Racist Aphartied State

Originally posted by José

Tell this to the afrikaan people of South Africa. They also overtook SA and imposed a boer racial dictatorship on the black population. But through the efforts of the international community that racial dictatorship was peacefully dismanted and replaced by a multi ethnic state and now whites, blacks and Indians live as equal citizens before the law in a civic state, a state of citizens. If the boer racial dictatorship of South Africa could be dismantled why not the jewish racial dictatorship of Israel?

Yes the Black African people have now recaptured South Africa, Rhodesia and other originally black people's lands. They are now multi-ethnic countries where whites and India people live as second class citizens in totally corrupt and bankrupct countries whose leaders steal the lands and wealth of these now black countries but only for the leaders. This is only a small preview of what is instore for any country captured by the fun loving Muslim mullahs and tribal califs. The Arab takeover of countries have ALWAYS resulted in the doom of multi-ethnic diversity where everybody can live and pray in their own way. Just take a look at the Muslim countries that exist today. Yeh, that is something to look forward to when all women are dressed in black sheets from head to toe and subject to beheading if they show the skin of their wrists.

I pesonally can't wait for such a total Muslim world.

Sanctions are higly unlikely, since Israel is a racist state approved by the West, so the world’s best hope is that the new generations of israelis will identify themselves less and less with the racist ideology that created their country and maybe some day, Israel will become a single multi-ethnic state comprising the entire region of Palestine. Just what it should have been from the start.

The WORLD'S BEST HOPE is that Islam will take over the entire globe with the belief in Muhammad the Last Prophet of god Allah.

You probably should just envisage such an image in the privacy of your bedroom where you can manhandle your dream in a reality where no more Israel or Jewish people exist on the face of the earth. Only Allah can handle that task.

You never know...Maybe Israel’s peaceful end will be a result of its own history and younger generations.

Any end to the Jewish history and land for the past 3, 316 years will not be a result of anything man can plan or devise when the destiny of this tiny land has been determined before the beginning of time itself.

Keep up the faith....
Originally posted by José

Congratulations to r2200t (and William), who seem to be the only ones here able to explicitly recognise the dictatorial nature and the ethnic supremacism of a state who refuses to allow the return of refugees based only on their ethnicity. Now that even ajpws (implicitly) recognised this fact (LOL), we can end this discussion. Bye

Yes these three blind mice, see how they run, they all run after the Muslim wife who cut off their heads with a samor knife, the three blind Muslim lovers.
Any end to the Jewish history and land for the past 3, 316 years will not be a result of anything man can plan or devise when the destiny of this tiny land has been determined before the beginning of time itself.

well damn AJ---whats all the fuss about then?
Originally posted by dilloduck

Any end to the Jewish history and land for the past 3, 316 years will not be a result of anything man can plan or devise when the destiny of this tiny land has been determined before the beginning of time itself.

well damn AJ---whats all the fuss about then?

Just imbeciles attempting to destroy this small country at the edge of the Mediterranian Sea. Why so much attention from the powerful nations of the world? All the king's horses and all the king's men can't change the inevitable ever again.

Why all this fuss from the majority of the haters of the earth?
Originally posted by r2200t

Unfortunately for Israel, times have changed... We now live with laws. There are laws against lang grabs, and laws protecting occupied civilians, preventing Land Grabs, here are a few that Israel has failed to obey, and thus should be subject to UN Observation...

What are you talking about? Have you seen those laws (?) observed with China taking Tibet or Iraq grabing Kuwait or Syria stealing Lebanon or Turkey taking Northern Kurdistan or many others. What times have changed do you reckon?

What law enforcement agencies with the power to enforce these edicts are you referring to that are against land grabs or laws protecting occupied civilians? Who is to enforce these newly inveted laws of yours. The World Court at the Hague, The United Muslim Nations, Russia's Mr. Putin or the aliens from Uranus?

Fourth Geneva Convention: aka International Law or THE ONLY RECOGNIZED WORLD LAW. Since 1949"

Is that athe same Geneva Convention, aka International Court of Law that has jailed Ossama Bin Laden for blowing up the Twin Towers in NY or those happy-go-lucky terrorist nations who, against the Geneva Convention laws, lopped off the heads of contractor employees or the raging civil wars killing hundreds of thousands in southern African nations?

Do you think it is time for this Geneva Convention, aka International Court of Law to arrest George Bush and Dick Cheny for unjustly attacking Iraq?

Whose army do you think will, in this current time change, dare to enforce international laws meant to protect the monied evil dictator nations?

Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.

Art. 33. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Art. 53. Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.

