Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats


“I think Ben just doesn’t have the experience. It’s not his thing, you know you’re born with it. It’s not his thing. He doesn’t have the temperament for it.”

“Ben Carson is a very low energy person, actually, I think Ben Carson is even lower energy than Jeb [Bush], if you want to know the truth. We need strong energy.”

In a 95-minute, teleprompter-less tirade, Trump wondered if those who support Carson are "stupid" for believing the retired neurosurgeon's life story.

"How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of this country to believe this crap?" he asked, launching into a diatribe about Carson's past.

"I'm not saying it. He actually said 'pathological temper,' and then he defined it as disease. ... If you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. If you're a child molester, a sick puppy, there's no cure for that. There's only one cure. We don't wanna talk about that cure," he said.

All of the above are quotes from your blob about Carson

"Low energy"? Wow. Brutal.

Give your Land Back To The Buffalo, Colonizer!
The ones you assholes fucks didn’t kill?

Democrats throw racial slurs at Hershel Walker while the DNC media ignored it.

Is anyone surprised?

This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----," the protester, who identified himself as Maceo Fletcher, yelled at Walker following the press conference according to a photographer covering the event for Zuma Press who wished to remain anonymous.

Multiple Walker campaign staffers confronted Fletcher as he was speaking with reporters on camera following the incident, asking him to repeat the slur he called the candidate.

Fletcher ignored them, as did many media members speaking with Fletcher, including CNN and CBS. Neither outlet asked about the slur despite the multiple witnesses who said they heard Fletcher.

The left wing assholes will say the person is a TRUMPTARD running a false flag. I didnt read the thread yet, but I will be surprised if I dont see it.
Yep, I got seriously POed about the DOJ/FBI acting like an unelected, unaccountable goon squad.
Did you get upset when the government silenced Buffy Sainte Marie for singing folk songs?
She was also investigated by your FBI.
Everything concerning race was heading in the right direction until Obama was elected. That man and his racist administration set race relations back 60+ years.
Obama divided this country and I doubt we ever will recover.
Yep, I got seriously POed about the DOJ/FBI acting like an unelected, unaccountable goon squad.

Not sorry. Will never be sorry.

But that's not how I vote. I vote for the party that will oust said goon squad. Cause you know. That is REALLY fascism, unlike "Trump hurts me fee fees so fascist"

You vote for your beloved Repubs who will no more oust the good squad than the Dems.
Obama divided this country and I doubt we ever will recover.

Every president since 1992 has divided this country and it will never recover because they do not want it to. The more we fight each other, the more they get away with.

A divided populous is easier to control.
Do you think he and Mac are the same poster?


I can vouch for GG being legit. We have conversed via DM, having both went to the University of Florida. He is authentic. Maybe Mac is his split personality, but I do not think so.

Also, I am pretty sure you were just being silly.
Is Biden the Gator DC? Our defense is getting worse and worse. ;)

I hear ya, what the heck has happened to our once great defense.

But I am willing to give the new HC a bit of time to get it turned around.

I read an article the other day that said Richardson should shift to Tightend as he is never going to make it as a QB
I hear ya, what the heck has happened to our once great defense.

But I am willing to give the new HC a bit of time to get it turned around.

I read an article the other day that said Richardson should shift to Tightend as he is never going to make it as a QB

I disagree on AR. Coach Spurrier says he will be ok. He is raw and needs some more development.

The D tho?

LSU scored TDs on their first 6 drives in a row? :auiqs.jpg: :rolleyes:

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