racist cartoon? or not?

Nope not racist.

EN said:
Hi bigrebnc1775
Is this poem racist, because it was meant to be funny
and to poke fun of racism on all sides:

"Racist Rap: What is White"

What is Black? A Brother's Black
Shoot 'im in the back and say you were attacked.
What is Brown? Latino's are Brown
Working underground to keep the price of labor down.

What is Red? An Injun is Red
Trade homesteads for prison beds
(Tell them Feds me scalp their heads) * (political reference to Leonard Peltier)
What is Green? Martians are Green
Our future can be seen in their funky time machine

What is Yellow? A Jap is Yellow
Suicidal fellow with a bid on Monticello (spoken in a bad Asian accent)
What is White? Why a White
Wush is White!

I call my poem racist.
Because it deliberately depicts and uses racial stereotypes.

BR said:
Would you call this humor racist?
Nope not racist
What difference does it make?

Because it tells me we use the word Racist differently.
I call my own humor racist, as in that poem, but you don't.

So this tells me you and I mean two totally
different things by that word. Thanks for clearing that up!
A poem from someone like cultsmasher or guno would meet the criteria of being racist.
In 2 words we sum it up....SO WHAT! ... Even that GREAT democrat presidential frontrunner summed it up....

I agree, so what if the Cartoon shows White vs. Brown skin or lighter versus darker.

You and I AGREE the issues is REALLY whether people are breaking the law or not.

So I don't have any issue admitting the Cartoon uses COLOR to depict
the people inside the house as White/lighter, and outside the house as Brown/darker.

That DOESN'T change the fact the issue is about crime and owing restitution if you break the law!

V said:
You again, allow them to form THEIR version, and you allow them to frame an argument that is fictional!
Who is they? I agree with what YOU summarized very well
that the real issue is about CRIME. So I support YOUR way of framing it.

And that doesn't change the fact the Cartoon showed White vs. Brown skinned.
And doesn't change the fact the REAL issue is about breaking the law.

V: I believe in EARNED Amnesty (see Earned Amnesty , where each person owes proportionally for whatever laws they broke, whether immigration or labor laws, gangs or trafficking on an organized-criminal scale.

That should be enforced for ALL people regardless of citizenship, you should pay restitution for crimes committed.

And I still admit that cartoon shows White vs. Brown skin which is going to be interpreted as Race.

V I can agree with the use of COLOR in that Cartoon to depict race,
and still defend your and my views that agree the real issue is crime!

Emily, ONLY if you ALLOW them to depict it as race, instead of depicting them as people from South of the Border... COLOR does NOT make things RACIST, it's the INTERPRETATION of the biased left that does that! THEY PROMOTE RACISM in everything that has to do with people of different heritage, and physical makeup!..Again, it the last bullet in their gun to try and divide us!

Well, I see your point, but it looks to me they have MORE fuel if you "deny" that skin color was used in the cartoon.

Do you see my approach?

by acknowledging YES that cartoon uses skin color but NO the REAL issue is about CRIME as in NOT BREAKING LAWS.

It is TOO confusing to address both issues at once.
people think you are denying something but you are looking at the bigger picture! I AGREE.

Because people have to separate issues one at a time, especially with something like this,
it is better to AGREE with one point and then limit it to that.

If you deny that one point, they launch an entire rhetoric about "racists being in DENIAL"
which is WORSE. I find it is better to say yes, I see the Cartoon did use skin color.
But NO the REAL issue isn't that but it's about crime. The Cartoon was just
depicting the battle in the media over race, but the REAL issue underneath is about crime.

I think people can handle that better.
They completely lose it if they think you don't even see the
colors White and Brown in that picture, That freaked me out that Pogo didn't see that at first.

Thanks I see your point that we DON'T want to escalate the race attachments any worse than they are, I agree.

I think it de-escalates and defuses it
to acknowledge the fear of racism exists, and the cartoon DOES bring out that issue
that IS in the media, but the REAL issue is and should stay focused on how to address crime.

I think that is a more calming, less alarming response.

Throwing a metal pan on top of a grease fire, agreeing that it's there,
instead of pretending nothing is burning in the kitchen which will make people panic more.
In 2 words we sum it up....SO WHAT! ... Even that GREAT democrat presidential frontrunner summed it up....

