race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Have black people ever been oppressed by white racists in this country?

How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.
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I said, and I thought it was plain, that it existed in the minds of liberals and blacks.

You claim blacks get worse sentences than whites for the same crime. Do they also have the same criminal history? Do they both have the same access to adequate council?

If you can show that the two are exact in every aspect then your claim would hold water.

Read the article and you tell me

Exactly. It doesn't state those facts. So how can an accurate conclusion be drawn?

It can't.

you cant deal with the fact it DOES state. Just because you can ask a question doesnt mean shit. You cant explain why blacks get more time so you throw handfuls of shit against the wall and pretend that stinking turds are points
Have black people ever been oppressed by white racists in this country?

How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!
How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

slavery was long ago
white privelege does not exist
racism does exist,but not to the extent you imagine it and there is always things like affirmative action, political correctness and others such as efforts to close the achievement gap to more than make up for it.

how do you know blacks are " oppressed" ?

where is the evidence?
Im the only posting evidence...Where is your evidence? Saying stuff isnt evidence I posted links...where are yours?

Sure White Priviledge exists...See Matthew just said Whites oppressed blacks for good reason. I guess because whites know better or because Whites wanted to show them the right way. Or because those negroes needed it. Either way its pompous as hell
Im the only posting evidence...Where is your evidence? Saying stuff isnt evidence I posted links...where are yours?

Sure White Priviledge exists...See Matthew just said Whites oppressed blacks for good reason. I guess because whites know better or because Whites wanted to show them the right way. Or because those negroes needed it. Either way its pompous as hell

was was I denied a refi on my mortgage if I have white privelege?
why do I pay taxes?
have a job?
required to pay my bills?

where is all this white fucking privilege?

prove it exists
prove I oppressed anyone
prove you are being oppressed

saying stuff exists doen't prove it. That includes your so called proof.
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Im the only posting evidence...Where is your evidence? Saying stuff isnt evidence I posted links...where are yours?

Sure White Priviledge exists...See Matthew just said Whites oppressed blacks for good reason. I guess because whites know better or because Whites wanted to show them the right way. Or because those negroes needed it. Either way its pompous as hell

was was I denied a refi on my mortgage if I have white privelege?
why do I pay taxes?
have a job?
required to pay my bills?

where is all this white fucking privilege?

prove it exists
prove I oppressed anyone
prove you are being oppressed

saying stuff exists doen't prove it. That includes your so called proof.

Because white priviledge doesnt mean you get everything you want and for free asshole
How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

The world worked differently 200 years ago, closed. Everyone was enslaving everyone else, but that doesn't give you the right to single out only whites. The upper class also opressed the fucking lower class. Sadly that was the reality of the world throughout most of history.

Why can't blacks do their part and bring up children that create the environment that promotes their own betterment? Why is this my fault?

Did you know there were black slave owners in America(a lot of them)? Did you know that the first was black?

However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

Did you know that if it wasn't for the black man slavery wouldn't of happened or that the north had more slavery?

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The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

The world worked differently 200 years ago, closed. Everyone was enslaving everyone else, but that doesn't give you the right to single out only whites. The upper class also opressed the fucking lower class. That's was the way it was.

Slavery was different back then...all slavery just because it shares the name was not and is not the same. Read a book

Why can't blacks do their part and bring up children that create the environment that promotes their own betterment? Why is this my fault?

Why do you ask questions like a girl?

Did you know there were black slave owners in America(a lot of them)? Did you know that the first was black?
America?s first slave owner was a black man.

However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

What about it, black slave owners were bad and white ones werent? Black slave owners thrived off the backs of slaves but whites didnt? What's your point? Throwing shit against the wall isnt one

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

Did you know that if it wasn't for the black man slavery wouldn't of happened or that the north had more slavery?

LiveLeak.com - First Slave owner in the US was black and more history they don't want you to know

What does that have to do with the cost of tea in china? Nothing
Im the only posting evidence...Where is your evidence? Saying stuff isnt evidence I posted links...where are yours?

Sure White Priviledge exists...See Matthew just said Whites oppressed blacks for good reason. I guess because whites know better or because Whites wanted to show them the right way. Or because those negroes needed it. Either way its pompous as hell

was was I denied a refi on my mortgage if I have white privelege?
why do I pay taxes?
have a job?
required to pay my bills?

where is all this white fucking privilege?

prove it exists
prove I oppressed anyone
prove you are being oppressed

saying stuff exists doen't prove it. That includes your so called proof.

