Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in AZ

The lean forward network has consistently refused to give their audience what they want. The MSNBC audience is older, more liberal, and more Democratic that Phil Griffin wants to believe it is. The age of the average MSNBC viewer has gone from 56 to 61. Griffin’s moving of Chris Hayes to 8 PM and the hiring of Ronan Farrow were moves in the opposite direction from the network’s audience.

The Chris Hayes experiment has never worked. Hayes needs to be sent back to “Up.” Hayes excelled on “Up,” and MSNBC was a better network because of it. Maddow needs a real lead in. She needs a Keith Olbermann type at 8 PM. Her lead in should be a passionate show that balances her analytical intellectualism.

MSNBC is circling the bowl because they don’t understand their audience. Worst of all, they are wasting the talents of Rachel Maddow.

Rachel Maddow s Show Is Sinking Because MSNBC Refuses To Listen To Their Viewers

Uhm no, MSNBC is circling the bowl because they're aren't enough moonbats to keep it going. Olbermann is great.. at sports but comes off as an unhinged loon when talking about anything else. Maddow is a proven liar.. Other than that, what does MSNBC have? They've put Schultz out to pasture, Mathews was written off as insane years ago, they've run off Baldwin & Bashir, etc... so.. what have they left? Maddow?

As I said, they have nothing.

Spot On. Her 15 Minutes are just about up. Only hardcore Obamabot nutters are still watching. Half of em are probably on this Board right now. ;)

Why do you hate Dr. Maddow?

I don't hate her. I just think she's a dishonest Obama buttsniffer. She's been caught lying many times. She has absolutely no credibility. Just how i feel anyway.

There has been exactly ZERO evidence produced to show that the person in question committed any wrongdoing whatsoever.

Why don't you use your head for once and dwell on that?

The 'crime' alleged here is a 100% rightwing propaganda machine fabrication.
Well, he was certainly stuffing the ballot box. Did you miss that? He knows who he is I assume. why doesn't he step forward and explain?
Maddow is a Talking Head for the Right just as Anne Coulter is a Talking Head for the Right.

Same degree of bias - different sides of the coin.
Uhm no, MSNBC is circling the bowl because they're aren't enough moonbats to keep it going. Olbermann is great.. at sports but comes off as an unhinged loon when talking about anything else. Maddow is a proven liar.. Other than that, what does MSNBC have? They've put Schultz out to pasture, Mathews was written off as insane years ago, they've run off Baldwin & Bashir, etc... so.. what have they left? Maddow?

As I said, they have nothing.

Spot On. Her 15 Minutes are just about up. Only hardcore Obamabot nutters are still watching. Half of em are probably on this Board right now. ;)

Why do you hate Dr. Maddow?

I don't hate her. I just think she's a dishonest Obama buttsniffer. She's been caught lying many times. She has absolutely no credibility. Just how i feel anyway.

There has been exactly ZERO evidence produced to show that the person in question committed any wrongdoing whatsoever.

Why don't you use your head for once and dwell on that?

The 'crime' alleged here is a 100% rightwing propaganda machine fabrication.
Well, he was certainly stuffing the ballot box. Did you miss that? He knows who he is I assume. why doesn't he step forward and explain?

Since it's legal to hand deliver such ballots to polling places, what does he have to explain? Since the ballots are checked for validity when they're opened,

where are the invalid ballots?
Since it's legal to hand deliver such ballots to polling places, what does he have to explain? Since the ballots are checked for validity when they're opened,

where are the invalid ballots?
So what you're saying is that anyone can stuff ballot boxes without question. Do you think that guy was collecting ballots from invalids from his neighborhood? If so, let him explain.

You're a brainwashed functional moron. A government with no protections for citizens, no elections, one man rule is getting pretty fecking small. Right wing means corporations, not necessarily freedom.
You just described Stalin and Hitler. Right wing is small government and individual freedom to determine your own destiny which may be to start a corporation or work for one.
RW is capitalist. Like Hitler and Romney. Then you have to figure out how democratic they are. Small government and freedom can be rightist or leftist.
OP- ANOTHER ridiculous rumor portrayed as news on the Pub propaganda machine. RW idiocy, for hater dupes only. See NSA, IRS, F+F, ACORN, etc etc etc etc.. "scandals"...
Maddow is a Talking Head for the Right just as Anne Coulter is a Talking Head for the Right.

Same degree of bias - different sides of the coin.
One bases her argument on facts, the other on the Pub tidal wave of bs, for hater dupe chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP only.
Maddow is a Talking Head for the Right just as Anne Coulter is a Talking Head for the Right.

Same degree of bias - different sides of the coin.
One bases her argument on facts, the other on the Pub tidal wave of bs, for hater dupe chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP only.
There's that dumb-ass hate-mongering phrase again... 'hater dupe' - my nominee for Most Juvenile and Sophomoric Platitude of 2014 .

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, junior... get some new material... yer borin' the hell outta us.

As to BS - both sides - and both sets of Talking Heads - are usually full of shit, clean up to their ears - BOTH sides.

But a blinkered, myopic Orgasmic ObamaBot... one of the few left standing... might not understand that.
Since it's legal to hand deliver such ballots to polling places, what does he have to explain? Since the ballots are checked for validity when they're opened,

where are the invalid ballots?
So what you're saying is that anyone can stuff ballot boxes without question. Do you think that guy was collecting ballots from invalids from his neighborhood? If so, let him explain.


You need to go read AZ law, and quit making a fool of yourself. In fact, I think I posted the law in this thread...

...some of us take a few minutes to be informed. Try it sometime.
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....

That's my right, NaziCon. Stop acting like a Nazi.
like i said.....you do a lot of talking....try backing some of it up.....

She didn't debunk anything. She merely defended Voter Fraud again because it's her fellow Democrats doing it. But who cares anyway? Only loony Obamabot douchebags still watch her show. It's irrelevant.
I love it. All you have to do is mention her name and the Rabid Righties come out in droves. You've probably ruined many keyboards (with angry spittle).

Absolutely! The NaziCon Taliban nuts need a rabies shot.
did i miss it Lakota?.....i havent seen any proof im a "Nazi-Con".....i could swear you were the guy who said you back up what you say and its those lowlife righties who dont.....sure you aint a righty?.....
Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona, and highlights Republican Governors Association chair, Chris Christie, speaking plainly about the advantage Republicans have in Republican-run elections.

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona

Read this one first for background: An obvious fake - Cannonfire


Why are right-wingers so gullible? Don't they ever get tired of taking the bait and looking so stupid?

Shitting Bull, how about you cite where I said ANYTHING on the subject other than engaging G5000 on voter ID?

Yeah, of course you can't...
yeah he cant back up what he said about me too....he is big talker.....he....

I love it. All you have to do is mention her name and the Rabid Righties come out in droves. You've probably ruined many keyboards (with angry spittle).

Absolutely! The NaziCon Taliban nuts need a rabies shot.
did i miss it Lakota?.....i havent seen any proof im a "Nazi-Con".....i could swear you were the guy who said you back up what you say and its those lowlife righties who dont.....sure you aint a righty?.....

Dear NaziCon Taliban Asshole: I have previously provided this link to you - but here it is once again:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis
You don't need to "make up" right wing hysteria. Republican already have that covered.
Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona, and highlights Republican Governors Association chair, Chris Christie, speaking plainly about the advantage Republicans have in Republican-run elections.

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona

Read this one first for background: An obvious fake - Cannonfire


Why are right-wingers so gullible? Don't they ever get tired of taking the bait and looking so stupid?

She didn't debunk a dam' thing.

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