Art. 38. With the exception of special measures authorized by the present Convention, in particularly by Article 27 and 41 thereof, the situation of protected persons shall continue to be regulated, in principle, by the provisions concerning aliens in time of peace. In any case, the following rights shall be granted to them:

(1) they shall be enabled to receive the individual or collective relief that may be sent to them.

(2) they shall, if their state of health so requires, receive medical attention and hospital treatment to the same extent as the nationals of the State concerned.

(3) they shall be allowed to practise their religion and to receive spiritual assistance from ministers of their faith.

(4) if they reside in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war, they shall be authorized to move from that area to the same extent as the nationals of the State concerned.

(5) children under fifteen years, pregnant women and mothers of children under seven years shall benefit by any preferential treatment to the same extent as the nationals of the State concerned.

BTW many (millions?)Christians have had their rights violated by Israel aswell, so you references to Muslims Lovers are irrelevant.

You forgot to mention that billions upon billions of Asians, South Amaericans, Eskimos, Hindus, Australian and Long Island residents have had their rights violated by those Israeli Jews as well.

Why not just include the Martians in your make believe scenario of Christians being persecuted by Israel?????
" you recognize that all of recorded human history is nothing more or less than land grabs. Did you know that the only world recognized law is the fact that any country that is overtaken or grabed by another stronger country becomes the official owners of the land and the losers no longer have any rights to anything. The losing nation has to either get out or live in peace with the winners. It doesn't matter if they lived on the land they lost for one day or for a thousand years. That is way things have always been and will continue."

Except God GAVE Israel to the Jews and the UN GAVE it to the Jews again and the US still gives you money to run it. Quit your bitchin about all that God and men have given to you and done for you. I assume God knew best when he picked the spot so tough. If you think He made a bad choice, take it up with him. It's your job to continue to defend it and make something out of it. Your constant whining is enough to make an anti-semite out of any one. Do whatever you want---just remember that neither you nor anyone else gets the right to act without being criticized or praised. You reap what you sow.
Originally posted by r2200t

Correct only 0.4 Million Christian Palestinians are being persecuted by Israel. 50,000 of which forced out of their home, spread around the world with no right to return and live in their place of birth, and many who are in Israel/Palestinian territories with 2nd class rights. Apparently Christian Palestinian population growth is very slow...from 350K to 400K in over 50 years (condoms??)...

Really, can Christian Arabs really be discriminated by the Jewish people of Israel. Is this statement of yours factual?


Christians in the "struggle"

It cannot be denied that Israeli administration has been behind some Christians' decisions to leave. Even before the rebirth of the state of Israel, some Christian Arabs supported Muslims in opposing the Zionists. In The PLO, Julian Becker writes of that period: "Christians too were a dhimmi people [non-Muslim subject peoples, discriminated against on various levels], but they joined with the Muslims in opposing Zionism. The Jerusalem notables formed a Muslim-Christian Association for that very purpose, while similar organisations sprang up in Jaffa and other centres." (New York: St Martin's Press, 1984)

In the decades since, many Christian Arabs have thrown in their lot with their Muslim compatriots, becoming activists or terrorists in anti-Israeli movements. They include the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, George Habash, and the leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Naif Hawatmeh. Both "rejectionist" organisations, based in Syria, oppose the Oslo Accords to this day.

The mainstream PLO/Fatah also has its share of ethnic Christians. Several clerics have also sympathised openly with the PLO (One Catholic priest, Hilarion Capucci, was jailed in Israel in the 1970s for smuggling weapons for PLO terrorists.) In recent months, Israel has protested the Vatican's appointment of Pierre Mualem as Greek Catholic archbishop in the diocese of Akko, on the grounds of his alleged close ties to Capucci, to Syrian intelligence, and to PLO hard-liners who oppose the Oslo Accords (also see page 4). Yet despite these examples, Christians (and particularly the tiny evangelical minority within the "Christian" minority) have reportedly found more to fear from the growing Muslim extremism in the disputed territories, especially with the growth of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Digest has published interviews with Christian Arabs bearing out this view, and reported widely on persecution experienced by Christians who have converted from Islam.

Christians in the self-rule areas, facing Islamic activists on one hand and a Palestinian regime not known for its democratic practices on the other, would be forgiven for feeling unwelcome and uneasy.

At the time of the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, it is estimated that the Christians of Palestine numbered some 350,000. Almost 20 percent of the total population at the time, they constituted a vibrant and ancient community; their forbears had listened to St. Peter in Jerusalem as he preached at the first Pentecost...Of the 750,000 Palestinians that were forced from their homes in 1948, some 50,000 were Christians—7 percent of the total number of refugees and 35 percent of the total number of Christians living in Palestine at the time."




