Race is an Illusion


Apr 20, 2010
Scientists have been in agreement for some time now that racial identity is illusory. If you had your entire geonome mapped, an ancestral analysis could determine whether a percent of your ancestors hailed from Asia or Europe or Africa, but beyond that, there is no scientific basis for the notion of racial identity..it is a social construct based on how we perceive ourselves and others, and the families of origin.

Race has always been an odd feature of American life. The concept of a "caucasian race" did not exist prior to 1775. The term was coined by scientist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. His studies based the classification of the Caucasian race primarily on skull features, which Blumenbach claimed were optimized by the inhabitants of Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains.

Interestingly, although used today in popular North American English to describe white people or people of European origin, the original description of the Caucasian race was of a people of light to brown skin pigmentation and straight to wavy or curly hair.

The legal use of racial identity is apparent in the US Constitution, immigration laws, Jim Crow laws,etc. and can still be seen today in such things as set-asides for minority-owned businesses...and yet, there is no scientific basis for the concept, nor any reliable way to segment the population into groups. Legally, your race is whatever you perceive it to be, in good faith.

The concept of who is white has always been especially fluid. Under the "one drop rule", anyone who had a parent or grandparent (or other ancestor) who was not viewed as white was not white themselves. There have been changes over time in the treatment of "Arabians" as whites, as well as Italians, Greeks, and other Eastern Europeans. There has never been much agreement about the whiteness or not of anyone from Spain or any Latino country with Spanish ancestors.

Even among those viewed as white, some versions of whiteness was considered more desirable by (?) some people...blue eyes and blonde hair, or a lack of any accent, or whatever. Beginning with the Reconstruction Era, the Southern whites viewed the greatest threat to their whiteness and social supremacy as other, Northern whites...not local African-Americans.

This generation will live to see "Hispanics" (a grouping that Latinos themselves do not feel) become a majority, overtaking "non-Hispanic whites". If the concept/self-identification of people as white disappears or changes significantly, will the role of racism itself diminish?

There's plenty of evidence to support the OP, yet you don't provide any.

Try looking at the Human Genome Project Director's findings.

It concludes that "race" is as biologically viable for humans separating humans as is hair color for mice separating mice: it is meaningless outside the definitions society has constructed.

Of course, mice haven't sufficiently evolved to create a society that makes hair color a significant social feature.
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There's plenty of evidence to support the OP, yet you don't provide any.

Try looking at the Human Genome Project Director's findings.

It concludes that "race" is as biologically viable for humans separating humans as is hair color for mice separating mice: it is meaningless outside the definitions society has constructed.

Maybe we could lump people together some other way like sickle cell anemia prone or something. When a number of people share a common trait are we just supposed to dumb down and pretend it ain't there.?
There's plenty of evidence to support the OP, yet you don't provide any.

Try looking at the Human Genome Project Director's findings.

It concludes that "race" is as biologically viable for humans separating humans as is hair color for mice separating mice: it is meaningless outside the definitions society has constructed.

Maybe we could lump people together some other way like sickle cell anemia prone or something. When a number of people share a common trait are we just supposed to dumb down and pretend it ain't there.?

Embrase your inner mouse.
There are rules here for new members that restrict the use of URLs. Apparently, I have not satisfied them yet. But here are some books which deal with "disappearing" or "shifting" American whiteness and its implications:

What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question (Paperback)
~ George Yancy (Editor)

After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority (Cultural Front) (Paperback)
~ Mike Hill (Author)

Revealing Whiteness: The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege (American Philosophy) (Paperback)
~ Shannon Sullivan (Author)

Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race (Paperback)
~ Matthew Frye Jacobson (Author)

I'll admit, I have not read any of these...instead, I read a Book Note in the New Yorker magazine called "The Caucasian cause" written by Kelefa Sanneh (April 12, 2010) discussing the concepts of shifting and/or disappearing shared parameters of what is whiteness, white culture, and so forth. Very thought-provoking stuff.

For those of you who view yourselves as white: do you need that definition of yourself? Do you feel you share a culture with others you perceive as white? If so, what would happen if this concept dissolved?

Is whiteness about anything apart from not being African, Asian, Native, Latino, etc.? And if so...what is it?
Scientists have been in agreement for some time now that racial identity is illusory.

SNPs are illusionary?
If you had your entire geonome mapped, an ancestral analysis could determine whether a percent of your ancestors hailed from Asia or Europe or Africa, but beyond that, there is no scientific basis for the notion of racial identity

O rly

do you know what race is?
..it is a social construct based on how we perceive ourselves and others, and the families of origin.

you're thinking of culture and nationality
There's plenty of evidence to support the OP, yet you don't provide any.

Try looking at the Human Genome Project Director's findings.

It concludes that "race" is as biologically viable for humans separating humans as is hair color for mice separating mice: it is meaningless outside the definitions society has constructed.

Maybe we could lump people together some other way like sickle cell anemia prone or something. When a number of people share a common trait are we just supposed to dumb down and pretend it ain't there.?

I just don't know what whites share, dilloduck. I'm not even certain who is white and who isn't. What's your POV?

This book was pretty well panned by its reviewers, Beukema. I don't know of any scientist who argues that a "race gene" exists. If the (perceived) racial differences between Americans is not genetic, it must be social. After all, doubtless Chinese Asians feels very distinct from Japanese Asians, but genetically they are not...nor are they distinct from any other racial group. That does not make race a meaningless concept but it does raise some interesting questions, like:

If we repealed all race-sensitive laws in this country, would the incidence of racism decline?

BTW, I'm not sure what you mean by a "SNP"...explain, please?
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I don't know of any scientist who argues that a "race gene" exists.

Which has what to do with the discussion, other than your attempted misrepresentation of what the book says.
If the (perceived) racial differences between Americans is not genetic, it must be social.

Black people don't have black babies because of genetics, only social factors? :cuckoo:
After all, doubtless Chinese Asians feels very distinct from Japanese Asians, but genetically they are not

You're conflating race with nationality because you're an idiot
...nor are they distinct from any other racial group.




If we repealed all race-sensitive laws in this country, would the incidence of racism decline?

I believe it would, which is one reason I oppose racially biased laws like AA
BTW, I'm not sure what you mean by a "SNP"...explain, please?

A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, pronounced snip) is a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide — A, T, C, or G — in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a species (or between paired chromosomes in an individual). For example, two sequenced DNA fragments from different individuals, AAGCCTA to AAGCTTA, contain a difference in a single nucleotide. In this case we say that there are two alleles : C and T.
Single-nucleotide polymorphism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SNP Fact Sheet

They can be used to trace mutations and, with them, the separation and lineage of human populations

The Human Family Tree/Journey of Man traced human migratory patterns via SNPs

SNPs can determine race

related: 07.02.2009 - Tougher controls sought for DNA ancestry testing
Ancestry and migratory patterns are not race, Beukema.

What is your POV on whether whiteness is changing in America?
Do you even know what race is?


I assume you're referring to some sociological concept of a 'White Culture'?

What do you mean by a 'changing' of 'whiteness'?
Do you even know what race is?


I assume you're referring to some sociological concept of a 'White Culture'?

What do you mean by a 'changing' of 'whiteness'?

I personally don't see anything resembling "white culture". As to "changing/shifting whiteness", what I mean is, the loss of belief that white is a race (that race is a genetic distinction) and that America is predominately white.

Now that I have answered your questions, will you answer mine?
As to "changing/shifting whiteness", what I mean is, the loss of belief that white is a race (that race is a genetic distinction)

So you would seek to erase the existence of one of the three major races?

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