"RACE CARD" the phrase ONLY racists use

This term is now more often used in the USA than in other countries, but was coined in England in the 1960s. It alludes to the playing of a trump card in card games like whist.

Following an influx of immigrants into the UK in the 1950/60s there was known to be a degree of racist discontent amongst the (largely white) indigenous population. Reputable politicians avoided acknowledging this openly and there was an informal gentlemen's agreement not to benefit electorally by pandering to this racist element. Peter Griffiths, the Conservative candidate in an election for the parliamentary seat of Smethwick, was accused of using the slogan 'If you want a ****** neighbour - vote Labour', in an attempt to capitalize on the electorate's fears of being 'swamped' by immigrants. He was said to have 'played the race card'.

someone asked for proof that it was coined by a racist..well here it is...

Play the race card
The right has used this phrase to insult black people for at leasrt a decade now.

Its a racists phrase and I plan on calling out anyone using it to demean claims of racism a racist like they deserve to be called.

if you have a legitimate claim of false racism you dont need this phrase to defend your claim.

The right has used this phrase to insult black people for at leasrt a decade now.

Its a racists phrase and I plan on calling out anyone using it to demean claims of racism a racist like they deserve to be called.

if you have a legitimate claim of false racism you dont need this phrase to defend your claim.


The right has used this phrase to insult black people for at leasrt a decade now.

Its a racists phrase and I plan on calling out anyone using it to demean claims of racism a racist like they deserve to be called.

if you have a legitimate claim of false racism you dont need this phrase to defend your claim.


it's good to know you're holding the line

it's too bad that you're a complete loon tune, but i do appreciate the effort
we already know you and tank are racists

Personally, Truthisanillusiontoyou, I don't believe you could even distinguish up from down. You give the word pathetic a bad name. For the record, the only Race I acknowledge is Human. I do believe We are all related. I also believe you need to seek help. It's not your Politics that I find troubling, it's your lack of Integrity.
  • Thanks
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Why would anyone want to take away black folks race card when they love playing it so much?
To summarize this thread:

Leftists want free reign to spout whatever bullshit they want, and not have to face consequences for it. To that end, they wish to silence the opposition.

They have no respect for freedom of expression. They wish to control people's very thoughts.

The American Left is the same as Stalin's Left, Mao's Left and Hitler's Left. No big shocker there

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