I agree, so what if the Cartoon shows White vs. Brown skin or lighter versus darker.

You and I AGREE the issues is REALLY whether people are breaking the law or not.

So I don't have any issue admitting the Cartoon uses COLOR to depict
the people inside the house as White/lighter, and outside the house as Brown/darker.

That DOESN'T change the fact the issue is about crime and owing restitution if you break the law!

V said:
You again, allow them to form THEIR version, and you allow them to frame an argument that is fictional!
Who is they? I agree with what YOU summarized very well
that the real issue is about CRIME. So I support YOUR way of framing it.

And that doesn't change the fact the Cartoon showed White vs. Brown skinned.
And doesn't change the fact the REAL issue is about breaking the law.

V: I believe in EARNED Amnesty (see Earned Amnesty , where each person owes proportionally for whatever laws they broke, whether immigration or labor laws, gangs or trafficking on an organized-criminal scale.

That should be enforced for ALL people regardless of citizenship, you should pay restitution for crimes committed.

And I still admit that cartoon shows White vs. Brown skin which is going to be interpreted as Race.

V I can agree with the use of COLOR in that Cartoon to depict race,
and still defend your and my views that agree the real issue is crime!

Emily, ONLY if you ALLOW them to depict it as race, instead of depicting them as people from South of the Border... COLOR does NOT make things RACIST, it's the INTERPRETATION of the biased left that does that! THEY PROMOTE RACISM in everything that has to do with people of different heritage, and physical makeup!..Again, it the last bullet in their gun to try and divide us!

Well, I see your point, but it looks to me they have MORE fuel if you "deny" that skin color was used in the cartoon.

Do you see my approach?

by acknowledging YES that cartoon uses skin color but NO the REAL issue is about CRIME as in NOT BREAKING LAWS.

It is TOO confusing to address both issues at once.
people think you are denying something but you are looking at the bigger picture! I AGREE.

Because people have to separate issues one at a time, especially with something like this,
it is better to AGREE with one point and then limit it to that.

If you deny that one point, they launch an entire rhetoric about "racists being in DENIAL"
which is WORSE. I find it is better to say yes, I see the Cartoon did use skin color.
But NO the REAL issue isn't that but it's about crime. The Cartoon was just
depicting the battle in the media over race, but the REAL issue underneath is about crime.

I think people can handle that better.
They completely lose it if they think you don't even see the
colors White and Brown in that picture, That freaked me out that Pogo didn't see that at first.

Thanks I see your point that we DON'T want to escalate the race attachments any worse than they are, I agree.

I think it de-escalates and defuses it
to acknowledge the fear of racism exists, and the cartoon DOES bring out that issue
that IS in the media, but the REAL issue is and should stay focused on how to address crime.

I think that is a more calming, less alarming response.

Throwing a metal pan on top of a grease fire, agreeing that it's there,
instead of pretending nothing is burning in the kitchen which will make people panic more.

Emily, you make fun of the idiots, you seem to be saying we can't walk and talk at the same time! Of course we can, even chew gum simultaneously! FUCK THEM, fight back, and call them the racist scum they are...point out what things are REALLY about, not what these bastards try to make them into! Our problem is we have too many people working and worrying about themselves and their families, then these scum have, besides, they are mental defectives that would let their own go wanting rather then try and prove a fictitious point... You have to always remember, these liberals have a MENTAL DISORDER and their priorities in their own lives are all screwed up!
Emily, you make fun of the idiots, you seem to be saying we can't walk and talk at the same time! Of course we can, even chew gum simultaneously! FUCK THEM, fight back, and call them the racist scum they are...point out what things are REALLY about, not what these bastards try to make them into! Our problem is we have too many people working and worrying about themselves and their families, then these scum have, besides, they are mental defectives that would let their own go wanting rather then try and prove a fictitious point... You have to always remember, these liberals have a MENTAL DISORDER and their priorities in their own lives are all screwed up!

Hi Vigilante from working with liberals
what you are saying is like giving beer and free drinks to alcoholics.

Their victim mentality depends on fear, and you scare them this way, so they stayed scared and helpless victims.

