Rachel Carson: Political Icon

So.....you don't like her because she showed DDT was bad for you. ..what...the....fuck?

Leftism is fatal to children and other living things.

Carson has the blood of 50 million people on her hands.

Only Josef Stalin has directly caused more deaths than Carson. So yeah, that DOES make her evil.

Essplain yourself, Pothead. Are you saying that champions of conservative causes are mass murderers? :eusa_think:

(aside, to fourth wall: this oughta be even more entertaining than the OP)


uh huh...Keep on with the stupid

Since the old twat died in 64, over 50 million have died from Malaria - which DDT virtually eradicates.

What is it with you leftists? Do you hate black children so much that you want them to die the agonizing death of Malaria?

And your link to Rachel Carson killing these people is where again?


tick... tick... tick...
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And your link to Rachel Carson killing these people is where again?

Don't be stupid Pogo, it's unbecoming.

Hey....give the dope a break: give him the benefit of the doubt, and leave it at stupid, rather than liar....

He actually ran from the fact that environmentalism is a Liberal ploy....tried to claim it was conservative.

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And your link to Rachel Carson killing these people is where again?

Don't be stupid Pogo, it's unbecoming.

Hey....give the dope a break: give him the benefit of the doubt, and leave it at stupid, rather than liar....

He actually ran from the fact that environmentalism is a Liberal ploy....tried to claim it was conservative.

^^ reduced to running Bugs Bunny cartoons after her OP was blasted out of the water by a single line. :lol:

It's sad, really... here, there's a linguistic clue below, I made it big so that even you might find it:

>> Let me begin by making some things clear. I am a conservative! This means, among other things, that I believe in minimal government regulation, minimal governmental intrusion into the lives of citizens, and fiscal restraint in the taxing and spending of the hard-earned wealth of the people. I also believe that command and control methods of governing in general are economically inefficient and anathema to a healthy and free society. I am also an environmentalist, or to use my preferred term, a conservationist.

Contrary to the impressions conveyed by some environmentalists, conservatives gain just as much from clean air as anyone else does. We do not have secret meetings at which we breathe exhaust fumes. Nor do we have special skin that magically resists cancer from an excess of sunshine due to depletion of the ozone layer. Nor do we like to build our houses on toxic waste dumps. In other words, we have nothing to gain from environmental degradation, and I am not here to defend it. To the contrary, I believe in the importance of clean air for people --including myself-- to breathe, clean rivers for people to use, and freedom from involuntary exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. I believe too that our nation should make polluters pay the real costs that their pollution imposes upon society. That would give polluters tangible incentives to conserve non-renewable resources and to use renewable resources in a wise and responsible manner. << --- John Shanahan, policy analyst, The Heritage Foundation​

Conservation "was", "is" and "will remain" a conservative issue. Who knew?

Oh yeah -- everybody who's not a fucking partisan hack.
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You must clean up afterward; as DDT is still used in China, NK, and much of Africa, those with the largest risk of malaria, with less access to treatment can avail themselves. My father had malaria, but not all mosquitoes carry malaria in any event. As for the "liberal" tag; yesterday I was called "too conservative" by a friend. Proof I am a MODERATE.

China uses it, but Africa does not - because the SOURCE for such chemicals is the USA and Western Europe.

What Carson did is akin to outlawing the polio vaccine. In the 70's I used to hear all this horse shit about DDT causing the eggs of Eagles to become fragile - splashed all over the media and promoted as absolute truth.

In the 90's I found out it was complete bullshit, there was zero link between DDT and thinning shells, which was actually the result of mercury contamination - AND that there was NEVER a valid study done in the first place - the first scientific study done was 30 years AFTER Carson, and it refuted her claims.

Carson was a propagator of myth, of tall tales as a substitute for actual science. She was indeed a pioneer for the frauds of the AGW cult, the start of the anti-science agenda by the left.
The liberal icon whose life work ended up costing the lives of tens (or was it 'hundreds'?) of thousands in tropical areas where disease-carrying insects were given a new lease on life.
So.....you don't like her because she showed DDT was bad for you. ..what...the....fuck?

Leftism is fatal to children and other living things.

Carson has the blood of 50 million people on her hands.

Only Josef Stalin has directly caused more deaths than Carson. So yeah, that DOES make her evil.

Essplain yourself, Pothead. Are you saying that champions of conservative causes are mass murderers? :eusa_think:

(aside, to fourth wall: this oughta be even more entertaining than the OP)


Since the old twat died in 64, over 50 million have died from Malaria - which DDT virtually eradicates.

