Racial Quotas Are Finally on Their Way Out


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia

During the 1960s, I supported AA because, back then, whites had most of the good jobs.However, the program was intended as a temporary measure to bring racial minorities into the middle class. Now, we have Black and Hispanic doctors and lawyers, Black business executives and Black college professors.

It's time to end it.Racial quotas violate the constitution and civil rights laws.
Doing it for 30 years is enough.

The State of California and the County of San Diego have banned quotas.
It's time.


2:32 PM (34 minutes ago)​

Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke - Wikipedia


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America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.

30 years is enough. You want to create a caste system?
“Racial Quotas Are Finally on Their Way Out”

Are most conservatives truly this ignorant or truly this dishonest – or both:

Racial ‘quotas’ were ‘on they way out’ more than 40 years ago.
It encourages low acheivement, wastes seats in schools and universities allocating them to idiots and halfwits, and then gives them do nothing jobs as a reward for doing nothing. Why would black people want to get rid of that??? And besides, corporations can 'outsource' everything anyway, and get green cards for nothing to make up for all the black parasites running around, and they pay little in taxes anyway.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
Oh, and what's wrong with that? America was conquered by White people, it's society was set up for and by White people. It's our game you play by our rules. I know, that just goes all through you, doesn't it? How DARE White people think they have a RIGHT to put their group interests above anothers? The very best system is one of merit, giving extra "points" for skin color is the very definition of discrimination. White people have a right to have a system set up that works best for them.
“Racial Quotas Are Finally on Their Way Out”

Are most conservatives truly this ignorant or truly this dishonest – or both:

Racial ‘quotas’ were ‘on they way out’ more than 40 years ago.

Rubbish. The state of Californis openly admits they discriminate based on race, especially at the state universities, where Asians are particularly deliberately driven out and hated, in favor of illegal aliens and black tards.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.

30 years is enough. You want to create a caste system?
White have had them for 243 years and did create a caste system.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
Oh, and what's wrong with that? America was conquered by White people, it's society was set up for and by White people. It's our game you play by our rules. I know, that just goes all through you, doesn't it? How DARE White people think they have a RIGHT to put their group interests above anothers? The very best system is one of merit, giving extra "points" for skin color is the very definition of discrimination. White people have a right to have a system set up that works best for them.
America wasn't conquered by anyone. Treaties were signed or you'd still be at war with the people who were already here. The constitution doesn't just guarantee rights to whites and whites have not earned what they have by merit. You're delusional and ignorant to how things have occurred.

Nice try.
It encourages low acheivement, wastes seats in schools and universities allocating them to idiots and halfwits, and then gives them do nothing jobs as a reward for doing nothing. Why would black people want to get rid of that??? And besides, corporations can 'outsource' everything anyway, and get green cards for nothing to make up for all the black parasites running around, and they pay little in taxes anyway.
That was happening before affirmative action. Whites have benefited from it.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.

30 years is enough. You want to create a caste system?
White have had them for 243 years and did create a caste system.
LOL! If we had a caste system, no Black man could ever become a
doctor or lawyer or run for Congress. We even made one the President.
Affirmative Action is fine in some cases.

For example, if two people are applying to be a librarian, and all the librarians are already people from Mars, then it would fine to hire a librarian from Jupiter to add some "diversity."

But when it comes to people training to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., we should let in only the most qualified. So if all the medical students are, say, people from Venus, that would be fine if they were the most qualified.

Because of affirmative action, some people are hesitant to choose a doctor from, say, Saturn because they have heard that people from Saturn got into medical school only thanks to affirmative action, not merit.
“Racial Quotas Are Finally on Their Way Out”

Are most conservatives truly this ignorant or truly this dishonest – or both:

Racial ‘quotas’ were ‘on they way out’ more than 40 years ago.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
Its time to compete again.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
Oh, and what's wrong with that? America was conquered by White people, it's society was set up for and by White people. It's our game you play by our rules. I know, that just goes all through you, doesn't it? How DARE White people think they have a RIGHT to put their group interests above anothers? The very best system is one of merit, giving extra "points" for skin color is the very definition of discrimination. White people have a right to have a system set up that works best for them.

WASPS are the least racist of any culture on the planet, but they are truly gullible and think all people are the same, when in fact they aren't. Blacks as a group remain pretty much like their black compatriots in Africa, extremely violent and racist, and few can assimiliate into modern societies and education systems. We need to deport those who have the more severe problems with violence and imbecility, same with latino criminals and illegals. We also have a lot of dope addled Brub Brats who need to be deported along with them, too brain damaged to be worth the effort of keeping them alive. At the point where we're back to where we should be re a sustainable sane modern society, around 160 million people or so, then we can implement a sane immigration policy and establish far more sound policies re immigration.