Jacques Givet, "The Anti-Zionist Complex"

In the 1967 Six Day War, under the threat of being "pushed into the sea" by Egypt, Syria and Jordan, Israel actually liberated the "occupied territory" of Jerusalem and granted free access to Jews, Christians and Moslems to worship at their respective holy sites. Israel also liberated the "West Bank" and Gaza. How easily recent history is forgotten. By comparison, Israel's administration, despite its faults, has been much more humane. The realities of the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation are conveyed in the following quote from HARSH REALITIES:......

- by A. Roy and Alice Eckardt in "AGAIN, SILENCE IN THE CHURCHES", The Christian Century, August 2, 1967

The Arabs blame Israel for creating the Refugee problem while it was the Arabs who insisted to keep the camps in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, to use the Palestinians for political exploitation. In 1982: 65,425 Palestinian refu gees put in camps in Syria, 123,442 in Lebanon, 192,392 in Jordan, this was reported by UNRWA, while the Arabic propaganda lied and inflated the number to 4,000,000, and ALL who fled on their own will and without any force. Now, please compare with 850,000 Jews actually expelled from the Arab lands, forced to leave to Israel.

"Worldwide, Palestinian Christians number 400,000 or 6.7 % of a total Palestinian population of 6 million. 51,000 of these 400,000 Palestinian Christians live in the West Bank and the Gaza strip, while there are 114,000 Palestinian Christians in Israel. The indigenous Christian population of the Holy Land numbers 165,000 or 41.3% of all Palestinian Christians worldwide."


War was illegal, they should be tried, if found guilty, yes they should be jailed, so far 13,000 civilian Iraqis died due to the US war.

SAYS WHO? Who is THE ONE so ethical or righteous that they can attest to anyone who had been guilty of attacking one country who openly arose to attack America. Should Roosevelt or Churchill have been arrested for attacking Germany? In WW2 hundreds of innocent civillians were killed on both sides. Whole cities of men, women and children were burned to the ground in firestorms like Dresden.

Are you the one to say that this was immoral or illegal?

European nations would be happy to provide international observers to Israel, but the US keeps Vetoing the resolutions.

Who is going to observe the International Observers from allowing Arab terrorists from killing Israel while preventing Israel from preventing suicide bomber children from coming into Israel to kill innocent babies? Remember that these International Observers are a majority of Muslim countries. Whose henhouse did you say the fox should observe?

That's exactly why Iraq was removed from Kuwait, it was against international law. Syria occupies Lebanon, the same way Israel occupies parts or Syria. Both are temporary thanks to the Geneva Conventions..In Fact that's why the term OCCUPATION is used instead of conquering. I dunno enough about Turkey to comment. :)

You apparently don't know enough about anything to comment. Your utopian ideals of who occupies who is so wrong that whatever country you are living in right at this moment is guilty of occupying another person's land. You should be arrested for such illegal activities and brought up before the Internalional Court at the Hague. Exactly which country left the territories they won as directed or orchestrated by the Geneva Convention. NAME JUST ONE....
Originally posted by dilloduck

" AJWPS: you recognize that all of recorded human history is nothing more or less than land grabs. Did you know that the only world recognized law is the fact that any country that is overtaken or grabed by another stronger country becomes the official owners of the land and the losers no longer have any rights to anything. The losing nation has to either get out or live in peace with the winners. It doesn't matter if they lived on the land they lost for one day or for a thousand years. That is way things have always been and will continue."

Except God GAVE Israel to the Jews and the UN GAVE it to the Jews again and the US still gives you money to run it. Quit your bitchin about all that God and men have given to you and done for you. I assume God knew best when he picked the spot so tough. If you think He made a bad choice, take it up with him. It's your job to continue to defend it and make something out of it. Your constant whining is enough to make an anti-semite out of any one. Do whatever you want---just remember that neither you nor anyone else gets the right to act without being criticized or praised. You reap what you sow.

I enjoy criticism from you as you can't think enough to counter with anything more than self deprecation and ignorance.

This post had nothing whatsoever to do with who gave Israel to the Jewish people or who is in partnership with Israel or how loan guarantees are repaid.

You simply ignore the reality that Israel won their land back fairly and squarely in wars waged against them. You’re continual whining and anti-Semitic remarks demonstrate who and what you are.

Israel belongs to the Jewish people RIGHT NOW. If you don't like this fact, then gather your armies and attack the Jewish nation.

Try your luck Dillduck. You just might own a country of your own. Or you could be just one more dead anti-semite.
" you recognize that all of recorded human history is nothing more or less than land grabs. Did you know that the only world recognized law is the fact that any country that is overtaken or grabed by another stronger country becomes the official owners of the land and the losers no longer have any rights to anything. The losing nation has to either get out or live in peace with the winners. It doesn't matter if they lived on the land they lost for one day or for a thousand years. That is way things have always been and will continue."

