Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats

Then why are you here cheering homO's army of taxpayer funded gay black bigots hurling slurs at an all time great football player?

What does his skill as a college football player have to do with his qualification's to be a Senator?
My ancestors have been here for over 15,000 years. Obama's ancestors had nothing to do with mine.
Half of his ancestors did, Obama is half white.

You are just like Elizabeth Warren, you are a racist because you focus on your ancestors but have no real idea who they even are.
What does his skill as a college football player have to do with his qualification's to be a Senator?
He is not a lawyer. Lawyers have destroyed the country.

That is the only requirement in my book.

Average citizens should be able to do the job.
I am sure God is so proud.
You would be hard pressed to find many individuals who never spouted a bad word about someone else. From the Boomers on you would be hard pressed to find many people who did not try any illegal substance or pill. The Republican Party is now the best equipped Party to keep the survival of Western Civilization. RINOS and NEO CONS cause interference with them though as they help the other party to keep the nation moving left.
You tried but you failed. We are still here and we are more united than white America.
Why is it that every Black who runs as a Republican get treated worse than whites?

I thought the DNC was all about integration, but I reckon they don't want any Blacks in the GOP.

That much is clear.
What does his skill as a college football player have to do with his qualification's to be a Senator?

Good question, "gator"

Being an all time great RB required

Extremely hard work
Inclusive instincts
Being a good teammate (unlike kaepernick)
Working well with others, a team
Reading comprehension

People admire Herschel because they watched him play and interact and be interviewed. Herschel was a class guy.

People TRUST him

The commie white hating preacher has no such qualities
You would be hard pressed to find many individuals who never spouted a bad word about someone else. From the Boomers on you would be hard pressed to find many people who did not try any illegal substance or pill. The Republican Party is now the best equipped Party to keep the survival of Western Civilization. RINOS and NEO CONS cause interference with them though as they help the other party to keep the nation moving left.
Thanks for the laughs but humans are doomed to extinction by their own hand.

Democrats throw racial slurs at Hershel Walker while the DNC media ignored it.

Is anyone surprised?

This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----," the protester, who identified himself as Maceo Fletcher, yelled at Walker following the press conference according to a photographer covering the event for Zuma Press who wished to remain anonymous.

Multiple Walker campaign staffers confronted Fletcher as he was speaking with reporters on camera following the incident, asking him to repeat the slur he called the candidate.

Fletcher ignored them, as did many media members speaking with Fletcher, including CNN and CBS. Neither outlet asked about the slur despite the multiple witnesses who said they heard Fletcher.
No way! Say it ain't so . Lying racist democrats ...
So nothing changed except they don't wear their white robes and hoods . Walker is damn lucky they don't lynch him.
Why is it that every Black who runs as a Republican get treated worse than whites?

I thought the DNC was all about integration, but I reckon they don't want any Blacks in the GOP.

That much is clear.
How many executive top positions do Republicans populate with blacks?
How many executive top positions do Republicans populate with blacks?
Lawyers have the least number of blacks than any profession

And it is white lawyers in DC who profess to care and are trying to fix the problem of racism for us via all their fabulous policies and demagoguery.


But corporations today have become woke and Left wing, yet they still remain white like the Lawyer profession?

Do tell.
Thanks for the laughs but humans are doomed to extinction by their own hand.
To know that utopia does not exist does not mean extinction. However, there are people in power who may believe in population reduction.
It's funny they are so hardcore anti racist, but they also the ones who are racist.

It's ok to hire blacks or give them advantages for being black or celebrating someone doing something because they are black. Which is all the very definition of racist.

Then go out and call blacks racist names that are republicans and somehow it's ok when they do it.
Just because the Florida Gators have had incredible morons and murderers as players does not mean all black football players are dumb.

Question - which power 5 football team celebrates academics and athletics by having every player on the team take off the helmet decal and put his average classroom letter grade on the helmet for Homecoming?

A- the gators
Lucky for them neither does the GOP
So you believe that the entire GOP is racist?

Is that what you are saying?

And the DNC? Are they racist? How can a sitting President of the Democrat party call black children roaches and you not utter a peep about it as being racist?

It is hilarious to me that the DNC has sold the entire country that the entire country is systemically racist, EXCEPT Left wing organizations like the DNC and FBI, and CIA and DOJ.

How did they escape it?

Are they the master race?
Just because the Florida Gators have had incredible morons and murderers as players does not mean all black football players are dumb.

Question - which power 5 football team celebrates academics and athletics by having every player on the team take off the helmet decal and put his average classroom letter grade on the helmet for Homecoming?

A- the gators
The Florida Gators still has a team?


I guess I have not seen then in the top 10 in about 200 years or so, so I thought they just disbanded and left college football.
So you believe that the entire GOP is racist?

Is that what you are saying?

And the DNC? Are they racist? How can a sitting President of the Democrat party call black children roaches and you not utter a peep about it as being racist?

Or that he'd never send his kids into a racial jungle, or that you're not black unless you vote for him, or that the reason black kids are illiterate is because black parents are too, or that........

The people that accuse the right of being racist voted in a presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks than any other in our lifetime.
I don't. I think it was atrocious, especially the Indian Schools. Horrid. However, people taking land from other people is not exactly new, sadly. Not great, but not new.
Believe it or not, I’ve heard this before. I have long since forgiven (not forgotten) your ancestors and what they did. I do not nor will I ever forgive the current crop of colonizers who are STILL trying to eliminate our culture.

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