What is it with you leftists? Do you hate black children so much that you want them to die the agonizing death of Malaria?

And your link to Rachel Carson killing these people is where again?


tick... tick... tick...


What's taking so long? Are we combing Lush Rimjob dot Con for a witty retort?

Sometimes we forget that the easiest retort to bullshit pulled out of the ass is to simply call them on it and enjoy the crickets.
Don't be stupid Pogo, it's unbecoming.

Hey....give the dope a break: give him the benefit of the doubt, and leave it at stupid, rather than liar....

He actually ran from the fact that environmentalism is a Liberal ploy....tried to claim it was conservative.

^^ reduced to running Bugs Bunny cartoons after her OP was blasted out of the water by a single line. :lol:

It's sad, really... here, there's a linguistic clue below, I made it big so that even you might find it:

>> Let me begin by making some things clear. I am a conservative! This means, among other things, that I believe in minimal government regulation, minimal governmental intrusion into the lives of citizens, and fiscal restraint in the taxing and spending of the hard-earned wealth of the people. I also believe that command and control methods of governing in general are economically inefficient and anathema to a healthy and free society. I am also an environmentalist, or to use my preferred term, a conservationist.

Contrary to the impressions conveyed by some environmentalists, conservatives gain just as much from clean air as anyone else does. We do not have secret meetings at which we breathe exhaust fumes. Nor do we have special skin that magically resists cancer from an excess of sunshine due to depletion of the ozone layer. Nor do we like to build our houses on toxic waste dumps. In other words, we have nothing to gain from environmental degradation, and I am not here to defend it. To the contrary, I believe in the importance of clean air for people --including myself-- to breathe, clean rivers for people to use, and freedom from involuntary exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. I believe too that our nation should make polluters pay the real costs that their pollution imposes upon society. That would give polluters tangible incentives to conserve non-renewable resources and to use renewable resources in a wise and responsible manner. << --- John Shanahan, policy analyst, The Heritage Foundation​

Conservation "was", "is" and "will remain" a conservative issue. Who knew?

Oh yeah -- everybody who's not a fucking partisan hack.

Post #60...

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It takes only a little more time to discover that the postwar attempt to eradicate malaria by the spraying of DDT was a failure, largely because Carson’s warnings that overuse of insecticides would lead to the development of resistance in mosquito populations were ignored. Modern uses of insecticides are far closer to the methods advocated by Carson than to the practices she criticised.

Rehabilitating Carson

All lies! She killed those babies!

Or something stupid like that.

Good article:

The programme was never extended to sub-Saharan Africa, where malaria was most acute.
And there are inexpensive oils that are not flammable like petroleum : )
Hey....give the dope a break: give him the benefit of the doubt, and leave it at stupid, rather than liar....

He actually ran from the fact that environmentalism is a Liberal ploy....tried to claim it was conservative.


^^ reduced to running Bugs Bunny cartoons after her OP was blasted out of the water by a single line. :lol:

It's sad, really... here, there's a linguistic clue below, I made it big so that even you might find it:

>> Let me begin by making some things clear. I am a conservative! This means, among other things, that I believe in minimal government regulation, minimal governmental intrusion into the lives of citizens, and fiscal restraint in the taxing and spending of the hard-earned wealth of the people. I also believe that command and control methods of governing in general are economically inefficient and anathema to a healthy and free society. I am also an environmentalist, or to use my preferred term, a conservationist.

Contrary to the impressions conveyed by some environmentalists, conservatives gain just as much from clean air as anyone else does. We do not have secret meetings at which we breathe exhaust fumes. Nor do we have special skin that magically resists cancer from an excess of sunshine due to depletion of the ozone layer. Nor do we like to build our houses on toxic waste dumps. In other words, we have nothing to gain from environmental degradation, and I am not here to defend it. To the contrary, I believe in the importance of clean air for people --including myself-- to breathe, clean rivers for people to use, and freedom from involuntary exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. I believe too that our nation should make polluters pay the real costs that their pollution imposes upon society. That would give polluters tangible incentives to conserve non-renewable resources and to use renewable resources in a wise and responsible manner. << --- John Shanahan, policy analyst, The Heritage Foundation​

Conservation "was", "is" and "will remain" a conservative issue. Who knew?

Oh yeah -- everybody who's not a fucking partisan hack.

Post #60...

Sh. You've been dismissed already as a hack. I'm trying to give Pothead time to think of something. :eusa_shhh:

Your post 60 is nothing but a crapload of association fallacies about "leftists". Irrelevant. We all know about your narcissism and how you use it to pretend you're still standing. It's cute but it's old.
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What's taking so long? Are we combing Lush Rimjob dot Con for a witty retort?

