race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Wow, genius. If you were anymore perceptive you could probably progress to the 10th grade.

That is precisely what I did to provide an iron clad clue that there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down". Congratulations you just took a step towards logical thinking. I have always been aware that the majority of any ethnicity is trying to in this country that it is not born into a privilege has to join the workforce. And there are some in all ethnicities who choose not to.
"there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down".
Thank you for stating that. If there were no more race baiting jerks like the usual suspects who enrich themselves from fanning the flames of racial distrust, we could concentrate on our similarities rather than our differences.
I am working to make a decent life for myself and for my family. Then I have to deal with people such as a few here on this very forum that point their finger and tell me I am privileged based solely on the color of my skin. I will always fight back with vigor when that happens.
Do not tell me I am privileged. That is 100% bullshit.

It appears that some blacks think that whites succeed simply because we're white. Maybe it's because the concept of hard work, sacrifice and education is foreign to them.

Shit..There are white liberals who think this as well. In fact they believe achievement and success is due to luck.
I agree. Yeah, most of us are lucky that we were not born with debilitating defects, mental retardation, absence of one or more of the senses, etc.
Other than that, the luck aspect is horseshit class envy crap.
I could reverse your quotes and insert white person for black person.


we are not plotting
we have jobs and need tp obey laws
we are not keeping you down, we barely control of events in our own lives. Inflation is eating into our take home pay, we get cancer and accidents happen.
All of us are not born with a trust fund. No one I know in fact.

there is no white privilege

Wow, genius. If you were anymore perceptive you could probably progress to the 10th grade.

That is precisely what I did to provide an iron clad clue that there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down". Congratulations you just took a step towards logical thinking. I have always been aware that the majority of any ethnicity is trying to in this country that it is not born into a privilege has to join the workforce. And there are some in all ethnicities who choose not to.
"there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down".
Thank you for stating that. If there were no more race baiting jerks like the usual suspects who enrich themselves from fanning the flames of racial distrust, we could concentrate on our similarities rather than our differences.
I am working to make a decent life for myself and for my family. Then I have to deal with people such as a few here on this very forum that point their finger and tell me I am privileged based solely on the color of my skin. I will always fight back with vigor when that happens.
Do not tell me I am privileged. That is 100% bullshit.

And BS back. Everywhere you go, you are afforded "carte blanche", simply because you have white skin. Whether it's being "slapped on the wrist" by law enforcement, instead of brutalized and throw in jail or worse, or given a pass at the bank while applying for a loan, with your papers or qualifications not being in order. Or allowed to freely shop at a store, without being followed around, in anticipation of you stealing...or being admitted to any establishment, with the presumption that you have status, money or power...simply because you possess white skin. You're most certainly "privileged", and there are no more people with the wrongful sense of entitlement than white people. You think you own the world and they folks (especially minorities) should "make way for you", if not out and out "bowing down". Well, that dog used to hunt...but this is a new day, and a new sheriff is in town...President Obama, and we're simply not having it.
No...actually, a "truth teller". But there is so much to hate, isn't there? Therapy might be useful.

perhaps we should get a truth teller named Thomas Sowell or Jesse Peterson to explain it to you.

Or Dr Benjamin Carson...If this guy runs for President in 2016 he has MY vote already. He's a genius.

What? To prove that you're not a racist? He's an acclaimed neurosurgeon, with an inflated ego, who has become a convenient opportunist, and is pandering to the right wing. He'll be lost in the fray, if Hilary Clinton decides to run.
perhaps we should get a truth teller named Thomas Sowell or Jesse Peterson to explain it to you.

Or Dr Benjamin Carson...If this guy runs for President in 2016 he has MY vote already. He's a genius.

What? To prove that you're not a racist? He's an acclaimed neurosurgeon, with an inflated ego, who has become a convenient opportunist, and is pandering to the right wing. He'll be lost in the fray, if Hilary Clinton decides to run.

It's all about color to you idiots.

Your ignorance is astounding.
"there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down".
Thank you for stating that. If there were no more race baiting jerks like the usual suspects who enrich themselves from fanning the flames of racial distrust, we could concentrate on our similarities rather than our differences.
I am working to make a decent life for myself and for my family. Then I have to deal with people such as a few here on this very forum that point their finger and tell me I am privileged based solely on the color of my skin. I will always fight back with vigor when that happens.
Do not tell me I am privileged. That is 100% bullshit.

