Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

Dude the thread itself is worthless manure
Typical Madcow rantings that keep the lemmings watching her show.
Do you watch it nude with your hand wrapped round your tool?

is she on media now?? i thought she'd taken a 'leave'.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
"I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler" (but I'm comparing Trump to Hitler)
Trump is a product of the right’s unwarranted, baseless fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

And again, this is nothing new – anti-immigrant nativism among Republicans dates back to the third quarter of the 19th Century; Trump exploited that endemic fear, racism, bigotry, and hate of immigrants among Republicans, which manifests today as white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.
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Maddow has some valid points BUT she has no idea how this needs addressed.

Yes, Trump used the hatred of many for anything that is different than themselves to get elected. Maddow also supported a guy that promised Hispanics he would address their problems but then did nothing other than deport them.

It's odd to me that Obama actually did what Trump promised to do (Obama even voted for money for the wall) but he was disliked by many who support Trump.

Why? I'd say because they perceive a difference in him they do not with Trump.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
It's exactly right. This has NEVER been about Trump. He was just the one who was damaged and shameless enough to fully tap into what already existed.

This manipulated, paranoid, manic, mal-informed alternate universe had been growing and boiling under the surface, since the say Limbaugh went national.
Anti-immigrant nativism, white grievance politics, and racist replacement theory are central to conservative dogma; the unwarranted fears of white conservatives that Americas is being ‘taken away’ from ‘real Americans’ cannot be assuaged in a democracy, hence the right’s propensity for illiberal authoritarianism.
Says who? You? GTFOH.
Yeah. Americans have been concerned about the "browning of America" for 20 years.
Republicans are great humanitarian.

They provide free busses to refugees seeking sanctuary cities and states.

If democrats weren't racist scum. They'd help pay for the busses.

Biden said, "surge the border"
When has maddow ever been right...and really i don't see the intelligence that she is supposed to possess as a Rhodes scholar even as the criteria for that has weakened over the years...as every other leftist award for superior intelligence and morality has. Bill Clinton. It appears to me that maddow received these opportunities im large part because she is female and lesbian. Perfect example of scripture: believing themselves wise, they became as fools.
Just like a lib. You think everything is victory or surrender….you're a joke

Just like a Trumper, make a claim and then run and hide like a pussy instead of supporting it
It goes back further than that.

For hundreds of years conservativism has been reactionary, authoritarian, and illiberal.

The origin of today’s conservative anti-democratic authoritarianism can be found during the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s, the Warren Court’s rulings such as Brown ending discrimination and recognizing the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, when Americans of color, women, and gay Americans fought to realize their comprehensive civil liberties – the positive, beneficial change conservatives came to fear and now fight against.
It goes beyond conservatism

Up until the 1980s Republicans had both Conservative and Liberal wings
Liberals like Nelson Rockefeller, Jacob Javits.
Republicans also were more intellectual

With Reagan, Conservatives seized the party and drove the liberals out and appealed to the uneducated masses
Can we stay on topic and not introduce lies about the non-existent open border, please. Thx.
Democrats think the border is fine.

Ask this guy and he'll tell you nobody comes and goes unchecked and unregulated.

If you believe it, you're a tard.

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