Racial Microaggressions

They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

I need this explained. How and why would blacks hate whites? What have whites done to us to make even one black hate a white person? Can you honestly explain that?
They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

I need this explained. How and why would blacks hate whites? What have whites done to us to make even one black hate a white person? Can you honestly explain that?

As my grandma would say: Aw, you're just being a shitass.
.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

You know I didn't like about Obama? His black half was not Black American, and his mom and mentor were Communists.


How are you gonna call the truth lies? What is wrong with you?
The past has consequences. Take a spouse with a long history of infidelity. The spouse is trying to clean up his or her act. A big project has come up at work requiring the spouse to work late into the night on many days. Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply suspect because of the demonstration of the same patterns that previously were due to infidelity? Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply trying to protect him or herself from being used and hurt yet again?

Sure, racism happens a lot less than blacks think it does....but its not unnatural and should not be unexpected that blacks assume racism given the history of this nation. It happens (racism), however, a lot more than whites think it does, which is rather unnatural given the history of this nation and how intransigent most people are in their beliefs and views.

Racism and homosexuality have flipped flopped. There was a time where racism was socially acceptable and homosexuality was not. Racist were out in the open and homosexuals were in hiding. Homosexuals, because it was not socially acceptable, carried and presented themselves as heterosexuals. They married, had children and went about in an effort to be undetected as homosexual. Some, however, found ways to meet up with other homosexuals clandestinely to actualize on their real attractions. Back then, it did not seem like there were a lot of homosexuals relative to today when social acceptance brought them out the closet.

Today, racist do what homosexuals used to do. They try to blend in as non racist. They have friends who are black or maybe even romantic relationships with people who are black. They don't openly say racist things and they know what things not to say. The penalty today, for being an overt racist, is similar to the penalty of being overtly gay in an era where homosexuality was not accepted. A racist whites person in hiding, can commit an act of discrimination unbeknownst to any other white person. The black person may then accuse that person of being racist.......then all other white folks jump in the white persons defense, because they never heard him say the N word and that he has black friends.

Keep in mind that Dylan Roof, the white guy who shot those 10 blacks in a church in SC had a black friend. White people can be racist and their racism not known and shared with other whites, just like people can and have been homosexual and never share that they are homosexual with others....unless they feel that they are the same way. Some whites, however, want us to believe that if a white person is racist, he will share that with friends and family. That is the way is used to be, but today there is too much of a cost professionally and morally in being an out in the open racist. The fact that people try to hide their racism seems to be lost among many whites who will only acknowledge racism as an issue if it is out in the open. How many times have you heard on the news the neighbor say their neighbor accused of some crime like child molestation or something else...."was a nice guy" or "did not have a clue" etc? That happens MOST of the time. You will not know if you are living next to a sex offender unless its reported. They will not share it with you. Yet, people don't want to say the same about racist. People act as if racist go around announcing and sharing it and that blacks are just making it all up......

The ultimate goal of racist......is to discredit blacks claims of racism, leaving only black inferiority to blame for the black condition of inequality. Its like the guy who just walked into a sworn of gnats. The only thing is that other people cannot see the gnats, but just see the guy flinging his arm and seemingly acting mentally unstable. The racist, analogously speaking, does not want people to know that the black person has walked into a sworn of gnats. The racist just want people to think the black guy is naturally crazy.

.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

Yes, but it was a small minority who did so. They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

It's a two way street, yet only one group is even held accountable. Racism will not end unless ALL people work towards the same goal.

Of course it was a small minority who did this.....but what percentage of whites got a chuckle from it? Did the majority of whites think such actions were racist and deplorable.....or that blacks were being too sensitive? Besides, everyone knows that those who did that don't speak for whites.....because YOU are the official spokesperson for whites....right? I mean, you are the arbiter of official white opinion. Lets see....there are probably over 200 million whites in this country and safe to say that you have met .001% percent of them and the ones you met opened up to you and expressed there feelings towards Obama and blacks in general and from that sampling....you are qualified to say what and how white people feel?

Not only do you know what all white people think, because being white gives you the Borg connection, your gift also lets you know that hatred seethes in blacks towards whites. Lets see. What makes a white person think blacks hates whites. Well....probably because blacks talk about the history of what white society did to blacks, to explain our inequalities. Ergo, to know the history of white society towards blacks.....is to hate whites in your opinion, for a person must first assume that such history merits the inspiring of hatred to assume it has inspired our hatred. However, Blacks are not on these forums saying or implying that they hate white people. You cannot logically infer hatred from any of my post, but no doubt a person like you think I hate whites and think all whites are racist. It's not akin to blacks inferring that whites are racist when they reject all explanation for black inequality other than.....black inferiority. Deny all explanations except inferiority is claiming black inferiority. Inferring that blacks hate whites from blacks pointing out the facts of history does not logically infer hatred. Rather, people like you just assume white history of worthy of creating animus and hatred.
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.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

Yes, but it was a small minority who did so. They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

It's a two way street, yet only one group is even held accountable. Racism will not end unless ALL people work towards the same goal.

