Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in AZ


Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

And now the Manchurian muslim wants to bring in up to 36 MILLION MORE diseased and illegal aliens!..... It's the Subversive Democrats ONLY HOPE of this country becoming a dictatorship!

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

You mean the "voter fraud" that you NaziCons make up?

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

You mean the "voter fraud" that you NaziCons make up?

No, the voter fraud YOU SCUM perpetuate on America!
Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona, and highlights Republican Governors Association chair, Chris Christie, speaking plainly about the advantage Republicans have in Republican-run elections.

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona

Read this one first for background: An obvious fake - Cannonfire


Why are right-wingers so gullible? Don't they ever get tired of taking the bait and looking so stupid?

Thanks for posting but you're right - RWs want to be lied to. Anyone who doesn't believe that has only to look at the Fox, Limbaugh threads. Or, the James O'Keefe articles.

RWs know they are dupes. They know that a Muslim Arab and an Aussie scum OWN them and they're fine with it.

Same with this.

Watch the replies. I'll bet that almost every post by one of the knee jerker RWs will name calling and/or attacking the source. Its all they have.

You're probably right - but I can't understand why they "want" to be lied to. What kind of person "wants" to be lied to?
what kind of person calls someone something that they cant back up?.....if you want to know....ask me....
Look at all the crying conservatives, trying so hard to deflect from the fact they got fooled so easily, entirely because they wanted to be fooled.

They know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. But they don't care. They still lie right to everyone's faces about it.

Remember, the Bible doesn't have an "It's okay to lie if it's for the glory of your political cult" exemption. You can lie to us, and even to yourselves, but not to God. Therefore, your afterlife is lookin' to be on the toasty side.
Look at all the crying conservatives, trying so hard to deflect from the fact they got fooled so easily, entirely because they wanted to be fooled.

They know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. But they don't care. They still lie right to everyone's faces about it.

Remember, the Bible doesn't have an "It's okay to lie if it's for the glory of your political cult" exemption. You can lie to us, and even to yourselves, but not to God. Therefore, your afterlife is lookin' to be on the toasty side.

YOU believe in GOD?.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:
Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona, and highlights Republican Governors Association chair, Chris Christie, speaking plainly about the advantage Republicans have in Republican-run elections.

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona

Read this one first for background: An obvious fake - Cannonfire


Why are right-wingers so gullible? Don't they ever get tired of taking the bait and looking so stupid?
I know when I want the "straight" story I go right to Rachel Maddow.
I like that Madcows hero is John Stewart, and she admits openly wanting to be just like him.... fake comedic journalism... LOL>~

Jon Stewart is also my hero. He is brilliant.

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

You mean the "voter fraud" that you NaziCons make up?

No, the voter fraud YOU SCUM perpetuate on America!

Google "republicans stealing elections"...
Look at all the crying conservatives, trying so hard to deflect from the fact they got fooled so easily, entirely because they wanted to be fooled.

They know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. But they don't care. They still lie right to everyone's faces about it.

Remember, the Bible doesn't have an "It's okay to lie if it's for the glory of your political cult" exemption. You can lie to us, and even to yourselves, but not to God. Therefore, your afterlife is lookin' to be on the toasty side.

I agree (except for the religious part).
But NOT Subversive DemoRATS!!!!

In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired… to Vote for DEMOCRATS ONLY!

The Political Insider ^
Any student of American politics is familiar with just how corrupt politics are in Chicago, Illinois. It is widely believed, for example, that without the mafia’s influence in the area, John F. Kennedy would have never been elected President. But today, voter fraud has to be done on a high-tech, digital level. Because computers can be reprogrammed, learning about a machine that REQUIRES you to vote for Democrats is chilling. Below is Republican State House candidate Jim Moynihan’s description of what it was like trying to vote for himself in early elections… Only to see the final vote be placed...

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

You mean the "voter fraud" that you NaziCons make up?

No, the voter fraud YOU SCUM perpetuate on America!
Prove it..prove that anyone at USMB has done anything, freak...
PJ Media ^

A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America J. Christian Adams' new ebook details how the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud. Crimes Against the Republic is available free for a limited time only, exclusively through the PJ Store. This ebook is downloadable in .mobi or .epub format, for all ereading apps and devices. With the publication...
But NOT Subversive DemoRATS!!!!

In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired… to Vote for DEMOCRATS ONLY!

The Political Insider ^
Any student of American politics is familiar with just how corrupt politics are in Chicago, Illinois. It is widely believed, for example, that without the mafia’s influence in the area, John F. Kennedy would have never been elected President. But today, voter fraud has to be done on a high-tech, digital level. Because computers can be reprogrammed, learning about a machine that REQUIRES you to vote for Democrats is chilling. Below is Republican State House candidate Jim Moynihan’s description of what it was like trying to vote for himself in early elections… Only to see the final vote be placed...

Remember Bush/Gore 2000 and Bush/Kerry 2004? The mafia has nothing on NaziCon voter corruption. Republicans try to steal elections on a mass scale.

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You…

westernjournalism.com ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

Why are you trying to deflect from the OP and derail the thread?

Because it shows that YOU POND SCUM will go to whatever means you dirty bastards can to GRAB CONTROL PERMANENTLY of our ONCE GREAT country! It's all about VOTER FRAUD!

You mean the "voter fraud" that you NaziCons make up?

No, the voter fraud YOU SCUM perpetuate on America!
Prove it..prove that anyone at USMB has done anything, freak...

Your breathing, aren't you Moonbeam?
PJ Media ^

A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America J. Christian Adams' new ebook details how the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud. Crimes Against the Republic is available free for a limited time only, exclusively through the PJ Store. This ebook is downloadable in .mobi or .epub format, for all ereading apps and devices. With the publication...

Pajamas Media? Get real...
But NOT Subversive DemoRATS!!!!

In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired… to Vote for DEMOCRATS ONLY!

The Political Insider ^
Any student of American politics is familiar with just how corrupt politics are in Chicago, Illinois. It is widely believed, for example, that without the mafia’s influence in the area, John F. Kennedy would have never been elected President. But today, voter fraud has to be done on a high-tech, digital level. Because computers can be reprogrammed, learning about a machine that REQUIRES you to vote for Democrats is chilling. Below is Republican State House candidate Jim Moynihan’s description of what it was like trying to vote for himself in early elections… Only to see the final vote be placed...

Remember Bush/Gore 2000 and Bush/Kerry 2004? The mafia has nothing on NaziCon voter corruption. Republicans try to steal elections on a mass scale.

Fair and square, because YOU POND SCUM lost, you have to blame something instead of fucked up candidates, one a scam Global Warming Huckster, the other a PHONY WAR VETERAN.... We have your number, asswipe!
PJ Media ^

A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America A Review of Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America J. Christian Adams' new ebook details how the American Left and the Holder Justice Department have undermined efforts to improve the integrity of the election process and deter voter fraud. Crimes Against the Republic is available free for a limited time only, exclusively through the PJ Store. This ebook is downloadable in .mobi or .epub format, for all ereading apps and devices. With the publication...

Pajamas Media? Get real...

Oh, it's not the KOS, or HuffPo, or Salon... FOOL!

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