Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats

The world is full of racist from both parties.

Also, it should be noted....Protester allegedly attacks Herschel Walker with racial slur, crashes press conference on Warnock evictions

That's your stock answer every time you're called out for your partisanship, it's the ONLY time you mention 'both parties'. Who do you think you're fooling around here, and what's the point, everyone knows you for what you are. :itsok:
Would Ben Carson have made a good President?
The Left treated him horribly.
“I think Ben just doesn’t have the experience. It’s not his thing, you know you’re born with it. It’s not his thing. He doesn’t have the temperament for it.”

“Ben Carson is a very low energy person, actually, I think Ben Carson is even lower energy than Jeb [Bush], if you want to know the truth. We need strong energy.”

In a 95-minute, teleprompter-less tirade, Trump wondered if those who support Carson are "stupid" for believing the retired neurosurgeon's life story.

"How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of this country to believe this crap?" he asked, launching into a diatribe about Carson's past.

"I'm not saying it. He actually said 'pathological temper,' and then he defined it as disease. ... If you're pathological, there's no cure for that, folks. If you're a child molester, a sick puppy, there's no cure for that. There's only one cure. We don't wanna talk about that cure," he said.

All of the above are quotes from your blob about Carson
How about Larry Elder in California?

Was he capable?

If not, who is who is black and a conservative?

Larry had a white woman democrat throw eggs at him while putting on a gorilla mask, another racist democrat.

While I am not a fan of his view of women, it is hard not to admire what he has accomplished. And he does have some libertarian leanings so had he ran in a state where I can vote I could see voting for him if he was the LP candidate.
Watch the movie “ Rumble. The Indians That Rocked The World.” You will learn all about the white mans attempt to eliminate our culture.

It appears to be a movie about NA music's influence on the rock culture or something. I....don't understand how that speaks to "the white man's attempt to eliminate our culture". The music industry is nasty. They eliminate a bunch of stuff for no reason at all.
It appears to be a movie about NA music's influence on the rock culture or something. I....don't understand how that speaks to "the white man's attempt to eliminate our culture". The music industry is nasty. They eliminate a bunch of stuff for no reason at all.
Im in the music business. Its definitely not for weaklings like Hellbilly. It's brutal.
I was a republican until Bush invaded Iraq. I'd vote Republican again but for this horrible Trump movement.

You do not make a compelling argument for women having the right to vote. But then....hey. Look at the Leftie men around here too. So, I take it back.

Just too many emotional Americans who vote based on their triggered feelings and not what's best for the country.
The he allegedly paid for an abortion with no proof smear is probably running out of steam, so of course, they result back to the original DemNazi playbook. The Race Card.
It appears to be a movie about NA music's influence on the rock culture or something. I....don't understand how that speaks to "the white man's attempt to eliminate our culture". The music industry is nasty. They eliminate a bunch of stuff for no reason at all.
It goes much deeper than just music. Watch it. It’s not that long and you will learn something.
Just too many emotional Americans who vote based on their triggered feelings and not what's best for the country.


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