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Racism Is #1 Target Of DoJ. Nothing Else Seems To Matter


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Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Attorney general says racial equality threatened in subtle ways

May 17, 2014 10:46 AM

US Attorney General Holder speaks at National Association of Attorneys General in Washington

(Reuters) - Attorney General Eric Holder said on Saturday while public utterances of bigotry are roundly condemned in the United States racial discrimination persists in more subtle ways.

Speaking on the 60th anniversary of a landmark Supreme Court ruling outlawing segregation in public schools, Holder said that public outrage over recent instances of bigoted remarks by well-known people did not mean the struggle for civil rights is over.

"These outbursts of bigotry, while deplorable, are not the true markers of the struggle that still must be waged, or the work that still needs to be done - because the greatest threats do not announce themselves in screaming headlines. They are more subtle. They cut deeper," he said in a prepared commencement address at Morgan State University in Baltimore.

"... We ought not find contentment in the fact that these high-profile expressions of outright bigotry seem atypical and were met with such swift condemnation."

Holder, the nation's first African-American attorney general, didn't mention a specific case but racist comments by the owner of the NBA's Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, that were made public last month received substantial media attention and were widely condemned by the league, players, public officials and on social media.

Since the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, Holder said laws that are overtly discriminatory no longer survive the "strict scrutiny" legal standard.

He said the new battleground against discrimination should focus on policies and laws that appear race-neutral but in practice impede equal opportunity.

"This is the work that truly matters - because policies that disenfranchise specific groups are more pernicious than hateful rants," Holder told the graduates at Morgan State, a historically black college.

He cited disciplinary practices in schools that punish black males at three times the rate of their white peers. He also said a report last year by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that black men receive criminal sentences that are nearly 20 percent longer than white males convicted of similar crimes.


Eric Holder wants to police our thoughts now.

He wants to not only remove any open expressions of racism, but also anything that might offend people who are part of the White House's protected groups. If you wonder why college students are claiming racism on anything and everything, it's because of this.

The President just released thousands of what they feel are political prisoners, many of them convicted of violent crimes like sexual-assault, rape, and murder. I believe that Eric Holder and Barack Obama are so racist that they feel almost no crime is justified if the perpetrator is black or Hispanic.

If you're white, you'd better hope you never tweeted anything that Eric Holder might deem racist. You'd better hope there isn't a record of any kind when you had an emotional outburst and used the "N" word, or even said you don't like a person of color. Not only is he out to get you for what you say or do, but he's out to get you for your thoughts as well.
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Except of course when the black panthers try to intimidate voters, then nothing.
This type of thing is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Sans any real intelligence, knowledge or ability, the incompetent invariably zero in on trying to solve non-existent 'problems' that were ended decades ago.

dimocraps are the most regressive people on Earth.
This type of thing is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Sans any real intelligence, knowledge or ability, the incompetent invariably zero in on trying to solve non-existent 'problems' that were ended decades ago.

dimocraps are the most regressive people on Earth.

But you wouldn't say Dimocrats are lying scum, would you?
OP- If you're a brainwashed Foxbot lol...and of course this was a speech, nothing to do with DOJ policy. And the NBPP are a joke except to you chicken little dingbats. The 2 of them were run off from the polling place by some nice little old black ladies- their only notoriety comes from the propaganda that makes you a mental midget lol...
OP- If you're a brainwashed Foxbot lol...and of course this was a speech, nothing to do with DOJ policy. And the NBPP are a joke except to you chicken little dingbats. The 2 of them were run off from the polling place by some nice little old black ladies- their only notoriety comes from the propaganda that makes you a mental midget lol...

These guys are expert at using language that has double meaning.

It's intended to fool air-heads like yourself into thinking it's all harmless.

You do a memory dump every time something happens and can't look at the big picture.

Being a racist isn't a crime..............yet.
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OP- If you're a brainwashed Foxbot lol...and of course this was a speech, nothing to do with DOJ policy. And the NBPP are a joke except to you chicken little dingbats. The 2 of them were run off from the polling place by some nice little old black ladies- their only notoriety comes from the propaganda that makes you a mental midget lol...

When one is Holding the title of Attorney General and invokes "My People", as an American, don't you expect said Attorney General to be referring to all US Citizens?
Liberal Racism is insidious. Using "Identity Politics" liberals lower expectations for people of color, and use political-correctness to attack their opposition. They accomplish both at the same time and the result is driving a wedge between us rather than bringing us together.



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OP- If you're a brainwashed Foxbot lol...and of course this was a speech, nothing to do with DOJ policy. And the NBPP are a joke except to you chicken little dingbats. The 2 of them were run off from the polling place by some nice little old black ladies- their only notoriety comes from the propaganda that makes you a mental midget lol...

These guys are expert at using language that has double meaning.

It's intended to fool air-heads like yourself into thinking it's all harmless.

You do a memory dump every time something happens and can't look at the big picture.

Being a racist isn't a crime..............yet.

Media silent as Michelle Obama tells students to monitor families for racism - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com
When America was a racist country, Democrats were primarily the ones engaged in racism. However, now that racism has been largely relegated to the fringes of American society (the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEChA, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, American Nazi Party, etc.), the Democrats are constantly wagging their fingers about it. Of course naturally, given the racist history of the Democrat Party, liberals have managed to rig the rules in order to benefit themselves and hurt their political opponents. That's a pretty neat albeit despicable trick that they've managed to pull off.

1) Liberals aren't held to the same rules as Republicans: When liberals say racist things, it's just excused out of hand as if it's no big deal. If Dick Cheney had said, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man" instead of Joe Biden, you'd read about it every time he criticized Barack Obama. When Christopher Dodd said, “I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia [Sen. Robert C. Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan recruiter] that he would have been a great senator at any moment. . . . He would have been right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation,” it was shrugged off. On the other hand, Trent Lott ended up resigning from the GOP leadership for making very similar comments about Strom Thurmond.​

Read more at: 11 Liberal Rules for Racism in America - John Hawkins - Page 1
The liberal media. They're all racist. :)

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The thing is, he doesn't bring up racism dozens of times each day in hopes of eliminating it. He wants to keep it alive and will fan the flames constantly to make sure people believe it's the number one problem in this country. Liberals need victims. They are experts at creating them.
No. It is Kim Dotcom (that probably can't be extradited), Assange (who lives in an building that it can't enter) and Chinese politicians it can't arrest because they live in China. This is probably where the DOJ's legal bills are going. Then comes 'racists', 'terrorists', and whatever other enemies of the state they can find to charge.
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