race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Voter ID does not push anyone off the rolls. In fact contrary to the lib talking points which certain people have latched onto like barnacles on the bottom of a shrimp boat, use of an instrument to identify one's self ensures the integrity of the vote.
This idea that minorities will be disenfranchised is a bunch of crap. ANYONE can obtain an ID free of charge. It's matter of simple personal responsibility.
We are required to produce identification for just about everything. So most of us should have it anyway.
I believe racism is perpetuated now by those who are supposedly victims of racism. There are those who have enriched themselves by fanning the flames of racial mistrust.
Those are not my words, but those of Dr Thomas Sowell in an interview I heard last Friday on radio.
I think racism is a state of mind. It is so because there are those who think eat sleep, pee poop race. And they are ALWAYS the victim. When presented with reason, their reaction is hysterical to the point of shouting down anyone who dares ask them for examples of what they believe to be true about their experiences as a victim of racism.
The race card has been so over played it has lost all meaning.
When the charge is made now, people make a collective face palm.
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?

the race card is just a means of getting your way. leverage

You are not oppressed or cheated. You obviously have a computer to cry a river about how the white man is mean to you.

Probably own a wide screen TV and other non-essential items. Are you 30 lbs overweight just like all the other poor oppressed minorities too?

why don't you push for segregation to get as far away from the white man as possible or better yet go to that paradise known as Africa to get away from all the oppression?

No matter your opinion, minorities, as a group, have it pretty darn good, otherwise minorities would be fleeing to other parts of the world to get away from the mean ole white man.
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Ignorance is a crime. Acknowledging ignorance for the purpose of perpetuating ignorance is stupidity.
Get it?
I have read and heard about every excuse those of minority groups ( mostly radical liberal blacks) use for outright hatred of Caucasians, but yours is especially repulsive in that you leave no doubt your racism.

Uh, "politely", fuck you. I am not, nor have ever been racist. I grew up in mixed environs, had sleep overs, school, church, bands, and love relationships with whites. Explain racism in that. What I hate is racist people of any color. And I, unfortunately hate those who hate me (still a work in progress). And you're "projecting". What you feel (from those groups) is your hatred being reflected back. I'm just the arrogant, uppity Negro, who isn't afraid to call you out, tell you how fucked up you are, and dare you do something about it.
Well by golly Gramps, why would you have more hurdles if you were black? Seems like an admission to me.

@ squeeze Oh and me having things. Is not a sign that oppression doesn't exist. I have a flat screen...what? Well that must mean oppression and racism doesn't Exist. Unless you can explain how a flat screen has anything to do with oppression. Having a computer obvisously means racism and oppression is gone right? Cmon don't be stupid or at least explain why having things has anything o do with racism and or oppression. Even a yoga instructor couldn't make that stretch.
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Voter ID does not push anyone off the rolls. In fact contrary to the lib talking points which certain people have latched onto like barnacles on the bottom of a shrimp boat, use of an instrument to identify one's self ensures the integrity of the vote.
This idea that minorities will be disenfranchised is a bunch of crap. ANYONE can obtain an ID free of charge. It's matter of simple personal responsibility.
We are required to produce identification for just about everything. So most of us should have it anyway.
I believe racism is perpetuated now by those who are supposedly victims of racism. There are those who have enriched themselves by fanning the flames of racial mistrust.
Those are not my words, but those of Dr Thomas Sowell in an interview I heard last Friday on radio.
I think racism is a state of mind. It is so because there are those who think eat sleep, pee poop race. And they are ALWAYS the victim. When presented with reason, their reaction is hysterical to the point of shouting down anyone who dares ask them for examples of what they believe to be true about their experiences as a victim of racism.
The race card has been so over played it has lost all meaning.
When the charge is made now, people make a collective face palm.

Uh, oppression is a reality. And of course discriminatory Voter ID laws "discriminate", against minorities, who, otherwise, have been voting, unencumbered, since the Voting Rights Act of 1964....mostly the black elderly poor, who have no drivers' licenses, or money to obtain one. All of a sudden, now they need to jump through hoops, to do what they've been doing for years. Let's be clear...the truth is they mostly vote "Democratic", and Reince Pribus and certain elements in the GOP, thought to diminish their impact by instituting obstacles to their exercising their right to vote....and now, he's talking "outreach to minorities" to expand GOP rolls. It's not crap....it's "on record". How hypocritical.

