Rachel Maddow has this theory...........

Irrelevant. This isn't the early days of this country.

most assuredly it isn't and more's the pity. Every public educated kid out here today would find it impossile to pass the simplest test of english, reading, writing, history that children in those days were required to master.
Like all lefties Tumblin Tumbleweed can’t and won’t get out of his own way…The kids coming out of our institutions are godless, immoral, indecent filthy clowns and Tumblin Tumbleweed can’t give two-shits. He likes the trajectory this shithole is on…because shit loves shit.

German-American Bund, American pro-Nazi, quasi-military organization that was most active in the years immediately preceding the United States’ entry into World War II. The Bund’s members were mostly American citizens of German ancestry. The organization received covert guidance and financial support from the German government. Military drill and related activities were provided for adults and youths at Bund-maintained camps: Camp Siegfried, Yaphank, N.Y.; Camp Nordland, Andover, N.J.; Deutschhorst Country Club, Sellersville, Pa.; and elsewhere.

Anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi elements in the United States generally supported the Bund. The Bund included self-designated storm troopers, who affected the uniforms of the German Nazi SA. Mass rallies were held at such sites as Madison Square Garden in New York City. In 1939 the Bund’s total membership was about 20,000.

In 1939 the Bund’s national leader, Fritz Julius Kuhn, was prosecuted for grand larceny (misappropriating Bund money) and forgery; in 1940 its national secretary, James Wheeler-Hill, was convicted of perjury. After the United States’ entry into World War II, the Bund disintegrated.

Read a brief summary of this topic
Nazi Party, political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party came to power in Germany in 1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945. Anti-Semitism was fundamental to the party’s ideology and led to the Holocaust, the systematic, state-sponsored killing of six million Jews and millions of others.

The Nazi Party was founded as the German Workers’ Party by Anton Drexler, a Munich locksmith, in 1919. Hitler attended one of its meetings that year, and before long his energy and oratorical skills would enable him to take over the party, which was renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party in 1920. That year Hitler also formulated a 25-point program that became the permanent basis for the party. The program called for German abandonment of the Treaty of Versailles and for the expansion of German territory. These appeals for national aggrandizement were accompanied by a strident anti-Semitic rhetoric. The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class. By 1921 Hitler had ousted the party’s other leaders and taken over.

Nazi paramilitary troops participating in the Beer Hall Putsch, November 9, 1923.
Do you think you can legitimize your claim by posting a 'million' words. THIS SOURCE does not legitimize your claim. it's propaganda as far as trying to tie DJTrump to it. You should feel shame, i doubt you do but you should.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
Wrong as usual.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
What happened here that made fertile ground for fascism is our brutal neoliberalism
That’s exactly what it is – and it long predates Trump.

And conservativism has long been an authoritarian movement, hostile to democracy, frightened of positive, beneficial change, seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservative dogma, and its ultimate goals, cannot be accomplished in a liberal democracy where citizens’ rights and individual liberty are paramount.
Correct - conservatism is an authoritarian movement and they crawled into bed with America's religious yahoos.
.......that I thought would be interesting to discuss. Boiled down to its essence it is that Trump is not the essential element animating Trumpery. Trumpery being defined (by me) as the rise of nativism, the advent of power concentrated in the hands of the nation's leader, challenging the prior constitutional order, an isolationist bent, targeting minorities as being responsible for a variety of societal ills, and sloganeering as a substitute for nuanced policy.

She recently did a town hall style meeting with Chris Hayes during which he asked her why it is, in her opinion, that some authoritarian figures in history fail to gain support while others succeed. IOW, can success or failure of these figures be predicted. Her answer was the country, any country, has to be previously receptive to the message being projected. That no one can start from ground zero and orchestrate an authoritarian movement unless citizens in the country, some of them at least, are ready for it.

Probably the best example of this being Germany before Hitler (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler). The seeds for being receptive to fascism were planted by the onerous terms Germany was forced to submit to after WW I.

So what was happening here that allowed for the sublimated acceptance of, if not desire for, autocracy to bubble to the surface? Technological advances bringing about economic instability? The "browning" of the country causing anxiety among certain factions?

Or is Rachel's theory just wrong?
It's easy to see where your bias comes from if you watch Rachel Maddow.
They do. Whether it is up to your personal standards is fucking irrelevant.
They don't. and i do care about it...enough to get my kids out of gov't schools. It is relevant that many americans have learned that public schools are poisoning and ARE poison to our kids.
The evil right aims to protect the sorry asses of ignorant fucked in the head bleeding heart globalist fools who refuse to get out of their own way. It’s just that simple.
Name one thing you leftists bitch about that you didn’t manufacture, manifest and foster?
Conservativism is infamous for its racist, bigoted anti-immigrant nativism; the right’s unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration is predicated on the ridiculous lie that immigrants are ‘taking away’ America from ‘real’ Americans, when in fact America is a nation of immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.
Conservativism is infamous for its racist, bigoted anti-immigrant nativism; the right’s unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration is predicated on the ridiculous lie that immigrants are ‘taking away’ America from ‘real’ Americans, when in fact America is a nation of immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.
that is bullshit pure and simple. LOLOLOL

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