race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Obviously you don't see the ridiculousness of my comment. When whites are accused of racism they claim the same thing you claimed which is they can't be racist they hang out with blacks.

Explain to me "white privilege".

Exactly what privileges does an average white man have that an average black man doesn't?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY]Louis CK - Being White - YouTube[/ame]

So you can't explain white privilege to me nor can you answer my question.

Your concession is duly noted.

FTR I don't watch silly clips of comedians and I don't take their word as gospel. After all, they're comedians.

You dont watch comedy? Ok, then...

You dont take comedians words as gospel? Ok, then..who does?

Heres a Wiki entry because you obviously want to make this into a me vs you pissing match

White privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White privilege (or white skin privilege) refers to societal advantages that white people are argued to benefit from beyond those commonly experienced by people of color in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc).[1] The term connotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white individuals may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice.[2] These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; greater presumed social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[3] The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one's own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal. It can be compared and/or combined with the concept of male privilege.

Argue with Wiki

So you can't explain white privilege to me nor can you answer my question.

Your concession is duly noted.

FTR I don't watch silly clips of comedians and I don't take their word as gospel. After all, they're comedians.

You dont watch comedy? Ok, then...

You dont take comedians words as gospel? Ok, then..who does?

Heres a Wiki entry because you obviously want to make this into a me vs you pissing match

White privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White privilege (or white skin privilege) refers to societal advantages that white people are argued to benefit from beyond those commonly experienced by people of color in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc).[1] The term connotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white individuals may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice.[2] These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; greater presumed social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[3] The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one's own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal. It can be compared and/or combined with the concept of male privilege.

Argue with Wiki

The point is I asked a black man what white privilege meant to him. If I wanted a white person's opinion, I would have asked a white person. If I wanted wiki's interpretation I would have looked there.

It's painfully obviouse you are not bright enough to think and answer for yourself.

As previously stated, your concession is noted.
So you can't explain white privilege to me nor can you answer my question.

Your concession is duly noted.

FTR I don't watch silly clips of comedians and I don't take their word as gospel. After all, they're comedians.

You dont watch comedy? Ok, then...

You dont take comedians words as gospel? Ok, then..who does?

Heres a Wiki entry because you obviously want to make this into a me vs you pissing match

White privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White privilege (or white skin privilege) refers to societal advantages that white people are argued to benefit from beyond those commonly experienced by people of color in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc).[1] The term connotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white individuals may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice.[2] These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; greater presumed social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[3] The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one's own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal. It can be compared and/or combined with the concept of male privilege.

Argue with Wiki

The point is I asked a black man what white privilege meant to him. If I wanted a white person's opinion, I would have asked a white person. If I wanted wiki's interpretation I would have looked there.

It's painfully obviouse you are not bright enough to think and answer for yourself.

As previously stated, your concession is noted.

White privledge is having an upper hand in society, employment, status etc. You get all types of benes when you're white. You can shop without the cashier hovering over your every move. You can fall into a job that happened to just become available. You can catch a cab without worry...even if you look like shit. The justice system is kinder...Commit the same crime as a minority and get less time. How awesome is that? You can get a loan where they dont attempt to bend you over and screw your socks off. You're taking seriously where ever you go....Go to an open house get greeted and shown attention. Go anywhere in the world and fit in and if you dont fit in...you'll be treated even better because of your whiteness. You can keep your traditions while telling everyone else to abandon theres and "assimilate to America". You can reap the benefits of your granddads granddad while denying that there are benefits at all.

Just a few. Happy?
You dont watch comedy? Ok, then...

You dont take comedians words as gospel? Ok, then..who does?

Heres a Wiki entry because you obviously want to make this into a me vs you pissing match

White privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Argue with Wiki

The point is I asked a black man what white privilege meant to him. If I wanted a white person's opinion, I would have asked a white person. If I wanted wiki's interpretation I would have looked there.

It's painfully obviouse you are not bright enough to think and answer for yourself.

As previously stated, your concession is noted.

White privledge is having an upper hand in society, employment, status etc. You get all types of benes when you're white. You can shop without the cashier hovering over your every move. You can fall into a job that happened to just become available. You can catch a cab without worry...even if you look like shit. The justice system is kinder...Commit the same crime as a minority and get less time. How awesome is that? You can get a loan where they dont attempt to bend you over and screw your socks off. You're taking seriously where ever you go....Go to an open house get greeted and shown attention. Go anywhere in the world and fit in and if you dont fit in...you'll be treated even better because of your whiteness. You can keep your traditions while telling everyone else to abandon theres and "assimilate to America". You can reap the benefits of your granddads granddad while denying that there are benefits at all.

Just a few. Happy?

What load of liberal bullshit!

Fact is white privilege does not exist in the real world just in the liberal and black mind.

Let's take this one by one:

Employment, it is against the law to discriminate due to color.

You claim whites get benfits that blacks don't yet you fail to mention what those benefits are.

