Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.
That’s exactly what it is – and it long predates Trump.

And conservativism has long been an authoritarian movement, hostile to democracy, frightened of positive, beneficial change, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservative dogma, and its ultimate goals, cannot be accomplished in a liberal democracy where citizens’ rights and individual liberty are paramount.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
The seeds of todays Republicans were planted by Rush Limbaugh in the late 80s
I agree. 30 years of claiming that the only news that is true is news that agreed with Limbaugh. At the time, he was just lying to keep his listeners, I don't the he ever dreamed that millions would start rejecting elections just because they didn't like the outcome.
That’s exactly what it is – and it long predates Trump.

And conservativism has long been an authoritarian movement, hostile to democracy, frightened of positive, beneficial change, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservative dogma, and its ultimate goals, cannot be accomplished in a liberal democracy where citizens’ rights and individual liberty are paramount.
I'll count that as a vote for Rachel's theory. Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
We are not Germany circa 1932, and Trump is in no way like Hitler…

Why must you people continually need a boogeyman?
Anti-immigrant nativism, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory are central to conservative dogma; the unwarranted fears of white conservatives that Americas is being ‘taken away’ from ‘real Americans’ cannot be assuaged in a democracy, hence the right’s propensity for illiberal authoritarianism.
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I agree. 30 years of claiming that the only news that is true is news that agreed with Limbaugh. At the time, he was just lying to keep his listeners, I don't the he ever dreamed that millions would start rejecting elections just because they didn't like the outcome.
So you think RWM was essential as a predicate to Trumpery. But why are so many people receptive to overt lies?
If you have nothing useful to add don't feel compelled to comment.
This retarded thread adds NOTHING but further confirmation that YOU and the rest of your demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE piglets are OUT OF YOUR MINDS!!!!!
This thread belongs in the RUBBER ROOM, and YOU, Stalinberg, belong in a MENTAL HOSPITAL.
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Anti-immigrant nativism, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory are central to conservative dogma; the unwarranted fears of white conservatives that Americas is being ‘taken away’ from ‘real Americans’ cannot be assuaged in a democracy, hence the right’s propensity for illiberal authoritarianism.
I don't think there is any question one of the fears on the part of the white majority Trump exploited is the loss of dominance by whites. And concern of further erosion of said dominance.
Because their candidates are always dog-shit.
At its core conservativism is reactionary – fearful of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

Conservatives cannot combat and oppose the change, diversity, and inclusion they fear in a democracy; only a strong, authoritarian leader can preserve white hegemony and return the country to an idealized past that never actually existed.
The msm/cia shillbots say what?

I bet madcow gets all kinds of "perks" for her "service".
At its core conservativism is reactionary – fearful of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

Conservatives cannot combat and oppose the change, diversity, and inclusion they fear in a democracy; only a strong, authoritarian leader can preserve white hegemony and return the country to an idealized past that never actually existed.
During the discussion it was pointed out that throughout our history opponents to small d democracy have consistently emerged. IOW, Trumpery is not unique to the present day. But it does exist on a larger scale.
During the discussion it was pointed out that throughout our history opponents to small d democracy have consistently emerged. IOW, Trumpery is not unique to the present day. But it does exist on a larger scale.
Funny because most of us Americans fighting for America have been here way before Trump.

"Real" Americans will always resist the rule of the WEF.

WEF supporters will own nothing and be happy, in the end.

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