah Palin would never do as president

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Urges Hispanics to Punish "Enemies," Vote Democratic
Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth | The Weekly Standard

"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder - and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2," he said.
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Uhh, I say he gets more conservative out to vote and independents on the R side with this BS

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.
George W. Bush

Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
George W. Bush

"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil." –-Sarah Palin
"We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. ... We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation." --Sarah Palin
“If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.”
Jim DeMint quote
“If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”
James DeMint
"You Lie!"
Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out During Obama Health Care Speech

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.
George W. Bush

Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
George W. Bush

“If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”
James DeMint
"You Lie!"
Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out During Obama Health Care Speech
None of that was race baiting or inciting divisiveness.

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.
George W. Bush

Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
George W. Bush

“If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”
James DeMint
"You Lie!"
Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out During Obama Health Care Speech

I'm trying to figure your point so I can follow the dots with the OP.
This is more proof that Obama is not a uniter but a divider. With words like 'Punish Our Enemies' and 'Reward Our Friends', the president is saying we are the enemy and that creates resentment and divisiveness. Obama on the other hand needs to be reminded that Nov 2 is a pagan Mexican holiday called 'Day of the Dead' which was started by indigenous peoples such as the Aztecs. Looks like that the Aztecs are predicting defeat for the Democrats. Maybe the Democrats total destruction of the Democrats will follow in 2012 as predicted again by the Aztecs! Obama is showing his race-baiting skills as a community agitator and he knows full well that the "enemy" he fulminates against is opposed to rewarding illegal immigration which is wrong and very damaging to the hard working American taxpayer. I have come to conclusion that Obama doesn't want to be President of all Americans. He just wants to be President of all those who voted for him. A president should never use the word “enemies” about fellow Americans. .That is something Sarah Palin would never do as president

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Urges Hispanics to Punish "Enemies," Vote Democratic
Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth | The Weekly Standard

"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder - and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2," he said.

You've got to be kidding!!!! Did you not hear Palin on the stump during the 2008 election? She was the principal divider with her 'real Americans' lingo, code for white Americans. It's a good thing that most white Americans recognize her for what she is.
like I said, unless Obama agrees with everyone about everything the repubs will pretend he's being divisive.
Classic Saul Alinsky Marxist tactic. More Divide & Conquer from this President. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' This President has continuously declared War on his fellow Americans. I think the People are catching on though. He's likely a One & Doner unless the "Community Organizers" are successful in rigging things again. The People don't want this.
Whadaya expect from Barry? It's right out of Chapter 1 of the Chicago Community Agitator handbook.
Obama should never talk about race... so Obama shouldnt mention race nor should he speak to a crowd of one majority race either. Just to be safe, Obama shouldnt speak to any race of people for fear of being accused of race baiting.

Really the idea is to silence Obama, unless he agrees with Repubs will be faux outraged with anything he says.
This is more proof that Obama is not a uniter but a divider. With words like 'Punish Our Enemies' and 'Reward Our Friends', the president is saying we are the enemy and that creates resentment and divisiveness. Obama on the other hand needs to be reminded that Nov 2 is a pagan Mexican holiday called 'Day of the Dead' which was started by indigenous peoples such as the Aztecs. Looks like that the Aztecs are predicting defeat for the Democrats. Maybe the Democrats total destruction of the Democrats will follow in 2012 as predicted again by the Aztecs! Obama is showing his race-baiting skills as a community agitator and he knows full well that the "enemy" he fulminates against is opposed to rewarding illegal immigration which is wrong and very damaging to the hard working American taxpayer. I have come to conclusion that Obama doesn't want to be President of all Americans. He just wants to be President of all those who voted for him. A president should never use the word “enemies” about fellow Americans. .That is something Sarah Palin would never do as president

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Urges Hispanics to Punish "Enemies," Vote Democratic
Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth | The Weekly Standard

"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder - and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2," he said.

You've got to be kidding!!!! Did you not hear Palin on the stump during the 2008 election? She was the principal divider with her 'real Americans' lingo, code for white Americans. It's a good thing that most white Americans recognize her for what she is.

Sad or funny thing, depending on your perspective, about it is that she's still stumping and dividing currently.

A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.
George W. Bush

Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
George W. Bush

“If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”
James DeMint
"You Lie!"
Rep. Joe Wilson Yells Out During Obama Health Care Speech

Those are all ok....and you know why too. ;)
This is more proof that Obama is not a uniter but a divider. With words like 'Punish Our Enemies' and 'Reward Our Friends', the president is saying we are the enemy and that creates resentment and divisiveness. Obama on the other hand needs to be reminded that Nov 2 is a pagan Mexican holiday called 'Day of the Dead' which was started by indigenous peoples such as the Aztecs. Looks like that the Aztecs are predicting defeat for the Democrats. Maybe the Democrats total destruction of the Democrats will follow in 2012 as predicted again by the Aztecs! Obama is showing his race-baiting skills as a community agitator and he knows full well that the "enemy" he fulminates against is opposed to rewarding illegal immigration which is wrong and very damaging to the hard working American taxpayer. I have come to conclusion that Obama doesn't want to be President of all Americans. He just wants to be President of all those who voted for him. A president should never use the word “enemies” about fellow Americans. .That is something Sarah Palin would never do as president


The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama Urges Hispanics to Punish "Enemies," Vote Democratic
Obama to Latinos: "Punish" Your "Enemies" in the Voting Booth | The Weekly Standard

"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder - and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2," he said.

Now let's just hope that American Latino's in this country understand that the 113 BILLION dollars that they and we pay for illegal immigrants in this country affects them too.


In my state of Colorado--and a required balance budget state--our governor is making CUTS again to education--medicade and all state services that effect the 10's of thousands of American latino's that live in the state of Colorado. Ritter is trying to cut "another" 1 billion out of the budget--while our costs for illegal immigration is 1.1 billion dollars.


WE all pay for illegal immigration--including American Latino's.
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The Majority of Americans are "Enemies" of Obama?...


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