

Aug 13, 2012
I'm sick of hearing about race. So let's stand up and speak. You're right it is about race. I have no issue with an African American President but I do have an issue with a non-citizen Kenyan as President.

There I said it. :dance:
Forged Birth Certificate, Suspicious SS #, Sealed transcripts and this LOSER-in-Chief has the balls to ask for Romney's tax returns?
Im sure your thread will get plenty of hits once its moved to the correct forum :)
Well when a non-citizen Kenyan runs for office maybe you can stand up and object.
I'm sick of hearing about race. So let's stand up and speak. You're right it is about race. I have no issue with an African American President but I do have an issue with a non-citizen Kenyan as President.

There I said it. :dance:

As every american not living in denial SHOULD have.the president running the country now is not only that but Barry Sotoro is actually our president we have now at the moment as Im sure you already knew.
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As a white person I am going to vote for Obama, because I think he deserves it, as white people we should be ashamed of the 400 years of oppression upon blacks, so all white people must do the following:
1. Learn to speak Ebonics
2. Sag you pants
3. Where a baseball cap backward or sideways

Don't think about the well being of yourself and your family or the well being of the United States in General, as whites we must pay RESTITUTION to blacks, so vote for Obama.

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