Please do not feed the victims!

The best way to deal with these liberals and Democrats is to hold them to their own policies.
So that's what I ask of all parties.

Whatever you want, you pay for it through YOUR party. Hooray!
And let us HELP you with that! let's give you free tax breaks by investing directly
into your own programs and not trying to pay govt to do that. you pay yourselves directly
What a concept!

You want a single system for health care, or a way to register all immigrants. great!
Let's set it up. You want an alternative to the death penalty, wonderful, let's set up church-run
programs so all the anti-death penalty people can pay for housing and health care for all these members.

So Vigilante I suggest reverse psychology.
Give them what they want, and just charge it to their political funding machine.
They raise billions of dollars, so they can pay for all this themselves, Wonderful!

If we AGREE to let the Democrat Party have its own platform, which does constitute a Political religion or Belief,
then they can fund it themselves, just like the Catholic church funds their own schools and they can teach
God or whatever they want. Let the liberals have their own systems and pay for it as their own political beliefs.

They WANT separate of church and state - Great! let them have it,
starting with their own religion they can separate from federal govt and let other people have their own religion too!

So I say hold them to their own policies, and let's agree how to separate
the two: A. the programs we all AGREE on remain public
B. the programs and policies we DISAGREE religiously, we separate church and state
and delegate by party

C. so the result is limited govt base don constitutional principles we AGREE the govt is authorized to do
and everything else that is not agreed on is delegated to either business, nonprofit or parties or whatever
groups we fund to do that work better than the govt.

that's my proposal, to let each party have their own beliefs, religious or political,
and protect them all equally by the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

P.S. about joking and poking fun
Humor works best when it's clear you are on the same side.
If people fear you, it is very hurtful and backfires.
I try to stay on everyone's side and try to make fun of issues from all sides,
but when someone misunderstands me, it becomes very painful and disabilitating.

humor works wonders when you are trying to help someone
rise above and get back to work like a champion.
it is the most horrible thing in the world to be crushed by something bad,
and then think someone is mocking you for it and blaming your pain on you.
I try to use my humor to heal and push for corrections, even when it's my mean humor.
I agree that it has its place, but I prefer to use it carefully to bring people to laugh together!
Last edited:
And this has to be racism, as it depicts the mulatto maniac in full bloom!


Dear Vigilante:
Normally I agree with your posts.

Here, the OP cartoon clearly shows White skinned people inside
and Brown skinned people outside.

Where are the depictions above showing
the White or Lighter color Americans vs. Brown or Darker skin Immigrants.
as in the Cartoon that was called racist?

I wouldn't waste time on that clown. Incapable of debate, he's only here to troll with his usual M.O. of irrelevant Google Images, as he's trying very hard to demonstrate. Why not just acknowledge it and move on.
In political satire the VISION presented represents the act. since most southern invaders are SLIGHTLY darker skinned, and have FACIAL MAKEUP that differs from European stock, it relays the message about who we are talking about, Their LOOKS is the VISUAL IDENTIFIER of where they come from.... They relay the message in a satirical way, used in America since POLITICS started!

I don't disagree with anything you described above.
So why are we arguing?

Are you just afraid that by agreeing the color tones "imply race"
this opens the door to a bunch of that crappy rhetoric?

I am okay redirecting the focus to be about CRIME and restitution owed for past violations,
especially if anyone is going to get amnesty it should be worked off like credits owed for debts.
WITHOUT having to deny that Cartoon uses Color to depict race.

This is very odd to find myself in the middle here:
Am I the only one who AGREES the real issue is about crime
but yes, the cartoon DOES use color to represent [what is going to be interpreted as] race?

Very strange! to find myself at odds with both Pogo, you and others?

And I bet the people complaining about this cartoon will argue with me also,
since I agree more with the crime issues and holding people accountable to restitution.

I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.
Emily, you make fun of the idiots, you seem to be saying we can't walk and talk at the same time! Of course we can, even chew gum simultaneously! FUCK THEM, fight back, and call them the racist scum they are...point out what things are REALLY about, not what these bastards try to make them into! Our problem is we have too many people working and worrying about themselves and their families, then these scum have, besides, they are mental defectives that would let their own go wanting rather then try and prove a fictitious point... You have to always remember, these liberals have a MENTAL DISORDER and their priorities in their own lives are all screwed up!

