Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats

Biden is old. He's still more articulate than Trump.

I think most black people in private criticize black people. We've heard them say the things white people can't say like black men don't take care of their kids or even black people hate n8#*$rs.

But that doesn't make them Republicans. Remember, black people were Republicans up until the Mississippi Flood in the 1920's when Republicans really shit on them and treated them like slaves to clean up after the flood. Sort of reminds me of Katrina. That was when blacks first left the GOP. Then Civil Rights.

Ben Carson is the perfect uncle Tom. He benefited from all the social programs, but now that he is rich he wants to do away with those programs he and mama took advantage of? Fuck him right?

Hershel Walker made his money from being an athlete. He doesn't know what he's saying. Or if he does, it's from the view of a rich man who will save more in taxes if Republicans win. A greedy asshole who doesn't care about the black community. Like other Republicans it's all about himself.

Just don't tell poor people to vote for Hershel Walker. His policies will only benefit rich people. Color blind.

So which policy of Walker's would only benefit rich people?

The left are the enemy lower income people who are struggling more than ever thanks to Democrats. Some people have to choose between the items they can buy at the grocery store of being able to put gasoline in their car. Heating their home even worse, especially the lower income people up north here.

The move by the left is to force everybody into electric vehicles. The problem with that is many can't afford them. The average cost of an EV is $63,000 which means those lower income people that can drive their gasoline vehicles now will be forced onto public transportation, another leftist dream.

I do know that one of Walker's policies is drill baby drill, making it affordable for people to drive their car and heat their homes.
I can keep assholes like you off MY land.
Probably not, Tonto, - your sapling bow and flint arrows might be OK for killing others of your kind, but you don't stand a chance against a white man's boomstick.
And you;'re still welcome.
Yet you provide NO PROOF.
Obamas Birth Certificate says otherwise.
Even trump layed off his 'birther claim'
One of the top most uneducated statements made about Obama, You do not have to like him, but please this old race lie needs putting to rest.
So which policy of Walker's would only benefit rich people?

The left are the enemy lower income people who are struggling more than ever thanks to Democrats. Some people have to choose between the items they can buy at the grocery store of being able to put gasoline in their car. Heating their home even worse, especially the lower income people up north here.

The move by the left is to force everybody into electric vehicles. The problem with that is many can't afford them. The average cost of an EV is $63,000 which means those lower income people that can drive their gasoline vehicles now will be forced onto public transportation, another leftist dream.

I do know that one of Walker's policies is drill baby drill, making it affordable for people to drive their car and heat their homes.
Oh shut up! As if inflation wouldn't be happening if Trump was president. Give it a rest! This is all right wing spin ray. Relax. The election is over. Take a year off with that bullshit. Give it some time for the new government to form and perform then either complain or compliment.

Which policies of Republicans isn't trickle down or more tax breaks to the rich?

How about the cost you are going to put on me if I get a girl pregnant and can't get an abortion? Ever think of that?

Slowly everyone will have to move to battery ray sorry. Not all of us could afford cars in the past. Perhaps bus, train and uber will become more popular for poor people. Not everyone can afford a car Ray. Suddenly you're worried about that?

Walkers policies are bullshit.
Before the white man arrived we were over 10,000,000. Not exactly a 'tiny group. By 1900 we were 300,000. You ancestors tried to eliminate our culture but failed. We are still here.
Yeah, still sucking on the government tit.
Oh shut up! As if inflation wouldn't be happening if Trump was president.
It wasn't, moron.

Give it a rest! This is all right wing spin ray. Relax. The election is over. Take a year off with that bullshit. Give it some time for the new government to form and perform then either complain or compliment.

Which policies of Republicans isn't trickle down or more tax breaks to the rich?
Inventing derogatory names for common sense is a leftwing specialty.

How about the cost you are going to put on me if I get a girl pregnant and can't get an abortion? Ever think of that?
You put that cost on you. I didn't have anything to do with it

Slowly everyone will have to move to battery ray sorry. Not all of us could afford cars in the past. Perhaps bus, train and uber will become more popular for poor people. Not everyone can afford a car Ray. Suddenly you're worried about that?

Walkers policies are bullshit.
I just love this bright new future you progs are forcing us into. That should sell well in future elections.

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