It appears that some blacks think that whites succeed simply because we're white. Maybe it's because the concept of hard work, sacrifice and education is foreign to them.

Shit..There are white liberals who think this as well. In fact they believe achievement and success is due to luck.
I agree. Yeah, most of us are lucky that we were not born with debilitating defects, mental retardation, absence of one or more of the senses, etc.
Other than that, the luck aspect is horseshit class envy crap.

Oh, please. Let's completely forget about favoritism, nepotism, and cronyism, in hiring, firing, and promotions in the workplace, by whites in charge. And when a minority with superior or equal credentials gets the job, then cries of "reverse discrimination" are heard. As if. The poor white man, so put upon....so oppressed.
Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black - Stanley Fish - The Atlantic

And I'm not saying your achievement is due to any luck, on your part...on the contrary, the system (which you white people set up to work the way it does) "favors you"....actually giving you an "unfair advantage", whereby you can manipulate the system to exclude non-whites, and write laws and enforce them to keep the advantages in place. So, here you are, with an "unfair advantage", in a system, that favors you, and yet, some of you still struggle and don't succeed, due to ignorance, poor comprehension, and lack of skill, talent or intelligence. Talk about being "piss poor", not being able to take advantage of the system, you wrought. I find it hilarious, and karmic.
Or Dr Benjamin Carson...If this guy runs for President in 2016 he has MY vote already. He's a genius.

What? To prove that you're not a racist? He's an acclaimed neurosurgeon, with an inflated ego, who has become a convenient opportunist, and is pandering to the right wing. He'll be lost in the fray, if Hilary Clinton decides to run.

It's all about color to you idiots.

Your ignorance is astounding.

No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.
What? To prove that you're not a racist? He's an acclaimed neurosurgeon, with an inflated ego, who has become a convenient opportunist, and is pandering to the right wing. He'll be lost in the fray, if Hilary Clinton decides to run.

It's all about color to you idiots.

Your ignorance is astounding.

No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.

Why was it the first thing you brought up when it was stated that he would vote for Ben Carson.

Why is honesty so difficult for you?
It's all about color to you idiots.

Your ignorance is astounding.

No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.

Why was it the first thing you brought up when it was stated that he would vote for Ben Carson.

Why is honesty so difficult for you?

Please. Because I know how pandering is so important, without a care to image or perception. How can you possibly revile President Obama so, yet embrace Ben Carson, or any other negro, willing to say anything, to indulge their ego fest? He conquered the world of medicine...now, the next stop conservative politics and public office, while de facto embracing the racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform of the Republican Party. What a hypocrite.
No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.

Why was it the first thing you brought up when it was stated that he would vote for Ben Carson.

Why is honesty so difficult for you?

Please. Because I know how pandering is so important, without a care to image or perception. How can you possibly revile President Obama so, yet embrace Ben Carson, or any other negro, willing to say anything, to indulge their ego fest? He conquered the world of medicine...now, the next stop conservative politics and public office, while de facto embracing the racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform of the Republican Party. What a hypocrite.

What has that got to do with you bringing up race?

I guess ideology is a strange concept for you. Obama represents liberal ideology something of which I abhor. Carson represents conservative ideology somethign of which I embrace. Color of their skin is of no importance.

Why do you believe Carson is pandering and not being honest about his beliefs?

Do you think it's impossible for a black man to be a conservative?

Do you think Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and these people are just pandering and not capable of holding conservative beliefs?
What about Black Privilege?

In what instances are blacks "privileged"? I'll wait.

Well, blacks make up 13% of the population and produce over half of all rapes and murders but call people racist for noticing! But it only has to go the other way once for it to be world news. You can be responsible for the worst hate crimes against Asians and Jews in US history but blame them and get away with it! You can be responsible for over 50% of hate crimes on women, 30% of gays, and 80% (yes 80%) of transgendered hate crimes yet claim to be the perpetual vicitm! You can call our president the N word and call NYC Hymie town and still make millions off of being an "anti racist civil rights leader". You can boycott Korean and Jewish businesses and lead lynch mobs into Crown Heights and still be called an "anti racist" leader. You can murder people left and right and walk away without punishment but when a white-Hispanic in Florida kills one of your people in unknown confrontation it gets more coverage than the thousands of mob attacks combines your people committ day in and out in America! You can be a democratic incumbent in DC and call Asians "dirty" and say they can be ethnically cleansed, refuse to apologize and our media will never cover it even though the video can be seen on youtube! You can praise genocide against Jews at a OWS LA rally while only months before crying about slavery at a AME church on MLK Jr day, both videos can be seen on youtube- and the media will never cover it! But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******"and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!