And there is no such thing as "the race card"....there is "race reality".
Race Is Not A Card, Its A Reality | Clutch Magazine
The “race card” is a concept that has been used to silence people of color who attempt to speak out when they feel that race has been used unfairly in determining how people are treated. It is one of the most dangerous weapons in the White privilege toolbox, for it implies that a non-POC (person of color) would know better when something is truly racist than someone who is constantly subjected to racism.
You don't.
Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Ignorance is a crime. Acknowledging ignorance for the purpose of perpetuating ignorance is stupidity.
Get it?
I have read and heard about every excuse those of minority groups ( mostly radical liberal blacks) use for outright hatred of Caucasians, but yours is especially repulsive in that you leave no doubt your racism.

Uh, "politely", fuck you. I am not, nor have ever been racist. I grew up in mixed environs, had sleep overs, school, church, bands, and love relationships with whites. Explain racism in that. What I hate is racist people of any color. And I, unfortunately hate those who hate me (still a work in progress). And you're "projecting". What you feel (from those groups) is your hatred being reflected back. I'm just the arrogant, uppity Negro, who isn't afraid to call you out, tell you how fucked up you are, and dare you do something about it.

In other words, he can't be racist. He has white friends.

You must hate a lot of blacks because they are by far more racist than whites.
Ignorance is a crime. Acknowledging ignorance for the purpose of perpetuating ignorance is stupidity.
Get it?
I have read and heard about every excuse those of minority groups ( mostly radical liberal blacks) use for outright hatred of Caucasians, but yours is especially repulsive in that you leave no doubt your racism.

Uh, "politely", fuck you. I am not, nor have ever been racist. I grew up in mixed environs, had sleep overs, school, church, bands, and love relationships with whites. Explain racism in that. What I hate is racist people of any color. And I, unfortunately hate those who hate me (still a work in progress). And you're "projecting". What you feel (from those groups) is your hatred being reflected back. I'm just the arrogant, uppity Negro, who isn't afraid to call you out, tell you how fucked up you are, and dare you do something about it.

In other words, he can't be racist. He has white friends.

You must hate a lot of blacks because they are by far more racist than whites.

Dummie. What racists do you know that hang out with, interact, and cajole with the objects of their hate? Do you think at the redneck bar, whites are laughing and guffawing with blacks and browns over beers? Hell, no.
You obviously are clueless to the definition of the word. And I don't hate a lot of blacks, who are actually "less racist" than many whites, but I avoid many, being a "classist" and an ideologue. Racism against whites avails us nothing. We learned long ago, to "adapt" and work around "white privilege".
Well by golly Gramps, why would you have more hurdles if you were black? Seems like an admission to me.

@ squeeze Oh and me having things. Is not a sign that oppression doesn't exist. I have a flat screen...what? Well that must mean oppression and racism doesn't Exist. Unless you can explain how a flat screen has anything to do with oppression. Having a computer obvisously means racism and oppression is gone right? Cmon don't be stupid or at least explain why having things has anything o do with racism and or oppression. Even a yoga instructor couldn't make that stretch.

tell us how you are oppressed

Show us all these oppressive laws that oppress you

again, if it's that bad why don't you go to a country with few if any whites to oppress you?

playing the race card is a ploy to get what you want whenever you want it.

I'm oppressed. Gimme
Uh, "politely", fuck you. I am not, nor have ever been racist. I grew up in mixed environs, had sleep overs, school, church, bands, and love relationships with whites. Explain racism in that. What I hate is racist people of any color. And I, unfortunately hate those who hate me (still a work in progress). And you're "projecting". What you feel (from those groups) is your hatred being reflected back. I'm just the arrogant, uppity Negro, who isn't afraid to call you out, tell you how fucked up you are, and dare you do something about it.

In other words, he can't be racist. He has white friends.

You must hate a lot of blacks because they are by far more racist than whites.

Dummie. What racists do you know that hang out with, interact, and cajole with the objects of their hate? Do you think at the redneck bar, whites are laughing and guffawing with blacks and browns over beers? Hell, no.
You obviously are clueless to the definition of the word. And I don't hate a lot of blacks, who are actually "less racist" than many whites, but I avoid many, being a "classist" and an ideologue. Racism against whites avails us nothing. We learned long ago, to "adapt" and work around "white privilege".

Obviously you don't see the ridiculousness of my comment. When whites are accused of racism they claim the same thing you claimed which is they can't be racist they hang out with blacks.

Explain to me "white privilege".

Exactly what privileges does an average white man have that an average black man doesn't?
Well by golly Gramps, why would you have more hurdles if you were black? Seems like an admission to me.

@ squeeze Oh and me having things. Is not a sign that oppression doesn't exist. I have a flat screen...what? Well that must mean oppression and racism doesn't Exist. Unless you can explain how a flat screen has anything to do with oppression. Having a computer obvisously means racism and oppression is gone right? Cmon don't be stupid or at least explain why having things has anything o do with racism and or oppression. Even a yoga instructor couldn't make that stretch.

tell us how you are oppressed

Show us all these oppressive laws that oppress you

again, if it's that bad why don't you go to a country with few if any whites to oppress you?

playing the race card is a ploy to get what you want whenever you want it.

