race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

So whitey is not oppressed? and other races shouldnt say anything when they are? I dont understand the point of that statement.

Whitey isn't an oppressor. He's a scapegoat for all the ills of society be they real issues or not.

Evil white conservatives...thats the talking point so repeat it

No one says that you just like to play the victim...and translate what someone complaints are to "evil". "white". and "conservatives"

You gotta ask yourself, is it everyone elses fault conservatives are seen the way they are? Or is it conservatives fault?

Now tell me how blacks need to stop blaming everyone else after you answer that.

I don't hear blacks or women complaining. I hear you guys offering complaints on there behalf
You always blame whitey as the cause of slavery and everything wrong within your patheric little lives without thinking about the fact that these things occurred in all cultures, races and lands. Why not stop blaming and work to better your own damn selfs? Sounds like a solution to me.

NO, it didn't happen the same way "in all cultures, races and lands". In the past slavery was the usually the result of war, criminality, debt or religion. It was in the Americas that it became a matter of race. This kind of revisionism is one of the major factors that prevents us from recognizing the special nature of slavery in America and prevents us from escaping its effects and coming to terms with it.
I am black gramps


I guess that gives you the right to tarnish the entire conservative movement right?

I only brought it up because you said you don't see blacks bringing it up. I brought it up and I'm black. Just want to make sure you don't say things that aren't true. It won't stop you but at least you know

Then tell me, what is the white man doing to hold you back? Be specific
I said everyone but whitey. Lrn2rd

So whitey is not oppressed? and other races shouldnt say anything when they are? I dont understand the point of that statement.

Whitey isn't an oppressor. He's a scapegoat for all the ills of society be they real issues or not.

Evil white conservatives...thats the talking point so repeat it

Are white liberals accused of being racist oppressors to the same degree as white conservatives?
So whitey is not oppressed? and other races shouldnt say anything when they are? I dont understand the point of that statement.

Whitey isn't an oppressor. He's a scapegoat for all the ills of society be they real issues or not.

Evil white conservatives...thats the talking point so repeat it

Are white liberals accused of being racist oppressors to the same degree as white conservatives?

Of course not. White liberals get a free pass
Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Id love to hear how whitey is oppressed

Affirmative Action( racial quotas)...Political correctness. Other issues are speech codes enforced by colleges and universities. These codes are almost always enforced against the speech of Caucasians and never are minorities even reprimanded for using the identical speech vs Caucasians. This even is seen in every day public speech. A few years ago then Manager of the Chicago Cubs, Dusty Baker made a racist remark against White ball players saying that Whites cannot withstand the heat of summer as well as black and Latino players. Had the roles been reversed and Baker were White, he would have been out of a job by the end of that day.
Charles Barkley, who I agree with on most of his analyses on basketball and is an overall pretty entertaining guy, when asked a question, "that's what I hate about White people"..Totally innocent however, if Barkley were white, he'd have been fired immediately from TNT and we'd probably never see him in public again.
So please, do not try to say white people are not in some manner of the term, oppressed. Because it just ain't true.
And while on the subject of whites vs the universe..This notion of "white privilege" is TOTAL BULLSHIT....I challenge anyone to prove that all Caucasians are somehow privileged.

I guess that gives you the right to tarnish the entire conservative movement right?

I only brought it up because you said you don't see blacks bringing it up. I brought it up and I'm black. Just want to make sure you don't say things that aren't true. It won't stop you but at least you know

Then tell me, what is the white man doing to hold you back? Be specific

My personal story doesn't have anything to do with if it's happening or not. Don't attempt to make it personal just to make it about me.

You thought I was white, said "I" try to repesent for the blacks on their behalf, then you find out I'm not white and continue on your tirade of ignorance.
I only brought it up because you said you don't see blacks bringing it up. I brought it up and I'm black. Just want to make sure you don't say things that aren't true. It won't stop you but at least you know

Then tell me, what is the white man doing to hold you back? Be specific

My personal story doesn't have anything to do with if it's happening or not. Don't attempt to make it personal just to make it about me.

You thought I was white, said "I" try to repesent for the blacks on their behalf, then you find out I'm not white and continue on your tirade of ignorance.

I'm truly sorry if I did anything to hold you back. :(
Funny how anytime whites try to defend ourselves=we're intolerant and race bailting.

BUT o'boy's, blacks can go on and on about how evil we're. Think about this for a second blacks. Is this really right?
You people need to keep up.

Seriously very few of you are remotely aware of the world you're living in.

No. It is YOU who CHOOSE TO IGNORE..You do this because acknowledging the issue violates the narrative created by liberals.
I only brought it up because you said you don't see blacks bringing it up. I brought it up and I'm black. Just want to make sure you don't say things that aren't true. It won't stop you but at least you know

Then tell me, what is the white man doing to hold you back? Be specific

My personal story doesn't have anything to do with if it's happening or not. Don't attempt to make it personal just to make it about me.

You thought I was white, said "I" try to repesent for the blacks on their behalf, then you find out I'm not white and continue on your tirade of ignorance.

Bullshit. I said liberals make up shit on behalf of the minorities. You then proceeded to tell me YOU are black (makin it about you) so I asked you for proof you are being held back to justify your bitching.

YOU made it about you not me. So again I ask...what has the white society done to hinder your life? If you have no specific examples then you have no right to bitch. You can't run around claiming oppression or racism and never cite examples.

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