Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

Aw! Poor stupid idiot walks in to the wrong apartment and kills the guyin his own home. Her dumb ass career shoul;d be over. She is not even smart enough to find her own apartment not alone make decisisons in a real crisis. So she is lugging 40 pounds of shit in one hand and a cell phone in the other, then drops the shit, gets to hjer gun and is not smart enough to noticd it is not her furniture or her stuff. Great observation training here right? Mean while this guy is sitting on his couch eating ice cream and this idiot thinks he is a threat and just shjoots. Were you this bad a cop? To bad it was not my apartment the city would not have spent so much money trying her, she would have ate a bullet coming through the door and saved us all a bunch of time and money, of course my dog likely would have gotten her first. Sorry cop, you do not want to die in prison pay fuckjing attention to what the hell you are doing like the rest of us.

Nah, you're a big mouth coward and your dog is probably a poodle....STFU

bwaaaaaaaaaaa just another phoney internet tough guy....if he had a pistol he would probably let it get taken from him and used against him.
Come find out. I live in Port Clinton Ohio. In this town your normal citizen wil shoot you for entering their house. No tougher than normal citizen here. Our cops are not idiots not one of them would have made this mistake. They know the locals by name and certainly are not stupis enough to walk into the wrong house. This is party central and we have black out drunks here that manage to get to the correct house,condo,hotel room etc. This bitch was a blathering idiot just like you and death angel. Further more in my town we watch out for each other, my gun would not be the only one pointing at you so would several neighbors guns. Come here make threats to locals or at one of the campers at the camp grounds and see how many guns come out.

Where do you live?
reading comprehension issues re-read post dumb fuck
I live in the only place to live during walleye season. Spend a summer here and you will find out there is no where else to live during the summer. The Hamptons can kiss our ass. Spend all day every day on the lake and you will no longer give a shit what happens on land

When I die I want to come here.

I love places like that.

We have some here where I live.

I wish more people had those places and actually went there. Maybe we wouldn't have so many angry and hateful people.
Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.

Or......this cop killed a man eating ice cream in his own apartment. And people things that wrong.

Most rational people would agree that a cop killing a man eating ice cream in his own apartment would be wrong.

Which is why the cop was convicted for killing a man eating ice cream in his own apartment.
These are not rational people so one must say the man was trying to eat ice cream. not eating it, because technically he hadn't started yet according to the testimony. This is the kind of pointless nitpicking that decides everything in their little minds. On another note..

Having to worry about being killed just for walking into the wrong residence is no place to love.
These are not rational people so one must say the man was trying to eat ice cream. not eating it, because technically he hadn't started yet according to the testimony. This is the kind of pointless nitpicking that decides everything in their little minds. On another note..

Having to worry about being killed just for walking into the wrong residence is no place to love.

The victim wasn't in the wrong residence. He was in his own apartment when the cop straight up murdered him.

Rational people would agree that's wrong. Which is why she was convicted.
Botham Jean's brother forgives and hugs ex-cop as she's sentenced to 10 years for his killing

"A jury sentenced a former Dallas police officer to 10 years in prison Wednesday for the shooting death of her unarmed neighbor in his home last year.

"Amber Guyger was convicted of murder the day before by the same jury in the death of Botham Jean.

"The sentence was met with boos and jeers by a crowd gathered outside the courtroom.

"But Jean's younger brother, Brandt Jean, in a victim impact statement after the sentence, told Guyger he forgave her and loved her as he would any other person.

"He asked the judge if he could hug Guyger, and the two embraced as Guyger sobbed."

The lesson of this case was well learned by America's law enforcement professionals. Avoid confrontations with America's Sacred Cows, if you value your liberty and your life.
Next generation of cops will be recruited from the ghetto because no one else will take the job. The future cop will blur the lines between cop and gang thug

That is silly because all police are being asked to do is not murder innocent people.
Cops are already a gang of thugs, because they already do murder innocent people.
Having no police at all would be far better than to have police murdering innocent people.
We had no police in the US for over 100 years, and it was much better then.

The decisions Amber made that night do not deserve the protections of being a police officer

A comedy of errors ending in her decision to kill someone in their apartment

Unfortunately this also brings up the question of size.
In the past, there was a minimal height and weight requirement so that police would be strong enough to not have to rely on their gun. Was it a bad idea to eliminate this so that more women could join the force?
Unfortunately this also brings up the question of size.
In the past, there was a minimal height and weight requirement so that police would be strong enough to not have to rely on their gun. Was it a bad idea to eliminate this so that more women could join the force?
Imho, it would be a mistake to exclude half the population from any job as important as public safety; however, it is interesting to ask if events in Ferguson would have turned out differently if an officer the size of Amber Guyger had encountered Mike Brown?