Hi Vigilante from working with liberals
what you are saying is like giving beer and free drinks to alcoholics.

Their victim mentality depends on fear, and you scare them this way, so they stayed scared and helpless victims.

Please do not feed the victims!

The best way to deal with these liberals and Democrats is to hold them to their own policies.
So that's what I ask of all parties.

Whatever you want, you pay for it through YOUR party. Hooray!
And let us HELP you with that! let's give you free tax breaks by investing directly
into your own programs and not trying to pay govt to do that. you pay yourselves directly
What a concept!

You want a single system for health care, or a way to register all immigrants. great!
Let's set it up. You want an alternative to the death penalty, wonderful, let's set up church-run
programs so all the anti-death penalty people can pay for housing and health care for all these members.

So Vigilante I suggest reverse psychology.
Give them what they want, and just charge it to their political funding machine.
They raise billions of dollars, so they can pay for all this themselves, Wonderful!

If we AGREE to let the Democrat Party have its own platform, which does constitute a Political religion or Belief,
then they can fund it themselves, just like the Catholic church funds their own schools and they can teach
God or whatever they want. Let the liberals have their own systems and pay for it as their own political beliefs.

They WANT separate of church and state - Great! let them have it,
starting with their own religion they can separate from federal govt and let other people have their own religion too!

So I say hold them to their own policies, and let's agree how to separate
the two: A. the programs we all AGREE on remain public
B. the programs and policies we DISAGREE religiously, we separate church and state
and delegate by party

C. so the result is limited govt base don constitutional principles we AGREE the govt is authorized to do
and everything else that is not agreed on is delegated to either business, nonprofit or parties or whatever
groups we fund to do that work better than the govt.

that's my proposal, to let each party have their own beliefs, religious or political,
and protect them all equally by the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Emily, they want same sex everything! Let's say we give them everything they want with their same sex crap.... Once they have that, they will want marriage between, 3-4-5 or more recognized, and sex with animals is after that, and once we give into that, it will be OK to have sex with children, come on Emily, you've seen the articles from around the world about these things being promoted, and them actually finding people to affirm their perversion! You can't let them get away with anything, not amnesty, not same sex flaunted in our face and promoting such things as ANAL SEX with 5th graders! These leftists, aren't only looking to collapse our traditions, and culture, but are attacking the very moral fiber of this once great country. I REFUSE to let that happen on my watch, and I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE there are many much younger than I that will take up the fight when I am gone! YOU DO NOT SURRENDER ANYTHING to these subversives, that is the #1 Priority!
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.
And this has to be racism, as it depicts the mulatto maniac in full bloom!


Dear Vigilante:
Normally I agree with your posts.

Here, the OP cartoon clearly shows White skinned people inside
and Brown skinned people outside.

Where are the depictions above showing
the White or Lighter color Americans vs. Brown or Darker skin Immigrants.
as in the Cartoon that was called racist?

I wouldn't waste time on that clown. Incapable of debate, he's only here to troll with his usual M.O. of irrelevant Google Images, as he's trying very hard to demonstrate. Why not just acknowledge it and move on.

What's the matter little cu*t, my little pictures also annoy you? You aren't nuanced enough to even have a decent debate with, you OCD over everything and simply can't take your bitch slapping that many give you in here... You are garbage!
Emily, they want same sex everything! Let's say we give them everything they want with their same sex crap.... Once they have that, they will want marriage between, 3-4-5 or more recognized, and sex with animals is after that, and once we give into that, it will be OK to have sex with children, come on Emily, you've seen the articles from around the world about these things being promoted, and them actually finding people to affirm their perversion! You can't let them get away with anything, not amnesty, not same sex flaunted in our face and promoting such things as ANAL SEX with 5th graders! These leftists, aren't only looking to collapse our traditions, and culture, but are attacking the very moral fiber of this once great country. I REFUSE to let that happen on my watch, and I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE there are many much younger than I that will take up the fight when I am gone! YOU DO NOT SURRENDER ANYTHING to these subversives, that is the #1 Priority!