Of course it was a small minority who did this.....but what percentage of whites got a chuckle from it. Did the majority of whites think such actions were racist and deplorable.....or that blacks were being too sensitive. Besides, everyone knows that those who did that don't speak for whites.....because YOU are the official spokesperson for whites....right? I mean, you are the arbiter of official white opinion. Lets see....there are probably over 200 million whites in this country and safe to say that you have met .001% percent of them and the ones you met opened up to you and expressed there feelings towards Obama and blacks in general.

Not only do you know what all white people think, because being white gives you the Borg connection, you also know that hatred seething in blacks towards whites. Lets see. What makes a white person think black hates whites. Well....probably because they talk about the history of what white society did to blacks. Ergo, to know the history of white society towards blacks.....is to hate blacks. A person must first assume that such history merits the inspiring of hatred to assume it has inspired our hatred. Blacks are not on these forums saying or implying that they hate white people. You cannot logically infer hatred from any of my post, but no doubt a person like you think I hate whites and think all whites are racist. It's not akin to blacks inferring that whites are racist when they reject all explanation for black inequality other than.....black inferiority. Deny all explanations except inferiority is claiming black inferiority. Inferring that blacks hate whites from blacks pointing out the facts of history does not logically infer hatred. Rather, people like you just assume white history of worthy of creating animus and hatred.


Bloviating gets you nowhere.
.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

Yes, but it was a small minority who did so. They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

It's a two way street, yet only one group is even held accountable. Racism will not end unless ALL people work towards the same goal.

No it was not a small minority and no you won't end racism until whites accept their role in it instead of always looking to try pointing fingers at others.

Here's a thought: How about letting it go? :eek:
Microaggressions! Laughable. Microaggressions like rap music, oo im scared. You know what every rap song the last 10 years is a black minstrelsy song played backwards, I play it forward get the state song of florida, this darkies heart longs to be with the Old Folks at Home! Microaggressions, you can go just about everywhere in the entire world for a shutout of who gives a crap, microaggression, and 99% of their laws is be out of the country you got a week. (microaggression)
.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

Yes, but it was a small minority who did so. They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

It's a two way street, yet only one group is even held accountable. Racism will not end unless ALL people work towards the same goal.

No it was not a small minority and no you won't end racism until whites accept their role in it instead of always looking to try pointing fingers at others.
.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

Yes, but it was a small minority who did so. They hardly speak for all white people, nor does it justify all the hatred of whites by blacks.

It's a two way street, yet only one group is even held accountable. Racism will not end unless ALL people work towards the same goal.

No it was not a small minority and no you won't end racism until whites accept their role in it instead of always looking to try pointing fingers at others.
At the Coming to the Table meeting Saturday one white man said he was at a seminar on racism and a black lady stood up to speak. She said that things would never change until the white man changed. He thought at the time that she should sit down and shut up, but he did not say anything. He went home and for days he kept hearing her words in his head. Finally, after a month or so, he got what she was saying. He looked her up, met for coffee and they started talking and ended up working together to fight racism.
Well, there sure are some strange birds on the internet. :rolleyes:

Is it a crescent moon tonight?
Delores Paulk

How exactly does the white man need to change? PS: I'm taking this personally.

Tbh, I ain't changing ary a bit. I got this.
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Are you the first person in your family to graduate?”

Why would anyone ask that question? Every race is asked that question.

Good point. It's true of my husband. It's still quite common. But of course blacks have to get all hurt feelings over an obvious question.
Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

I suggest blacks stop being irresponsible, violent, into drugs, crime, prostitution, robbery, welfare, illegitimate childen, etc. Then there will be no problem. You can do all that bad stuff and then try to blame it on us, but guess what: we just stopped accepting any of that nonsense. If you all act bad and criminal, that's on you.
Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

I suggest blacks stop being irresponsible, violent, into drugs, crime, prostitution, robbery, welfare, illegitimate childen, etc. Then there will be no problem. You can do all that bad stuff and then try to blame it on us, but guess what: we just stopped accepting any of that nonsense. If you all act bad and criminal, that's on you.

I will say that people should accept personal responsibility.
The ultimate goal of racist......is to discredit blacks claims of racism, leaving only black inferiority to blame for the black condition of inequality. Its like the guy who just walked into a sworn of gnats. The only thing is that other people cannot see the gnats, but just see the guy flinging his arm and seemingly acting mentally unstable. The racist, analogously speaking, does not want people to know that the black person has walked into a sworn of gnats. The racist just want people to think the black guy is naturally crazy.

