racist cartoon? or not?

It didn't work with religion and ObumaCare, what makes you think it will work with anything else?

I haven't seen all the party leaders come to agreement on political religions yet.
I believe we should have a Constitutional convention on this. it's long overdue.

The Constitutional laws reference religion and creed,
but don't explain how to handle POLITICAL religions or beliefs
that directly apply to govt.

So my suggestions are to set up a process by party, like an unofficial
third house of Congress to do consulting among all groups on all issues,
and agree WHAT points we agree on that can be put into law without opposition,
and WHAT points we have to separate by party on because the beliefs are not going to change.

* gay marriage vs traditional marriage
* death penalty vs. restorative justice and who's going to pay for what
* euthanasia and abortion
* immigration and health care
* stem cell research and alternatives such as spiritual healing research
* legalization or decriminalization of drugs, prostitution
* guns and Constitutional law enforcement policies
* school policies on evolution, creation, prayer, sex education, global warming,
whether our Founding Fathers were Nazi slave drivers, etc etc.

just be honest what is a political belief
and where does it stop where another political belief begins.

Everything there should be a STATES RIGHT issue... screw the Federal gov't!
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.
Yeah I know!!!!
I was still teasing him about turning me on with all that dirty talk.
Bad boys are so sexy, y'know.

No, I have to admit I've never understood that, ever. :dunno:


Hate to burst yo bubbly, but he was talking to me. :eusa_angel:

Yeah I know!!!!
I was still teasing him about turning me on with all that dirty talk.
Bad boys are so sexy, y'know.

I'm too old for you and have been married longer than you have time on this earth! But thanks anyway!

I'm 48. Happy 50th Anniversary or 49 and counting?
Just using my Constitutional rights. Emily, that's YOUR prerogative with ROUGH sex! But I doubt you want to tell us about your SEX life! ;)

Hey I was also just talking about the free speech.
Talking rough and bitch slapping people verbally.

I don't have much of a sex life since I've been working two jobs.
My bf and I have been together since 2001.
Just don't have time or energy and struggling just to make
sure my car doesn't die so I can keep both jobs going.

You talked about making fun of liberals,
so why not make fun of you, too?
Everything there should be a STATES RIGHT issue... screw the Federal gov't!

AGREE! so if federal govt is limited to just the areas ALL people AGREE and BELIEVE in
like the military, then this would return govt to just the Constitutional basics again.

And delegate everything else to either States or to Parties if the States don't agree.
Like why can't gay marriage be managed by churches or parties if the states don't agree on policy.
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)
He should've just called them wetbacks. Since he's engaging in completely stereotyping all hispanic people why not?

Excuse me? The folks coming through the window don't look hispanic at all?

Try this:
Take the speech bubble out of the cartoon - no commentary at all....

Now do you have any idea who these people are or what they're doing?
I think not.
Last edited:
I don't see where you're getting "it's about crime".

People climbing in the window is a metaphor. It's not to be taken literally.

Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)

Oh - you're talking about immigration itself as a crime. I see.
I don't hear it framed that way though. What I hear is the fear of taking jobs, taking benefits, voting, driver's licenses, etc. I don't hear anyone railing against illegal immigration on the basis that it's against the law. I don't think you have assessed the focus quite right.
Hi Pogo:
I was talking about what is the objection in the immigration debate:
the real issue is over crime.

The objections to amnesty are based on excusing crimes.
The point is if you encourage lax enforcement, more people take advantage to commit crimes.

if you let illegal immigrants in who are not violent offenders,
you still open the door for violent ones to get in.

I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Now Pogo where you COULD turn the tables and show class discrimination,
what about corporate crimes? letting some corporations get away with whatever
opens the door to worse corporate crimes costing millions if not billions to taxpayers.

So there are some people who look like they enable immigrants to commit crimes without accountability.
And there are some who appear to enable corporations by deregulating and playing political games.

So that is where you might point out a parallel analogy.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

if you are so against crimes, what about corporations committing crimes.
why is that excused in the name of profit and free enterprise
but crimes of working immigrants is demonized as opening the door to worse?

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

Let's be fair. let's not demonize people by class, rich or poor, blaming them for the crimes.
why not go after criminals of all levels, and require restitution to taxpayers?
so it doesn't matter if you are rich or you are poor, if you commit a crime you
pay for the costs of prosecuting that crime and remedying the damage done.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)

Oh - you're talking about immigration itself as a crime. I see.
I don't hear it framed that way though. What I hear is the fear of taking jobs, taking benefits, voting, driver's licenses, etc. I don't hear anyone railing against illegal immigration on the basis that it's against the law. I don't think you have assessed the focus quite right.
You are not listening to the anti-ILLEGAL-immigration crowd if you have not heard railing against illegal immigration on that basis.
I don't see how you got there.

"The real issue in the immigration debate is over crime" --- according to who? First I've heard this.

Sure, there are corporate crimes. But I don't see how that relates to this cartoon or this issue.

"Crime" isn't my premise. It's yours. And I still don't know where it came from.

I'm afraid this is all a byproduct of false premise. Nobody brought up "crimes". I sure didn't.

Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)

Oh - you're talking about immigration itself as a crime. I see.
I don't hear it framed that way though. What I hear is the fear of taking jobs, taking benefits, voting, driver's licenses, etc. I don't hear anyone railing against illegal immigration on the basis that it's against the law. I don't think you have assessed the focus quite right.