Except God GAVE Israel to the Jews and the UN GAVE it to the Jews again and the US still gives you money to run it. Quit your bitchin about all that God and men have given to you and done for you. I assume God knew best when he picked the spot so tough. If you think He made a bad choice, take it up with him. It's your job to continue to defend it and make something out of it. Your constant whining is enough to make an anti-semite out of any one. Do whatever you want---just remember that neither you nor anyone else gets the right to act without being criticized or praised. You reap what you sow.

You were stating that the victor got to keep the land and ignored the fact that God GAVE Isreal to the Jews! SO did the UN. Can you deny that?

What the hell would I even WANT Israel for. You all can have it with my blessing.
Originally posted by Dilloduck

You were stating that the victor got to keep the land and ignored the fact that God GAVE Isreal to the Jews! SO did the UN. Can you deny that?

No, so what about it?

What the hell would I even WANT Israel for. You all can have it with my blessing.

You dont have any need for it right now.... But that fact won't last forever....

Real WHITE of you......
There is a special place for Jeff in the afterlife, wherever that may be....
Originally posted by r2200t

-ajwps Not only factual, i visited Israel on a few occasions. I have relatives there (Haifa and Acre), they are treated as second class citizens with different ID cards, injustices etc......and we know people in the Palestinian Territories (PT). Although i've never entered the PT (Canadian Embassy advised against it), i do have a good friend who left during the 2nd Intifada (uprising). According to him it was a "living hell": Israel kill civilians (babies, pregnant women, children, girls and boys etc..Isreal kills 3 Palestinian Civilians for every Israeli Civilian) ...I also like to visit, my Granfather's Jewlery store (temporarily stolen by a Holocaust "victim" in 1948, one day we'll get it back with interest)

You said it brother. During the 2nd intifada (uprising) or killing rampage against the citizens of Israel, those who participated, harbored or cooperated with the murdering enemies of the country in which they live should not TREATED AS FIRST CALSS CITIZENS. To do differently would be equivalent of committing suicide. Maybe you should have visited Israel before the 1st Intifada. You would have seen the Arabs living among, having good jobs in Israel, enjoying the freedom enjoyed by every other Israeli as well as sitting down with each other drinking coffee.

But then came that Intifada which you find so inncouous. You say Israel kills civilians, babies, pregnant women, children, girls, boys etc. How in the heck would you know this information? Did you see it with your own eyes or did you just listen to the Mullahs using Al-Taqiyya at their mosques inciting the crowds with the old lies. If you say that Israel kills three Arabs for every Jew they kill, who is keeping score? The land is Israel and they have International Law to drive these Arabs out of the land of the Jewish people. This Israel was never a country accepted or established by or for Arabs. It would be best if there were no Arabs in Israel as then not one Arab would be killed by Isreali soldiers fighting back or the Arabs themselves now known to be killing their own children to blame the Israelis. WAKE UP.... Reality is waiting. As you say, one day you will get paid back for your carnage with treble interest but not the kind you imagine.

AJWPS, i'd like you to name one land grab since the 2nd world war, one border change. you won't because i am right when i said wars since GENEVA 1949 can no longer claim land. read this sentence a few more times...Remember when Israel left occupied Lebanon?? soon they will leave occupied Syria and all that will be left is occupied Palestine.

1950 Red China invades Tibet; Tibetan army destroyed in battle at Chamdo. Where was the Geneva Convention?

Vladimir Putin has pledged to "destroy" Chechen militants who staged unprecedented strikes into a neighbouring Russian republic.

Where was the Geneva Convention?

I don't know why you quoted this, but it proves my point. Israeli Gov. wants all non-Jews out!

Israel goverment doesn't want those who swear to destroy all the Jewish inhabitants of Israel to stay. Israel, as I said, doesn't want all the non-Jews out of Israel. The IDF actually was joined voluntarily by the Druse Arabs. An offshoot of Islam. What are you trying to say?

Jews in Israel are selling weapons to Palestinians!

Okay there are crooks and traitors in every country. What is your point?

Even a Catholic preist is fighting Israel. More importantly, if they had elections today, a palestinian university election (the only reliable source in PT right now, indicated that Hamas would be elected, supported by the majority of Christians. I can only think of injustices...BTW Palestinian muslims are Sunni (not-fanatic) though due to Israels attrocites, clerics use religion to recruit fighters. And remember, Palestinians of all religions lived together w/o any problems prior to 1948.

Do you mean this priest? Is this the palestinian Christian vote with Hamas and Arafat. Turn on your speakers.


Your www.yahoodi.com link is not worthy of this discussion... it's a zionist site, do you speak Hebrew? if so maybe you can translate Yahoodi for us...

