Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.

You're pathetic...if he were leaning forward the round would have been at a downward angle. He was up on his feet moving toward her. The forensics expert said so in practice testimony the judge decided not to let the jury hear. Your obsession with this case proves how desperate you are for a "win"....even against your own race....pathetic.

So she goes into his apartment by accident and shoots him. How could a not guilt verdict be even possible?

Seriously? because every a cop gets a free murder as long as their partner sticks with them and carries a stolen throw-away piece they can put in the victims hand. If this had happened when she was on duty, you'd have never heard about it. This ain't to say she's guilty of anything more than involuntary manslaughter, but that's the way it is with cops....We expect them to be heroic but they're mostly not heroic at all.
Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

From forensic evidence it isn't a fact he ever had a chance to do what she said.
In the past, there was a minimal height and weight requirement so that police would be strong enough to not have to rely on their gun. Was it a bad idea to eliminate this so that more women could join the force?
Just my opinion because too lazy to research it right now. But I think that, unfortunately, bullies and wimps are more or less evenly distributed. Big and small are just as apt to use lethal force recklessly in such situations. The "great equalizer" plus reminding the big they have no excuse for being bullies no longer the norm. Now Marvel and video games have everyone thinking men, huge monsters even, present little threat to women. That's right, the women are smarter. They still ain't really as tough though. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be cops. Means cops should only carry loaded guns in truly life threatening situations where encountering armed idiots is reasonably expected. Again, what used to be the norm.
As per the human brain. Is the male brain larger then the female brain? Or vice versa?
Male heads being generally larger leads me to think their brains are larger on average as well. When I say the women are smarter I'm referring mainly to emotional intelligence. More reason to have women working anywhere they please and paid at least the same as men per hour.
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Exactly...and not even to mention that in Texas there is no such thing as second degree murder.

She was charged with murder....outrageous.

If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.
If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.
Fun story
Briefly, the small white police woman got off the elevator on the wrong floor (as have dozens of others) of her apartment building, walked into what she thought was her apartment after a 13 hour duty day and was confronted by a large black man who lived in that apartment. She was still in uniform. Believing she was in her apartment, she told the man to show his hands. He refused. He started moving toward her in the dark. She drew her service weapon and double-tapped him. He died shortly thereafter.

The judge is a large, belching, yawning, stretching black woman named Tammy Kemp. So far she has ignored a defense motion for mistrial since the DA defied a court order and gave the media an interview about the case, poisoning the jury pool. She has allowed a favorable picture of the victim to be placed in front of the jury. She has denied the defense expert testimony from police officers and experts in police shootings three times, not allowing the defense to defend their client. She's sure to get a conviction the way she's run this trial and sure to be overturned on appeal. It's obvious she wants to put this little white women in a prison at the mercy of her fellow-gigantic soul sisters. :eusa_eh:



Judge blocks testimony that Dallas cop acted reasonably in shooting neighbor

How is 'favorable pictures of the victim' something that shouldn't be done?
If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.

Or......this cop killed a man eating ice cream in his own apartment. And people things that wrong.
If you shoot a dude in the hart in his own home then that's murder. The prosecution asked her a good question on the stand. They asked (and I paraphrase here) "did you mean to kill the guy?) . Go head and Google the answer to that question. The dumb blond commited murder. She was convicted of murder. Justice was served. But, if you really care, feel free to donate to the Amber Gieger defense fund. Also, there is another lesson in all this. WATCH THE SHIT YOU TEXT! Those had allot to do with this woman being found guilty.
Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.
MURDER iscall about intent.

You white haters overstepped and this will be appealed. Murder is the issue. This is NOT "MURDER"
So she goes into his apartment by accident and shoots him. How could a not guilt verdict be even possible?
Intent. Remember, she was convicted of MURDER. Not all killing is MURDER.
Remember, in
Texas's felony murder rule, codified in Texas Penal Code § 19.02(b)(3),[1] states that a person commits murder if he "commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual."
Attempt, attempt, commit, attempt, spam, sausage, egg, and spam. Not much "intent" innit. ;)

commit felony (illegally enter) + kill (cause death of someone) = MURDER
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Lol SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER APARTMENT! We have a right to protect our self. This was a fluke accident.. why do you hate so much?

Yet she had the presence of mind to sext with one of her work buddy's just before shooting the guy? Perhaps if the stupid cow was t looking at her phone she would have found her house? She was justly charged, tried and convicted. In the end she gets to go back to setting her pal's. Mr. Jean won't be eating any ice cream in HIS house. She commits murder and was convicted of such. Deal with it.

Who do you hate more.....police officers or women?
I suspect that most Americans hate it when women police officers go into someone else's home and shoot them dead. It's the actions, not the person. You seem to not be able to grasp that. It DOES require some higher level thinking.

The reason why that person can't understand that is because that person doesn't think that way.

Since the victim is black they don't look at the actions. They look at the person.

In their mind since the victim is black, that means the person is a criminal and the murder is justified.

Funny, that same person claimed earlier in this thread that it wasn't a mistake or accident. The woman meant to shoot the man thinking he was an intruder.

Normal adults don't see things through such twisted views.

Or......this cop killed a man eating ice cream in his own apartment. And people things that wrong.

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