Shopping, why would a cashier hover over a black customer and not a white customer?

And who's fault is that?

I've yet to "fall into a job". That is more likely to happen to a black under the guise of AA.

How would a white get a lesser sentence than a black with both having committed the same crime, both with identical criminal histories and identical social status'?

And about loans? Again minorites have a level of protection.

As for the rest of your little rant. Just sounds like more petty bullshit from a perpetual victim.
A 2005 study by the Justice Department found that while Hispanic, black and white drivers were stopped by the police about as often, Hispanic drivers or their vehicles were searched 11.4 percent of the time and blacks 10.2 percent of the time, compared with 3.5 percent for white drivers. Data collected from state courts by the Justice Department also shows that a higher percentage of black felons than white felons receive prison sentences for nearly all offenses, and also that blacks receive longer maximum sentences for most offenses.


Argue with them...btw this is the 2005 Justice Dept
A 2005 study by the Justice Department found that while Hispanic, black and white drivers were stopped by the police about as often, Hispanic drivers or their vehicles were searched 11.4 percent of the time and blacks 10.2 percent of the time, compared with 3.5 percent for white drivers. Data collected from state courts by the Justice Department also shows that a higher percentage of black felons than white felons receive prison sentences for nearly all offenses, and also that blacks receive longer maximum sentences for most offenses.


Argue with them...btw this is the 2005 Justice Dept

And why is that?

Do you think the fact that blacks commit more crime per capita than whites may have something to do with it?

It has nothing to do with white privilge and any honest person, black or white, would acknowledge it.

What the data doesn't show (and for good reason because it would hurt the argument ) is the criminal history of blacks v whites in the percentages that recieved longer sentences.
Over the last few years, the attorney general's office has conducted more than 200 tests in neighborhoods around the state. Trained testers, some black and some white, presented similar income and career profiles at apartment complexes and recorded the treatment they received.

At 1648-50 and 1750 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and the Shady Lane apartments in upstate Glenville, Cuomo alleges, black testers were steered away.

Some were told there were no apartments available when it wasn't true. In other cases, black testers were told they had to fill out an application and make an appointment to see an apartment, while white testers were simply shown the units.

In still other instances, blacks were told that a flood of applications meant theirs would never be looked at - discouraging information not conveyed to whites.

"New York State law is modeled on the fair housing federal law. There is nothing ambiguous about it," said Cuomo.

Cuomo has gone after other lawbreakers in the housing business: Earlier this year, a settlement with six major apartment operators led to changes and retrofitting so that disabled tenants would have full use of the complexes.

And he's getting some results. One of the three landlords shamed this week has agreed to pay a $40,000 fine and to be monitored over the next few years. That's a start.

Read more: Housing bias in black and white: Andrew Cuomo targets discrimination that's still rampant in N.Y. - NY Daily News

Argue with that.
A 2005 study by the Justice Department found that while Hispanic, black and white drivers were stopped by the police about as often, Hispanic drivers or their vehicles were searched 11.4 percent of the time and blacks 10.2 percent of the time, compared with 3.5 percent for white drivers. Data collected from state courts by the Justice Department also shows that a higher percentage of black felons than white felons receive prison sentences for nearly all offenses, and also that blacks receive longer maximum sentences for most offenses.


Argue with them...btw this is the 2005 Justice Dept

And why is that?

Do you think the fact that blacks commit more crime per capita than whites may have something to do with it?

It has nothing to do with white privilge and any honest person, black or white, would acknowledge it.

What the data doesn't show (and for good reason because it would hurt the argument ) is the criminal history of blacks v whites in the percentages that recieved longer sentences.

Wait, first you said it didnt exist. Now it does exist except theres a good reason for it. Blacks receive more time for the same crime. Go ahead and explain away that shit. Make up your mind. First it's not happening, then it is but for good reasons, next when you find out its not for good reasons you'll revert back to blaming the minorities, like blaming the wife for getting a black eye.:cuckoo:
No matter what you're shown...you wont believe it because you DONT WANT TO believe it. Simple as that and thats why I refused to give my opinion. Now you'll have to argue against facts...but that means you have to present facts. I guess that puts you at a disadvantage.
Over the last few years, the attorney general's office has conducted more than 200 tests in neighborhoods around the state. Trained testers, some black and some white, presented similar income and career profiles at apartment complexes and recorded the treatment they received.

At 1648-50 and 1750 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and the Shady Lane apartments in upstate Glenville, Cuomo alleges, black testers were steered away.

Some were told there were no apartments available when it wasn't true. In other cases, black testers were told they had to fill out an application and make an appointment to see an apartment, while white testers were simply shown the units.

In still other instances, blacks were told that a flood of applications meant theirs would never be looked at - discouraging information not conveyed to whites.

"New York State law is modeled on the fair housing federal law. There is nothing ambiguous about it," said Cuomo.

