Rachel Maddow debunks right wing hysteria over video of a man dropping off absentee ballots in AZ

they don't call them Republitards for nothing.

Regardless what Madcow found the one thing that was found is simple.

All the voter ID's in Arizona didn't stop voter fraud ... DID IT REPUBLITARDS?

Yes or No ?
Republicans are the ones who are committing voter fraud on a mass scale by trying to disenfranchise voters. If Republicans truly love the Constitution - why don't they try to make voting easier instead of harder? Although voting may be a political act - the right to vote should not be a political act.

How Conservatives Justify Poll Taxes -- NYMag
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Lol, you called Republicans Nazis again, lol. Whew, you're on a roll!
Funny to call us nazis since nazis are left wing radical ideology.
Immediate idiot in any polite society. Hater dupes! Left wing radicals are called communists, and don't allow corporations like Messerschmitt, Krupp, Toldt, etc etc or aristocrats of any kind. Absolute idiocy.
Prove to us that Hitler was for small government and freedom -the "right-wing" ideology.

Small government is just something rightwingers say they're for when they're trying to get elected.
no argument there.....its amazing how even those wondrous Democrats say things when they want to get elected too...
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Why not simply ignore who's saying it and instead just consider that validity of the information provided?
was there actual hysteria?....this thread was the first i heard of it and i see the news every day...:dunno:
Right-wingers are often the party of Jeebus. Their being gullible is surprising? :)
gullible people fall for just about anything.....do you think those you mention do?...if they did they would believe a lot of the left-wing bullshit too....those you mention are "close-minded"....
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Why not simply ignore who's saying it and instead just consider that validity of the information provided?
was there actual hysteria?....this thread was the first i heard of it and i see the news every day...:dunno:

If you'd bother to watch the Maddow segment she showed news clips.
I live in AZ, and vote by mail. I suspect that somebody from the post office is going to be arrested any day now by Sheriff Joe, for stuffing ballot boxes.
I will take Maddow as serious as an unbiased and honest news source as the left takes Hannity and no I don't consider Hannity an unbiased honest news source before anyone ask.

Why not simply ignore who's saying it and instead just consider that validity of the information provided?
was there actual hysteria?....this thread was the first i heard of it and i see the news every day...:dunno:

If you'd bother to watch the Maddow segment she showed news clips.
if there was "hysteria" why did i not catch this news here in my State?....im sure libs out here would have had a field day with all that hysteria...like i said i watch the news every morning.....i never seen this until now.....maybe you folks should look up the meaning of "hysteria".....the Ebola thing....thats "hysteria"....this incident....i dont think so....
I'm pretty sure the couple wingnut viewers she has left, are on this Board right now. Talk about a sinking ship. Yikes.

Yep, talking about it is all you're doing. You got nothing...
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....
I live in AZ, and vote by mail. I suspect that somebody from the post office is going to be arrested any day now by Sheriff Joe, for stuffing ballot boxes.
the people in the PO hardly touch those things.....they get dumped on a conveyor belt and the machines take care of the rest.....
I'm pretty sure the couple wingnut viewers she has left, are on this Board right now. Talk about a sinking ship. Yikes.

Yep, talking about it is all you're doing. You got nothing...
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....

That's my right, NaziCon. Stop acting like a Nazi.
I'm pretty sure the couple wingnut viewers she has left, are on this Board right now. Talk about a sinking ship. Yikes.

Yep, talking about it is all you're doing. You got nothing...
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....

That's my right, NaziCon. Stop acting like a Nazi.
like i said.....you do a lot of talking....try backing some of it up.....
Yep, talking about it is all you're doing. You got nothing...
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....

That's my right, NaziCon. Stop acting like a Nazi.
like i said.....you do a lot of talking....try backing some of it up.....

For two people to effectively communicate - they both need a functioning brain.
gee thats what you do too....talk....

What did Rachel Maddow say in her video that wasn't true?
you want me to answer a question for you,when you have refused to answer mine?....fuck you lakota....and what i said referred to YOU not Maddow...she is paid to talk....you are not.....but you do a lot of it....

That's my right, NaziCon. Stop acting like a Nazi.
like i said.....you do a lot of talking....try backing some of it up.....

For two people to effectively communicate - they both need a functioning brain.
oh ok....i will wait for you to find one..try the Wizard who lives in a place called Oz....
Rachel Maddow debunked another NaziCon lie. Thank you, Rachel.

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