Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

Trump harnessed a sentiment that’s been brewing since the 60s. It doesn’t end when he goes away, but without a focus slip under the radar again, until another opportunist comes along.
Progs rarely never spout Trump's agendas. Most Progs should support. They spew how the agendas were done or not the total success of any agenda. The first rule is never listen to a TV Progressive Socialist promoting shill and never forgive those who sound more moderate for any reason. They have done damage and have pushed people to commit crimes including murder.
That much is true. If, for example, you can't admit there has never been a left wing media equivalent to Faux fomenting the Big Lie there's no point in continuing.
I won't agree to that statement because it is a lie.
One of the authoritarian projects as Rachel points out is the idea that the truth is not knowable. That experts can't be trusted to know or tell you the truth. Not to trust science, or journalists (who don't say what you already believe), or history as you've been told it is. Only trust the leader of the authoritarian movement. Only the leader knows how to fix things.

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Orwell

"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." ―Trump, 2018

"I alone can fix it." Trump, 2016
Have you read about the American Bund? Fred Trump was a member.
post the source.

AND...if that were legitimate...that would have been hanmered on by the media...even now...and it isn't. Why do you think that is.
Maddow reveals some fascinating history about the extent to which Germans launched a propaganda campaign in the US to keep us out of the war, to get us to question the efficacy of democracy, and to promote the idea of fascism.

If the op at this point, is now aware or will not admit the lies from the so called Main stream media since the 60's at least then either he is too young to remember or he is ignorant,,,,,or a liar
You are accidentally correct. Trump harnessed the backlash to Democrat failures and authoritarianism. When he won, we learned just how corrupted our system has become.
I believe this is a case of MAGA accusing others of what they’re planning. Biden isn’t out there talking about the people he’s going to lock up, but Trump is!
WTF….Cool word….but ”nativism” has always lied at the very core of America and American values. All soverign nations practice nativism. Nativism like nationalism is a positive thing for a nation.
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WTF….did Trump write his very own immigration policy? Did he create his very own personal type of citizenship like DACA or something?

WTF….did Trump work with media and social media to silent and oppress opposing views?

Minorities ARE responsible for MOST of our societal ills. Why do you fragile/emotional folks deny known facts? Why would you have disdain for a POTUS who gives it to you straight?

“Sloganeering“ gets the point across quickly and concisely. Why do you prefer word games and a bunch of bullshit rhetoric? To soften the blow of harsh realities?
REAL problem solvers simplify all things while those who solve nothing pretend everything is complex and requires “nuanced policy”. Fuck that!
F nativism. :flameth:
post the source.

AND...if that were legitimate...that would have been hanmered on by the media...even now...and it isn't. Why do you think that is.

They were pretty strong in America.. patriotic. They supported Hitler, Fascism and US isolation.

When has maddow ever been right...and really i don't see the intelligence that she is supposed to possess as a Rhodes scholar even as the criteria for that has weakened over the years...as every other leftist award for superior intelligence and morality has. Bill Clinton. It appears to me that maddow received these opportunities im large part because she is female and lesbian. Perfect example of scripture: believing themselves wise, they became as fools.
It seems you fundamentally don't respect formal education unless it's based in Scripture.
She was hardly alone in under estimating the gullibility of the POT's base voter.

Ahha. So when a republican wins, it isn't because your candidate SUCKED, it isn't because she ran a horrible campaign, it wasn't because the GOP offered a much better choice, and it isn't because her message didn't resonate with the people or that she was unpopular, or a total bitch, it is because republicans were "gullible."



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