race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

No the fact is that minorities see repubs as racist. Why is that? Is it minorities fault or republicans? C'mon show me some of that personal responsibility I always hear about but never see.

minorities see Repubs as racist b/c they hate whites that do not point the finger at other white people and scream racism or feel the need to kiss your ass just because you have darker skin

IOW, the Repubs are overly white

It's everyone elses fault, not the republic message. Got it. Personal responsibility huh?

Maybe the message is one that is for limited government and god? One that is very different from what most non-whites believe in.

So you want it destroyed as you don't like it. right?
Actually Matthew I think Latinos and Blacks are pretty devout in their respective religions.

Some of them...But they still vote democrat? What god approves of what the democrats push for?

Our democracy isnt abot god. Its about the people. Dems have a good line of shit that the gop has yet figured out how to counter.

Im still waiting for examples of gop oppression though
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutiny.

I have had a worse life than most of you on here. I've spoke of my tome in prison and how difficult things were starting out and never once have I blamed society or dems for any of my problems. You become who you are and achieve what you can through your own efforts.

Minus your next door neighbor who hates your music of course lol
Funny how anytime whites try to defend ourselves=we're intolerant and race bailting.

What's this "we" shit, asshole? You don't represent any group of people. You are one lone pathetic loser, all by yourself. Try to grow some balls and be an individual.
Yeah, blacks, think about it for a second.

At least Matthew is trying to be productive in the conversation which is far more than we can say for you. All you ever offer are one liners. You're a waste of digital space

Fucking dummy. You don't know that referring to people as "blacks" is fucked up?

I produce more with one word than you do with entire pages. You have claimed that white people accuse other white people of being oppressors. You are trying to form some kind of twisted argument that this is white on white racism. What you are seeing is liberals calling out nutters on their statements and policy choices that serve to marginalize minorities. It is a battle of political ideology based in reality.

Whether or not YOU are racist is meaningless. You support politicians who have failed to respond to the needs and desires of minorities. Race card my ass.

Yeah right. It's ok for White people to be referred to as "whites" but unacceptable is the term "blacks" for black people....This is bullshit double standard you people allow yourselves to get away with..Well, no more. You are getting called on it every time.
If you don't like it, tough shit.
That fact is that self hating white people become liberals based on a feeling of guilt over their own accomplishments. These are the same people that without their vote, Barack Hussein Obama NEVER becomes president.
Certain members of minority groups marginalize themselves by refusing to participate in the very system that is attempting to assist them.
The conservative agenda is anti liberal not anti minority or women. You all cant accept that position on face value so you have to make it about something that plays on emotion. Thats how you win arguments in public perception. Fuck the facts (which you proved by ignoring my question) and pull on the heart strings

Ever hear of self-deportation? Not a liberal idea...Mr. Romney endorsed it. And lost the Hispanic vote by near historic margins. I know, blame the media, right?

That indeed was a foolish comment. But how the hell is it racist? They are here illegally and get deported on a regular basis by the Obama administration and I dont hear that being labeled racist.

Would you agree with the sentiment that whether or not someone is prejuding you is for you to decide? It doesn't have to be overtly racist to be perceived that way. In your OP you said something along the lines of not being anti woman or other races....just anti-liberal. Funny
..the self deportation statutes affects cons and libs alike.
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutiny.

I have had a worse life than most of you on here. I've spoke of my tome in prison and how difficult things were starting out and never once have I blamed society or dems for any of my problems. You become who you are and achieve what you can through your own efforts.

Minus your next door neighbor who hates your music of course lol

You don't get it. Individual achievement and success are looked upon as part of the "old White guy" GOP establishment mantra to determine self worth.
Liberals believe that as long as one either "tries real hard" or simply has 'needs' they are entitled to a larger share of the mythical pie. Those who've done for themselves OWE those who have these 'needs'.
Achievers and for that matter just the guy or gal who has done well enough to afford their own home outside the reach greedy grubby paws of the nearby city with the crumbling infrastructure and the shrinking tax base.
One of the funniest things I have read regarding the city of Detroit and its financial woes was one of the city leaders floated the idea of setting up some kind of extraterritorial tax jurisdiction where people who live outside Detroit and Wayne County should be taxed and that money transferred to Detroit.
Liberals hate success. Unless of course it is one of their own.
The head of the GOP is lobbying for more inclusion....must be because they are already so inclusive already. Thread epic fail
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Negged just for all the fucking quotations.

Get a grip fool
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Negged just for all the fucking quotations.

Get a grip fool

I'm a writer, and I quote for emphasis...over your head, fool.
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Cite it then. All I get on here are anecdotes and platitudes. I was as poor as they come and I still managed to make it. Granted I wasn't black which would have given me a few hurdles but I had my share none the less as an excon.

I see lots of excuses for piss poor behavior bit no substance to explain it.
No the fact is that minorities see repubs as racist. Why is that? Is it minorities fault or republicans? C'mon show me some of that personal responsibility I always hear about but never see.

1# The republicans are made of a culture that wants a lot of personal choice and limited government. 2# Non-whites mostly don't and they see the republicans wanting to take away the free shit.

Maybe the non-whites should think about why living off of the teat is bad? :eusa_whistle: I mean if you're sitting at home and not working. Is anything going to get done within the black community? Is the food going to get to your stores? Is your banking, fast food, etc going to keep working when no one cares.

Let's ask that question. The black community supposely has the same laws of economic dictating it. right?

Well let me see if I can answer,as Iam on SS and a pension paid for by 45 years of working.By the way I'm 72 yrs old.In all my years of working it was for 3 companies.Even though I'm on SS I still pay for my health-care and prescriptions.So I'm not getting entitlements,I'm getting what I paid for all those years of working. Now do you understand.
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Ignorance is a crime. Acknowledging ignorance for the purpose of perpetuating ignorance is stupidity.
Get it?
I have read and heard about every excuse those of minority groups ( mostly radical liberal blacks) use for outright hatred of Caucasians, but yours is especially repulsive in that you leave no doubt your racism.
No the fact is that minorities see repubs as racist. Why is that? Is it minorities fault or republicans? C'mon show me some of that personal responsibility I always hear about but never see.

1# The republicans are made of a culture that wants a lot of personal choice and limited government. 2# Non-whites mostly don't and they see the republicans wanting to take away the free shit.

Maybe the non-whites should think about why living off of the teat is bad? :eusa_whistle: I mean if you're sitting at home and not working. Is anything going to get done within the black community? Is the food going to get to your stores? Is your banking, fast food, etc going to keep working when no one cares.

Let's ask that question. The black community supposely has the same laws of economic dictating it. right?

Well let me see if I can answer,as Iam on SS and a pension paid for by 45 years of working.By the way I'm 72 yrs old.In all my years of working it was for 3 companies.Even though I'm on SS I still pay for my health-care and prescriptions.So I'm not getting entitlements,I'm getting what I paid for all those years of working. Now do you understand.

This does not apply to pensioners who essentially earned their golden years' stipend.
Social Security unfortunately is an entitlement. It did not start out that way. However on that fateful day when the federal government elected to take SS money and place it in the general fund, SS became just another tax.
Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Negged just for all the fucking quotations.

Get a grip fool

I'm a writer, and I quote for emphasis...over your head, fool.

Use italics....jerk

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