Sounds like privilege to me.
Why was it the first thing you brought up when it was stated that he would vote for Ben Carson.

Why is honesty so difficult for you?

Please. Because I know how pandering is so important, without a care to image or perception. How can you possibly revile President Obama so, yet embrace Ben Carson, or any other negro, willing to say anything, to indulge their ego fest? He conquered the world of medicine...now, the next stop conservative politics and public office, while de facto embracing the racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform of the Republican Party. What a hypocrite.

What has that got to do with you bringing up race?

I guess ideology is a strange concept for you. Obama represents liberal ideology something of which I abhor. Carson represents conservative ideology somethign of which I embrace. Color of their skin is of no importance.

Why do you believe Carson is pandering and not being honest about his beliefs?

Do you think it's impossible for a black man to be a conservative?

Do you think Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and these people are just pandering and not capable of holding conservative beliefs?

Because everything is about "race", with "you people". Slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, discrimination, voter ID laws....it's meat on your table, not ours. And I abhor conservative ideology. See: Conservatism: The Politics Of Ignorance and Self-Interest

And why don't I believe you when you say: skin color is of no importance?

And Carson may be honest about his beliefs, but how can he, in good conscience, support a platform that is racist, bigoted, hateful and misogynistic?
No, I don't think it's impossible for a black man to be conservative. I think it is morally reprehensible for a black man (or woman) to align themselves with today's Republican Party.
I despise Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Allen West, et al....with every fiber of my being.
What about Black Privilege?

In what instances are blacks "privileged"? I'll wait.

Well, blacks make up 13% of the population and produce over half of all rapes and murders but call people racist for noticing! But it only has to go the other way once for it to be world news. You can be responsible for the worst hate crimes against Asians and Jews in US history but blame them and get away with it! You can be responsible for over 50% of hate crimes on women, 30% of gays, and 80% (yes 80%) of transgendered hate crimes yet claim to be the perpetual vicitm! You can call our president the N word and call NYC Hymie town and still make millions off of being an "anti racist civil rights leader". You can boycott Korean and Jewish businesses and lead lynch mobs into Crown Heights and still be called an "anti racist" leader. You can murder people left and right and walk away without punishment but when a white-Hispanic in Florida kills one of your people in unknown confrontation it gets more coverage than the thousands of mob attacks combines your people committ day in and out in America! You can be a democratic incumbent in DC and call Asians "dirty" and say they can be ethnically cleansed, refuse to apologize and our media will never cover it even though the video can be seen on youtube! You can praise genocide against Jews at a OWS LA rally while only months before crying about slavery at a AME church on MLK Jr day, both videos can be seen on youtube- and the media will never cover it! But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******"and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!

Sounds like privilege to me.

Please. Based on statistics compiled by whites, "demeaning and demonizing blacks", to serve an agenda. It takes a ****** to call one a ******, doncha know? I thought you knew.
Blame, blame and more blame!!! You blacks have no problem with your brothers raping, killing and stealing.

I'm all for separation from a bunch of thugs.
I guess Unkotare likes living in a high crime area. He doesn't have a problem with thugs and people that don't care about their children.

yet we wonder what's wrong with our inner-cities?
Please. Based on statistics compiled by whites, "demeaning and demonizing blacks", to serve an agenda. It takes a ****** to call one a ******, doncha know? I thought you knew.

You mean based on statistics from Eric Holder's Department of Justice? That white guy? The white guy nominated by some other white guy with the name of Barack Obama? Those white guy statistics?

All I've done lately is to "notice" things. I've got no problem with you or the millions of other black people out there. Just like you (as in all the good black people) should have no problem with white people like me. Hard working family man, trying to raise respectful morally conscious kids I'm faithful to my wife, serving my country, and hard working.

I've never tried to hang a black person, make them sit on the back of the bus, get out of a pool, never attended the secret white people only meeting on Thursday's at the Ramada where white people discuss how to keep a brother down. Just regular folk. The only difference is, is that I have started to notice things. I don't follow the populalists or politically correct thought police anymore. That may be painful for people like you to hear, in that I'm no longer burdened by guilt or shame or whatever other self-flagellation I'm supposed to contort myself to in the face of minorities in this country. What I am doing, is following MLK's advice and "judging by the content of their character"

Keep up your good work and enjoy life.
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Please. Based on statistics compiled by whites, "demeaning and demonizing blacks", to serve an agenda. It takes a ****** to call one a ******, doncha know? I thought you knew.