Yes Yahoodi is a tranliteration of the word for a Jew. You like all Arabs are confusing the word Zioniist with all politcal groups of Jews, some of which were against the Zionists in Israel. You as an Arab are not worthy of discussion as every word you say is the Islamic technique of lying for Allah.

Not only Arabs, the whole WORLD (except US) blames Israel.

You say the whole world blames (hates) Jews. That is a very broad and sweeping statement. Are you aware that India and Israel are jointly working on projects to the benefit of mankind? I guess you don't know that Israel is the only hope that Europeans have to remove the Arab Islamites from destroying them and their homes as well. If they were to say this truth, they would be bombed. But that is perfectly okay with a blackmailing and lying Arab who sees only that Allah can help not one Arab. Where is your god hiding?

our quote groups arabs together... there are many arabic speaking countries just like there are many english speaking countries. no other arabic speaking country is forced to take a hundred thousand palestinians... Jordan's population doubled due to palestinian refugees, they couldn't take anymore, you can imagine unemployement there... Lebanon can't take Muslims, because it will tip the scale in the elections in favor of a Muslim Leader.. there is currently a Christian President, ...there are many reasons, but the main problem is Israel that expelled them in the first place. And If other countries take them in, then Israel would have gotten away with war crimes. But since the refugee camps are still in their face, Israel cannot hide from the problem.

Israel assimilated all the tens of thousands of Jews that had not been murdered by the Arab countries into a space abou the size of Rhode Island. While the Arab countries have nothing but hudnreds of thousands of empty sand dunes and all the oil money in the world, but cannot assimilate their brother Arafat Arabs. This is a crime against humanity by the Arabs. If Israel expelled every Arab in their land, then the PLO would go back to Tunisia where they can kill each other and the Tunisian population as this is the nature of the beasts of the field.

Yes, millitary action without UN backing are illegal according to international Law! However, I am not promoting this, it's up to the Iraqis. i hope you don't discredit the UN, afterall they created the state of Israel (along with a Palestinian state, but i won't go there today)!

The UN created Israel? Why did Israel declare itself a State country in the world of countries in 1947 and the UN simply ratified the world agreed with the Jewish people and Israel. Is that a problem for you to understand?

the International observers were to be appointed by the UN are you unaware of UN resolutions that were vetoes by the US??? here is a quote from one of your fellow zionist sites:
Without the US veto power in the UN to end the illegal persection of Israel by the United (MUSLIM) Nations, do you think Israel would go away? What power does the UN have to condemn any nation? Would the UN ARMY come into Israel to take it away from the Jewish people?

You might be thinking more about the end of the UN as any kind of world body as Israel has the power to destroy anyone coming to destroy them.


Israel is alone in the world who i attempting to do this. that proves my point. I also think the above quote proves my point... Cheers

Actually the world of nations against Israel are alone in the universe. There is no one who can help those who come against Israel. You are all alone with a carved stone moon god and those who you blackmail in to submission.

Your cause has been served and now the Arab world will soon be of no use to any Nation in the world.
Originally posted by r2200t

It is an uprising against the injustices. Also, the uprising was in the Palestinian Territories (PT) and not in Israel where Palestinians are trouble free, yet still treated as second class citizens. It's very clear, Israel is a RACIST state. Built on RACIST principles.

An uprising against the injustices as proclaimed by Arafat and the Mullahs. The Arabs who live there know the truth but if they speak up or try do something about it, the terrorists kill them as collaborators.

Do you have a television? Palestinian deaths are reported daily on north American TV channels, you just block them out, it's a typical reaction for Zionists... You can also read newspapers, usually the last paragraph mentions the civilian Palestinian deaths. Of course as a Zionist you don't want to read the entire article..

Yes I've seen the Arabs either hiding behind their families or simply shooting them (there are so many anyway) to show mysteriously with cameras being present to America. Do you have any common sense?

Land of the Jewish people?? WOW what a (racist) statement so i guess it's too bad if Palestinians who were living there for 2000 years...they must pack and live in concentration camps till they die. Your statement shows your true racist Zionist pro-apartheid stance. You are despicable.

Hey if you are living in a land that belongs to the Jewish people, then the fact that an Arab was living there for 2000 years or 200,000,000 years is meaningless. The reality is that the land belongs to the Jewish people and the country of Israel. Get used to it.

Really?? why does it act that way? The innocent are being attacked. All non-Jews are treated as second class citizens, most (99% of Israeli Arabs) of whom are peaceful and speak Hebrew.

The only Israeli Arabs who are peaceful and speak Hebrew are targeted for death. Which country did you say you visited? You must have been in Syria.

China and Russia have Veto.. Russia has used the veto more than anyone else to protect itself...

The USA has a veto as well. They use it to protect their friends and allies who are targeted for destruction by a racist group of monsterous baby killers and suicide bombers.

