Rachel Maddcow Caught Lying Again...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, during live coverage of the Iowa Caucus, reported that libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had dropped out of the race and endorsed Ron Paul. No source was attributed. Later, Maddow had to correct the error and admit the story was a hoax, allowing co-host Ed Schultz to segue the discussion back to a particular Iowa pizza chain.

Breitbart.tv » Oops: Rachel Maddow Falls For Johnson Hoax Story, Retracts On Air
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being a dupe isn't the same as being a liar.

i thought a paul supporter would be very sympathetic to other dupes
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, during live coverage of the Iowa Caucus, reported that libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had dropped out of the race and endorsed Ron Paul. No source was attributed. Later, Maddow had to correct the error and admit the story was a hoax, allowing co-host Ed Schultz to segue the discussion back to a particular Iowa pizza chain.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's #Fail on Gary Johnson endorsing Ron Paul - YouTube

Breitbart.tv » Oops: Rachel Maddow Falls For Johnson Hoax Story, Retracts On Air

Stammer much, Rachel? You can tell she was bothered by getting taken in by the hoax...Ed Shultz of course was non-plussed. I guess when you tell as many whoppers as Ed does, a little faux pas like Rachel's is no big deal.
I don't expect Mr. Maddow to know what he's talking about but what did Ed Schultz say? Something about the Midwest being a "pizza house"?

"That's where they go. Feed a family with a couple of pizzas and fried chicken"? What the f*ck's that all about? :confused:
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, during live coverage of the Iowa Caucus, reported that libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had dropped out of the race and endorsed Ron Paul. No source was attributed. Later, Maddow had to correct the error and admit the story was a hoax, allowing co-host Ed Schultz to segue the discussion back to a particular Iowa pizza chain.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's #Fail on Gary Johnson endorsing Ron Paul - YouTube

Breitbart.tv » Oops: Rachel Maddow Falls For Johnson Hoax Story, Retracts On Air

Stammer much, Rachel? You can tell she was bothered by getting taken in by the hoax...Ed Shultz of course was non-plussed. I guess when you tell as many whoppers as Ed does, a little faux pas like Rachel's is no big deal.

GE/NBC hacks. People who watch MSLSD are the same cretins who get their News and information from Whoopie Goldberg farts on The View. When Whoopie Goldberg farts,Liberal dunces listen.
I don't expect Mr. Maddow to know what he's talking about but what did Ed Schultz say? Something about the Midwest being a "pizza house"?

"That's where they go. Feed a family with a couple of pizzas and fried chicken"? What the f*ck's that all about? :confused:

:lol: Who knows? Whoopie Goldberg's farts make more sense than those NBC nutters do. :cuckoo:
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, during live coverage of the Iowa Caucus, reported that libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson had dropped out of the race and endorsed Ron Paul. No source was attributed. Later, Maddow had to correct the error and admit the story was a hoax, allowing co-host Ed Schultz to segue the discussion back to a particular Iowa pizza chain.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's #Fail on Gary Johnson endorsing Ron Paul - YouTube

Breitbart.tv » Oops: Rachel Maddow Falls For Johnson Hoax Story, Retracts On Air

You're offically in the loony bin dude.
I now realize all this time I tought you were joking...you were dead serious.
That's nuts. The Karate Kid doesn't lie!

so, it wasnt true, but Maddow believed it, so she wasnt lying, she was just mistaken

is that right?

so when Bush repeated what clinton had said, and everyone believed, he wasnt lying, he was just mistaken, right?

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