Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

In the past, there was a minimal height and weight requirement so that police would be strong enough to not have to rely on their gun. Was it a bad idea to eliminate this so that more women could join the force?
Just my opinion because too lazy to research it right now. But I think that, unfortunately, bullies and wimps are more or less evenly distributed. Big and small are just as apt to use lethal force recklessly in such situations. The "great equalizer" plus reminding the big they have no excuse for being bullies no longer the norm. Now Marvel and video games have everyone thinking men, huge monsters even, present little threat to women. That's right, the women are smarter. They still ain't really as tough though. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be cops. Means cops should only carry loaded guns in truly life threatening situations where encountering armed idiots is reasonably expected. Again, what used to be the norm.
As per the human brain. Is the male brain larger then the female brain? Or vice versa?
Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

The asshole Obama Administration let Crooked Hillary skate on her crimes and not be charged because they said she had "no intent".

Amber didn't have an intent to murder anybody so why was she charged?

Is there one set of laws for the Democrat Presidential Nominee and another set for the rest of us?[/QUOTE

Definition of murder.......................
Now over 8.000 views....I've created a MONSTER! :ack-1:

BTW, ever seen a judge give a defendant a HUG who she just got convicted of murder? That cinched the deal on an appeal...that twitchy beast is crazy. Got Heather where she wanted her...going to prison....This should be the last time she's ever a judge anywhere but small claims court.
Or, what about his right to stand his ground? I wonder how this case would have went had he shot her.

If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

It is unclear what actions she took to control the situation and find out who this person is

Since the dead man can’t tell his side, we have to rely on what she said he did that was threatening

Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened
If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

It is unclear what actions she took to control the situation and find out who this person is

Since the dead man can’t tell his side, we have to rely on what she said he did that was threatening

Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened

What she said was proven to be true by experts.

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial
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Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened

TOTAL LIE and you know it...WTF is the matter with you? There were no forensics done at the scene and the defense expert wasn't allowed to testify. I watched this trial so don't try your shit in my thread again.
The problem with your analysis is that she did not have the benefit of hindsight.

She perceived a threat to her life for 2 reasons and understandably so....she thought there was an intruder in her apartment and he refused to obey her order.

You simply refuse to consider her state of mind....sure she made a honest mistake and went into someone elses apartment. But case law on innocent trespassing dictates that a person who trespasses innocently is not responsible for any harm they do as a result ot that innocent trespass.

Again, 12 jurors saw it differently...

The fact her first response to HER "honest" mistake was to double-tap a citizen sitting in his own home eating Ice Cream is the problem here. It tells you how we are training cops to be trigger happy maniacs.

"Shoot First, Ask Questions Later" is not a good policy.

He was only shot once.....eating ice cream has nothing to do with anything in this case.
Shows the level of threat

Perhaps in hindsight....it was dark in the apartment....the officer only say the victim advancing on her whilst refusing to show his hands as ordered.

Yet the coroner testified the angle of the bullet indicated a seated or fetal position.
Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened

TOTAL LIE and you know it...WTF is the matter with you? There were no forensics done at the scene and the defense expert wasn't allowed to testify. I watched this trial so don't try your shit in my thread again.
Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.
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If Mr. Jean had gone into her apartment guns blazing, and said "this is for the Gentle Giant Michael Brown" or "This is for Trayvon", he would have been hailed as a hero by the left. Mumia is considered virtually a demigod by the libs for slaughtering a police officer in cold blood and has even delivered commencement speeches for liberal colleges.
But he didn't do that.....he was an innocent man who was murdered in his own home..

Which is why Amber is a hero to racist d1c suckers like yourself....

I do not think amber is a hero to anyone. Yes he was a innocent man who was tragically killed by mistake.

But if he had kept his door locked and had not disregarded a lawful order of a police order who was pointing a gun at him he would still be alive....why would anyone disobey a police officer in uniform whilst she was pointing a gun at him?

So the claim is that someone not following a police order deserves to be shot?

No gun, no weapon, no threat.......just failure to put your hands up

When an armed police officer is pointing their weapon at you ......common sense dictates you best follow their orders....if you want to preserve your life.

Afterwards if you want to contest whether the order was lawful or not is up to you and your lawyer....good luck with that.

It is unclear what actions she took to control the situation and find out who this person is

Since the dead man can’t tell his side, we have to rely on what she said he did that was threatening

Forensics say he was sitting or in a fetal position. Contradicted what she said happened
Al I can give you, she should have retreated, but if it was dark, and she saw a man in "her" apt, she probably had no choice. This is why this is NOT murder.
Meanwhile......those blacks are being racist again....

I am sure it is common for most racists to forgive and want to hug the person who killed their brother.....It is common for racist judges to hug the person convicted of murder and offer them their own personal Bible....

Their hatred for whites knows no bounds....
Meanwhile......those blacks are being racist again....

I am sure it is common for most racists to forgive and want to hug the person who killed their brother.....It is common for racist judges to hug the person convicted of murder and offer them their own personal Bible....

Their hatred for whites knows no bounds....View attachment 282659
They feel guilty knowing this was not a murder. But at least they destroyed a white life
Meanwhile......those blacks are being racist again....

I am sure it is common for most racists to forgive and want to hug the person who killed their brother.....It is common for racist judges to hug the person convicted of murder and offer them their own personal Bible....

Their hatred for whites knows no bounds....

The kid was checking if her tits are real and the judge is a psychopath. Pretty easy to "forgive" somebody after you've sent them to prison on a phony charge of murder. That judge should be taken in on a mental health hold.
Not a lie
He was seated when shot

Lead Investigator, ME Testify on Day 3 of Guyger Trial

The defense is questioning the medical examiner about the angle at which the bullet entered Botham Jean’s body. Because the bullet’s path through the body demonstrates an upward angle, Jean would have to have been leaning forward to allow the bullet to enter in that way. The defense suggests that Botham Jean might have been getting off of the couch when he was shot.

You're pathetic...if he were leaning forward the round would have been at a downward angle. He was up on his feet moving toward her. The forensics expert said so in practice testimony the judge decided not to let the jury hear. Your obsession with this case proves how desperate you are for a "win"....even against your own race....pathetic.
Police have to deal with blacks constantly...thus they know how dangerous they can be...her training kicked in and in her mind she eliminated the threat to her life.

Those who do not understand she was in fear of her life are being unreasonable...I think most people in that situation would have been if fear of their life.

He was sitting on a couch watching TV eating Ice Cream. How was he a threat?

She was standing, he was sitting. Even if she thought it was her apartment, the first question out of her mouth should have been, "What are you doing in my apartment?"

Exactly. She should have used what all responsible adults use. Their voice.

If she had used her voice to ask questions the man would be alive today. The worst thing that would have happened is she would have been embarrassed for walking into his apartment.

Way too many people are willing to just shoot.

This has to stop.
So she goes into his apartment by accident and shoots him. How could a not guilt verdict be even possible?
Meanwhile......those blacks are being racist again....

I am sure it is common for most racists to forgive and want to hug the person who killed their brother.....It is common for racist judges to hug the person convicted of murder and offer them their own personal Bible....

Their hatred for whites knows no bounds....

The kid was checking if her tits are real and the judge is a psychopath. Pretty easy to "forgive" somebody after you've sent them to prison on a phony charge of murder. That judge should be taken in on a mental health hold.
Sure d1c sucker

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