You are not listening to the anti-ILLEGAL-immigration crowd if you have not heard railing against illegal immigration on that basis.

I've heard that trotted out as an argument -- but I haven't heard it used as a rationale for their concerns.

You follow the distinction?

IOW I hear "they're taking our jobs", I hear "they're taking welfare", I hear "they're dropping babies", "they're voting", "they're getting driver's licenses". What I don't hear--- as a personal concern -- is "they're breaking the law".

(Which of those is not like the others?)
Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)

Oh - you're talking about immigration itself as a crime. I see.
I don't hear it framed that way though. What I hear is the fear of taking jobs, taking benefits, voting, driver's licenses, etc. I don't hear anyone railing against illegal immigration on the basis that it's against the law. I don't think you have assessed the focus quite right.

You are not listening to the anti-ILLEGAL-immigration crowd if you have not heard railing against illegal immigration on that basis.

I've heard that trotted out as an argument -- but I haven't heard it used as a rationale for their concerns.

You follow the distinction?

IOW I hear "they're taking our jobs", I hear "they're taking welfare", I hear "they're dropping babies", "they're voting", "they're getting driver's licenses". What I don't hear--- as a personal concern -- is "they're breaking the law".

(Which of those is not like the others?)
Im glad youre hearing it now.
Ppl also dont get that its not aboutpunishing rich corporations for making money but when they commit crimes or destroy environment and taxpayers have to pay. The war contactors made illicit deals but any attempts to police the corruption was seen as antibush instead of anticorruption.

Glad this is coming out. Hope for america.

Also coming out with that cartoon as white and brown....
Hi Pogo YES in short the issues people are really upset about with immigration are about crime

And the CARTOON is separate
and I was saying it depicts people by skin color or race.

That is SEPARATE and just because the cartoon makes a point using race and color
does NOT mean that is why people object to immigration issues.

the cartoon can poke at race
but the real issues are focused elsewhere.

You still haven't essplained how you got to the idea that immigration is about "crime". With or without the cartoon. I'm lost.

Hi Pogo:

One reason I've found for why people object, even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Americans, to the idea of lax or amnesty approaches to immigration violations is that this doesn't treat the lawful residents and citizens fairly who did go through legal channels.

It rewards violations of laws by letting them keep the advantage they obtained unlawfully.
This is seen as allowing someone to keep the car they stole and just make the remainder of the payments.
What about someone who never stole a car?
it seems to send the wrong message.

It is okay for the church to send the message of forgiveness,
but the state should require restitution that is proportional to the wrongs and the costs incurred.*

So if you are going to overlook those violations, this opens the door to lax enforcement overall.
It invites crime, since you are not enforcing the laws for everyone.
You are saying it's okay for some people to break the law and be forgiven and allowed the same privileges
as those who didn't break the laws.

* note this is why I would recommend "earned amnesty" so this IS fair to the people who committed
no crimes, and holds people accountable including businesses based on the PROPORTION they did wrong.

So a major reason people OBJECT is they DON'T want to Encourage crime.
(where they might be hypocrites is letting businesses get away with crime
and only blaming poor people stuck in prisons or welfare for crime,
but not holding wealthy crooks to pay back for their crimes against taxpayers)

Oh - you're talking about immigration itself as a crime. I see.
I don't hear it framed that way though. What I hear is the fear of taking jobs, taking benefits, voting, driver's licenses, etc. I don't hear anyone railing against illegal immigration on the basis that it's against the law. I don't think you have assessed the focus quite right.

You are not listening to the anti-ILLEGAL-immigration crowd if you have not heard railing against illegal immigration on that basis.

I've heard that trotted out as an argument -- but I haven't heard it used as a rationale for their concerns.

You follow the distinction?

IOW I hear "they're taking our jobs", I hear "they're taking welfare", I hear "they're dropping babies", "they're voting", "they're getting driver's licenses". What I don't hear--- as a personal concern -- is "they're breaking the law".

(Which of those is not like the others?)
Breaking the law by being here....not adhering to the established immigration system/law is where all those other points start. That being said, most of the anti-ILLEGAL immigration crowd think that by stressing the word ILLEGAL that it is understood that breaking the law is a focal point of the issue. This is the reason why many people object to illegal immigrants being called UNDOCUMENTED immigrants.
Yeah I know!!!!
I was still teasing him about turning me on with all that dirty talk.
Bad boys are so sexy, y'know.

No, I have to admit I've never understood that, ever. :dunno:


Hate to burst yo bubbly, but he was talking to me. :eusa_angel:

Yeah I know!!!!
I was still teasing him about turning me on with all that dirty talk.
Bad boys are so sexy, y'know.

I'm too old for you and have been married longer than you have time on this earth! But thanks anyway!

I'm 48. Happy 50th Anniversary or 49 and counting?
Next year will be 49 years!
Just using my Constitutional rights. Emily, that's YOUR prerogative with ROUGH sex! But I doubt you want to tell us about your SEX life! ;)

Hey I was also just talking about the free speech.
Talking rough and bitch slapping people verbally.

I don't have much of a sex life since I've been working two jobs.
My bf and I have been together since 2001.
Just don't have time or energy and struggling just to make
sure my car doesn't die so I can keep both jobs going.

You talked about making fun of liberals,
so why not make fun of you, too?

Self esteem, learn it, live it!

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