Arafat is null and void...He does not represent Palestinians, a vote today would not re-elect him.

Want a bet. Like the mob in the 1930 Chicago, anybody who votes against this killer with blood dripping from his fangs is quickly dealth with. They are seen on American TV lying in the streets are hung up with bullet holes in their heads. Real democratic way to vote for Arafat.

I can tell when a Jewish website is Zionist or not.. yahoodi.com is way out there.

I can tell you that you are also way out there. The truth in this website must be denied by those like you who hate everyone who does not believe in the Qur'an of Muhammad.

Admit it. Do you want the whole world to become a believer in a Christian Islam?

Again, I'm not Muslim, nor do i discriminate against Muslims, Jews etc... We Christian Palestinians have the same blood (descendants) as the 12 Disciples of Jesus Christ. We are a special and rare breed, like the Cohen’s, ...we are peace lovers, and lived peacefully with Jews and Muslims in Palestine for centuries.

If you were a Christian Arab then you have no blood line from a Jewish man or his Jewish pals who lived more than 2100 years ago. If you are a peace lover than I would like to see what a venomous pit viper looks like?

I never said that, I said The whole world BLAMES ISRAEL and i proved it with dozens of vote results at the united nations. There is a big distinction between Jews and the Israeli gov.

What did you say you proved? A distinction between the Israeli government and the Jewish men and women who make up the Kenesset? There are a few Arabs who also are elected to the Israeli Kenesset from the Arab rank and file. How many Jews serve in the Syrian or Iranian government?

You and your ilk have made the world of nations into defacto captives of the threat of Islamic and Christian Arab love through the threat of mass murder.

You are a real good Christian (ARAB).....
Note: By definition, Israel is a Jewish state.
Nonjews are not forced out, though with the current population growth, the percentage of Muslims in Israel (not territories) by 2028 will be around 50%. Thus, Israel ceases to be what it originally was intended to be.
As for the veracity of your evidence, I cannot believe you until you specify more specifically what injustices you and your relatives suffered in Haifa and Akko. And also, specify under what circumstances all these people your friends in the territories say were killed.
As for Israeli safety--safety of both Jews and non-Jews that live within Israel (if you review all the numerous suicide bombings, big and small, you'll find that many of them occured in restautrants and cafes where many Israeli Muslims dine. Simply scour the archives of www.jpost.com for such information)--whenever military presence was heightened in the territories, the attacks subsided. Surpriingly enough, the 2nd intifada began when the peace talks between Barak and Arafat were in session. Hmmm.

r2200t said:

Not only factual, i visited Israel on a few occasions. I have relatives there (Haifa and Acre), they are treated as second class citizens with different ID cards, injustices etc......and we know people in the Palestinian Territories (PT). Although i've never entered the PT (Canadian Embassy advised against it), i do have a good friend who left during the 2nd Intifada (uprising). According to him it was a "living hell": Israel kill civilians (babies, pregnant women, children, girls and boys etc..Isreal kills 3 Palestinian Civilians for every Israeli Civilian) ...I also like to visit, my Granfather's Jewlery store (temporarily stolen by a Holocaust "victim" in 1948, one day we'll get it back with interest)

AJWPS, i'd like you to name one land grab since the 2nd world war, one border change. you won't because i am right when i said wars since GENEVA 1949 can no longer claim land. read this sentence a few more times...Remember when Israel left occupied Lebanon?? soon they will leave occupied Syria and all that will be left is occupied Palestine.

I don't know why you quoted this, but it proves my point. Israeli Gov. wants all non-Jews out!

Jews in Israel are selling weapons to Palestinians!

Even a Catholic preist is fighting Israel. More importantly, if they had elections today, a palestinian university election (the only reliable source in PT right now, indicated that Hamas would be elected, supported by the majority of Christians. I can only think of injustices...BTW Palestinian muslims are Sunni (not-fanatic) though due to Israels attrocites, clerics use religion to recruit fighters. And remember, Palestinians of all religions lived together w/o any problems prior to 1948.

Your www.yahoodi.com link is not worthy of this discussion... it's a zionist site, do you speak Hebrew? if so maybe you can translate Yahoodi for us...

Not only Arabs, the whole WORLD (except US) blames Israel. Your quote groups arabs together... there are many arabic speaking countries just like there are many english speaking countries. no other arabic speaking country is forced to take a hundred thousand palestinians... Jordan's population doubled due to palestinian refugees, they couldn't take anymore, you can imagine unemployement there... Lebanon can't take Muslims, because it will tip the scale in the elections in favor of a Muslim Leader.. there is currently a Christian President, ...there are many reasons, but the main problem is Israel that expelled them in the first place. And If other countries take them in, then Israel would have gotten away with war crimes. But since the refugee camps are still in their face, Israel cannot hide from the problem.

