Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats

Democrats throw racial slurs at Hershel Walker while the DNC media ignored it.

Is anyone surprised?

This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----," the protester, who identified himself as Maceo Fletcher, yelled at Walker following the press conference according to a photographer covering the event for Zuma Press who wished to remain anonymous.

Multiple Walker campaign staffers confronted Fletcher as he was speaking with reporters on camera following the incident, asking him to repeat the slur he called the candidate.

Fletcher ignored them, as did many media members speaking with Fletcher, including CNN and CBS. Neither outlet asked about the slur despite the multiple witnesses who said they heard Fletcher.

I'll say it once again: The DemoKKKrat party is the most racist organization in American history.
Everything concerning race was heading in the right direction until Obama was elected. That man and his racist administration set race relations back 60+ years.
this may be somewhat a stretch

but only somewhat

and frankly, I say 08 and 12 were rigged to0, though I can't claim to have a fraction of the evidence we have for the 20 race
So, according to you, only the ancestors of the very first humans who ever settled on a plot of land are legit, yes? The rest are "colonizers"?

I mean...wow. That's a tiny group, but okay. Also I think that tiny group would exclude a very lot of people who identify as "First Nations" don't you think?

Hellbilly is the type of "native" who would have helped Andrew Jackson wipe out other natives, just because Jackson was a DemoKKKrat. We're all lucky he wasn't alive back then.
Yep, I got seriously POed about the DOJ/FBI acting like an unelected, unaccountable goon squad.

Not sorry. Will never be sorry.

But that's not how I vote. I vote for the party that will oust said goon squad. Cause you know. That is REALLY fascism, unlike "Trump hurts me fee fees so fascist"

Fascism is totalitarian, authoritarian, nationalistic and conservative . In the US the evangelicals are also on board.
This is why actual American history needs to be taught. The good and the bad.

Some singer having her career shunted is bad news, but not exactly worthy of historical study just because you find it particularly offensive.

I mean we could maybe learn about Indian Residential Schools instead

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