Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in AZ

You're a brainwashed functional moron. A government with no protections for citizens, no elections, one man rule is getting pretty fecking small. Right wing means corporations, not necessarily freedom.
I've already debunked the story. There was 1 (ONE) unsealed ballot in the entire box and that ballot was NOT proven to be fake.

Nonetheless, lets apply logic.

List 1 - Acceptable forms of identification with photograph, name, and address of the elector
  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification

    • that's what it takes to vote in AZ .....

        • So riddle me THIS .. if the ballots were stuffed why didn't above identification cards STOP the fraud?

        • RW idiots ? any of you ?
There are no requirements for ID in order to vote in Primary.
Of course you have to prove your identity to register.
I've already debunked the story. There was 1 (ONE) unsealed ballot in the entire box and that ballot was NOT proven to be fake.

Nonetheless, lets apply logic.

List 1 - Acceptable forms of identification with photograph, name, and address of the elector
  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification license
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification

    • that's what it takes to vote in AZ .....

        • So riddle me THIS .. if the ballots were stuffed why didn't above identification cards STOP the fraud?

        • RW idiots ? any of you ?
There are no requirements for ID in order to vote in Primary.
Of course you have to prove your identity to register.

so why didn't the several means of registration cards required by AZ stop voter fraud ?

oh, that's right, voter ID isn't worth a shit at stopping voter fraud.

Set point match.
You're a brainwashed functional moron. A government with no protections for citizens, no elections, one man rule is getting pretty fecking small. Right wing means corporations, not necessarily freedom.
You just described Stalin and Hitler. Right wing is small government and individual freedom to determine your own destiny which may be to start a corporation or work for one.

Lol, you called Republicans Nazis again, lol. Whew, you're on a roll!
Funny to call us nazis since nazis are left wing radical ideology.
Immediate idiot in any polite society. Hater dupes! Left wing radicals are called communists, and don't allow corporations like Messerschmitt, Krupp, Toldt, etc etc or aristocrats of any kind. Absolute idiocy.
Prove to us that Hitler was for small government and freedom -the "right-wing" ideology.

Small government is just something rightwingers say they're for when they're trying to get elected.
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Why not simply ignore who's saying it and instead just consider that validity of the information provided?
rachel maddow....:rolleyes:

There's an unbiased source..

LMAO..you people are "celebrity" obsessed...

So your position is that Maddow and yourself should be ignored as biased sources?

Since you are as clearly biased as she is...

When a partisan ideologue is presenting "facts", there is a high probability that they are only providing "facts" that support/enhance their political agenda.

There's also a high probability that they're ignoring, avoiding, minimizing and/or distorting "facts" that don't support/enhance their political agenda.

Consuming "news" in this day and age requires putting forth the effort to consult multiple "news" providers and carefully separating & analyzing all of the material.

And if you're not doing that, and with a truly curious and open mind, you're part of the problem.

Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona, and highlights Republican Governors Association chair, Chris Christie, speaking plainly about the advantage Republicans have in Republican-run elections.

VIDEO: Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in Arizona

Read this one first for background: An obvious fake - Cannonfire


Why are right-wingers so gullible? Don't they ever get tired of taking the bait and looking so stupid?

Right-wingers are often the party of Jeebus. Their being gullible is surprising? :)
Rachel is great at debunking the Right. :mm:

If nothing else, you know that by the way the RWnuts hardly ever even attempt to refute the substance of what she says,

they just launch into their ad hominem attacks and their liberal media squawking.
rachel maddow....:rolleyes:

There's an unbiased source..

LMAO..you people are "celebrity" obsessed...

Then tell us as many unbiased sources as you can off the top of your head...

This has nothing to do with me or what I can list.

You people are celebrity obsessed.

Ah, so you think Maddow is a biased source but you can't name an unbiased source. Weird.

I don't have to "name" anything...

As I said;
You people are celebrity obsessed.
rachel maddow....:rolleyes:

There's an unbiased source..

LMAO..you people are "celebrity" obsessed...

So your position is that Maddow and yourself should be ignored as biased sources?

Since you are as clearly biased as she is...

Me? Why do you want to talk about me?

My "position" is that you people are celebrity obsessed.

And yet the RWnut 'celebrities' on Foxnews and talk radio have bigger audiences than their liberal counterparts.

Seems you've put the shoe on the wrong foot.
rachel maddow....:rolleyes:

There's an unbiased source..

LMAO..you people are "celebrity" obsessed...

Then tell us as many unbiased sources as you can off the top of your head...

This has nothing to do with me or what I can list.

You people are celebrity obsessed.

Ah, so you think Maddow is a biased source but you can't name an unbiased source. Weird.

I don't have to "name" anything...

As I said;
You people are celebrity obsessed.

Maddow debunked the rightwing lie. Deal with it.

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