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

It is unclear what actions she took to control the situation and find out who this person is

Since the dead man can’t tell his side, we have to rely on what she said he did that was threatening

Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened
Al I can give you, she should have retreated, but if it was dark, and she saw a man in "her" apt, she probably had no choice. This is why this is NOT murder.
She had a choice to either assess the situation and ask why he was eating ice cream in her apartment or step out and call for help

She chose....Shoot
I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

It is unclear what actions she took to control the situation and find out who this person is

Since the dead man can’t tell his side, we have to rely on what she said he did that was threatening

Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened
Al I can give you, she should have retreated, but if it was dark, and she saw a man in "her" apt, she probably had no choice. This is why this is NOT murder.
She had a choice to either assess the situation and ask why he was eating ice cream in her apartment or step out and call for help

She chose....Shoot

Yup. Were this an average citizen, it would still be utterly wrong and worthy of serious punishment. But she was a cop......and had received extensive training. Making her hideously poor judgment even less excusable.
Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.

You're pathetic...if he were leaning forward the round would have been at a downward angle. He was up on his feet moving toward her. The forensics expert said so in practice testimony the judge decided not to let the jury hear. Your obsession with this case proves how desperate you are for a "win"....even against your own race....pathetic.
They clearly showed the round went from his heart into his intestine.
Showing a downward trajectory to a sitting subject

Medical Examiner showing where the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body and where the bullet came to rest.

I thought you said you watched the trial?
Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.

You're pathetic...if he were leaning forward the round would have been at a downward angle. He was up on his feet moving toward her. The forensics expert said so in practice testimony the judge decided not to let the jury hear. Your obsession with this case proves how desperate you are for a "win"....even against your own race....pathetic.
They clearly showed the round went from his heart into his intestine.
Showing a downward trajectory to a sitting subject

Medical Examiner showing where the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body and where the bullet came to rest.

I thought you said you watched the trial?

You said it was an upward angle before (post #1092)....was it a magic bullet like the one that hit JFK? :777:
If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

From forensic evidence it isn't a fact he ever had a chance to do what she said.
She said he was coming at her
The victim was seated
Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.

You're pathetic...if he were leaning forward the round would have been at a downward angle. He was up on his feet moving toward her. The forensics expert said so in practice testimony the judge decided not to let the jury hear. Your obsession with this case proves how desperate you are for a "win"....even against your own race....pathetic.
They clearly showed the round went from his heart into his intestine.
Showing a downward trajectory to a sitting subject

Medical Examiner showing where the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body and where the bullet came to rest.

I thought you said you watched the trial?

You said it was an upward angle before (post #1092)....was it a magic bullet like the one that hit JFK? :777:
I showed you the picture.
The bullet is entering his chest and moving downward

I thought you said you watched the trial
I showed you the picture.
The bullet is entering his chest and moving downward

I thought you said you watched the trial

You said upward before....having trouble remembering your lies?....yeah, we've seen it before. BTW, he was still taller than her sitting down...poof, another RWer fantasy pops like a balloon hitting a power line.
Upward angle from "the couch" to shooter = "downward trajectory" of bullet "to a sitting subject."

Ain't rocket science, but apparently ya gotta paint by numbers for these morons.
I showed you the picture.
The bullet is entering his chest and moving downward

I thought you said you watched the trial

You said upward before....having trouble remembering your lies?....yeah, we've seen it before. BTW, he was still taller than her sitting down...poof, another RWer fantasy pops like a balloon hitting a power line.
Now you are just making shit up

Are you making it up that you watched the trial?
Now you are just making shit up

Are you making it up that you watched the trial?

I get it....you're just trying to outlast everybody else in my thread. Haven't I told you to get lost several times? Little wonder you can't hold a job with that attitude. BTW, you're white as dirty snow and no negro is going to stop beating you because you claim you're a demoncRAT...just a friendly reminder in case you get jiggy and hit on a black girl.
Now you are just making shit up

Are you making it up that you watched the trial?

I get it....you're just trying to outlast everybody else in my thread. Haven't I told you to get lost several times? Little wonder you can't hold a job with that attitude. BTW, you're white as dirty snow and no negro is going to stop beating you because you claim you're a demoncRAT...just a friendly reminder in case you get jiggy and hit on a black girl.
No, seriously
You claim to have watched the whole thing and then make errors on what happened

You are a sham, nobody believes you

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