Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

Yeah. Americans have been concerned about the "browning of America" for 20 years.
It is the demented LEFT that are OBSESSED with identity politics, and the BROWNING OF AMERICA!
You assholes celebrate the diminishing of the "evil European White colonialism" and the OPEN BORDERS to make it happen!
The thread is about whether conditions in a country must exist prior to the rise of authoritarian figures.
I need to be clear on your thinking...do you only consider Trump to be authoritarian or do you consider the obviouis authoritarianism of Obama and Biden?
1. Conservatism: noun,
  1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
  2. A political philosophy or attitude that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions and opposes the attempt to achieve social change though legislation or publicly funded programs.
  3. Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.
2. Conservatism opposes criminality, ri

oting, flash mobs, shop lifting, DAs who don't prosecute criminals, zero bail so criminals are always out on the streets terrorizing law-abiding citizens.

3. We'll see in 2024 if the US will keep the criminals in power, or if Law and Order will be restored.

There was rioting, flash mobs and shoplifting during the Trump administration.
Trump has arguably been more expansive in his treatment of broader categories of minorities that just Mexicans. But he did establish his bigoted bona fides right off the bat by remarking about them.
Hey, stick to the OP, dummy.
The rapture ready white Nationalists nuts are as reactionary as it gets.. Same mob mentality that love demagogues.
Exactly. They crave a strongman to "lead" them. They want to follow. So much for rugged individualism.

Instead, they've latched on to a flamboyant, hypersenstive New York City "billionaire" metrosexual who sports a Flock of Seagulls haircut and wears more makeup than his wife.

Go figure.
I need to be clear on your thinking...do you only consider Trump to be authoritarian or do you consider the obviouis authoritarianism of Obama and Biden?
The question is whether the conditions for authoritarian governance must exist before hand, not who and who is not an authoritarian.
It is the demented LEFT that are OBSESSED with identity politics, and the BROWNING OF AMERICA!
You assholes celebrate the diminishing of the "evil European White colonialism" and the OPEN BORDERS to make it happen!

I have been calling for a moratorium on all immigration for the next 20 years since 2005... I also favor expanding E verify and finding employers who hire illegals.
Exactly. They crave a strongman to "lead" them. They want to follow. So much for rugged individualism.

Instead, they've latched on to a flamboyant, hypersenstive New York City "billionaire" metrosexual who sports a Flock of Seagulls haircut and wears more makeup than his wife.

Go figure.

So true. Imagine the time it takes every morning to do his hair and make-up.
Did these conditions exist for obama?
The conditions, to one extent or another, have been present for a long time. That is the theory Rachel has, one I agree with.
For example, she has written in her book Prequel about a surprisingly large amount of Nazi sympathizers here in America around the time of WW II.
There's no doubt the rise of RWM softened the ground for Trump by stoking the anger he tapped in to. But what is the source of the anger?

At the time, Limbaugh raged against “FemiNazis”
Same outrage over social issues
I'll count that as a vote for Rachel's theory. Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
Maddow is spot on in her assessment – and what is today called ‘Trumpism’ is nothing new, the perception among conservatives that democracy is more of a burden and hinderance, hence conservatives’ wrongheaded rhetoric about America not being a democracy.

Or more precisely, the belief among conservatives that democracy was never intended for universal inclusion and participation; Republicans seek to reinforce and enhance the fundamentally un-democratic, anti-majoritarian elements of the American political system, where the will of the people is aggressively filtered and repressed through byzantine representation.

Conservatives fear a more expansive and inclusive democracy – referenda in particular; the right’s response to demands for more expansive and inclusive democracy is to pursue an authoritarian, illiberal, anti-democratic agenda.

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