Sometimes we forget that the easiest retort to bullshit pulled out of the ass is to simply call them on it and enjoy the crickets.

You shouldn't go FULL retard, Pogo...

Carson was a psuedo-science fraud, she pushed an agenda that ended the use of DDT to control mosquitoes, ergo malaria. Jonas Salt saved millions by creating the polio vaccine, Carson effectively banned something just as critical by use of blatant fraud.

She has the blood of 50 million on her hands.
Sh. You've been dismissed already as a hack.


Ironic post is ironic.

I'm trying to give Pothead time to think of something. :eusa_shhh:

Your post 60 is nothing but a crapload of association fallacies about "leftists". Irrelevant. We all know about your narcissism and how you use it to pretend you're still standing. It's cute but it's old.


Carson was a fraud, who has caused massive loss of life due to her chicanery.
What's taking so long? Are we combing Lush Rimjob dot Con for a witty retort?

Sometimes we forget that the easiest retort to bullshit pulled out of the ass is to simply call them on it and enjoy the crickets.

You shouldn't go FULL retard, Pogo...

Carson was a psuedo-science fraud, she pushed an agenda that ended the use of DDT to control mosquitoes, ergo malaria. Jonas Salt saved millions by creating the polio vaccine, Carson effectively banned something just as critical by use of blatant fraud.

She has the blood of 50 million on her hands.

You've already pre-yammered that. I'm asking you how.

Wassamatta? Is it getting hot in here?

Your link to Rachel Carson murdering 50 million people -- or any people --- is where? Is it in that new invisible font?

Is the question simply .... inconvenient? Inquiring minds wanna know.

Funny you were so quick to post the original claim, now you're all textually constipated.
Why is that? :eusa_think:
How's 'bout a link to 'splain how Rachel Carson (or any author of any book) forced anyone to do anything? No?

He --llllllooooo.... Earth to Pothead....
DDT wasn't banned worldwide. This is a classic rightwing myth that is particularly popular with low information rightwing nummies.

Unnecessary as it may be....jamming your words back down your lying throat is gratifying...

And, here is how DDT was banned worldwide, without officially banning it:

12. "... in April, 1972.... supported DDT unequivocally, stating it is not carcinogenic and that its benefits far outweigh any risks. Sweeney noted the &#8220;present need for continued use&#8221; of the excellent powder and remarked that evidence showed potential replacement pesticides would &#8220;in many cases have more deleterious effects than the harm allegedly caused by DDT.&#8221;

However, two months later, ignoring his own agency&#8217;s ruling and advice, EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus single-handedly outlawed almost all use of DDT. He made the unscientific assertion that it poses &#8220;unacceptable risk to the environment and potential harm to human health.&#8221; ... Critics quip that his decision shot him to the top of an infamous list: Hitler, 20.9 million deaths; Stalin, 61.9 million deaths; Mao Tse-Tung, 77 million deaths; Ruckelshaus, estimates range from 100 million to more than the competition combined.

.... a great victory for environmentalists. Prior to the hearing, senior EDF scientist Charles Wurster told the Seattle Times, &#8220;If the environmentalists win on DDT, they will achieve a level of authority they have never had before. In a sense, much more is at stake than DDT.&#8221;

Ruckelshaus&#8217; naïve response to criticism that his decision would endanger lives was, &#8220;There&#8217;s arrogance in the idea that everybody&#8217;s going to do what we do. We&#8217;re not making these decisions for the rest of the world, are we?&#8221; Was it possible he was unaware that DDT producers in the United States exported more than 60 percent of their product to worldwide malaria control programs?

Environmentalists next targeted DDT production and export. Industry producers had little incentive to fight for the inexpensive powder because they could make more money on higher-priced &#8220;alternatives&#8221; that were, ironically, toxic to humans and the environment. With little opposition and fueled by Ruckelshaus&#8217; decision, environmental groups sued to ban DDT export. In response, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the bureau responsible for coordinating foreign assistance, threatened &#8220;to stop foreign aid to any country using it,&#8221; relate Gerald and Natalie Sirkin in their 2005 special report DDT, Fraud and Tragedy.

&#8220;Its threat spread Ruckelshaus&#8217; ban worldwide.&#8221;
DDT Ban Breeds Death


And all of this began with Rachel Carson.
Happy birthday, Rachel.....wherever you are.

Like I said, DDT wasn't banned worldwide.

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