Yes, millitary action without UN backing are illegal according to international Law! However, I am not promoting this, it's up to the Iraqis.
i hope you don't discredit the UN, afterall they created the state of Israel (along with a Palestinian state, but i won't go there today)!

the International observers were to be appointed by the UN are you unaware of UN resolutions that were vetoes by the US??? here is a quote from one of your fellow zionist sites:

Israel is alone in the world who i attempting to do this. that proves my point. I also think the above quote proves my point...
etoile said:
Note: By definition, Israel is a Jewish state.
Nonjews are not forced out, though with the current population growth, the percentage of Muslims in Israel (not territories) by 2028 will be around 50%. Thus, Israel ceases to be what it originally was intended to be.
As for the veracity of your evidence, I cannot believe you until you specify more specifically what injustices you and your relatives suffered in Haifa and Akko. And also, specify under what circumstances all these people your friends in the territories say were killed.
As for Israeli safety--safety of both Jews and non-Jews that live within Israel (if you review all the numerous suicide bombings, big and small, you'll find that many of them occured in restautrants and cafes where many Israeli Muslims dine. Simply scour the archives of www.jpost.com for such information)--whenever military presence was heightened in the territories, the attacks subsided. Surpriingly enough, the 2nd intifada began when the peace talks between Barak and Arafat were in session. Hmmm.

The problem is that everyone did not agree with the UN decision in regards of what was " intended". Israeli apologists loved the UN for it's decision in '48. Now they hate the UN for making non-binding resolution. Either accept the UN or reject it.
José said:
Merlin, as I said before (thread Palestinian Declares Israel Belongs to Jewish People) Jews are not a race nor a culture (religion), they are both, or in other words, Jews are an ethnicity.

Since you broached the subject, you are dead wrong. For your infomration Jose Muhammad, the Jews are neither defined as a race nor a culture. Judaism and the Jews are a religion with a very long ethnic cuture and society. Furthermore there is no Arab race nor culture. Islam and its Muslim adherrent are a religion with a 14 year culture and ethnicity. You are confusing your terms.

The reason I use both terms interchangeably is that last time I checked this wasn’t a forum about the anthropology of the jewish people, it was a thread about the Israeli/Palestinian issue.

How do you equate the terms race and culture interchangably with anthropology.

definition of anthropology:

Anthropology is the study of origins of human beings and their cultures worldwide. In addition to documenting a particular culture, anthropologists are interested in how and why human culture changes. The science of anthropology is divided into several subfields including physical anthropology, the study of the origins and development of human beings; cultural anthropology, the study of human culture or the means by which human beings sustain life; linguistics, the study of human language; and archaeology, the study of human life based primarily on the recovery of artifacts, objects made and/or used by human beings.


The discussion about Israel and their Arab occupiers is truly the subject matter.

So the distinction between race and ethnicity is real, but it’s also irrelevant to the issue being discussed, and besides, race is shorter and less academic.


But I concede you are right, Jews are not a race, so the term I invented “jewish racial dictatorship” is somewhat innacurate. “Jewish ethnic dictatorship” would be more precise.

It would be if the terms were INVENTED BY A MUSLIM. Which ethnic dictator do you find in Israel? Which of the Arab countries surrounding Israel are not dictatorships run by someone elected by the people and not nepostism of the dictator passing on his dictatorship to his sons or family? Arafat does not have a country and thereby cannot pass on his dynasty to the product of his 'seed.'

Merlin, this is a fair request. So let me be honest with you. The problem, Merlin, is that José disagrees on the most basic right a nation has, the right of Israel to exist. I believe Israel should become a single multi ethnic state comprising the entire region of Palestine, just what it should have been from the start.

Your beliefs, wishes, hopes and asprations for a single multi-ethnic Arab state of Israel will never be and should have not been from any start (when).

I want a Palestine that has a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Your wish is granted. Palestine is a government of the people, by the people and for the people of JORDAN west of that river. Is that not enough for you?

I don’t want a Palestine that has a government of the jews, by the jews, for the jews. Or, for that matter, of the arabs, by the arabs, for the arabs.

Your wish is again granted. Israel (not palestine) is a government of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jewish people. The Arabs are aliens on visitors passports only. Does that meet with your approval?

I support a Palestine that resembles America, not nazi Germany.

Unfortunately Palestine today does resemble Nazi Germany with a Hashemite King Dictator. Sorry but your wish is not granted.

Then, when I see walls being erected instead of being torn down,

Your wish is again granted as there is a great wall or fence being built and will not be torn down until the Arabs return to Palestine on the west bank of the Jordan river.

when I see history going in the opposite direction of what it should be going, I get a bit frustrated and say things like “that pornographic political entity called Israel”.