Which is their BELIEF so keep it private within their institutions.

if they don't want traditional marriage endorsed as a belief
then don't push nontraditional marriage either.

Keep them both within the free exercise of religion of churches in private
and keep that out of the state.

So separate church and state, since the liberals scream about that, let them have it.
Emily, they want same sex everything! Let's say we give them everything they want with their same sex crap.... Once they have that, they will want marriage between, 3-4-5 or more recognized, and sex with animals is after that, and once we give into that, it will be OK to have sex with children, come on Emily, you've seen the articles from around the world about these things being promoted, and them actually finding people to affirm their perversion! You can't let them get away with anything, not amnesty, not same sex flaunted in our face and promoting such things as ANAL SEX with 5th graders! These leftists, aren't only looking to collapse our traditions, and culture, but are attacking the very moral fiber of this once great country. I REFUSE to let that happen on my watch, and I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE there are many much younger than I that will take up the fight when I am gone! YOU DO NOT SURRENDER ANYTHING to these subversives, that is the #1 Priority!

Which is their BELIEF so keep it private within their institutions.

if they don't want traditional marriage endorsed as a belief
then don't push nontraditional marriage either.

Keep them both within the free exercise of religion of churches in private
and keep that out of the state.

So separate church and state, since the liberals scream about that, let them have it.

It didn't work with religion and ObumaCare, what makes you think it will work with anything else?
What's the matter little cu*t, my little pictures also annoy you? You aren't nuanced enough to even have a decent debate with, you OCD over everything and simply can't take your bitch slapping that many give you in here... You are garbage!

So sexy when you talk dirty. You bad, bad boy!
Is there a section on here for that?

for making people yo' bitch?
oh slap me, I love it rough!
What's the matter little cu*t, my little pictures also annoy you? You aren't nuanced enough to even have a decent debate with, you OCD over everything and simply can't take your bitch slapping that many give you in here... You are garbage!

So sexy when you talk dirty. You bad, bad boy!
Is there a section on here for that?

for making people yo' bitch?
oh slap me, I love it rough!

Just using my Constitutional rights. Emily, that's YOUR prerogative with ROUGH sex! But I doubt you want to tell us about your SEX life! ;)
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.
What's the matter little cu*t, my little pictures also annoy you? You aren't nuanced enough to even have a decent debate with, you OCD over everything and simply can't take your bitch slapping that many give you in here... You are garbage!

So sexy when you talk dirty. You bad, bad boy!
Is there a section on here for that?

for making people yo' bitch?
oh slap me, I love it rough!


Hate to burst yo bubbly, but he was talking to me. :eusa_angel:
It didn't work with religion and ObumaCare, what makes you think it will work with anything else?

I haven't seen all the party leaders come to agreement on political religions yet.
I believe we should have a Constitutional convention on this. it's long overdue.

The Constitutional laws reference religion and creed,
but don't explain how to handle POLITICAL religions or beliefs
that directly apply to govt.

So my suggestions are to set up a process by party, like an unofficial
third house of Congress to do consulting among all groups on all issues,
and agree WHAT points we agree on that can be put into law without opposition,
and WHAT points we have to separate by party on because the beliefs are not going to change.

* gay marriage vs traditional marriage
* death penalty vs. restorative justice and who's going to pay for what
* euthanasia and abortion
* immigration and health care
* stem cell research and alternatives such as spiritual healing research
* legalization or decriminalization of drugs, prostitution
* guns and Constitutional law enforcement policies
* school policies on evolution, creation, prayer, sex education, global warming,
whether our Founding Fathers were Nazi slave drivers, etc etc.

just be honest what is a political belief
and where does it stop where another political belief begins.
What's the matter little cu*t, my little pictures also annoy you? You aren't nuanced enough to even have a decent debate with, you OCD over everything and simply can't take your bitch slapping that many give you in here... You are garbage!

So sexy when you talk dirty. You bad, bad boy!
Is there a section on here for that?

for making people yo' bitch?
oh slap me, I love it rough!


Hate to burst yo bubbly, but he was talking to me. :eusa_angel:

First thing you've ever gotten right!

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