Because white priviledge doesnt mean you get everything you want and for free asshole

thanks for admitting what
I have been saying all along, asshole.
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Man...are you ever weak.

first tell us how whites are oppressing blacks and then tell us what can be more oppressive than murder, rape, robbery and asssault.

What's making the black population
-Murder at 5 times the white rate per capita?
-What's making the black father not give a damn
-What's making the black community so poor?

They all link together.

Why can't you leftist fuckers get a clue?

The answer is the template, set up after slavery, and Jim Crow...by the white majority/establishment. Did you really think you could enslave a people, rape, torture, and murder them, and it not have an effect on their psyches? And you want to sit, lecture and preach about responsibility to us. Hypocrites of the 1st order.
Have black people ever been oppressed by white racists in this country?

How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Uh, you have issues, bordering on psycho.
The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

The world worked differently 200 years ago, closed. Everyone was enslaving everyone else, but that doesn't give you the right to single out only whites. The upper class also opressed the fucking lower class. Sadly that was the reality of the world throughout most of history.

Why can't blacks do their part and bring up children that create the environment that promotes their own betterment? Why is this my fault?

Did you know there were black slave owners in America(a lot of them)? Did you know that the first was black?
America?s first slave owner was a black man.

However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

Did you know that if it wasn't for the black man slavery wouldn't of happened or that the north had more slavery?

LiveLeak.com - First Slave owner in the US was black and more history they don't want you to know

Revisionist history.
Please. Were it not for the abhorrent and bad behavior of some whites (not all) you wouldn't have to feel so oppressed. You're obviously in need of a waaaammmbulance.
And why are you referring to yourself as a racial pejorative, implying that liberals (and me) refer to whites as such?
And don't be trying the ol' "bait and switch", concerning tolerance. Like "bad children"...you can only tolerate them for "so long", and then you need to "whip that ass".
Moral behavior? What do you know of it?

Ignorance is a crime. Acknowledging ignorance for the purpose of perpetuating ignorance is stupidity.
Get it?
I have read and heard about every excuse those of minority groups ( mostly radical liberal blacks) use for outright hatred of Caucasians, but yours is especially repulsive in that you leave no doubt your racism.

Uh, "politely", fuck you. I am not, nor have ever been racist. I grew up in mixed environs, had sleep overs, school, church, bands, and love relationships with whites. Explain racism in that. What I hate is racist people of any color. And I, unfortunately hate those who hate me (still a work in progress). And you're "projecting". What you feel (from those groups) is your hatred being reflected back. I'm just the arrogant, uppity Negro, who isn't afraid to call you out, tell you how fucked up you are, and dare you do something about it.
I knew it.. It did not take long to draw you down from your elitist ( I am a writer) pedestal, did it?...
As for your " I am Mr. Diversity" shout out, you can save it for someone who cares.
This nonsense of people posting their diversity resume is a reply of desperation.
For that matter, Caucasians who roll out their diversity resume are often shouted down by radical members of minority groups who at the mere mention of " well I have ( name of minority group or racial group) friends" are labeled as racists anyway.
I read your posts. I do not do "groups"...I deal on a strict individual basis. With me no matter the group of one is part of, starts out with an "A"...
I hate not. I oppose liberalism to it's very core. If you consider that hate, then consider onward. I have already lost that nano-second of sleep worrying about whether you think I am racist. Get it?
I was successful at hitting a raw nerve that sent you racing down into the gutter( "polite fuck you")..and that is all that matters to me
Bottom line, you were easy, pal. My participation with you in this discussion is now terminated. There is no need for you to reply as your response will go unread.:eusa_hand: We're done, Mr. Polite Fuck You...I wish you well.
The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

slavery was long ago
white privelege does not exist
racism does exist,but not to the extent you imagine it and there is always things like affirmative action, political correctness and others such as efforts to close the achievement gap to more than make up for it.

how do you know blacks are " oppressed" ?