You get a bit frustrated in any account. For a political country to become pornographic, it must be in the eyes of the beholder. So is all you see pornorgraphy in your home and Mosque?

I will try to avoid this kind of inflamatory remarks from now on and I appologise for the ones I made.

dilloduck said:
The problem is that everyone did not agree with the UN decision in regards of what was " intended". Israeli apologists loved the UN for it's decision in '48. Now they hate the UN for making non-binding resolution. Either accept the UN or reject it.

I guess that everyone did not inlcude the majority decision of what was 'intended.' Israel did not need the UN to approve or disapprove their declartion of a State of Israel in 1947. The UN only agreed with Israel on their own State Country being self-declared and voted a partition plan to be accepted by both sides. Israel agreed and the Arabs disagreed, so they most of the Arabs left the land while their brothers wanted to return to the land that had been rebuilt by the Jewish people.

The 5 major Arab armies of millions lost against the few thousands of Israeli's defending their declared State of Israel. It is like winners takes all while the attackers and losers simply want to start from scratch and to start war again.

Like the Florida election in the last presidential cycle. Florida law provided for ONE vote to be taken and no more. The Florida Supreme Court voted to nullify Florida State Law and allow recounts ad-infinitum until Gore's chads fell off. The US Supreme Court said, we have to have a president when Clinton leaves office, so they said "the multiple counts in favor of Bush are now enough so Gore can keep counting if he would like, but the Florida vote was then closed.'

Geroge Bush won just like Israel won 5 times against statistically impossible odds.

It seems that you and the Arabs want to keep voting or in the Arabs case, times out, let's start this again.

ajwps said:
I guess that everyone did not inlcude the majority decision of what was 'intended.' Israel did not need the UN to approve or disapprove their declartion of a State of Israel in 1947. The UN only agreed with Israel on their own State Country being self-declared and voted a partition plan to be accepted by both sides. Israel agreed and the Arabs disagreed, so they most of the Arabs left the land while their brothers wanted to return to the land that had been rebuilt by the Jewish people.

The 5 major Arab armies of millions lost against the few thousands of Israeli's defending their declared State of Israel. It is like winners takes all while the attackers and losers simply want to start from scratch and to start war again.

Like the Florida election in the last presidential cycle. Florida law provided for ONE vote to be taken and no more. The Florida Supreme Court voted to nullify Florida State Law and allow recounts ad-infinitum until Gore's chads fell off. The US Supreme Court said, we have to have a president when Clinton leaves office, so they said "the multiple counts in favor of Bush are now enough so Gore can keep counting if he would like, but the Florida vote was then closed.'

It seems that you and the Arabs want to keep voting or in the Arabs case, times out, let's start this again.


Since you broached the subject, you are dead wrong. For your infomration Jose Muhammad, the Jews are neither defined as a race nor a culture. Judaism and the Jews are a religion with a very long ethnic cuture and society. Furthermore there is no Arab race nor culture. Islam and its Muslim adherrent are a religion with a 14 year culture and ethnicity. You are confusing your terms.
I stand behind my definition of ethnicity: it is indeed a mixture of race and culture.

As jewish populations from the Middle East spread into nothern africa and Europe, most Jews married other Jews, as prescribed by their religion. But over time, marriage to non-Jews and conversion of non-Jews to Judaism were inevitable and bound to prevail. In central and eastern Europe jewish populations mixed with Germans, Poles and Russians. In Israel today, the Ashkenazim, the Jews whose ancestors came from those parts of Europe, are taller and lighter-skinned than other israelis. In contrast, the Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors lived in the countries bordering the Mediterranean, tend to be darker and smaller, reflecting the traits of the people they lived with and married.

So as far as the jewish ethnicity is concerned, we can say that Jews are 90% culture and 10% race (by race I mean, genetic inheritance from the ancient jews who lived in the Middle East).

To consider the Jews of today as direct descendants of the jews who lived in Palestine during the roman empire is nothing but a joke (a bad one, BTW).

In racial terms, they are just a bunch of Russians and Poles behaving like Jews.



It doesn’t matter if the Jews who live in Israel are really jews in racial terms or just Russians and Ukrainians behaving like Jews.


Palestine is a region with two nations, the jewish and the arab nation... so the only reasonable solution is the creation of a bi-national state comprising the entire region of Palestine, a state of citizens that guarantees the right jews and arabs have to live anywhere they want in Palestine.

Israel is not a bi-national state, it’s not a state of citizens like America. Israel is a nation state, an ethnic supremacist nation state, a jewish racial dictatorship...so my comment still stands, Israel is indeed a pornographic political entity.

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