race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

You dont watch comedy? Ok, then...

You dont take comedians words as gospel? Ok, then..who does?

Heres a Wiki entry because you obviously want to make this into a me vs you pissing match

White privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Argue with Wiki

The point is I asked a black man what white privilege meant to him. If I wanted a white person's opinion, I would have asked a white person. If I wanted wiki's interpretation I would have looked there.

It's painfully obviouse you are not bright enough to think and answer for yourself.

As previously stated, your concession is noted.

White privledge is having an upper hand in society, employment, status etc. You get all types of benes when you're white. You can shop without the cashier hovering over your every move. You can fall into a job that happened to just become available. You can catch a cab without worry...even if you look like shit. The justice system is kinder...Commit the same crime as a minority and get less time. How awesome is that? You can get a loan where they dont attempt to bend you over and screw your socks off. You're taking seriously where ever you go....Go to an open house get greeted and shown attention. Go anywhere in the world and fit in and if you dont fit in...you'll be treated even better because of your whiteness. You can keep your traditions while telling everyone else to abandon theres and "assimilate to America". You can reap the benefits of your granddads granddad while denying that there are benefits at all.

Just a few. Happy?

white privelege RANT
How far back in history shall we go?

The question that should be asked is why did whites oppress them? Maybe they couldn't stop killing, raping and looting? O'noo's that's never a good reason to seperate from such. Next can you name a race, culture or people that didn't? Blacks did the same fucking thing throughout africa.

Wow...See even slavery, oppression, racism...all of it can be explained away by white privledge. Blacks deserve it, thats why!

more whining
Im the only posting evidence...Where is your evidence? Saying stuff isnt evidence I posted links...where are yours?

Sure White Priviledge exists...See Matthew just said Whites oppressed blacks for good reason. I guess because whites know better or because Whites wanted to show them the right way. Or because those negroes needed it. Either way its pompous as hell

white privelege whine
Revisionist history.

What your taught in school is revisionist history. This comes straight from the census records of the time.

You really should educate yourself and not leave it up to public education.

And you're supposed to be intelligent. Or so you claim.

Yep. Public education even teaches that Columbus was basically the first European to make it onto American shores. When the truth is they were here possibly thousands of years earlier. Public education covers the bare minimums at the most. At worst its a total failure. Like how they now portray how we stole the land from the native Americans. We didn't steal shit...we conquered JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID in history.

Bitch, please. You're the last one that should be pointing out the lack of intelligence, when you don't know the difference between between "your" and "you're".
And you (collectively) absolutely stole the land from the Native Americans...murdered, raped and pillaged. But, as you can see....karma is a bitch.
Who's been saying the opposite? Your strawman?

so then you haven't been pissing and moaning about slavery, oppression and white privilege?

Whos been saying that you get things for free and dont have to work since you have white priviledge? Me or the strawman you're debating?

so tell us how white privilege oppresses you

Answer my question.

How are you oppressed?

How are you oppresseed by slavery?

If it doen't make a difference to you, why mention it?
What your taught in school is revisionist history. This comes straight from the census records of the time.

You really should educate yourself and not leave it up to public education.

And you're supposed to be intelligent. Or so you claim.

Yep. Public education even teaches that Columbus was basically the first European to make it onto American shores. When the truth is they were here possibly thousands of years earlier. Public education covers the bare minimums at the most. At worst its a total failure. Like how they now portray how we stole the land from the native Americans. We didn't steal shit...we conquered JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID in history.

Bitch, please. You're the last one that should be pointing out the lack of intelligence, when you don't know the difference between between "your" and "you're".
And you (collectively) absolutely stole the land from the Native Americans...murdered, raped and pillaged. But, as you can see....karma is a bitch.

I never stole any land from anyone. I have the deed to prove it, fudgepackee
so then you haven't been pissing and moaning about slavery, oppression and white privilege?

Whos been saying that you get things for free and dont have to work since you have white priviledge? Me or the strawman you're debating?

so tell us how white privilege oppresses you

Wont answer the question huh....Who said you dont have to work and you get things for free because of white priviledge? Me? Anyone? or the strawman you're debating?
What your taught in school is revisionist history. This comes straight from the census records of the time.

You really should educate yourself and not leave it up to public education.

And you're supposed to be intelligent. Or so you claim.

Yep. Public education even teaches that Columbus was basically the first European to make it onto American shores. When the truth is they were here possibly thousands of years earlier. Public education covers the bare minimums at the most. At worst its a total failure. Like how they now portray how we stole the land from the native Americans. We didn't steal shit...we conquered JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID in history.

Bitch, please. You're the last one that should be pointing out the lack of intelligence, when you don't know the difference between between "your" and "you're".
And you (collectively) absolutely stole the land from the Native Americans...murdered, raped and pillaged. But, as you can see....karma is a bitch.

That all you got?

One misspelled word?

And do you honestly think that one misspelled word is enough to disregard the facts?

Man has been conquering land and people since the dawn of time. But in your twisted logic it was stealing.

You are another example of how our public education system has failed.
Whos been saying that you get things for free and dont have to work since you have white priviledge? Me or the strawman you're debating?

so tell us how white privilege oppresses you

Wont answer the question huh....Who said you dont have to work and you get things for free because of white priviledge? Me? Anyone? or the strawman you're debating?

anyone can easly read your posts except for you apparently.

Stop humping my leg and tell the world


why mention white privilege at all? You ommitted that from my quote you chickenshit

how does white privilege oppress you
how does slavery oppress you
show us how you are oppressed
if you are so oppressed why not lobby for segregation or get as far away from whitey as possible?

seems you like to bitch about whitey alot.

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Still cant answer the question huh...Go argue with your strawmen, you're good at winning debates with them
Still cant answer the question huh...Go argue with your strawmen, you're good at winning debates with them

your strawman is " white privilege"
as well as

why bring it up at all unless you think it exists or it's significant?

Noted that you are not oppressed.
and that it's only a ploy to get what you want without earning it.
Go cry me a river

hoiw do these blacks know so much about us?

Experts in whitey-ology?

Perhaps that's what they teach in the

They seem to know more about us than we do
Still cant answer the question huh...Go argue with your strawmen, you're good at winning debates with them
The notion of white privilege is a made up term used by racist blacks to further their political agenda.
It is in essence, oppression.

[ame=http://youtu.be/w5OkHysPNog]Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube[/ame]

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?
Still cant answer the question huh...Go argue with your strawmen, you're good at winning debates with them
The notion of white privilege is a made up term used by racist blacks to further their political agenda.
It is in essence, oppression.

[ame=http://youtu.be/w5OkHysPNog]Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube[/ame]

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol
The notion of white privilege is a made up term used by racist blacks to further their political agenda.
It is in essence, oppression.

[ame=http://youtu.be/w5OkHysPNog]Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube[/ame]

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?
Yep. Public education even teaches that Columbus was basically the first European to make it onto American shores. When the truth is they were here possibly thousands of years earlier. Public education covers the bare minimums at the most. At worst its a total failure. Like how they now portray how we stole the land from the native Americans. We didn't steal shit...we conquered JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID in history.

Bitch, please. You're the last one that should be pointing out the lack of intelligence, when you don't know the difference between between "your" and "you're".
And you (collectively) absolutely stole the land from the Native Americans...murdered, raped and pillaged. But, as you can see....karma is a bitch.

I never stole any land from anyone. I have the deed to prove it, fudgepackee

Bite me.
Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?

Never claimed to know you and really wouldn't want to. Have no time for lazy asses that blame everything on everyone else but their own lack of ambition.

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