where is the evidence?
Closed Caption is a perfect example of two things. Creating one's own reality to make himself comfortable in his beliefs.
The other is how racism on the part of blacks toward whites manifests itself. The belief that under every bed on every street corner there lies or stands a Caucasian that is a racist tormentor.
So steeped and convinced by this belief he convinces himself that his own self proclaimed victim status exonerates him from being labeled racist.
I once saw a panel discussion on television many years ago. In it were former mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly and others. The discussion was about race relations as to how blacks related to whites and the 'business of racism'..Of course the usual names Sharpton and Jackson were part of the discussion.
Kelly flat out said "they ( whites) owe us"..
Another man on the panel, who's name I cannot recall but I believe was the then leader of the Congress on Racial Equality, said "black people are not racist. They are angry!"...
Kelly is simply ignorant. She and people with like beliefs were raised to hate whites and have a chip on their shoulder. I dismiss ignorance.
This other guy is representative of that which we call the double standard perpetuated by the cloak of political correctness.
Wait, first you said it didnt exist. Now it does exist except theres a good reason for it. Blacks receive more time for the same crime. Go ahead and explain away that shit. Make up your mind. First it's not happening, then it is but for good reasons, next when you find out its not for good reasons you'll revert back to blaming the minorities, like blaming the wife for getting a black eye.:cuckoo:

I said, and I thought it was plain, that it existed in the minds of liberals and blacks.

You claim blacks get worse sentences than whites for the same crime. Do they also have the same criminal history? Do they both have the same access to adequate council?

If you can show that the two are exact in every aspect then your claim would hold water.

Read the article and you tell me
And I can cite an example of where statistics used incorrectly or created with important factors excluded can be used to further a political agenda.
Here it is...
There was a series of articles in the local paper here called "Driving While Black"...The writers set out to prove beyond a doubt that black drivers were stopped at a ( I love this convenient term) disproportionate rate than other racial groups.
The writers took samplings of arrests, the blanket term for issuance of a citation, and concluded that blacks were more likely to be stopped than members of other races.
Now, after the articles were printed, there were studies done independent of the police dept by an investigative reporter for one of the tv stations. That report discovered that the samplings used in the newspaper story were in parts of the city where members of minority races made up the vast majority of the residents. In other words, of course more blacks were stopped because more blacks lived there. The error was made in that the writers of the newspaper article took the stops and rated the percentage of the stops versus the entire population of the city!
The conclusion was that the newspaper had a story based on the complaints of black motorists and the editors decided to run with it. The writers were going to get their story no matter what. They in effect created news.
The TV station looked at the types of citations written. One might expect these were the typical hassle type stops for tail lights or head lights not operating or those little lights at the license plate, etc. No. Most of the traffic stops for black drivers were for moving violations that according to law would result in points on the license. Real stuff.
BTW, now that most police agencies have video and audio capability on the cars, the idea of Driving While Black is never mentioned any longer. Why? because there is a video record of every stop. The camera starts recording audio and video as soon as the officer turns on the blue lights. This system cannot be bypassed or disabled by the officer.
How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Uh, you have issues, bordering on psycho.


At least I'm not part of a race that kills or attacks the person rather then discuses a issue. :evil: You don't want to think about the other side of the equation? That's what's wrong with your race and why you'll never lead more then a shit hole.

You don't like reality pointed out to you?
Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

The world worked differently 200 years ago, closed. Everyone was enslaving everyone else, but that doesn't give you the right to single out only whites. The upper class also opressed the fucking lower class. Sadly that was the reality of the world throughout most of history.

Why can't blacks do their part and bring up children that create the environment that promotes their own betterment? Why is this my fault?

Did you know there were black slave owners in America(a lot of them)? Did you know that the first was black?
America?s first slave owner was a black man.

However, black slave owners continued to thrive in the United States.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

Did you know that if it wasn't for the black man slavery wouldn't of happened or that the north had more slavery?

LiveLeak.com - First Slave owner in the US was black and more history they don't want you to know

Revisionist history.

Prove! All I see revisionist are feel good bull shit for your people. Learn to respect the truth first and back yourselve up with facts.:eusa_whistle:

You don't like it that your race practice slavery? You think black didn't. lol:confused:
The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Uh, you have issues, bordering on psycho.


At least I'm not part of a race that kills or attacks the person rather then discuses a issue. :evil: You don't want to think about the other side of the equation? That's what's wrong with your race and why you'll never lead more then a shit hole.

You don't like reality pointed out to you?

Your blanket indictment, of a whole race, indicates that you are truly psycho. There is nothing inherently wrong with a race, outside of a belief of white supremacy. In case you hadn't noticed....the dream MLK envisioned...has been realized in President Barack Obama. Now, twirl on that. Placing you on ignore, where you should have been, long ago.

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