Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

You cling to your racism. It will one day be used against you.
It's not racism, it's demographics. No different than the Chinese will take over as the worlds largest economy in another decade. That's just economics
For 30 years Limbaugh pounded away at the "lamesteream media". Meaning the mainstream media. Look how people on right automatically sweep aside anything they don't like from any of the major news outlets except FOX.

Look at where they get their "news". Even here, an obviously right leaning message board (with quite a few open white supremacists I might add) there is a "fake news" button. I bet that wasn't here 10 years ago.

It's perfect setup, really. It has become impossible to present anything to them they don't want to hear.

Don't like an election? It's RIGGED! Don't like a court case? It's RIGGED. They are literally willing to throw our entire system under the bus based the word of One Man over any evidence to the contrary because it must be the "lamestream media" or "fake news".
Irony meter overload, especially considering the thread subject 🤣
I don't think it's necessary since the vast majority of RWM sources have been complicit in them.
that's what i thought....right. wing. media... which was nonexistent prior to the internet. and even then took a while to grow. THe lies are laid by LWM/Gutter Media. We can't discuss this unless you can be honest.
For 30 years Limbaugh pounded away at the "lamesteream media". Meaning the mainstream media. Look how people on right automatically sweep aside anything they don't like from any of the major news outlets except FOX.

Look at where they get their "news". Even here, an obviously right leaning message board (with quite a few open white supremacists I might add) there is a "fake news" button. I bet that wasn't here 10 years ago.

It's perfect setup, really. It has become impossible to present anything to them they don't want to hear.

Don't like an election? It's RIGGED! Don't like a court case? It's RIGGED. They are literally willing to throw our entire system under the bus based the word of One Man over any evidence to the contrary because it must be the "lamestream media" or "fake news".
You could have summed that up by saying, “Why doesn’t everyone think like me!”
So you agree with Maddow's theory. Can you identify what has been brewing since the 60's? BTW, thanks for the on topic reply.
The split between those that internalized the ethos of the 60s and those who didn’t. You see it in the women’s movement. You see it in military matters. You see it in race matters. You see it in environmental matters.
The Trump movement is blowback from "social engineering" and liberal attempts to "transform" America. Turns out a lot of people don't like being transformed..
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?

She’s right. But without the history, it comes off as opinion. After WW1, Germany had to agree to crushing reparations for the cost of the war. There was no way they could recover from that. The next 20 years of a depression level economy, made the citizens vulnerable to any government, or strongman that could make their lives better.

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