Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in AZ

Honestly, we LOVE watching you liberal scum, get all bent out of shape, and going OCD on us!.... You :ahole-1:'s ARE OUR ENTERTAINMENT!

We can bait you anytime we want to! :banana::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You retarded NaziCons swallowed this shit hook, line and sinker and then tried to pass it off to others as fact.

anyone who disagrees with you is a "nazicon".....you called me that the other day because i had the gall and audacity to disagree with you.....i

asked you to prove i am a "nazi" or a Conservative.....you disappeared from that thread....how about proving it now?.....

NaziCon doesn't even make sense. Nazi refers to socialism, Con refers to Conservative. To say one is a SocialistConservative is the same is saying that you love drinking DryWater.

I use the NaziCon term in honor of Terrence R. Coppage who had Bartcop.com. He passed away on March 5, 2014. Terry had great disdain for Conservatives and frequently referred to them as NaziCons. Terry was smart and funny.


Back Issues: 1751 to current BartCop s most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary - Back Issues

EarthLink Search bartcop.com nazicon

You're the wench in the car.

You're the NaziCon retard who likes to deflect.
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Well, thanks for sharing...
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Well, thanks for sharing...
Thanks for posting something from a partisan and expecting anyone other than partisan hacks to take it serious.

You're welcome. Please contact Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to verify her story. For your convenience, here is his contact information:

Contact the Arizona Secretary of State
I've already debunked the story. There was 1 (ONE) unsealed ballot in the entire box and that ballot was NOT proven to be fake.

Nonetheless, lets apply logic.

List 1 - Acceptable forms of identification with photograph, name, and address of the elector
  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification

    • that's what it takes to vote in AZ .....

        • So riddle me THIS .. if the ballots were stuffed why didn't above identification cards STOP the fraud?

        • RW idiots ? any of you ?
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Well, thanks for sharing...
Thanks for posting something from a partisan and expecting anyone other than partisan hacks to take it serious.

You're welcome. Please contact Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to verify her story. For your convenience, here is his contact information:

Contact the Arizona Secretary of State
First she didn't even quote him or have him or anyone else on her show to support her claims so I'm not sure why I would contact him second she didn't debunk anything she just gave a 13 plus minute left wing rant about Republicans. I know your little far left mind has trouble grasping the concept that opinions which is all she gave for nearly 14 minutes are not facts but try to come to terms with it.
Nothing huh ... even if there was a proven case of voter fraud, several types of voter ID didn't stop it did it GIRLS ?

Just say NO, and go change your dresses.

PJ Media ^

A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America J. Christian Adams' new ebook details how the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud. Crimes Against the Republic is available free for a limited time only, exclusively through the PJ Store. This ebook is downloadable in .mobi or .epub format, for all ereading apps and devices. With the publication...

Pajamas Media? Get real...
rachel maddow.....get real.....
You retarded NaziCons swallowed this shit hook, line and sinker and then tried to pass it off to others as fact.

anyone who disagrees with you is a "nazicon".....you called me that the other day because i had the gall and audacity to disagree with you.....i asked you to prove i am a "nazi" or a Conservative.....you disappeared from that thread....how about proving it now?.....

Well, it would be more appropriate to say Neo-NaziCon.
ok.....so back it up......

Maybe this will help your little brain:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Lol, you called Republicans Nazis again, lol. Whew, you're on a roll!
Funny to call us nazis since nazis are left wing radical ideology.
You retarded NaziCons swallowed this shit hook, line and sinker and then tried to pass it off to others as fact.

anyone who disagrees with you is a "nazicon".....you called me that the other day because i had the gall and audacity to disagree with you.....i

asked you to prove i am a "nazi" or a Conservative.....you disappeared from that thread....how about proving it now?.....

NaziCon doesn't even make sense. Nazi refers to socialism, Con refers to Conservative. To say one is a SocialistConservative is the same is saying that you love drinking DryWater.

I use the NaziCon term in honor of Terrence R. Coppage who had Bartcop.com. He passed away on March 5, 2014. Terry had great disdain for Conservatives and frequently referred to them as NaziCons. Terry was smart and funny.


Back Issues: 1751 to current BartCop s most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary - Back Issues

EarthLink Search bartcop.com nazicon

You're the wench in the car.

You're the NaziCon retard who likes to deflect.

and your the asshole who calls someone something and yet cant back it up......that makes you a Dick....
He was still stuffing a ballot box.

Yes, he was - with legal ballots - which is legal in Arizona.
We don't know they were legit or not. They could all have been created by that guy who wanted to affect the outcome of a primary. A law that allows anybody to deposit ballots for others is a law that can be abused.

Tell that to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett.
I repeat. Any law that allows someone to deposit someone else's ballot is a law that can be abused.
anyone who disagrees with you is a "nazicon".....you called me that the other day because i had the gall and audacity to disagree with you.....i asked you to prove i am a "nazi" or a Conservative.....you disappeared from that thread....how about proving it now?.....

Well, it would be more appropriate to say Neo-NaziCon.
ok.....so back it up......

Maybe this will help your little brain:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Lol, you called Republicans Nazis again, lol. Whew, you're on a roll!
Funny to call us nazis since nazis are left wing radical ideology.
Immediate idiot in any polite society. Hater dupes! Left wing radicals are called communists, and don't allow corporations like Messerschmitt, Krupp, Toldt, etc etc or aristocrats of any kind. Absolute idiocy.
Last edited:
BTW, haterdupes, MSNBC is the only news channel that bothers with this stupid lying Pub propaganda, if even they do. They deal on this ridiculous level, but the difference from Fox and the Phony Koch/Moonie/Adelson/Scaife/Drudge/Breitbart outlets is they deal in facts. Keeping up with Pub BS is a fulltime job. See Hitler was a socialist. Go to Europe and try that one...
I've already debunked the story. There was 1 (ONE) unsealed ballot in the entire box and that ballot was NOT proven to be fake.

Nonetheless, lets apply logic.

List 1 - Acceptable forms of identification with photograph, name, and address of the elector
  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification

    • that's what it takes to vote in AZ .....

        • So riddle me THIS .. if the ballots were stuffed why didn't above identification cards STOP the fraud?

        • RW idiots ? any of you ?
There are no requirements for ID in order to vote in Primary.
Well, it would be more appropriate to say Neo-NaziCon.
ok.....so back it up......

Maybe this will help your little brain:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Lol, you called Republicans Nazis again, lol. Whew, you're on a roll!
Funny to call us nazis since nazis are left wing radical ideology.
Immediate idiot in any polite society. Hater dupes! Left wing radicals are called communists, and don't allow corporations like Messerschmitt, Krupp, Toldt, etc etc or aristocrats of any kind. Absolute idiocy.
Prove to us that Hitler was for small government and freedom -the "right-wing" ideology.

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