Rachel Carson: Political Icon

Anyone seen Pothead? He seems to have vanished like a bat out of a DDT cloud...

I'm hoping he can enlighten us on what sooper-secret legislative powers Rachel Carson had...

What Carson did is akin to outlawing the polio vaccine.

Maybe it was like Supergirl's X-Ray vision that can't see through her own threads. :dunno:
Anyone seen Pothead? He seems to have vanished like a bat out of a DDT cloud...

I'm hoping he can enlighten us on what sooper-secret legislative powers Rachel Carson had...

What Carson did is akin to outlawing the polio vaccine.

Maybe it was like Supergirl's X-Ray vision that can't see through her own threads. :dunno:

Your repetition of stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.
11. Three of Carson’s most long-lived and damaging myths are:

• DDT kills robins..

Dead robins in St. Louis poisoned by DDT

After years of begging the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to test the dead birds she finds every spring in her yard, Teri Kniffen of St. Louis, finally took it upon herself to send them to the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources Wildlife Disease Laboratory in Lansing for analysis.

The robins were found to be poisoned by whole DDT, which also includes DDD and DDE.

According to Alma College Professor Melissa Strait, who is also a Pine River Task Force member, DDT can break down to DDE, which is even more toxic than DDT.

Dead robins in St. Louis poisoned by DDT

You know, given your propensity for believing myths to be facts, I guess it's logical you would have a corresponding propensity for believing facts to be myths.

You do hours of research to compose nonsense; I do one minute of googling to debunk it.
Opened Google this morn, May 27th, and whose birthday is being celebrated?

Liberal icon, Rachel Carson!

For Liberalism, good intentions are what matters- not results. Based on that doctrine, Rachel Carson is perfect as the eco-Liberal version of Mother Teresa.
Millions of human beings are dead due to her influence.

1. "Rachel Louise Carson (May 27, 1907 – April 14, 1964) was an American marine biologistand conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement..... led to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides, and it inspired a grassroots environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Carson was posthumously awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter." Rachel Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. “…Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring," which in 1962 exposed the hazards of the pesticide DDT, eloquently questioned humanity's faith in technological progress and helped set the stage for the environmental movement….Silent Spring … meticulously described how DDT entered the food chain and accumulated in the fatty tissues of animals, including human beings, and caused cancer and genetic damage. …Carson concluded that DDT and other pesticides had irrevocably harmed birds and animals and had contaminated the entire world food supply.”
Silent Spring Summary | NRDC

3. Read the above, and apply this explanation to it:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

4. On June 14, 1972, ....the EPA banned DDT despite considerable evidence of its safety offered in seven months of agency hearings. After listening to that testimony, the EPA's own administrative law judge declared, "DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man...DDT is not a mutagenic or teratogenic hazard to man...The use of DDT under the regulations involved here [does] not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish, estuarine organisms, wild birds or other wildlife."
Today environmental activists celebrate the EPA's DDT ban as their first great victory. Silent Spring at 40 - Reason.com

a. “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.

5. British politician Dick Taverne was damning in his criticism of Carson:
Carson didn't seem to take into account the vital role (DDT) played in controlling the transmission of malaria by killing the mosquitoes that carry the parasite (...) It is the single most effective agent ever developed for saving human life (...)

Rachel Carson is a warning to us all of the dangers of neglecting the evidence-based approach and the need to weight potential risk against benefit: it can be argued that the anti-DDT campaign she inspired was responsible for almost as many deaths as some of the worst dictators of the last century. Taverne, Dick (2005). "The Harm That Pressure Groups Can Do".
In Feldman, Stanley; Marks, Vincent. "Panic Nation."

6. Annual worldwide cases of acute illness due to malaria: 300-500 million
Annual worldwide deaths due to malaria: 1.1-2.7 million, mostly among children under five years of age http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/GlobalBurdenofMalaria.pdf

a. Carson’s book was dismissed in ‘Science’ magazine as a “prosecuting attorney’s impassioned plea for action,” not a book based on scientific data.
I.L.Baldwin, “Chemicals and Pests,” Science, September 28, 1962, p.1042-1043.

b. “Sixty million people have died needlessly of malaria, since the imposition of the 1972 ban on DDT, and hundreds of millions more have suffered from this debilitating disease. The majority of those affected are children.” Bring Back DDT!