We inherited masses of Africa's weakest and dumbest imported by assorted European countries before we became the U.S., and we've waited far too long to correct that tragedy. Most other cultures and peoples around the world simply just mass murder their race issues away, but Xians think they're all salvageable, and as a result they just get a lot of innocent people killed instead of fencing in the wildlife preserves, same as the animal lovers who watch too much PBS keep trying to 'make friends' with bears, mountain ions and wolves and stuff. WE now have much better options, our Founders had a perfectly good system of deportations they used to good effect, without the mass murders Asians, Africans, Muslims, Indians, and other major ethnic groups rely on even today, so no need to rely on examples from 'Diversity' when we had such good founding practices that satisfy both Xians and those who don't want to rely on mass violence.
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America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.
Its time to compete again.

Yes, and that includes our top 1%'ers who have it way too easy with buying pols and welfare programs for themselves.
Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia

During the 1960s, I supported AA because, back then, whites had most of the good jobs.However, the program was intended as a temporary measure to bring racial minorities into the middle class. Now, we have Black and Hispanic doctors and lawyers, Black business executives and Black college professors.

It's time to end it.Racial quotas violate the constitution and civil rights laws.
Doing it for 30 years is enough.

The State of California and the County of San Diego have banned quotas.
It's time.

View attachment 342174

2:32 PM (34 minutes ago)​

Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke - Wikipedia

Your ignorance is far out of date, or you are trying to convince people what AA was, and is no more, and what has replaced it? The Consent Decree.

AA did set quotas, not to create lawyers or doctors, but to make hiring practices fair. Consent decrees replaced AA wherein both parties (example HR and the protected class) promised to recruit, train and hire hire employees to reflect the demographic of the community. No percentages or numbers were involved, but if there was prejudice on either side the matter would be decided upon a petition to the Court.
America has always had racial quotas. From 1776 until 1965 that quota for most jobs was 100 percent white. Today minorities are still underrepresented in many occupations. Let's begin to be honest about this white folks.

30 years is enough. You want to create a caste system?
White have had them for 243 years and did create a caste system.

So why are you still here? Most Americans came here to get away from oppressions of various sorts. Are you saying blacks are too stupide to leave ? If this country was such a dystopian hellhole, there was never much stopping you from leaving then, nore is there now. If America was as racist as Africa, Asia, Islmao-Land, etc., you would have simply been put to death and you wouldn't be here to snivel.

The fact is, you've had control of your own neighborhoods all along, and for the last 70 years or so, you have had control of numerous big city govt.s, police depts., almost total control of school districts, etc., and yet you still cry and pass the buck. The fact is you're liars and deadbeats, and your middle class merely uses ghetto rats as hostages and trots them out whenever they can use them to extort benneis for themselves, while they stay out here in the Burbs with Whitey and leave you tards to rot in your own filth and gangster culture', and eventually you will be replaced by illegal aliens and your votes will be dispersed.

lol you want a George Floyd as your Hero'??? Seriously? You're a joke poster. As for 'white people', they've done nothing your ilk wouldn't do in the same position at worst, and at best has handed over billions upon billions for a losing proposition, 'diversity' and 'equality'. You want neither.
Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia

During the 1960s, I supported AA because, back then, whites had most of the good jobs.However, the program was intended as a temporary measure to bring racial minorities into the middle class. Now, we have Black and Hispanic doctors and lawyers, Black business executives and Black college professors.

It's time to end it.Racial quotas violate the constitution and civil rights laws.
Doing it for 30 years is enough.

The State of California and the County of San Diego have banned quotas.
It's time.

View attachment 342174

2:32 PM (34 minutes ago)​

Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke - Wikipedia

Your ignorance is far out of date, or you are trying to convince people what AA was, and is no more, and what has replaced it? The Consent Decree.

AA did set quotas, not to create lawyers or doctors, but to make hiring practices fair. Consent decrees replaced AA wherein both parties (example HR and the protected class) promised to recruit, train and hire hire employees to reflect the demographic of the community. No percentages or numbers were involved, but if there was prejudice on either side the matter would be decided upon a petition to the Court.

lol Rubbish. It became a quota system from the beginning. Anybody in the Peanut Gallery who is genuinely interested in how that came about needs to read Hugh Davis Graham's The Civil Rights Era; it is a comprehensive history of the political and bureaucratic battles from the 1950's on, and shows exactly where it began to go wrong, and how black radicals destroyed all real progress and screwed over their own communities for their own personal gain and benefits. Get a copy of it before a Democrat wins the White House, as it is one of those books that will be rounded up and burned and removed from all mention in bibligraphies in the future if the 'Social Justice' scam artists find out it exists.

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