You mean based on statistics from Eric Holder's Department of Justice? That white guy? The white guy nominated by some other white guy with the name of Barack Obama? Those white guy statistics?

All I've done lately is to "notice" things. I've got no problem with you or the millions of other black people out there. Just like you (as in all the good black people) should have no problem with white people like me. Hard working family man, trying to raise respectful morally conscious kids I'm faithful to my wife, serving my country, and hard working.

I've never tried to hang a black person, make them sit on the back of the bus, get out of a pool, never attended the secret white people only meeting on Thursday's at the Ramada where white people discuss how to keep a brother down. Just regular folk. The only difference is, is that I have started to notice things. I don't follow the populalists or politically correct thought police anymore. That may be painful for people like you to hear, in that I'm no longer burdened by guilt or shame or whatever other self-flagellation I'm supposed to contort myself to in the face of minorities in this country. What I am doing, is following MLK's advice and "judging by the content of their character"

Keep up your good work and enjoy life.

Did he, Eric Holder compile them or is he forced to "run with them? And listen, many people who are not part of the solution, but are part of the problem feel no "pain" or responsibility towards making things better or kosher. You know nothing, did nothing, feel no guilt or pain?....good for you. As we saw in the Holocaust...indifference = guilt by omission. If you never did any minorities any harm, but you were silent, when harm was being done to them, you areas complicit as the perp. Good luck sleeping at night.
You also wrote the following: " But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******" and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!".....like it was nothing. I was deeply offended. But I'm used to it.
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No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.

Why was it the first thing you brought up when it was stated that he would vote for Ben Carson.

Why is honesty so difficult for you?

Please. Because I know how pandering is so important, without a care to image or perception. How can you possibly revile President Obama so, yet embrace Ben Carson, or any other negro, willing to say anything, to indulge their ego fest? He conquered the world of medicine...now, the next stop conservative politics and public office, while de facto embracing the racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform of the Republican Party. What a hypocrite.
so if we don't like one black politician because we do not support his ideology we are not allowed to like another black leader because we like his ideology ??
Please. Based on statistics compiled by whites, "demeaning and demonizing blacks", to serve an agenda. It takes a ****** to call one a ******, doncha know? I thought you knew.

You mean based on statistics from Eric Holder's Department of Justice? That white guy? The white guy nominated by some other white guy with the name of Barack Obama? Those white guy statistics?

All I've done lately is to "notice" things. I've got no problem with you or the millions of other black people out there. Just like you (as in all the good black people) should have no problem with white people like me. Hard working family man, trying to raise respectful morally conscious kids I'm faithful to my wife, serving my country, and hard working.

I've never tried to hang a black person, make them sit on the back of the bus, get out of a pool, never attended the secret white people only meeting on Thursday's at the Ramada where white people discuss how to keep a brother down. Just regular folk. The only difference is, is that I have started to notice things. I don't follow the populalists or politically correct thought police anymore. That may be painful for people like you to hear, in that I'm no longer burdened by guilt or shame or whatever other self-flagellation I'm supposed to contort myself to in the face of minorities in this country. What I am doing, is following MLK's advice and "judging by the content of their character"

Keep up your good work and enjoy life.

Did he, Eric Holder compile them or is he forced to "run with them? And listen, many people who are not part of the solution, but are part of the problem feel no "pain" or responsibility towards making things better or kosher. You know nothing, did nothing, feel no guilt or pain?....good for you. As we saw in the Holocaust...indifference = guilt by omission. If you never did any minorities any harm, but you were silent, when harm was being done to them, you areas complicit as the perp. Good luck sleeping at night.
You also wrote the following: " But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******" and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!".....like it was nothing. I was deeply offended. But I'm used to it.
What? To prove that you're not a racist? He's an acclaimed neurosurgeon, with an inflated ego, who has become a convenient opportunist, and is pandering to the right wing. He'll be lost in the fray, if Hilary Clinton decides to run.

It's all about color to you idiots.

Your ignorance is astounding.

No...it's all about color to your ilk. We got over color, a long time ago....you never did.

explain the NAACP


' typical white person"

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