A sworn of gnats??? I think you mean swarm. Black inferiority IS to blame for black bad behavior. Including spelling. For heaven's sake, learn to spell basic English!!
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Obviously when an illiterate black slave arrives with no common language even to other African americans, that apprenticeship got a bad rap. Aggressive southern policing got a bad rap after it, and I think the subjective sense of justice of an expanding minority wont appreciate whatever you're on about circe. bad bad bad.
“Is that your real hair? Can I touch it?”

I don't believe for a minute that anyone white wants to touch your hair!! Yuck. And don't touch mine, either. All we really want is to keep well away from blacks and their crimes and problems and uproar. Behave as well as whites: that will work. You don't have to be better than we are, as the Chinese do. Just don't be any worse than whites on any social problem measure such as crime, prostitution, illegitimacy, welfare, drugs etc. Then you'll be equal: that's what equal means. No worse.

But if blacks ARE worse on all these measures, don't expect us to count you as equal, because that's not equal --- that's what is called inferior. These are plain words and plain English meanings. You can't get out of these obvious meanings by wishing they didn't mean what they mean.
Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the oself fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

I suggest blacks stop being irresponsible, violent, into drugs, crime, prostitution, robbery, welfare, illegitimate childen, etc. Then there will be no problem. You can do all that bad stuff and then try to blame it on us, but guess what: we just stopped accepting any of that nonsense. If you all act bad and criminal, that's on you.

Every action creates a reaction. For the last 300 years whites have racist actions against blacks. Each action created a negative reaction to blacks. In turn, whites then use the negative reaction to justify and fuel more racist actions, which in turn manifest more negative reactions in blacks, which in turn.....etc, etc.

One generation craps on you and the next generation pisses on you because you smell like crap, the next generation spits on you because you smell like piss...etc, etc.

Racism is self fueling. Each generation of whites fuel their racism from the negative reaction to blacks from the racism of the previous generation of whites...all while never attributing the conditions to racism.
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.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.

Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

If I don't blame racism for black shortcomings....whats/who is to blame? How come we come up shorter than whites? Are you not implicitly saying that "Stop blaming racism for blacks coming up shorter THAN WHITES"? Are not "whites" your implicit baseline? If whites were coming up just as short....would you be commenting about blacks? If you are not saying that then you are creating a distinction without a difference by only calling out blacks. Its implicitly racist to argue that blacks "come up short", then try to discredit all the reasons that blacks come up short, minus the nature of being black. Then you act as if blacks are on a Salem Witch Hunt for racism, while you are guilty of practicing black magic.

Blacks are SURVIVORS of racism.....not victims of racism. We have a survivor mentality, not a victim mentality. Survivors fight....victims remain passive.

The only assumption is your assuming whites are racist.

If you were to define racism as hatred for another race, the black community is filled with it to the brim and the only self-fulfilling prophesy is the one you make for yourselves by all your hostility and hypocrisy. Drop the crutch of all your blame whitey crap and you can succeed. Hold on to it and you won't.

We just had a black president for the last 8 years, so why don't you try growing the fuck up instead of looking for the teensiest expression of racism from whites while indulging in your own hatred of white people to the nth degree?
I was actually thinking about President Obama when I read your last post. He and his wife did all of the things you say black folks should do, and still they were depicted as monkeys, called all kinds of racial slurs, told to go back to Kenya, criticized for all most everything they did. Some folks say they want something but really don't know how to deal with it when it actually happens.

You know I didn't like about Obama? His black half was not Black American, and his mom and mentor were Communists.


Hardly. Prove it. I know for a fact I can prove what I asserted. Back up that mouth with some ass, man! You may just find that you'll learn the truth.

Don't worry, I won't say "I told you so". Much. :D
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I was so impressed by this topic that yesterday when I was shopping I saw a pair of hoop earrings. Gigantic hoops, probably 6 inches across. KNOWING that black women claim that it's a microaggression if white women wear hoops, I immediately bought them and put them on.

Pitzer College RA: White People Can't Wear Hoop Earrings | The Claremont Independent

Start KNOWINGLY putting a finger in their eyes and black people might get over this microaggression BS.
Yet, you don't see the self fulfilling prophecy created from whites who assume blacks are inferior....ie, poor choice makers, personally irresponsible, violent, etc , relative to whites? Its whites assuming the worst in blacks, then treating blacks differently based upon those beliefs, that creates the self fulfilling prophecy of the worst in blacks.

I suggest blacks stop being irresponsible, violent, into drugs, crime, prostitution, robbery, welfare, illegitimate childen, etc. Then there will be no problem. You can do all that bad stuff and then try to blame it on us, but guess what: we just stopped accepting any of that nonsense. If you all act bad and criminal, that's on you.

Another example of white psychosis.

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