Once again, a danger of Liberalism revealed.
Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away....For such individuals, feeling often passes for knowing.

Never heard of her.
Anyone seen Pothead? He seems to have vanished like a bat out of a DDT cloud...

I'm hoping he can enlighten us on what sooper-secret legislative powers Rachel Carson had...

What Carson did is akin to outlawing the polio vaccine.

Maybe it was like Supergirl's X-Ray vision that can't see through her own threads. :dunno:

Your repetition of stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

You're STILL emptyhanded?? :disbelief:

Wassup Doodles? You had these figures at your fingertips, now you go all humma-humma like a 13-year old calling a girl for a date? Wtf?

Can you post at least your microbiology degree that proves the negative on stuff like this?

Let's get this done before it's not Rachel Carson's birthday any more, ya think?
I must admit.....after reading this thread....I am touched by the display of compassion for malaria victims in Africa and Asia on the part of our forum conservatives. Truly compassionate conservatives.

Really. I am touched.
I must admit.....after reading this thread....I am touched by the display of compassion for malaria victims in Africa and Asia on the part of our forum conservatives. Truly compassionate conservatives.

Really. I am touched.

Well I for one am duly impressed by their sheer depth of research and lightning-quick responses. :doubt:
Anyone seen Pothead? He seems to have vanished like a bat out of a DDT cloud...

I'm hoping he can enlighten us on what sooper-secret legislative powers Rachel Carson had...

Maybe it was like Supergirl's X-Ray vision that can't see through her own threads. :dunno:

Your repetition of stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

You're STILL emptyhanded?? :disbelief:

Wassup Doodles? You had these figures at your fingertips, now you go all humma-humma like a 13-year old calling a girl for a date? Wtf?

Can you post at least your microbiology degree that proves the negative on stuff like this?

Let's get this done before it's not Rachel Carson's birthday any more, ya think?

I've been chasing uncensored down for a couple months asking him to show me the post he accused me of making. Give me the number of the post uncensored. Not your rofl's.
Your repetition of stupidity doesn't make it less stupid.

You're STILL emptyhanded?? :disbelief:

Wassup Doodles? You had these figures at your fingertips, now you go all humma-humma like a 13-year old calling a girl for a date? Wtf?

Can you post at least your microbiology degree that proves the negative on stuff like this?

Let's get this done before it's not Rachel Carson's birthday any more, ya think?

I've been chasing uncensored down for a couple months asking him to show me the post he accused me of making. Give me the number of the post uncensored. Not your rofl's.

Indeed this thread has become a "Silent String"... :eusa_shhh:
I must admit.....after reading this thread....I am touched by the display of compassion for malaria victims in Africa and Asia on the part of our forum conservatives. Truly compassionate conservatives.

Really. I am touched.

I'm visibly moved by the ability of the author of this thread, who insists the Earth is 6000 years old,

is yet on the other hand confident that the reports of DDT's dangers are junk science.
She died at 56 - relatively young - so was denied her full potential for killing off people through making it possible for death-dealing insects to thrive.

Just think of all the fossil fuel she prevented from being used through population control. No wonder she's a heroine to the left.
She died at 56 - relatively young - so was denied her full potential for killing off people through making it possible for death-dealing insects to thrive.

Just think of all the fossil fuel she prevented from being used through population control. No wonder she's a heroine to the left.

Why would a good conservationist "kill people"? When did she ever do that?

You know who I think might know -- Pothead. He's so coy, keeping us in suspense. I just know he's gonna come back in here with devastating videos of Rachel Carson personally gunning down children in the third world where DDT was never banned anyway... I have faith. :eusa_angel:
DDT is what rightwingers want to put in our water...

...after they've removed the fluoride.

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