I'm oppressed. Gimme

Oppression doesnt exist...got it. Anything else?
Closed caption is a coward who wants to label the gop oppressive but then cant cite examples of policies that hold others back much less individual examples because individual examples would lead to personal scrutinyl

Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Cite it then. All I get on here are anecdotes and platitudes. I was as poor as they come and I still managed to make it. Granted I wasn't black which would have given me a few hurdles but I had my share none the less as an excon.

I see lots of excuses for piss poor behavior bit no substance to explain it.

I did cite them...several. And as expected some dont see it the way I do. If you want something that YOU would see as oppressive, I'm sure that'll never happen. You cant make someone see it your way. But it exists and since its no longer overt racism there is enough wiggle room to find any other "reason" why it happens
Oppression or the feeling of oppression is an opinion. One that obvisously you don't share. I cite examples and you opinion of the situation won't be the same. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That just mean we don't see things the same. So no, I can't to examples that would prove it to you, but to minorities it WOULD be proof. I can point to voter ID laws, throwing minorities off of the voter rolls, redlining by lenders for housing, self deportation, the dismissal of any racist since "Obama is the president" etc etc.

No doubt that you'll see all of those differently than I do. That's your opinion and minorities have theirs. Who are you to tell anyone what they feel is wrong?
Cite it then. All I get on here are anecdotes and platitudes. I was as poor as they come and I still managed to make it. Granted I wasn't black which would have given me a few hurdles but I had my share none the less as an excon.

I see lots of excuses for piss poor behavior bit no substance to explain it.

I did cite them...several. And as expected some dont see it the way I do. If you want something that YOU would see as oppressive, I'm sure that'll never happen. You cant make someone see it your way. But it exists and since its no longer overt racism there is enough wiggle room to find any other "reason" why it happens

Can you explain to me how voter I.D. laws hurt people of color.
In other words, he can't be racist. He has white friends.

You must hate a lot of blacks because they are by far more racist than whites.

Dummie. What racists do you know that hang out with, interact, and cajole with the objects of their hate? Do you think at the redneck bar, whites are laughing and guffawing with blacks and browns over beers? Hell, no.
You obviously are clueless to the definition of the word. And I don't hate a lot of blacks, who are actually "less racist" than many whites, but I avoid many, being a "classist" and an ideologue. Racism against whites avails us nothing. We learned long ago, to "adapt" and work around "white privilege".

Obviously you don't see the ridiculousness of my comment. When whites are accused of racism they claim the same thing you claimed which is they can't be racist they hang out with blacks.

Explain to me "white privilege".

Exactly what privileges does an average white man have that an average black man doesn't?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]
Cite it then. All I get on here are anecdotes and platitudes. I was as poor as they come and I still managed to make it. Granted I wasn't black which would have given me a few hurdles but I had my share none the less as an excon.

I see lots of excuses for piss poor behavior bit no substance to explain it.

I did cite them...several. And as expected some dont see it the way I do. If you want something that YOU would see as oppressive, I'm sure that'll never happen. You cant make someone see it your way. But it exists and since its no longer overt racism there is enough wiggle room to find any other "reason" why it happens

Can you explain to me how voter I.D. laws hurt people of color.

Explain or explain it where YOU can see how it hurts people of color. Because those are 2 separate things
Dummie. What racists do you know that hang out with, interact, and cajole with the objects of their hate? Do you think at the redneck bar, whites are laughing and guffawing with blacks and browns over beers? Hell, no.
You obviously are clueless to the definition of the word. And I don't hate a lot of blacks, who are actually "less racist" than many whites, but I avoid many, being a "classist" and an ideologue. Racism against whites avails us nothing. We learned long ago, to "adapt" and work around "white privilege".

Obviously you don't see the ridiculousness of my comment. When whites are accused of racism they claim the same thing you claimed which is they can't be racist they hang out with blacks.

Explain to me "white privilege".

Exactly what privileges does an average white man have that an average black man doesn't?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]

So you can't explain white privilege to me nor can you answer my question.

Your concession is duly noted.

FTR I don't watch silly clips of comedians and I don't take their word as gospel. After all, they're comedians.
I did cite them...several. And as expected some dont see it the way I do. If you want something that YOU would see as oppressive, I'm sure that'll never happen. You cant make someone see it your way. But it exists and since its no longer overt racism there is enough wiggle room to find any other "reason" why it happens

Can you explain to me how voter I.D. laws hurt people of color.

Explain or explain it where YOU can see how it hurts people of color. Because those are 2 separate things

The question was very simple.

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