Cuomo has gone after other lawbreakers in the housing business: Earlier this year, a settlement with six major apartment operators led to changes and retrofitting so that disabled tenants would have full use of the complexes.

And he's getting some results. One of the three landlords shamed this week has agreed to pay a $40,000 fine and to be monitored over the next few years. That's a start.

Read more: Housing bias in black and white: Andrew Cuomo targets discrimination that's still rampant in N.Y. - NY Daily News

Argue with that.

Nothing to argue about. They conducted a test and it got the results they wanted.

Try the same test in a predominately black neighborhood, you will get the opposite results.

It has nothing to do with white privilege and everything to do with the stereotypes that whites have toward blacks.

And why is that?

Do you think the fact that blacks commit more crime per capita than whites may have something to do with it?

It has nothing to do with white privilge and any honest person, black or white, would acknowledge it.

What the data doesn't show (and for good reason because it would hurt the argument ) is the criminal history of blacks v whites in the percentages that recieved longer sentences.

Wait, first you said it didnt exist. Now it does exist except theres a good reason for it. Blacks receive more time for the same crime. Go ahead and explain away that shit. Make up your mind. First it's not happening, then it is but for good reasons, next when you find out its not for good reasons you'll revert back to blaming the minorities, like blaming the wife for getting a black eye.:cuckoo:

I said, and I thought it was plain, that it existed in the minds of liberals and blacks.

You claim blacks get worse sentences than whites for the same crime. Do they also have the same criminal history? Do they both have the same access to adequate council?

If you can show that the two are exact in every aspect then your claim would hold water.
No matter what you're shown...you wont believe it because you DONT WANT TO believe it. Simple as that and thats why I refused to give my opinion. Now you'll have to argue against facts...but that means you have to present facts. I guess that puts you at a disadvantage.

can we see all the laws that specifically single out minorities for discrimination?

unless you can do just that, you need a tinfoil hat

* except for affirmative action of course which has been referred to as positive discrimination
Explain or explain it where YOU can see how it hurts people of color. Because those are 2 separate things

see? Thanks for playing

Some of those things you listed as white privilege have had negative impacts on me and im white. I've been shown LESSER vehicles when on new car lots or completely ignored as happed to me at a lexus dealer a few years ago. I got a sentence of 5 to 15 years in prison as a juvenile and the judges excuse for such a harsh sentence was to "set an example" for others to see. I have been ignored by sales reps at boat shows. Etc...

People of all walks judge others for many things and reasons. But instead of whining about it I goto a competitor and buy a similar product and then GO BACK to where I was mistreated and show the managers what they lost out on through their own stupidity.

I find a solution where it seems others find an EXCUSE
Maybe it's because most black parents couldn't care less about their children? I say this as 72% of all black families are single parent and mostly couldn't careless about their own childs development. Black culture teaches violence and has lost its way. When beating the hell out of someone is seen as ok...Something is wrong. When the community riots because a rapist is arrested, something is wrong. Let's be honest.

Why can't a honest black see this?

Wtf happen to black moral values and family?
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Explain or explain it where YOU can see how it hurts people of color. Because those are 2 separate things

see? Thanks for playing

if you are white you still must

obey the law
pay taxes
do well in school
apply for college
apply for a job
work a job
apply for a loan
pay for goods and services


are you saying anything different? Does having black skin give you some kind of special insight into white people's lives?

we already know that black skin is onion skin paper thin
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Over the last few years, the attorney general's office has conducted more than 200 tests in neighborhoods around the state. Trained testers, some black and some white, presented similar income and career profiles at apartment complexes and recorded the treatment they received.

At 1648-50 and 1750 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and the Shady Lane apartments in upstate Glenville, Cuomo alleges, black testers were steered away.

Some were told there were no apartments available when it wasn't true. In other cases, black testers were told they had to fill out an application and make an appointment to see an apartment, while white testers were simply shown the units.

In still other instances, blacks were told that a flood of applications meant theirs would never be looked at - discouraging information not conveyed to whites.

"New York State law is modeled on the fair housing federal law. There is nothing ambiguous about it," said Cuomo.

Cuomo has gone after other lawbreakers in the housing business: Earlier this year, a settlement with six major apartment operators led to changes and retrofitting so that disabled tenants would have full use of the complexes.

And he's getting some results. One of the three landlords shamed this week has agreed to pay a $40,000 fine and to be monitored over the next few years. That's a start.

Read more: Housing bias in black and white: Andrew Cuomo targets discrimination that's still rampant in N.Y. - NY Daily News

Argue with that.

Nothing to argue about. They conducted a test and it got the results they wanted.

Try the same test in a predominately black neighborhood, you will get the opposite results.

It has nothing to do with white privilege and everything to do with the stereotypes that whites have toward blacks.

Dude the one thing you lack is proof. You can SAY its not about racism but wheres your proof. See I say it is, you say it's not. Who's right? The person that experiences the racism or the on looker?

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